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05x02 - The road to Ursulia

Posted: 06/27/22 07:46
by bunniefuu

ZUMMI: And the terrible storm lasted
for weeks and weeks,

flooding all the land.

Even Ursalia, the legendary capital
of the ancient Gummis, was threatened.

It seemed all was lost.

Until a brave wizard found a spell
in the Great Book of Gummi.

And using its power,
he tamed the raging storm

and saved the land
from total destruction.

Wow. Wish I could've been there.

The ancient Gummis sure were lucky
they had a Great Book around.

Oh, yes, indeed, and so are we.

After all, a Great Book
like this one contains

all the ancient Gummis' knowledge,
tradition and magic.


Oh, my. What was that?

Dad-blasted, no-good contraption.

Uh-oh. Sounds like Gruffi's fixing
something again.


Gruffi Gummi,
if you break that old loom,

I won't be able to weave
the new tablecloth we need.

It's already broken. I'm trying to fix it.

Maybe you can find the answer
in the Great Book.

Yeah, right.

Now, if someone would kindly
give me a hand.

Sure, Gruffi.

Everybody, pull.

Here, Gruffi, let us help you.

You've helped quite enough already.

Why don't you all just go on to bed?
I'll finish up here.

ZUMMI: But, Gruffi--
GRUFFI: Good night.

Uh, let's see...

Lamps, latches, levers.

Looms. Aha!

For once, Tummi was right.
Here's the answer.

According to this,
the shuttle just needs a new crank.


What's that?

Smells like burning cookies.

Grammi, did you leave
the oven on again?

Don't blame me.
The smoke's coming from the library.

The library? Oh, my stars.


Great balls of fire.

The Great Book. We've got to save it.

- Quick, get some water.
- Right.

Hey, what's going on?

Maybe I can find a spousing dell--
A dousing spell.

Here's the water, Grammi. Oops!

Not on me, on the fire.


Here's more water.

Well, it's about time.

Everybody, grab a bucket.

Great Gummi. Let's get organised.

We're too late.

I can't believe it.

All that knowledge and tradition
gone forever.


Sorry, I must have left
the candle burning.

Oh, Gruffi, how could you?

- I'll make it up to you.
SUNNI: But how?

Great Books don't exactly grow on trees,
you know.

Listen, I promise I'll find another one.

Even if I have to go all the way
to the Great Library in Ursalia.

Ursalia? Wow.

Are you sure you wanna do this, Gruffi?

A bear's gotta do what a bear's gotta do.

Now, now, Gruffi, this is crazy.

You said it. A trip like that
would be much too dangerous.

After all, others have tried to go before
and they all failed.

But I won't.

Gruffi's right.

Nothing's gonna stop us
from getting to Ursalia.

What do you mean "us"?

But, Gruffi, I wanna go too.

It'll be exciting.

Look, kid, I don't know
what I'm gonna find out there.

I don't even know if I'll ever come back.

You've got to stay here
and take care of things while I'm gone.

- Understand?
- Yes, Gruffi.

We'll miss you, Gruffi.

Me too, sweetie.

In fact, I'll really-- Well, you know.

Here are some cookies
in case you get hungry.

And I made you a fresh batch
of Gummiberry Juice.

Why do you always have to make
such a big fuss?

Good luck, Gruffi.

We're all counting on you.

We may never see him again.

Gruffi will be back home
before we know it, right, Zummi?

I hope so, Sunni. I certainIy hope so.

Aw, phooey!

I'm not just gonna stand here
and miss the adventure of a lifetime.

According to this,
I should turn at the next junction.


Looks like no one's been down this track
in years.

Great galloping Gummi.

Uh-oh. End of the line.


What a mess.

I wonder what knocked
those tracks out.


I had to ask.

Nice monster. Easy there.

Uh-oh. I got a funny feeling I'm dessert.


Cubbi. I thought I told you to stay home.

You did. But aren't you glad I didn't?


Well, we'd better get going
before that boulder biter gets loose.

We'll just have to go on foot from here.
But watch your step, kid.


It might be dangerous.

Wow, I've never seen any place
like this before.

It's as thick
as Grammi's special surprise stew.

And just as deadly.

Back, back, into the foul mire.

Cubbi, no. Whoa!

Gruffi. Huh?

Swell, this is just what I needed.



Gruffi, are you all right?

Yeah, yeah.
Luckily, this tree broke my fall.

Hang on, Cubbi. I'll pull you up.

Thanks, Gruffi.

That's it, kid, I can't take another step.

Come on. You can't stop and rest now.

Just watch me.

But you promised
to find another Great Book.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

We're all counting on you.

And I'll find it, even if it kills me.

Gruffi, look.

By Gumm.

Do you think
the ancient Gummis made this?

Well, it sure wasn't a bunch of pixies.
Come on.

We made it, Gruffi. Look.

I don't believe it.


Wow. Get a load of this place.

I've gotta admit, it's pretty impressive.

I'm glad we could see this together.

CUBBI: Do you think there are still
Gummis living in Ursalia?

GRUFFI: Don't know, kid.
We'll find out soon enough.

Yeah. And I bet they'll be surprised
to see us.

Not so fast, hotshot.

Something is definitely wrong.

The ancient Gummis would never
have left their gates unlocked.

- Why not?
- They had many secrets to protect,

especially from greedy humans
who were jealous of their knowledge.

Where is everybody?

Face it, kid. They're long gone.

Probably left years ago
with the rest of the ancient Gummis.

But what about the smoke we saw?

Well, that proves someone is around.

But from the looks of things,
you can bet they are not Gummi Bears.


Gruffi, watch out.

Gee, this old place is falling apart.

I'm not so sure about that.

CUBBI: Whoa!
-See what I mean?

CUBBI: Looks like someone
doesn't want us around.

No fooling.

It's okay, Cubbi. The coast is clear.

- Cubbi?
CUBBI: Over here, Gruffi.

I wonder how this thing works.

There's no time for playing games, kid.
We're here to get the Great Book.

But first, we're gonna find out
who's on our tail.

CUBBI: Do you think that trap you found
will still work after all these years?

There's onIy one way to find out.

Quick, someone's coming.

There's one of them now.



We've got you now, you Gummi Bear?

Gummi Bear? Gummi Bears?

Haven't been Gummi Bears around here
for years.

And I should know. I'm the last one left.

- Wanna bet?
- Crackers. I must be seeing things again.

Get your fur-picking paws off me,

You boys don't look like Troggles.

They're much uglier.


Troggles? Troggles?
Did someone say "Troggles"?

Oh, we gotta hide. Hide, hide.
They're everywhere. Everywhere. Oh, my.

This guy's out of his mind.

Put some bounce in those legs, boys.

Can't stand around here
like ogres in the rain.

Wait. Who are you?

Name's Thornberry. Sir Thornberry.

Been taking care of the old homestead
for years, lad.

I'm the official caretaker. Got a badge.

Really? Then maybe you can help us.

I'm Cubbi and this is Gruffi.
We're from Gummi Glen.

We're looking
for the Great Book of Gummi.

Ours was destroyed, uh, accidentally.

Need a Great Book, do you?
No problem.

There's plenty of books in the library.

Terrific. Where is it?

I'm the onIy one who knows,
and I'm not telling.

- How do I know I can trust you?
- We're Gummis. Isn't that enough?

Not to me, sonny.

Besides, you're not the onIy one
who wants to find the Great Library.

- So does she.
- She?

- She.
- Who's she?


Lady Bane.

You still haven't found
the Great Library?

I must have those books.

- Books. Books.
- Books. Books.

Not colouring books. Magic books.

This Gummi medallion is useless
without the proper magic spells.

- Spells. Spells.
- Spells. Spells.

You idiots. You've ruined my dress.

Once I find those books,
my magic will grow

until I am the most powerful sorceress
in the world.

- The world. The world.
- The world. The world.

There is one Gummi out there
who knows where the Great Library is.

Find that balmy bear
and bring him to me,

or I'll turn you and your little friends
into mushrooms.

- Mushrooms. Mushrooms.
- Mushrooms. Mushrooms.


GRUFFI: I should have known
a human was behind this.

Been trying to defend this city
from that woman for months and months.

A long time.
But believe me, it's not easy.

Those Troggles are tricky fellers.

I'm not afraid of any Troggles.

Let's stand and fight. Uh-oh.


Now you've done it.

Them Troggles will be right on our tails.

Quick, get out of here.

You pests are asking for trouble.

Trouble. Trouble. Trouble.

Trouble is right.

Your time has run out,
you toothless twit.

Now, where is the Great Library?

Huh? Oh? Library? Heh-heh.
What library?

You know perfectly well what I mean.


You can thr*aten me all you want, ma'am,
but my lips are zipped forever.

You think you've beaten me
but you're wrong.

My Troggles will rip this city apart,
stone by stone,

until they find the Great Library.

And when they do, it's bye-bye, Gummi.

Bye-bye, Gummi. Bye-bye.

Right. If we don't save that gooney geezer,
we'll never find the Great Library.

There's too many
of those little creepers.

We'll have to fight them
the Gummi way.

Just a few more drops and ta-da!

This Gummi ejector is ready to go,

Good. That's the last one.

All these ancient traps needed
was a little tender loving care.

And some good old Gummi oil.

Perfect. This Troggle b*mb I found
ought to be just the thing

to liven up this old quickcar.

Yeah. Now the fun will really begin.

Fun. Fun.


Get me down from here, you witch.

I said, get me down.

I'll do better than that, little bear.

I'll get you up and down.


Up. Down. Up. Down.

I've had enough of this nonsense.


I haven't had this much fun in years.

Well, party's over, lady.

Gummi Bears?

There's more of them?

Well, I'll be an ogre's uncle.

Stop them.

After them.

It's no use.
Them Troggles are frisky fellas.

We can't run forever.

Yahoo! Heh-heh. That's showing them.

Let's give those Troggles the world.

You boys sure did a slam-bang job
on those critters.

But what about her?

I'm not through with you bears yet.

That Gummi is mine.

You'll wish you never crossed my path.

Ah, bet you can't catch us.

- Hop aboard.

These old things haven't been used
in years.

Two can play this game.

And so can three.



I've got to hand it to you, shorty.

- You saved Ursalia.
- It was nothing.

Wish I could do something for you boys
in return. Oh, I wish I could. I wish.

You can.
Just show us where the Great Library is.

Oh, that's easy. That's easy.
It's right in front of your nose.

I think you've been alone for too long.
There's nothing here.

Oh? Wanna bet, smarty pants?

All right. We're home free.

If onIy Zummi could see this.

CUBBI: Yeah, he'd set up camp
and never leave.

Help yourself, boys.

There's enough volumes in here
for an army of bookworms.

We onIy need one,
the Great Book of Gummi.

Uh-oh. This one just, uh, bit the dust.

Oh. This one's a goner too.

It looks like all these books are ruined.

Well, nothing lasts forever, you know.

Not even Great Books.

There's gotta be another.
There's just gotta.

I'm sorry, Gruffi. It's useless.

I can't believe it.

There's no Great Book. I-- I've failed.

Cheer up, lad. Maybe this'll help.

What good is a bookmark
without a book?

Well, you've just added another chapter,
by Gumm.

That's right, another chapter.

CUBBI: Are you sure you don't wanna come
back to Gummi Glen, Sir Thornberry?

Grammi will probably have dinner
waiting for us.


Haven't had a home-cooked meal
in years. Brown gravy.

But I can't abandon my post.

Never know when them Troggles
might come back.

And this time, I'll be ready for them,
that's for sure.

Gruffi, you're back.

Thank goodness you're safe and sound.

Did you get to Ursalia?

Yeah, we got there all right. But I failed.

This is all that was left,
an ancient Gummi bookmark.

It's worthless.

I'm afraid our lives will never be the same
without the Great Book.

Well, you did your best, Gruffi.

My best just wasn't good enough
this time.

Looks like this was the final chapter.

Stand back.

SUNNI: What's happening?
ZUMMI: The bookmark. It's magic.


GRUFFI: The Great Book.
- Hooray!

SUNNI: You did it, Gruffi.
- He did it.

Now I understand
what Sir Thornberry meant

when he said,
"You've added another chapter."

I guess as long as we live like Gummis,
the tradition will never die.

It's the Gummi way.

"Today, a brave Gummi named Gruffi
saved our Great Book

and reopened the road to Ursalia,

ancient capital of the great Gummis."