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05x01 - A gummi a day keeps the doctor away & Let sleeping giants lie

Posted: 06/27/22 07:46
by bunniefuu

Come back here, you charlatan!

Your magic elixir is a fake.

Oh, dear.

Gee, maybe my paw isn't as green
as I thought it was.

These tomatoes look sadder than me
when Grammi says she's out of cookies.



Here's your sorry medicine, you quack.

Hey. What was that stuff?

I'm ruined, washed-up.

I'm sorry, Martha dear.
I failed you once again.

For years I've struggled to perfect
the family recipe, but it's worthless.

And so am I.

Aw. Poor guy.

But I mustn't give up.

Maybe what I need
are some new ingredients

to revitalize the potion.

Hmm. Zummi always says that it's
important for Gummis to help humans.

Maybe I can do something.

This ought to put a little bounce
in the doctor's business.

Hey, it's working already.

I won't fail this time, Martha.

I'm going to make the potion
super strong.

You did what?

But, Gruffi,
aren't we supposed to help humans?

Yeah, yeah,
but you don't give Gummiberry Juice

to someone you don't know.
It could be disastrous.

So I'm going to get the juice back
before there's any trouble.

TUMMI: How much trouble
could a little juice make?

Step right up, folks,
and tickle your taste buds

with Dr. Dexter's new and improved
magic elixir

guaranteed to cure
all your aches and pains.

The onIy pain we got is you.

What's all this commotion about?

Why, a simple swallow
of my precious potion, kind sir,

and you will feel ten--
Twenty years younger.

Younger, eh?

I must say I do feel different.

Why, I could take on an army.


Great. We're too late.

That's what happens
when humans drink Gummiberry Juice.

Oh, wondrous joy.

My elixir is finally working.

I'll take a bottle of that stuff.

I'll take two.

MAN : Here.
MAN : I'll take it.

Over here. Over here.

Well, it looks like the guy's troubles
are all over now.

Don't count on it, kid.

Thanks to Dr. Dexter's magic elixir,
this job will be done in no time at all.

- More jam, Quentin?
- Sure. Do you have any more of those--?


Eh, lookie, jelly doughnuts.


No one messes with my picnic.


Oof! Whoa!


That's enough, Toadwart.

I'm sure my trusty troops
have heard the call.


Skydiving season come early this year.

You'd better have a good explanation
for this.

Uh, humans drink powerful potion,
get real strong, throw us at sky.

Don't try my patience, you-- What?

A sudden gain of strength
by drinking a potion?

Why, that sounds like
Gummiberry Juice.

Move it, Toadwart.
We've got to get to the bottom of this.

Could fragile Toadie
get body bandage first?


Ha, ha. Don't worry, folks.
There's enough for everyone.

Come on, Tummi,
we've gotta get that stuff

before any more humans
get their hands on it.

It's time you took a load
off your feet, Betsy.

The way I'm feeling,
I could do the work of ten horses.

What happened?

Uh-oh. The juice wore off.

Your magic elixir is no good.

Yeah. It doesn't last long enough.

We want our money back, now.

Please. Ha, ha.
There must be something wrong.

There sure is. You're cheating us.


I guess you were right after all, Gruffi.

I really made a mess of this guy's life.

Hurry up, Tummi, he's getting away.


Stop in the name of Duke Ig-- Aah!

Oh, my. Are you hurt?


Now, let's get down to business.

I'd like a taste of that potion.

You would? CertainIy.

Oh, swell.

Eh, it doesn't look like
Gummiberry Juice.


I was right. This is the juice.

Okay, doc, now how did you get it
from the Gummi Bears?

Gummi Bears? Ha, ha.

Why, those are just fairy tales.

My elixir is made
from an old family recipe.

You made this? Excellent!

Then you can make more for me.

A lot more.

Oh, my stars.

Now look what happened.

Uh, I guess we'd better help him.

Haven't you helped him enough?

How's it coming, doc?

Oh, I'm sure you'll like my latest batch
of elixir, your lordship.

I've made it extra, extra strong.

Here, mush mouth, you try it first.

Yum. Tastes dandy.

Give me that.


- This stuff is putrid.
- I begged to differ.

It merely needs a bit more--


What kind of trick are you trying to pull?

No one makes a fool out of me.

Now's our chance.

Who invited Gummis?

What's going on?


I got the Gummis, I got the Gummis.

Ha! I knew you fiendish fur balls
were behind this.

Let the doctor go, Iggy.

I'm the one who poured Gummiberry Juice
into the elixir.

You mean it wasn't my formula?

Sorry. I just wanted to help you.

Naughty Gummis.
It's dungeon time for you.

That's right, Toadwart.

And after dinner, we will persuade them
to make us real Gummiberry Juice,

not this worthless swill.


My elixir would still be useless if it
wasn't for that kind-hearted Gummi Bear.

I owe him one
and it's time I pay him back.

Let us out of here, you big baboons.

Uh, flattery gets you nowhere.

Yeah. Gummis stay right here.


- Hmm.
- Mm!

Smells like pond scum and fungus rot.

My favourite.

Ooh! What is that?

I call it Ogre's Delight.

Would you like a free sample?

- Ooh! Me want.
- No, me.

- Me first.
- No, me first.

- Me.
- Me.

- Me. Me.
OGRE: Me. Me.

Gee, thanks for the help.

It's the least I could do
after you risked your life for me.

- Me want.
- No, me.

I saw it first.

- Oh, me.
- Me.

- Me.
- Excuse us.


Aah! Gummis.

Gummi buddy trick us.

- Keep them busy while I get the wagon.
TUFFI: Good idea.

No, don't do that.


Did you say--? I don't know.


I wonder how long
they're gonna keep this up.

You fools, get those Gummis.

Okey-dokey, Dukey.

Here's a bucket.

Come back, little Gummis.

- There they are, you-- Aah!
- Oof!

Dr. Dexter, let's get moving.

- But I can't leave without my elixir.
- Get them!

All aboard, doc.

That's it. Just what the doctor ordered.


You little-- Yeow!

Heh-heh-heh. Is this what they mean
by the agony of defeat?

Oh, shut up.

Get it while it's hot, folks.

Dr. Dexter's
amazing miracle growth potion.

Guaranteed to help your plants
and vegetables grow bigger and better.

Oh, right here. I want some.

Looks like Dexter's gonna be a success
after all.

And so will I.

Once I sprinkle a little of this
on my garden.




Ha! That'll teach you
to chase innocent bears.

And if I ever catch you
around here again, I'll--



Wait till I tell the others.

Grammi, Gruffi, it started.

Cubbi, for goodness' sakes, slow down.

But, Zummi, it's snowing.

We know, Cubbi. We know.

That's why we're getting things ready
in here.

Wow, the Festival of the First Snow.

Ahh, I always look forward to this holiday,
with the decorations--

- And the food.
- And the games.

And the songs by the fire.

Did I mention the food?

Listen, we've still got lots to do
to get ready,

so everyone's gotta pitch in and help.

Say, where's Sunni?


Well, how do I look?


What are you supposed to be,
the tooth fairy?

It just so happens that Calla invited me
to the royal ball.

In Dunwyn?
But what if someone saw you?

Well, at least I can watch
from the balcony.

Anyway, everybody who's anybody
is gonna be there.

Well, you're not.

Why not?

Because it's snowing, pumpkin.


Oh, no.

Do I have to miss the event of the year
just because it started snowing?

No, no. Now, now, Sunni.

You know that we Gummi Bears always
celebrate the day of the first snow.

Yeah, but why do we have to do
the same dumb thing every year?

Well, a long time ago,

the ancient Gummis defeated
a great and terrible foe.

Afterwards, they had a victory feast,
and ever since then,

the Gummis of Gummi Glen
have always celebrated this day

so we would never forget
what our ancestors did.

That's all great,
but what's it got to do with me?

You're a Gummi Bear, aren't you?

Sure, but I'd still rather go to Dunwyn.

It's too dangerous.
Now, get out of those silly clothes.

We're celebrating here,
the Gummi way.


Yes, Gruffi.


That's keeping your eye
on the old gourd, kid.

Wait till you see this.


That reminds me, when do we eat?

Three out of three. Not too shabby.

You're next, Sunni dear.

Bet you can't beat me.

Aw, who wants to anyway?

But Sunni, if you win, you get to take
this potion to Leviathan Mountain.

According to tradition,
that's a great honour.

Big deal. I'd still rather go to Dunwyn.

By Gumm, I don't believe it.

Me neither.

Cubbi and Sunni,
I hereby declare you the winners.

But I didn't mean to--

Congratulations, both of you.

Sure, thanks.

Whee! Next stop, Leviathan Mountain.

Come on, Sunni.

We're supposed to get there
before noon.

I can't believe we've gotta climb
all the way up there

just so we can throw this stupid sack
into a stupid cave.

Hey, it'll be fun.

Sure, if your idea of fun
is freezing your paws off.

Personally, I'd rather be rubbing elbows
with royalty in Dunwyn.

Aw, don't be such a stick in the snow.

Whoa! Cubbi, no!



Some ride, huh?

Nice going, Cubbi.

- Thanks to you, the sack's down there.
- Sorry.


I can't reach it.

What will we do?

Well, we'll just throw something else
into the cave. See?

Gee, do you think we should?

Who's gonna know,
the ancient Gummis?

Hey, wait up.

Do you really think this is a good idea?

SUNNI: Cubbi, what difference
could it possibly make?

I don't know.

Brr! It's too cold
to stand out here and argue. Unh!

Let's go home.


Sunni, did you hear something weird?

Aw, it was just the wind, silly.

I don't think so.


- See what I mean?
- Aah!



I think we just made a big mistake.


Maybe we should be going now.

I'm with you.


- Uh-oh.
- Oh. Uh...

Hi. Did you have a nice nap?


I'll handle this.

Release us now

- or suffer the consequences.
- Huh?

I warned you.


Um, maybe I should have
let you handle it.

I guess he doesn't like Gummi Bears!

Sunni, in here.


SUNNI: Guy, talk about getting up
on the wrong side of the bed.

Yeah, who does he think he is?

You don't suppose he's the great
and terrible foe Zummi was talking about.

And maybe those sacks of magic herbs
are what's kept him asleep all these years.

Yeah, until we messed up.

Well, who's fault was that?

Gosh, I never realised this tradition
was so important.

We'd better get that sack and stop him

before he does some serious dam--

Heh, heh. Watch that first step.
It's a big one.

Very funny.

At least he shouldn't be hard too find.


What I wouldn't give for a cup
of Grammi's hot Gummiberry cider.

Come on, Sunni. We can't give up now.

But we've been following these footprints
for hours.

At this rate, we'll never find that giant.

Run for your lives!

A giant.


I think we just found him.

Holy mackerel.



We've gotta get him away from here
before somebody gets hurt.

But how?

I'll get his attention.

Cubbi, wait.

All right, you. Drop that dinghy.

Come on, or I'll have
to get tough with you.



You can't catch me.


Well, I got his attention.

Now what?

How should I know?



We got a small problem here.


More like a big problem.

Aah! Whoa!

Hang on.


Sunni! Unh!


Why don't you pick on someone
your own size, you big lug?

Cubbi, your pebble sh**t.


Oh, yeah.

Ready? Aim.




It's working.

Pleasant dreams.


Golly, how long do you think he'll sleep
like that?

Oh, probably about a year.

Look, it's starting to snow again.

We'd better get home.

GRAMMI: Anybody care for another
helping of bear-root parfait?

No, please.
I already feel like a stuffed ogre.

I wouldn't mind a fourth helping.

This is one holiday I'll never forget.

Yeah, I finally realised why it's important
to honour it the way we do.

Well, I'm glad to hear that, Sunni.

I'd say this calls for a giant celebration,
wouldn't you?

Ha, ha. You don't know the half of it.