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04x10 - Gummies at sea

Posted: 06/27/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
- Ready, O watertight one.
- Fire.

Hang on.

This is Duke Igthorn,

and nothing will stop me
from taking Dunwyn Castle.


This ought to do the trick.

Tummi. What in great Gummi
do you think you're doing?

Fixing Grammi's washer.

Look, you know you kids
aren't allowed to use my tools.

But I'm not a kid anymore.

Step aside, Tummi.
Leave this to a grown-up.


Gruffi, better tighten that bolt first.

Listen, kid, I know what I'm do-- Oh!

Gruffi, look out.


Hey, toro, toro.


I'll stop that whacked-out washtub.

Tummi, cut the drive belt.

- You okay?
- No, I'm miserable.

Just look at the mess you made.

- Me? But, Gruffi, I was--
- Out, out.

Go play with Cubbi or something.

Aw, quiet.

Hi, Cubbi,
wanna come sail my boat with--?

Tummi, over here.

Hey, what's with the pudding?


I'm mounting a counterattack.
Cover me.

Cubbi, wait.


- Direct hit.
- Hey, no fair.

SUNNI: Aah! Gotcha! Whoo!
CUBBI: Scaredy bear, scaredy bear.

Don't. Cut it out, you guys.





Grammi's not gonna like this.

Besides, it's a waste of good food.

Guy, Tummi,
don't be such an old fuddy-duddy.


Oh, my goodness gracious.


Tummi. How could you let this happen?

- Me?
- Yes, you.

You should be setting a better example.

After all, you are the oldest.

First I'm too young, then I'm too old.


It just isn't fair.

There's onIy one bear around here my age
and that's--

GUSTO: Yo, Tumster.
TUMMI: Gusto.

Say, Gusto, old pal,
wanna come sail my boat with me?

A toy boat? Heh, heh, heh.
You're kidding, right?

No, it'll be fun.

No way, no how, no time, bud.

I have just finished a fabuloso painting,

and I'm counting on everyone
to come and bask in the glow.

Well, count me out.
I'm gonna go bask at the beach.

What's eating him?

TUMMI: Somewhere,
there's gotta be someone like me.

Someone who likes sailing
and eating marple nut ice cream and--

IGTHORN: Rudder amidships.
TOADIE: Rudder amidships.

Duke Igthorn.


- Hoist the mainsail.
- Hoist the mainsail.

- Shut your yap.
- Shut your yap.

I meant you, you simpleton.

Sorry, faithful first mate
got caught up in all the nauticalness.

When King Gregor sails home
from his summit meeting tomorrow,

he'll be a sitting duck on the open sea,
and we are going to cook his goose.


If these landlocked oafs
can learn to sail this thing.


Gotta hide.



Maybe there's another way out.


A sea serpent.

Sorry, wrong cave.

I was just leaving,
so don't worry your scaly little hide about--



Hey, this isn't a sea serpent.


It's an ancient Gummi machine.

Steady as she goes, mister.

Aye, aye, skipper.

Hard to port, heave-ho,
poop the deck and--




Zook, you could have hurt me.

No bingo for you tonight.

But, Dukie, dragon coming.

That's no dragon, you dimwit,
it's a sea serpent.

A sea serpent?


Must be a way to stop this thing.

Aha. Whoa!

Oh. That's not it.

Hard to port.

Hard to--
Toadie always get that confused.

Is port left or port right?

- Left.
- Right.

Uh, right.


Maybe this'll do it.

Oh. That was close.

Aah! And getting closer.

Take that, you overgrown salamander.

Toadie too cute
to be lizard luncheon meat.

I'm getting out of here.

But, Dukems,
fearless captain must go down with ship.

Congratulations, Toadwart,
you are now captain.


On second thought, wait for me.

Whew. I'm finally getting
the hang of this.

Better go up and check for damage.

You sank my ship,
you slithering sludge ball!

You serpentine snake, you!

Maybe not swell idea to get it mad.



It's a machine.

A sea-going Gummi machine.

do you know what this means?

Gummis going to get in
some dandy fishing?

No, you Leatherette lump.

With that ship, I could capture the king,
control the sea lanes, and, dare I say it?

- Rule the world?
- Yes, rule the world!

- Lucky guess.
- Toadwart, follow that serpent.

Aye, aye, Your Admirality.


And so, fellow patrons of the arts,
it is my honour--

Wait, did I say honour?
No, I meant privilege.

Oh, no, no, more than that.
It is a deep and highly personal thrill--

Would you get on with it?

--to present my new
and greatest masterpiece,

The Bears of Gummi Glen.

- Kind of gets you right here, huh?
- More like here.

Hey, everybody, come quick.

Where's Tummi?


It followed me home. Can I keep it?

Weapons room, crew quarters,

my personal favourite, the galley,
and back in the cockpit.

- Well?
- Hm.

Classic styling. Tasteful, yet functional.

What can I say? I like it.

ZUMMI: Oh, yeah.
SUNNI: Me too. I like it.

GUSTO: Fantastic. It's great.
ZUMMI: Oh, my goodness.

It says here
that this Gummarine has enough range

to get us all the way to New Gumbria.

You mean we finally have a way
to meet the Gummis across the sea?

And get home again too.

And I'll finally meet some bears
my own age.

Let's go. Can I steer, huh? Huh? Can I?

Uh-uh. I found it so I get to be captain.

Nothing doing.
Crossing the ocean isn't some joyride, kid.

We'll need a responsible grown-up
in charge.

Namely, me.

But I can be responsible, Gruffi. Honest.



Yeah, responsible for disaster.

- Come on, let's get packing.
- Hey, wait for me.

After all these years,
face to face with other Gummi Bears.

We'll be able to share
all sorts of history and knowledge.

And I'll make them a big batch
of my special buzzlenut brownies.

You do and they'll declare w*r.

Well, I've checked the Gummarine
from top to bottom.

And believe me,
it's a plumber's nightmare.

It's gonna take plenty of elbow grease
to get that tub shipshape.

- Well, I could help.
- This is no job for a kid, kid.

Oh, don't be such an old sea crab,

Give the boy a chance.

Well, all right,
so long as you keep out of trouble.

Oh, I will.

Keep rowing, Toadwart.

But been searching for hours,
Your Callousness,

and still no sign of Gummi boat.


- What do you call that?
- Big and dangerous?

Good point, Toadwart.
Better scout out the situation.



Don't just lie there,
you insufferable sycophant.

Take over that Gummi ship.

As you command,
Your Buccaneerness.

Come out, gluttonous Gummi,
Toadie has you surrounded.






Toadie got sneaky feeling
that not Gummi ship.

New Gumbria, here we come.

Okay, listen up.

I'm going underwater
to check the ship's hydraulic system.

All you've gotta do is pump this bellows

to feed air down this hose
so I can breathe.

- Got it?
- I know how it works. I found it.

Yeah, yeah.

Wait, Gruffi,
one of your air valves isn't open and--

Just start pumping.

Gruffi never listens to me.

I should be working on the Gummarine.

If it weren't for me,
no one would be going to New Gumbria.

It's not fair. Not fair. Not fair.

Something's definitely wrong here.


Heh, heh, heh. Hey, Gruffola,
putting on a little extra weight?

Just get me out of here.

I've got you, Gruffi.


That's what I'm afraid of.

Why didn't you tell me
my air valve was locked?

- I tried to, but--
- But nothing.

Face it, Tummi,
you still haven't grown up.

And by the time you do,
I'll be an old, grey bear.

Onward, harder, faster.

Please, O malevolent marinator,
been searching all night long.

Waterlogged Toadie need a rest.

Quit whining, you insignificant ingrate.
A little work never hurt anyone.

Keep paddling.

Okay, that's it.

This little sea dog's calling a mutiny.

Toadie quit.

Toadwart, gone?

- After all I've done for him?
- Dukie!

Had second thoughts, eh?
Well, don't come crawling back to me.

But, kindhearted one,
eagle-eyed Toadie find Gummi monster.

You spineless slug,
I don't care if you-- What?

Toadwart, I could kiss you.

Quickly, you point,

I'll push.

Onward, ho!

Isn't this lovely?

We can steal that ship
and shanghai King Gregor.

GRUFFI: This time, Gusto works the pump
and Tummi helps me underwater.

You won't be sorry, Gruffi.
We'll make a great team.


Look, kid,
this way I can personally babysit you

so you don't cause any more damage.

- Thanks for the vote of confidence.
- Don't mention it.

I can hardly believe it.

We're finally gonna visit our cousins
across the sea.

- There. Are we through?
- Through? You're finished.


But doesn't dear dukems
want Gummis?

Who needs them anymore?

I've got what I want.


Hey, that Gummarine is ours.

Guess again. Now it's mine.





Hang on, guys,
this is gonna be one bumpy ride.

Aha. Gregor, right on schedule.

Toadwart, battle stations.

We're taking this thing down.

Aye, aye, Your Seaworthiness.

We got you, Tummers.

I am not enjoying this.

I got a sinking feeling
we're gonna be dragged under.

Oh, the knot's too tight.

Out of my way.

Aw, talk about the one that got away.

Now we'll never get to New Gumbria.

Maybe not,
but we've got a much bigger problem.

We've got a sovereign to save.

Unidentified vessel-- Uh, fish--
Uh, something dead ahead, captain.

- Ready, O watertight one.
- Fire.

Hang on.

We've got to fight back.

There she blows!

Steady, men. To arms.

Shiver me timbers,
the king doesn't stand a chance.

Surrender, King Gregor,
or you and your crew are fish food.

Impossible. It's Igthorn.

So you're the deceitful brigand
behind this attack.

Cut the gab, Greg, what's it gonna be?

Do what you will with me,
but spare these brave men.

Sure, fine, whatever.

I wish I'd never found that ship.

Bite your tongue, big guy.

How could you know
that Iggie was gonna snatch it?

Quit griping and start thinking.
How are we gonna save it?

Hm. The onIy thing powerful enough
to stop the Gummarine is the Gummarine.

You're talking gibberish.

Listen, if we can mess up the controls,
the Gummarine will demolish itself.

What, and destroy our onIy ticket
to New Gumbria?

No way. Besides, it's too dangerous.

Hate to fluff your fur, Gruff,
but we're the onIy chance Gregor's got.

Then he's got no chance.

Look, my suit's full of holes
and my helmet's busted.

- But mine isn't.
- This is no job for a kid.

Kid or no kid, right now I'm just me,
and that'll have to be good enough.

Guy's got guts, Gruff. Kind of like you.

Like me? Huh.

Good luck, kid.

TUMMI: Gee, this looks
just like Grammi's noodle potpie.

Ah. Prepare to take the vessel,

And as soon as we've got Gregor
onboard, sink that worm-eaten scow.

Aye, aye, Your Duplicitude.

Where is that kid?


Would you stop making that noise?

What noise? I'm not-- Aah.

The valve sprung a leak.
Tummi's not getting enough air.

We gotta bring him up. Hurry.


I don't feel so good.

No, not yet.

Can't quit.

At last, victory is mine.

Toadie, reel them in now.


Uh-oh. That don't sound good.


Yahoo! Ha-ha! Tummi hit the jackpot.

Yeah, but if that thing lands on him,
he'll be crushed.



We're too late.


- What did you do?
- Just following orders.

Out of my way, numbskull.

I've gotta stop this thing
before it tears itself apart.


I can't believe it. The Tumster's gone.

Why was I so hard on the poor kid?

Me and my big mouth.



Tummi, wake up, please.

Sorry, Gruff,

looks like Tummi has gone off
to that big bear den in the sky.




Are we in New Gumbria yet?

Tum-Tum, ha-ha, you did it.

I did? Oh, that's nice.


Look out!

Gummi tub taking on water,
Your Aquatitude.

Abandon ship.

Never. This is my ship. Mine!


Gotta go, Your Snoozitude.

Are we going for a ride, Mommy?

If we lucky.

Toadwart, what's going on?


Ahh. New Gumbria,
you were so close, yet so far.

Well, maybe we'll get to New Gumbria



Sorry I wrecked the Gummarine.

Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about,

Zummi's right. You saved the king.

Yeah, you might even say

it was the mature
and responsible thing to do.

Right, Gruffo?

Yeah, well...

You did okay, kid.

Guess you've grown up a lot.
I just didn't notice.

Yeah, I even feel older.

I'm never gonna act
like a stupid kid again.

That's music to my ears.

Say, I've got a cuckoo clock at home
that needs fixing.

Maybe you can lend an extra hand.

Gee, Gruffi, a cuckoo clock
already has two hands.

You sure it needs another?

I think I'm gonna regret this.