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04x08 - Good neighbor gummi & Girl's night out

Posted: 06/27/22 07:44
by bunniefuu
Wait here and wish me luck, Sunni.

MAN: Is there no one left who will try
for the golden apple?

I will.

Then face me, boy.

GRUFFI: This is Gruffi Gummi
and I want you to watch this terrific show.

I can't look.



Sakes alive, Gruffi,
if you're gonna fix that door,

couldn't you at least use a ladder?

I would if there was one,
but that's broken too.

Looks like you could use some help.

Listen, kid, the day I need help
with a simple job like this,

is the day I hang up my hat.



- Are you all right, Gruffi?
- I'll survive.

Lucky that chair broke your fall.

Ah-ah! That's not all it broke.

This is ridiculous!

Now, now, now, Gruffi,
your foot will heal properly

if you just behave yourself

and stay in bed.

But I've got work to do.

Cool your heels, Gruffamundo,
and rest your peepers on this.

Ha-ha. VoilĂ , one plaster masterpiece.

Hmp. Looks more like a pain in the--


You stubborn old foof.

You've gotta take it easy.

- Grammi's right, hotshot.
- Nothing doing.

I don't need help from anyone. Yaah! Ooh.

Poor old Gruff,
doesn't have a leg to stand on. Ha-ha-ha.

Here, Gruffi, this will keep you
nice and warm.

Hold the show, guys.

A little back support
is just what the doctor ordered.

Oh, my goodness, you'll get overheated

and catch a cold that way.

Like I always say,
you can never be too comfortable.

What do you think I am? A baby? Uhn!

- Is that any way to say thanks?
- Hmp.

I need your namby-pamby pampering
like I need another broken leg.


What now?

Great galloping Gummis!

Humans! At least, I think they are.

Move it, men,

we've got looting and plundering to do.

And if you lugs do good,
I'll reward you tenfold.

Hail Kerwin the Conqueror!

Rocky, dump the tents over there.
And start a fire here, Bruiser.


And, Bubbles, take the food over there.




Hail, Kerwin. Blah!

Looks like we've got company.

But don't put out any extra plates,

We're not inviting them to dinner.



Hey, you know, I love a good party,
but this one takes the cake.

No more sleepovers for this bear.


We're never gonna get any rest
around here.

And I'm no good if I don't get
my eight hours.

And my after-lunch snooze
and my before-dinner nap time.

The coast is clear.

Because we gotta grab all the goodies

from my garden
before those guys get their mitts on them.

Oh, no! We're too late!

They didn't even leave enough
for an appetizer.



Oh, something has got to be done.

Yeah. Let's go up there
and kick those bums off our land--

Oh, hush up, Gruffi.

You're in no condition
to be kicking anyone.

Yeah. Besides, Grufferino,
it'd take an army to get rid of those creeps.

And I don't happen
to have one up my sleeve.

But King Gregor does.

He's got plenty of knights.

- All we gotta do is tell Cavin and--
GRUFFI: No way.

This is a Gummi problem
and Gummis should solve it.

We don't need anyone else's help.

Oh, yes, we do, Gruffi.

King Gregor will take care
of those barbarians

without your help.

Good haul.

Yeah. And there's a lot more
where this stuff came from.

So make room for booty.

What do they think this place is?

A dump?

Hey, hey, calm down, bear.
There's no point in frazzling our fur.

Are you out of your--? Uh...

Maybe you're right, Gusto.
I've got to stop worrying so much.


Guess I'll call it a night.

Well, well, we're finally getting through
to old ironsides.

GRUFFI: I'll show those thieving
home wreckers who's boss around here.

This will be perfect.

I'll flatten those man mountains.


Move it, you stubborn blockheads!

I said mo--



Hey, Rocky,
I thought I saw a Gummi bear.

Stupid dream.




Ooh! Help!


I've not yet begun to fight.

CUBBI: So do you think King Gregor
can help, Cavin?

Sure he will. He's been after
Kerwin the Conqueror for a long time.


Those barbarians stole all my food!

They took my gold.

What about my clothes?

This is intolerable.

I should say so, sire.

Where is the bandit's camp?

Go ahead, Cavin, tell them.

Excuse me, Your Majesty,
but I know where it is.

You do? Speak up, lad.

I, uh, saw it this morning in the forest, sire,
while I was looking for mushrooms.

Splendid, Cavin. Show me the way.

We will ride at dawn.


This ought to knock some sense
into their sick heads.


Look, Rocky, a flying squirrel.


I may be down, but I'm not out.

I'll flush out those bums
once and for all.

This is one bear
who doesn't need anyone's help.

I can't wait to tell Gruffi
our troubles are over.


Oh, my, oh, my.

He hasn't even slept here.

That fool bear is probably outside
stirring up trouble.

But, Grammi, that means kites--

The king's knights,
they'll be attacking any minute.

Make that big trouble.


Thanks to me, those creeps
will be washed up in no time.

Uhn! Blasted!




Oh, boy, was this a mistake!




Quit snoring, you fat-- What?

This is not my day.


Quit complaining.
You haven't had a bath in three years!

Sheesh, things couldn't get
much worse.

Surrender, barbarians,
or prepare for battle.

Who invited them?

- Do you see Gruffi yet?
- Over there.

ZUMMI: Oh, dear me,
Gruffi has really done it this time.


Go get them, men!



What did I do to deserve this?




This is it. I'm a goner. Help!

- Grammi, Zummi, I--
- You can thank us later.


Run, barbarians, and never return

or the dungeon
will be your permanent home.

That's telling them, sire.

I hope you've learned your lesson,
Gruffi Gummi.

The next time you need help, ask for it.

Okay, okay, I see your point now.

Let me get that.

No, this I can do for myself. Whoa!


You were saying,
Mr. Foot-In-The-Mouth?

Uh... Thanks for the help.


Oh! Hey, watch it!


Give me a break, Calla.

- We're just practising, you know.
- Oh.


Sorry, Sunni.

I'm just mad
because Father won't let me compete

in the Squire's Tournament today.

He says,

"It's not dignified."

Well, maybe he's got a point.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] But it's not fair.
I have to play the perfect princess

while a bunch of overgrown oafs
compete for the honour of protecting me.


Well, I don't need protection.

I wish I had your problems, Calla.

Face it, you're a princess

and you're stuck with it.

Hmm. Maybe not.


Let the tournament begin.




Not bad.

Two rings in one run,

most impressive.
Wouldn't you agree, Calla?

Yes, Father.

Did you see that?
The princess waved at me.

Go on, she waved at me.

You two losers don't stand a chance.
I'm gonna be her royal protector.

For you, Your Highness.


Excuse me, Father,

- I need a drink of water.
- But, Calla,

you'll miss the jousting.

But I won't miss Unwin.






Going for a little spin, Garr?

Obviously, he forgot to stay loose
in the saddle.

Loose in the saddle, eh?

To victory!




What's the matter, Rolland,
lost your grip? Huh?


That guy thinks he's hot stuff.


By Jove,

couldn't have done better myself.

Hmp. Obviously, beginner's luck.

Who is that guy?

- Well?
- I did it, Sunni.

- I won!
- That's great, Calla.

But what if you get caught?

Would you rather one of those boobs won
and became my protector?

With them tagging along,
I'd never get to visit you.

That'd be horrible.

Come on, we've gotta hurry.

Oh, Calla, you just missed
the most rousing jousting display.

That last fellow was magnificent.

Really, Father?

My word, what happened to your hair?

Oh. Uh-- Well, uh, I...

ANNOUNCER: Next, the squires
will test their skill with the longbow.

Wonderful. My favourite event, Calla.



I wish she'd take more interest
in this competition.

Hurry, Sunni, I've gotta get out there.

Keep your shirt on, Calla,
I'm almost done. Ta-da!

Hmm. But it could use a nice sash
or something.

No time for that.

Calla, wait. Your braid!



Top that, Rolland.

I'm going to make a shot
the king will never forget.

Steady now.

Easy, easy.

- Fire!
- Oh!

- What--?
- Good lord, sire, are you all right?

Just barely.


Yep, they'll never forget that one.

Oops, um...


This time, I'm not taking any chances.

Nice horsey, you want some carrots?

What the--?

So. Two can play that game.



Squires, you have all competed
with great honour.

the greatest challenge still lies ahead.

Whoever can bring me
the legendary golden apple

from Pendragon Hill

will be named
my daughter's royal protector.

Fear not, my lady,
I shall return with the prize.

Not if I have something to say about it.

What did you say, Calla?

Oh, uh, nothing, Father.


May the best squire win.

Whoa! Ooh!

We've got to hurry, Sunni,
the others have a head start.

Heh-heh-heh. Those other clowns
haven't got a chance.

Prepare to defend yourself, squire.

Uh-- Defend myself?

Whoa! Ooh!

You guys go first, I insist.

See here, my good fellow,

we demand you let us pass.

You demand?


I hope we're not too late.


What's that?


What's gotten into them?

I think he did.



Wait here and wish me luck, Sunni.

Are you crazy?

No. And I'm not a quitter either.

At least take some Gummiberry Juice.

Father's always said
that brains and courage

are more important than strength.

I hope he's right.

Is there no one left
who will try for the golden apple?

I will.

Then face me, boy.


I can't look.

All right, Calla!


Aha. You've got a clever head
on your shoulders, lad.

Let's see how long you can keep it.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

MAN: Come out, boy,
before I come in after you.

You can't hide.


Ooh. It's too high to reach, so...


Oh, hurry, Calla.

You'll pay for that, boy!


Oh, no.

What tricks have you now, squire?


Come on, Calla,
let's forget this dumb contest.

You go ahead, Sunni.
I've got one more thing to do.


So, young squire.

Stay back, I'm warning you.

Ha-ha. I am not going to hurt you, lad.

This was just a test to give you youngsters
a taste of real battle.

And you've passed it
with flying colours, my boy.

- Congratulations.
- No!

Wait, boy.

Come back, I command you.

Nice going, Calla.

I can't let Father see me.
He'll be furious.

Stop, lad.

Quick, follow me.

Don't run off.

What? Where could he have gone?

Really, Sir Tuxford, can't anyone
in this kingdom find one small squire?

I'm sure I don't know, sire.

It's like the boy vanished into thin air.

Oh, Calla will be so disappointed.

I've never seen Father so upset.

Maybe you can cheer him up somehow.

There's onIy one way.
I've got to tell him the truth.

Boy, you are brave.

Is this what you're looking for, Father?

The golden apple!

Calla, where did you get this?

I won it in battle.

You mean you're the mystery squire?

I'm afraid so, Father.

Young lady,
you've got some serious explaining to do.

Oh, poor Calla.

Yeah, you should have seen
how I handled that gooney knight

after you two chickened out.

I gave him a right. I gave him a left, I--


I have never seen
such a display of cowardice.

OnIy one among you had the courage
to face an unknown foe,

and that was my own daughter, Calla.

What? Beaten by a princess?

She needs no protection
from the likes of you.

I hereby declare her champion.


Oh, Father.

I knew she was the best.