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04x10 - Wheel of Misfortune

Posted: 06/24/22 17:11
by bunniefuu
Raven's Home was filmed in
front of a live studio audience.

Freshmen in high school.

Never thought I'd see the day.

Wow, mom. That's
not hurtful at all.

Not like that, Booker.

I mean like with time.
And the passing of time.

Oh, my Booker.

My Nia.

Hey, hey, Tess. We
need to get a move on it.

I mean, remember, early
is on time, and on time is...

Oh, nee, about that,

Ramon's mom scooped
me up this morning.

Oh, okay, fine, fine. Then I'll
just see you at first period French.

- Oh, yeah, about that, -
I switched my schedule,

so now Ramon and I
have geography first period.

So I'll catch you
second period. Art.

Oh, come on. All of
this is just so last minute.

I mean, we didn't even have
time to match our outfits perfectly.

- Um, about that...
- Tess!

No, we always match our
outfits on the first day of school.

- I know, I know.
- We're not twinning,

but we're still winning. See
you at high school, bestie.


Hey. You cool?

Oh, yeah. Me? I'm cool,
cool, cool, cool, cool.

Like, super cool. That's
why people call me "cool Nia."

No, no one has
ever called you that.

- Cool Nia!
- Hey, it's catching on!

Hey, hey. So I just wanted
to give you guys your shirts.

So, I was, you know, kind of
hesitant about bringing it out.

But, since you're
having a little problem,

you know, matching with someone,

I thought maybe...

Nia, run. Run.

Where you running,
huh? Where you runnin'?

Where you runnin'? I'm
your ride. Where you goin'?

♪ Ohhh ♪

♪ Hey... Yo ♪

♪ Let me tell you somethin' ♪

♪ Had my vision all worked out ♪

♪ But then life
had other plans ♪

♪ Tell 'em, Rae ♪

♪ It's crazy when things
turn upside down ♪

♪ But ya gotta get up
and take that chance ♪

♪ Maybe I'm just finding my way
Learning how to fly

♪ Yeah, we're gonna be okay
Ya know I got you, right?

♪ It might be wild, but ya
know that we make it work ♪

♪ We're just kids caught
up in a crazy world ♪

♪ C'mon! ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ We get loud! ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ It's our crowd! ♪

♪ Might be tough, but
together we make it look good ♪

♪ Down for each other
like family should ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ When it's tough ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ We got love ♪

♪ 'Cause no matter the weather,
ya know we gon' shine ♪

♪ There for each other,
ya know it's our time ♪

Yep! That's us.


All right. Club sign-ups.

So, Tess, are you
ready for Eco club?

Oh. Actually I signed up
for flag football with Ramon,

and it's on the same
day. Sorry, planet.

Okay, well, that's fine.

We still have time for
spirit club, right? Woo-hoo!

Right. Here's the thing.

We signed up for
Sneakerhead club.

We'll be looking at shoes,

showin' 'em off,
telling shoe stories.

Yeah. The club is going to
freak when they see these sneaks.


All right, well, uh, we still
have time for debate club, right?

You can't argue with that.

Yeah. As long as it doesn't
conflict with pump it up.

No. Yeah, I'm joining that, too.

- You're joining pump it up?
- Yeah.

- The weightlifting club?
- Oh...


Yeah, yeah. I'm
joining that, too.

Yeah, I'm expanding
my... Biceps.

- Okay.
- Right?

- High school Nia's expanding.
- Yeah.

- I'm here for it. See you later.
- See ya. Bye.

One-hundred percent
freshman participation is required.

Not percent.

Not percent,

but percent participation.

And what club will you
be joining, young man?

Hey, uh, could we maybe
talk without the megaphone?

If you had a megaphone,
would you stop talking through it?

You got me there.
I'm Booker, by the way.

Principal Jones.
So, what'll it be?

Bachata? Backgammon? Badminton?

Stop me before I get to
butter churning, 'cause, uh,

you don't seem like a
butter churning kind of guy.

True. And I'm not a
badminton kind of guy, either.

One-hundred percent...

participation is required.

You said that.

You know, Booker, if you
don't see anything you like,

you can always
start your own club.

How 'bout the "no club" club?

Ha! We already had one of those.

Most of those kids are
also in the detention club.

So, tell me more about
this butter churning club.


Nathan, you're a
great scene partner.

Don't worry about the backpack.

You were in the moment.

It's all for the love of the...



Hey, honey. How was school?

Huh... what happened
to your backpack, honey?

- Oh, that?
- Yeah.

- Nothing.
- What?

Nothing happened?

Levi, so your brand new
backpack just broke itself?

No. I don't know. There
was this thing with Nathan.

Nothing to worry about.
Hey, I like it with one strap.

He likes it with
one strap. It's okay.

- Chels.
- Yep.

Somebody broke that backpack.

- Huh?
- Who is this Nathan kid?

I bet he's on
Levi's peanut page.

Mm-hmm. I'm gonna
find him right now.


Got him. He's beefy.

Wait. What are you getting at?

Booker's gone. Nia's gone.

He has to fend for himself.

He's probably getting bullied.

But not on my watch!

- I'm gonna find out the whole story!
- Okay. All right.

Let's just take a
minute. Listen, Levi's...

He's probably
embarrassed or something.

I'm sure he'll talk
about it when he's ready.

Really? You're gonna
wait until this gets worse?


hey, mom? Can I have a couple
extra bucks for school tomorrow?

Yeah, yeah. Sure thing, honey.

Levi, you take your
lunch to school.

Why do you need money?

I don't know. Sometimes it's just
safer to have some extra bucks on you.

Safer? Safer?

- Really, Chels?
- You need more?

Listen, maybe we
could give him some tips,

you know, to help
build his confidence.

There's nothing wrong with that.

- Nothing at all.
- No.

Remember that bully
from high school? Alana?

Whatever happened to her?

She ran right into
my confidence.



- Nia, I need some advice.
- Join the club.

That's the problem.

I don't have a club to
join, so I have to start one.

Easy. Start a fork-Kn*fe club.

Wow. That was easy.

Great. Now on to my thing.

Do you think signing
up for clubs

to be with Tess
is trying too hard?

Whoa. Why'd you
sign up for clubs?

Well, first I signed
up for all of mine,

uh, and then I signed
up for all of hers,

and then she signed
up for all of Ramon's,

so then I signed
up for all of theirs.

Well, I mean, I, I guess it's cool
that they invited you along to do stuff.

Well, they didn't
actually invite me,

but they didn't not invite me.

Then I'm not sure what
your problem is, Nia.

You guys are besties forevs.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

Well, guess that's
it between us.

- Okay, Nia.
- Mm-hmm.

Forget everything I
said about besties forevs.

I just had a vision that you and
Tess aren't gonna be friends anymore.

You need to give her
and Ramon some space.

- You're a third wheel.
- Wait. What?

You're coming on too strong.

Why do you need
to be in clubs?

O-Okay, Booker. What
exactly was your vision?

What did she say?
Was I wearing this outfit?

Was my hair up or was it
down? I need information, Booker.

You're asking for
a lot of detail, Nia.

I gave you the
most important part.

I saw Tess in the vision.

W-What color was she wearing?

- I guess green.
- She never wears green.

Hey Nia, Ramon
and I are going out.

Can I borrow that one sweater?

The, the brown
one, or the red one?

Or the blue one that
really brings out your eyes?

No, the green one.

You hear that, Nia?

The green one.


Oh. Sorry.

- Too many clubs?
- How'd you know?

- Well...
- Wow. I can't believe

we actually signed
up for kabuki theater.

And cross-fit extreme.

What were we thinking?

- I'm Nia, by the way.
- I'm Angelica Moreno.

It's nice to meet you. So...

What clubs did you sign
up for that you actually liked?

Totally nerdy but, book club...

- Uh-huh.
- The Eco club.

- Tell me more.
- Movie club.

Ava Duvernay? Greta
Gerwig? Tamra Davis?

My top three directors.

And I started my
own Spanish club.

I've got layers.

Wow. That is such
a Nia thing to say.

And actually, yeah, I signed
up for all of those clubs, too.

- You did?
- Yeah.

- How about my Spanish club?
- Uh...

Let me just make sure it
doesn't conflict with weightlifting.

And it does not. There you go.


So, if you have any extra
time, do you wanna hang out?

- I'm free.
- Great.

- Are you into library hopping?
- Yeah.

The one on th street does
a book crawl, and lock-ins!

Wow. That sounds
so dangerous, yet safe.

Oh... Okay!

Took my advice, club leader.

Oh... Just one problem.

If you don't have any
members, you don't have a club.

And you know one-hundred percent

freshman participation is...

Required. I know.

Hey, can I... can I use
this for one second?


This is the last day to sign up
for the fork-Kn*fe gaming club.

Step right up! This
is not a drill, people!

This is not a drill.

Okay, looks like you
need to work on your pitch.

Once your club
is up and working,

be sure to log all
your club hours,

and note everything you
learned each meeting.

Did I just give myself
more homework?


Wait a minute.

When we said we
were gonna help Levi

with this whole bully problem,

what exactly did you mean?

I meant teach him some
self-defense, all right?

A little sugar ray swirl!

- A little Ali rope-a-dope.
- Oh!

- Some De La Hoya on the side...
- All right, all right!

Rae, listen, getting
physical is how we got here

in the first place, right?

We need to teach
Levi inner strength to,

to deflect the negative energy.

Today begins his
meditation practice.

We need to practice getting
on the same page, Chels.

That's what we need.

What's all this?

Uh, Levi, sweetie,

we know what's
going on at school.

You do?

Yes. And we want to help
you build your confidence.

Huh. I guess I could
always use more confidence.

- Oh! Hoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah.

Yes answer!

Okay. All right.

Now, I want us all to remember
that we are the clear blue sky.


Clouds may come and go.

Sometimes, they're
fluffy and white.


Sometimes, they're
dark and full of rain.

Sometimes, they're shaped
like your ex-husband's face,

and you want to cry.

But you don't.

You just let them pass by.

Breathing in.

And out.

- Good, good.
- Now breathe in.

And out.

Breathe in.

- And...
- she's out.

And she's gonna
be out for a while.

Now, let's take
this up to the roof,

and take this training
to the next level.


Okay, so everything your
mom told you downstairs is valid.

It is helpful. But sometimes,

you have to take a
different approach.

- Okay, you ready? You got this?
- Yeah.

Left, left, right!
Punch, punch, jab!

Left, left, right! Punch,
punch, jab! Left, right!

Pun... okay! Le... le... okay,
you are deceptively strong!

- Levi! Levi!
- Levi! Levi!


And that is why I think you
should join my fork-Kn*fe club.

Here. Let me show you.

Booker, I don't know. I
am in a few other clubs,

so I've got to be kind
of choosy about...

Wait a second. You're...
you're b-dressingnosalad?

Dude, it's me! Whoyougonnabeet!

With two E's. I've been your
street fighting sous chef for months.

- Bro.
- Bro.


Hey, Tess, get over here!

Fork-Kn*fe club
is actually fire.

Booker is b-dressingnosalad.

And I'm supposed to be cleaning.

No company. So
keep your voice down

before my mom comes in
here and takes my phone away.

Hey, guys. We just finished.

"Harriet Porter and
the hallway of enigmas."

- It was my third time.
- Yeah.

But it didn't even feel like it.

- Did it, Nia?
- Nope. Third time's a charm.

Get it? Charm? They're witches.

Is that Nia?

- Let me chat, Ramon.
- Oh, hey, Tess.

I'm here with Angelica.

Angelica, with the fly kicks?

I saw you styling
in second lunch.

- Oh, these old things?
- Thanks.

We are going to do
some community service

for our Eco club
at lake Michigan.

- Save those turtles.
- Hey!

- Oh, Tess, do you wanna come with us?
- Uh, she's too busy.

Yeah, she's, uh,
in their sneaker club

and she's pumpin' it up.

And she started wearing green.

Ugh, I'm in the
dust-busting club right now.

Why don't you tell me all about

your turtle adventures
when you come back?

We will. Oh, and it's
not just turtles, Tess.

It's the whole planet.

We're out.


- Raven. Rae!
- Mm.

Look what I found
in Levi's things.

Look. All this
boxing stuff. Huh?

Have you been teaching
Levi to "punch first,

ask questions later"?

I thought I made myself clear.

You did. And I
overstepped my bounds.

I'm sorry. He is your
child, and that was my bad.

- Yeah!
- You guys, I did it.

I b*at Nathan!

And not a scratch on you.

- Tell me all about it.
- No!

No! Listen, Levi,

v*olence is never
the answer, okay?

- I know he's a bully, but...
- bully?

No. Nathan isn't a bully.

He gets that a lot, though,
because he's beefy.

But he's my scene
partner in acting class.

And now, he's my understudy!

I b*at him out for the role of
the gym coach in the school play!

Wha... school play?

Gym coach?

I didn't wanna tell you guys

in case the only part I
got was sad tree number .

That's wonderful,
Levi. Come here.

I get to finally put away my
camera and be the talent.

And thanks to you
guys, I'm now...

An actor.

I knew it.

I knew it. Levi's doing
great in middle school.

He doesn't need
Booker or Nia. I knew it.

What? That is not
what you were saying,

- at all...
- hey, hey. Chels. Chels. Blue sky.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

I'm out.


Book, Tess has got the
sweetest setup over here.

I never believed in
these gamer chairs,

but they make a difference.

All right, come on, now,
Ramon. Just focus, all right?

You're almost there. Jump
the carrots. Jump the carrots!

I, I can't get past

this angry meatball
boss. How'd you do it?

O-Okay, you know what? Look, I'm
just gonna share my screen, all right?

Watch the move, okay?

Press the jump and duck buttons

and then hold r- .

All right, there you
go. Hold it. Hold it.

There you go, Ramon!

All right, now you're in
super seasoning mode.

No way! Thanks, bro!

Booker, I said I
would play one round,

and you've got me hooked.

All right, sassy sweet
potato! Prepare to get mashed!

Tess, you won't believe this.
I have to tell you about this...

Hold that thought, Nia.

I just got to the
meat locker boss.

This is one bad butcher.


Uh, I'm gonna go
make us some snacks.

Wait, are you guys playing
against b-dressingnosalad?

He's a legend.

You're standing
right in front of him.

Booker is b-dressingnosalad!

Spicy! Oh, I'm
joining this club.

Sauté him!

What? Hey!

Hey, hey, w-which
one of y'all did that?

Who taught y'all how to sauté?

Oh. You wanna see a sauté?

Hey, Angelica, do you
have any dietary restrictions...

Oh, just a minute, Nia.

I just unlocked the
toaster oven power.

Uh, what do you guys...
- we make - the perfect team, you guys.

- I was thinking that...
- adios, brioche!

Okay. Uh, I'm just gonna go...

These ingredients are the
perfect recipe for success.

I'm really starting
to feel like you g...

Four person
reservation is secured!

You know what? That's it!

First it was Tess and Ramon,

and now it's Tess and Ramon,
and Booker, and Angelica,

and beans, Greens,
potatoes, tomatoes!

Did Nia just slam a door?

I'm coming over.

Hot stuff. Four stars... ♪♪


Nia, you're not a door slammer.

- What's going on, sweetheart?
- Yeah.

Mom, I...

I just feel like I'm
losing my best friend.

I mean, ever since Tess and Ramon
became "hashtag couple goals,"

I just... I feel left
out, you know?

I don't know. I guess
I'm just having fomo.

Fomo? Yeah, listen, honey.

When your body starts
changing, sometimes...

No, Chels. No.

That's not what
she's talking about.


No. Aunt Chels,

fomo just means
"fear of missing out".

Oh! Right.

Ri... been there.
Left out of that.

Can't relate. She can, though.

- She's a professional.
- Aah.

Unfortunately, she's
right. I am a professional

at being the third wheel.

You know, the tripod.
The try too hard...

You should definitely
try to stay on topic.

It's okay. I get it.

Yeah. Sometimes I felt left out

when your mom met
your dad, you know?

But, well, I was lucky enough
to have such a great friend.

I was. I was a great friend.

Yeah, when you go through
the ups and downs of life

with a great
friend, there's just...

There's more to
laugh about later.

Yeah, we always have
something to laugh about.

- Yeah.
- And I'm sure you and Tess do, too.

Yeah. The bottom line is, honey,

Tess is your friend first.

Nothing's gonna
come between you two.

Are you sure?

Well, as sure as I am
that Raven's behind me,

- choking up a
little. I, I can't help it.

I mean, Chels, you're
so good at your job.

Well, thank you, Rae.

I just wish

everyone didn't always
act so surprised. You know?

Thank you guys. I
should talk to Tess.

- Yeah.
- And here I am.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I owe you an apology.

Look, I have been overreacting

a lot more than usual.

I mean, honestly, I just

felt like we were
drifting apart.

What? Why?

I don't know.

You, me, Ramon. clubs.

I mean, I only joined
weightlifting to hang out,

and honestly, I have
never been more sore.

Where's all this coming from?

It's just...

This high school thing
is tricky, you know?

We may get new friends
and new schedules.

- Yeah, and harder homework.
- Yeah.

But you and I are solid.

We'll always be best friends.


Aah, aah, mm.

So, that's a "no"
to pump it up club?

Hard no.

Not doing it.


- Okay, Angelica, jump, and then salt!
- Okay.

Okay, good job. Good job.

All right, Ramon,
jump, jump, jump!

Oh, cover your eyes!
The onion is rolling!

Okay, okay. Angelica,
grab the care package.

Ha ha! Good job! Good job.

Man, this is so
much more fun alone.

- Well, guess that's it between us.
- Yeah.

Consider it squashed.

Hey, hey. That was my
vision. You two are okay?

Yeah. We're better than okay.

Great, because Tess, there's
still minutes left in the game.

You can still join the club.

Actually, bro, I
need some extra time

to hang with my bestie.

- Ice cream?
- Ice cream.

Uh, yeah. Angelica, do
you want some ice cream?

Sure. You know, this
day has been so amazing.


Oh, I asked her to spring some
Spanish on me occasionally.

Immersion works. ! Vamanos!

Uh, I heard ice cream.

And a lot of Spanish.

Did the ice cream thing go away?

Ice cream club.

Right in front of
your face, Booker.


Fork-Kn*fe didn't work out?

No. But I had a better idea.

"Eating in the
atrium after school

without permission" club?

No. Principal Jones,
this is the ice cream club.

We've got ice cream made
from all different kinds of milk.

- Coconut milk.
- Almond milk.

- Cashew milk.
- Milk milk.

Whatever Tess gave me.

A little something
for everybody.

Oh, and, uh, I keep
a good log, too.

That is a genius club, Booker.

Any chance you guys
need a faculty adviser?

Faculty adviser participation...

Not required.

Come on and grab a spoon.
