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05x06 - Gemcation

Posted: 06/24/22 06:45
by bunniefuu
Steven: "Hey, Connie.

How are you today? Hope everything's going okay.

It'd be cool if you told me it was I guess I miss you.

I know yesterday I said, 'I guess,' but I mean, I do miss you Hope you didn't get your phone mixed up with a tennis ball.

Ha ha.

" A tennis ball? Really, Universe? [Sighs]

Help! Ah! Yah! Back! Ugh! Hey, uh, Stevearoni, ugh, want to help your old Pa over here? Uh, yeah, Dad, one sec.

## Sorry.


I'm on it.


Are you good? Are you safe? Do you still love me? Yeah, of of course, buddy.

It's just some hoses.

I can buy new ones.

I still have like $9 million left, and what better way to spend that than on some hoses, right, kiddo? Yeah, Dad.

[Cellphone vibrates]


Ronaldo: Steven! So.

Did you ever get around to watching the "Koala Princess" box set I lent you three months ago? [Sighs]

Hey, is everything okay? You're looking a little glum.

- I am a little glum.

- Do you want to talk about it? Um, it's just space lag from when I went to space.



[Cellphone vibrates]

Ah! Wait.


I need to play it cool.

Ronaldo: I'm just gonna assume by your silence that you're entangled within the immersive koala lore of the show.

Did you get to the part where Koala Princess and Kanga-Roofus kiss? Greg: Steven, you want to help us with these groceries? Coming.

Eh? Eh? [Voice muffled]

Check this out, Steven.

[Normal voice]

It's farm fresh.

Uh, thanks guys, but the fridge is full.

Not the fridge at our vacation house.

- Whoo! - Vacation.

I thought, "Why spend money on hoses when I can spend it on houses?" So I found a place we could rent for the weekend by searching online.

Back in the old days we just went door-to-door hoping one was unlocked, but this is the new days.


Well, have fun.

Uh, Steven, you're going on vacation, too.


Oh, yes.

This is the perfect time for a vacation.

I mean, how often are we on the same planet together? Yeah.

And you'll be with your favorite Gems and your favorite dad.

Agree with Amethyst.

Turn to Steven.

Steven, you should go.

No, with more enthusiasm.

Steven, it's a vacation! I mean, I would, but I'm really tied up with something important.

Ronaldo: In the end, the wombats were for naught, but it really makes you think.

I'll go.

Aced it.

Greg: Here it is, temporary home sweet temporary home.

- Is that my bed? - Yeah.

I want you to be a comfortable as possible, finally have some family time.

I feel like you haven't had that in a while.

Yeah, maybe.

This place is great.

They have one of those refrigerators that dispense water, not to mention four windows and an analog clock! Hmm, says here we can't use the water dispenser or the clock.

Windows must be kept closed at all times, and remove all shoes before entering.


Hey, Greg, did you invite anyone else, party guy, about three feet long, hissing, reptilian? No.

Well, you might want to factor in a plus one.

- Oh! Party guy, no! - I promise.

It's gonna be a really good time.

It's a great place, Dad.

It only bit Pearl once, but, like, we're Gems.

She'll be okay.


It isn't the pain.

It's the surprise.

Hey, Amethyst, do you think you could Yeah.

Hey, Steven.

Hi, Amethyst.

Man, you can see the stars so clearly out here.

It's pretty, huh? Huh? Uh, I don't know.

- It's okay.

- Hey, hey.

It's okay if it isn't okay.

- The sky? - Yeah.

- What? - I don't know.

So, uh, you really into phones now? No.

[Owl hoots]

Hey, Schtuball, won't you take my place? I've been in here way too long.

I'm gonna become a raisin.

Steven, you should join me.

Become a raisin.

Okay, but one sec.

Steven, I know what's troubling you.

You do? Gosh.

I really messed up, didn't I? You didn't do anything wrong.

Pink Diamond was a villain.

It was 5,750 years ago.

Pink Diamond was ravishing the planet.

- Yeah, I know.

- Oh.

Pink Diamond was bad.

Everything bad had to happen so good things could kind of happen.

Uh, good.

You understand.



At least wiggle a little.

Greg: Come on.

Can't you give it another shot? Amethyst: What are we supposed to do? He just doesn't want to talk about it.

But I know it's not space lag.

This is some Gem thing he knows I won't understand.

I don't know anything about Homeworld.

I don't know anything about your society.

Whatever horrible things he saw out there, you guys have to put it into context.

If Steven won't talk to us, then the help we can give him is limited.

We've all tried to coax it out of him except for Me? But I have no idea what Homeworld is like now.

Pearl, please.

He knows you know about space stuff.

It can't hurt to try.




It sure is quiet out here, huh? - Yeah.

- So, Homeworld I always hoped you'd see it some day, but I thought I'd be there with you.

Being taken there as a prisoner, I suppose it was something of a dramatic experience.

It's just, Steven, I'm sure you have a lot of questions you'd like answers to, like about the Diamonds, for instance.

There are things that are impossible for me to explain.

But I want to.

I Steven, I Connie hates me! What? We weren't listening.

Also continue, Steven.

I'm not upset about what happened on Homeworld although, yeah, a lot of that was really messed up.

But my relationship with Connie is even more messed up.

I left her behind to go to Homeworld after promising we'd face everything together.

I'm sure I really hurt her.

I've been calling and texting her for a week, but she hasn't responded once.

Connie might never talk to me again.


Steven! I'll go get him.

I don't know anything about Homeworld, but I know about this.

Steven? Steven? Steven's not here.

Oh, that's too bad.

So I guess I'll just talk to this Steven-shaped barrel instead.

If you must.

Schtuball, if this was about Connie, why didn't you say anything sooner? I was embarra You were embroidered, embroiled, emboldened to talk to your old man about your problems? I was embarrassed, okay? You and the Gems all liked Connie, and I was worried that if you heard what happened that you'd be mad at me too.

Oh, Steven, of course we're not mad.

And I'm sure Connie's not mad, either.

Well, at least I'm sure she doesn't hate you.

That whole handing-yourself over-to-Homeworld thing was definitely a high-stress situation.

It really scared all of us.

I'm not exactly over it either, but I guess carting you off to the middle of nowhere to spend time with you is my way of dealing with it.

Maybe having some distance from you is Connie's way.

But the last thing I did was send her a bunch of dumb texts.

I made some weird joke about tennis, and I don't even know if it makes sense.

- Tennis? - See? No wonder she hasn't responded.

Uh, Steven, you don't get any service out here.

Whaaaat are you even telling me? Maybe she's been trying to get in touch with me this whole time, and I haven't seen it! [Gasps]

What if she thinks I'm ignoring her? Dad! We have to find cell service.


- Go, go, go! - Okay.

Floor it! - How we doing? - Take a right.

Nah, back up.

No, wait! Keep going.

- We're heading for a cliff, buddy.

- Just a little further.

- Gonna have to stop soon.

- Almost got it.

Ahh! [Sighs]

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Yes! We've got service.


Ronaldo: Steven! When I didn't hear back from you, I was sure a nefarious plot was afoot Well? No.

No messages from Connie.


You'll get through this, buddy.

I know it hurts now, but give it time.

I know.

I need to let it go.

- Got room for three more? - Always.

- Nice night, isn't it? - Steven: Yeah.