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04x23 - The Good Lars

Posted: 06/24/22 06:42
by bunniefuu
- Garnet: # We # - # Are the Crystal # - Steven: # Gems # - # we'll always save the day # Steven: # and if you think we can't # All: # we'll always find a way # - # that's why the people # - # of this world # Garnet: # believe in Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # Steven: # And Steven! # So, how is it? Be honest, but not too honest.

It's pumpkin bread! And it's pumpkin-shaped, like a pumpkin! This is the best idea anybody has ever had! See? I told you.

It's really good.

Of course Steven likes it.

He likes everything.

- Lars, did you make this? - No! Well, yes, but it's no big deal.

Secret's out, Lars.

Feels good, doesn't it? - Ah, stop.

- Oh, this is amazing! How'd you get it to look like a pumpkin? I just made seven small crescent-shaped cakes and used cream-cheese icing to hold them together.

Anyone with two hands and half a brain could do it.

And, you know, a recipe.

- That's his way of saying thanks.

- I know.

I speak Lars.

B-B-B-Buck Dewey! - Hi, Buck.

- Hey, Steven.

- Hey, doughnut kids.

- Hi, Buck, what's up?! How's it going? What'll it be? I want to order you to come to dinner.

Me, Jenny, and Sour Cream are having a potluck.

You know, like parents do.

Except we'll be doing it.

All three of you should come.

You should bring some food, because that's what you do at a potluck.

It's so funny.


That is funny, Buck! It sounds great.

Super cool.

Can't wait.

Bingo, bongo.


[Doorbell chimes]


"Bingo, bongo"? - Where did I even learn that? - Steven: Yeah! Bingo, bongo! This is gonna be great.

Hey, yeah, this is perfect.

You won't believe us when we say we like your cooking, but you'll have to believe it when it's coming from Buck.


- Uh, Lars? - I'm not going.

What?! You just got invited to a party with the cool kids! Isn't that what you've always wanted? If anyone shouldn't go, it's me, but they know you.

They like you! Unh-unh.

Nobody knows me.

- And nobody knows I can bake.

- Well, I do, and he does.

Yeah, Lars, you should make this your big debut.

Well then, it has to be perfect.

[Dog barking]

- How about a pie? - No.

Uh, baked Alaska? It might look like I'm trying too hard.


Yeah, something cream-filled.

A bundt? A cannoli? Maybe some rugelach? [Groans]

I don't know! Sadie: Maybe we could make a cake - with your face on it.

- Steven: That's a great idea! You should make something that represents you.


- Secret cookbook.

- Maybe this'll work.

I used to eat this as a kid all the time.


What's uby? - It's ube.

- What's that? Uh, like, you know, it's like a sweet potato.

Potatoes can be sweet? I mean, it's technically a yam.

- Yams?! - This sounds perfect! [Music]

Ube Ube It's done.

So, how is it? - It's amazing! - Amazing! - This is delicious.

- You're an amazing baker, Lars.

Well, yeah, of course I am.

[Mouth full]

Sorry, Lars.

It's really good.

Guess I have to take your word for it.

Sadie: I'm gonna head out and get my stuff for the party.

This is it! It's all happening! Lars and the cool kids! See ya there! Bye, Sadie.


- Everything is so good.

- Lars: Yeah, too good.

- What do you mean? - Uh, never mind.

Aw, come on.

You can tell me anything.

I spent a day in your body.

It's nothing.

Forget about it.


Open up about your feelings.


I'm not worried about the cake.

The cake is gonna rule.

I'm worried about showing up with a cake.

- What do you mean? - There's a reason I don't like telling anybody I like baking.

- And what's that? - Because it's lame, Steven! If I show up to this party with my family's weird purple cake and with Sadie, everybody's gonna know I love baking and everybody's gonna know I love This isn't gonna be an ironic potluck.

It's gonna be, like, family, couple, neighbor, actual potluck, and I'm gonna be there being all bingo, bongo.

These are your friends.

They want you to come.

That's why they invited you so they'll get to know you better.

If they like you, they like you.

If they don't, then it's their loss.

Right? That's pretty smart.

When did you get so mature? Somewhere in between learning to summon my shield and finding out my mom is a w*r criminal.

Okay! I'll do it.

Lars! It's going to go so good! I got to get going and make my thing, - but I'll see you there, right? - Yeah.

Yeah, I'll see you.

[Crickets chirping]

- Hey, man.

- Who's feeling lucky? - My, my.

What a feast.

- I brought the soda.

- I brought the pizza.

- I brought the assorted fruit.

I can't wait for Lars to get here.

He made a wait, wait, I shouldn't tell you.

- It's a surprise.

- That Lars is full of surprises.

The other day, he did this thing.

What was it? "Bingo, bongo.

" It was transcendent.

- That is so creative.

- Bingo, bongo.

[Doorbell rings]

That's him! Oh, Sadie.

Where's Lars? He's not here yet? He's probably still working on the cake.

This is his "ube" debut, after all.


Why don't you come on in? - Oh, uh - I love me some cheese.


You and your fancy cheese plates.


- Oh, hey, it's doughnut girl.

- Everybody, this is Sadie.

- Uh, hi.

I'm Lars' friend.

- What's up? I'm Jenny.

- Hey again.

- I'm Sour Cream.

Welcome to my house! So, tell us, Sadie, what did you bring to our very cool potluck? Sorry, I didn't bring any food.

Just these paper plates.

It's just, uh, they're for Lars' thing, and he's not even here.

Actually, I probably should just show myself Did you say plates? Hooray! Now I don't have to do the dishes.

Wow, I never thought anyone could get excited over paper plates.

I guess they are biodegradable.

But I'm still worried about Lars.

I'll go find him.

Don't you worry about it.

- Hang out, have fun.

- You can sit on the bean bag.

Yeah, that bean bag is sick.

You got to try it.

Oh, all right.


What do you know? I fit.


Told ya.

I'll be right back with Lars.

Now, where could he be? [Music]

La-a-a-a-a-a-rs! Lars! If only there was some way to contact him with my mind.

Oh, wait, or with my phone! [Cellphone beeping]

This is Lars.

Leave a message.


La-a-a-a-a-rs! I mean, Lars, hi.

This is Steven.

Uh, I was just wondering where you were.

The potluck is going really great.

Everyone's having a nice time, and we're all excited for you to come join the fun.

Or maybe I just missed you and you're already back at the party [Music]

and that's the sound of you enjoying music with all our friends.

Or maybe you decided not to go inside.

Th-That's okay, though.

Guess I'll see you later.


Pizza potluck [Music]

Potluck, potluck Potluck Potluck Potluck [Vocalizing]

Potluck Potluck.

- Sour Cream: All right! - Nice! - Hey, nice ending.

- Yeah, whoo! Yeah, Sadie.

That was fresh.

Oh, hey, it's Steven.

Hey, Steven, we've been having such a blast over here.

- Did you find Lars? - Uh, yeah.

He He can't make it tonight.

- Something came up.

- Ah, bummer, huh? [Sighs]

Well, that's okay.

Let's keep playing music.

- Right on.

- Yeah! - Bye, guys.

See ya.

- Bye, guys.

Later, guys.

- So, he decided not to come, huh? - Actually Aw, geez.


Maybe we should've tried harder to get him to come.

Guess so.


He wants to be in with them so much.


It's funny.

I never thought I'd be the one hanging out with them.

You know, they really are cool.

Like, not like he thinks, but, like like, they're actually cool people.

How's he going to realize that if he doesn't give them a chance? I wish I could just force him to be happy.

Oh, no.

I sound like my mother.

Maybe I should be trying to fix my life instead of his.

Bingo, bongo.

- Goodnight, Steven.

- Goodnight, Sadie.