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04x20 - Room for Ruby

Posted: 06/24/22 06:39
by bunniefuu
- Garnet: # We # - # Are the Crystal # - Steven: # Gems # - # we'll always save the day # Steven: # and if you think we can't # All: # we'll always find a way # - # that's why the people # - # of this world # Garnet: # believe in Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # Steven: # And Steven! # Ooh there's one! Garnet, you gotta make a wish! All right.

Close your eyes.

All of them.

Okay, okay.

Now make your wish, but don't tell me what it is.

Garnet, what did you wish for? I wished for another sh**ting star, so that you could make a wish.

Oh, my gosh! [Gasps]

Garnet, it worked! [Whistling]

Is that star screaming? [Screaming]

What was that?! [Gasps]

It's Navy! That's a ruby.

Don't you remember? I gave them all names.

This one's Navy, 'cause her gem is on her navel.


I finally get it.



Oh, please, oh, please! Don't make me go back to Homeworld! Oh, I just want to stay here with you! This is a surprise.

You want to live on Earth? Yeah! All the other rubies are mean to me.

I just want to be somewhere I can be myself.

And you're not mad at us from before? What do you mean? You know, about tricking you into playing baseball.

That was fun! Or when Amethyst pretended to be Jasper.

I gotta admit, that was pretty clever.

Or when we blasted you all out into space and stole your ship so you'd be stranded forever? Well, we were fighting, so it's understandable.

I don't know about this.

She tried to s*ab you in space.

That was Eyeball, this is Navy.

She always seemed really nice, actually! Hey, thanks! And, you know, a ruby falling from the sky, discovering this beautiful world sounds a lot like a story you told me once.

Oh, stop.

Ah! Let me take it from here! I know exactly where she'll fit in! All right, Steven Universe, go work your magic.

Finally! There's a star to wish on! Peridot, Lapis! - Steven! - Steven! [Barking]

And Pumpkin! Can't forget you! Well, well, back again.

You should just move in with us at this point.

Actually, maybe not me, but I know someone else who might be interested! Hi! I'm Navy, a refugee from Homeworld! Just like you guys! Ha ha ha! - Ooh.

- So, uh When did you show up on Earth? Today! New barnie! What?! No, hold on.

Can we talk about this first? Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course! [Chuckles]

I love talking! Huh? Steven, this makes no sense.

Why would she want to live here? We've been awful to her.

She must hate us.

She doesn't, though.

Give her a chance.

She's on our side now.

Just like that? Wow.

There's no way.

Well, you guys wanted to start a new life here, too.

It can totally happen! Even if she wants to be here, she doesn't know what she's getting into.

Life on Earth is really confusing.

It took me a long time to get used to it.

I'm still getting used to it.

- Hmm.

- But we can show her the way! I mean, we've been through the ringer on all this stuff.

It'll be cool to share what we've learned.

And, you know, I think we'd be really good at it.


Okay, I'll give it a try, but we'll have to take it slow.

Yeah! This will be great, I just know it! [Pumpkin barking]

Woop! Thank you! So you're an Earthling! But what does that mean? Well, the answer is who knows?! [Laughing]

And that's the beauty of Earth! Nothing here makes sense! But that's why you have us now! It might be hard to like Earth at first.

It is where a bunch of bad stuff happened.

I love it! It's so sunny! Ah, yes! The sun ever-burning until it's not.

This planet has weather, which can be confusing and alarming.

It's sunny now, but it could always rain later.

What is rain? It's like oh, wait! I can just show you.

Whoa! [Gasps]

I know it's a bit strange, but Whee! Oh! [Laughing]

The sky is crying! She likes it! Navy likes it! [Laughing]

Oh! A planet that's not always sunny.

It's almost like it's alwayschanging! [Laughing]

That's so beautiful! Yeah! Exactly! Wow! That's, like, chapter 97 of Earth stuff.

Looks like we got an advanced student on our hands! Yeah.

No kidding.


This is our "gem cave.

" Lapis hates when I call it that, so I don't.

The barn's pretty big, so you can have one of the corners.


Make it your own.

That sounds so nice.

Any corner would be lovely.

You should have a look around.

Ohh! What's this for? That's a hammock.

It's a bed you fall out of.

It's where I like to sleep.

I don't have to do it, but I like to do it you know, turn off for a bit and Snore.

Like this! [Loud snoring]

Snore! Wow! Sounds groovy! How do I start? That one's really hard to explain.

You lay down somewhere and close your eyes.

And think about nothing or everything.

But it may take you a little while to feel comfortable enough to [Snoring]

Looks like you've got it.

And here's our organic Earth farm.

The ground beneath our feet is teeming with resources which feed the growing crops around us.

Don't bother talking to the corn.

It can't hear you.

Plants may seem strange to you at first, but don't worry, you don't have to love everything right away.

I love plants! Oh! Well, what about Pumpkin? Do you love Pumpkin, too? [Whimpers]

I love Pumpkin! Hoo! Ew, Pumpkin kisses! [Laughing]

Well, what about dirt? Do you love the dirt, too? What's dirt?! [Gasps]

I do love the dirt! [Laughing]

So what about us? How do you feel about us? [Laughing]

You guys are the best! Thank you, thank you! Thank you all for taking me in! Oh! We're gonna be the best of friends! But we were just enemies! Don't you remember? Why don't you get mad?! I think even if I really tried, that's the one thing I can't do.

Oh, come on! Did I do something? I think it might be more complicated than that.

Why don't you stay here and admire more of the plants? - Lapis! - Lapis! [Barks]


- Lapis! - Lapis! - Where are you?! - She's just It's just like she's fine with us, like there's no problem.

Lapis, are you okay? No.

Something is seriously wrong with me.

It took me so long to learn to like this planet.

Hey, no one said there's a rush! Navy just loves everyone and everything right away.

She has no guard, no fear.

I just don't get it.

Why is it so easy for her, when it was so hard for me? Navy: Oh, no! [Pants]

I didn't mean to make anyone upset! Oh! Maybe I should just go! - Aw, Navy.

- No, no, it's my problem.

I didn't mean to make you feel like you don't belong here.

Yeah, you should stay! Ooh, you guys! I'm so glad! I don't know where I would go anyway.

I can't go anywhere without my ship.

That's the only place I've ever really belonged, anyways.

I miss it so much! Oh! [Sobbing]

Navy! We have your ship! It's right over there! You do? Wow! I didn't even notice it there! Maybe you could, uh show us the ropes? [Gasps]

I would love that! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! This is perfect! The Crystal Gems finally have a pilot! Things are going okay now, huh? Yeah.

Yeah, they are! Hey, Steven, hit that button behind you, and I'll show you what this baby can really do! Uh, you mean the one right here? Yeah! That's the one! I'm gonna press it! [Whirring]


Navy! Hello?! Navy, I think something went wrong with the ship! The only thing wrong is that you're still holding on.


Wait! This whole time, all you wanted was your ship? You could have just stolen it to begin with! I could have done that.

But then I would never have gotten to see the look on your face when you were tricked by your favorite little ruby! [Laughs]

- What?! - Hey! I can't hear what's happening! Is Navy showing us the ocean? Oh! 'Cause this is a heck of a way to do it! You dirty, little [Gasps]

Bye-bye! [Screaming]

Quick, Lapis, she's getting away! [Laughing]

I was right! No one could be that well-adjusted! [Laughs]

Garnet! It was still worth a shot.

[Navy laughing]