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02x02 - Joy Ride

Posted: 06/23/22 15:34
by bunniefuu
We are the Crystal Gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Do we really have to get every piece? - Yes! - Yes.

Having a wrecked gem ship lying around is too dangerous.

We've got to take care of it all of it.

And we'll need to start looking for Peridot's escape pod, too, assuming she even made it to Earth.

- We've got lots of work ahead of us.

- On it.

Whoa, that's a big one.

Steven? Steven? - Steven! - Huh? - Yo.

- Hey, Steven.

Welcome back to Earth.

- What? Who told you? - You looked a million miles away, man.



I was zoning out.

We were about to go chill at a parking lot - and freak out some squares.

- You should come with.

Oh, but I-I don't really have anything against squares.

- I like all basic shapes.

- Yeah.

That's what I'm talking about.

You got that much-needed counter-point to our cynical world-view.

You have to come.

- It's good energy flow.

- Sorry, guys.

I've got a lot of important gem work to do.

- Maybe later.

- Aww.

- Bummer.

- Well, we'll catch you later, then.

The calluses on my hands have calluses.

The working man's burden is truly a heavy one.

Pizza rain.

But no pizza clouds.

Wha What are you guys doing here? And why are you making it pizza rain? I only wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rain.

- Is that a reference to something? - Come on.

It's time to hang out.

You can't hang out at night.

Night is for dreaming.

Night's whatever you want it to be.

- Time's an illusion.

- Hmm.

- Aren't you done working for the day? - Mm.

Yeah, okay.

- Let's hang out.

- Nice.

But first we need to deliver the rest of this pizza to Mr.


Whoo! Wind in your face - that's what I'm talkin' about.

- Breathe deep, Steven.

This is the smell of freedom.

Freedom smells like pepperoni.

- That's just the car.

- You know what food definitely doesn't smell like freedom? - Fish.

- Why fish? - Uh-oh.

Here we go.

- I just don't get what's wrong with wanting to be a deejay.

But my step-dad was all on my case again today, sayin' Ugh.

I'm just like, "I don't want to be a fisherman.

Everyone knows you can't rave in a raincoat, step-dad.

" At least he only bugs you about one thing.

My dad's got to say something about everything I do 'cause I'm the mayor's son.

And I'm like, "you can't tell me what to do.

I'm the mayor's" Wait.

Puh-lease! You're just walking in cake with that talk.

You guys don't even know what bad is until you have a sister.

But I don't know why I have to spell it out that I'm the evil twin and she's the good one.

Don't ask me to help you with your homework.

- I'm at some metal concert.

- Family stuff is tricky.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

A few months back, my dad and the gems grounded me from TV.

- Bummer.

- That's the worst.

- No way! - And then I found out that the gems are alien rebels and that there are other gems out in space that want us dead 'cause they think we're traitors.

And they tried to take me hostage 'cause they think I'm my mom.

And maybe I kinda am? I wish I could talk to Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl about it, But I think they kinda blame me for my mom not being around.

- That's heavy.

- I guess.

But you always seem so upbeat.

You're a real champ, Steven Universe.

Yeah, man.

I'd turn to fishing in a heartbeat if it meant not dealing with tha that! - Look at that! - What?! What did I hit it? - What is it?! - Gloooowing.

- We got to check it out.

- I'm down.

All right.

Hold on.

That's as bright as like 600 glow sticks.

Peridot's escape pod! Okay, everybody step back! This is a gem machine and could be extremely dangerous.

- Check it out.

- What are you doing? Boom! Whoa, stop! Peridot might still be in there! Peri-what? - This biz is empty.

- It looks so busted.

- You need to get away from there! - Whoa! You need to relax.

It's not doing anything.

It's not just the pod.

This means Peridot is just out there somewhere, - trying to hurt the Earth.

- Not cool.

Earth forever.

Here come the rocks.

Steven, come take a selfie with me and this thing.

- No, Jenny, I'm serious.

- So am I.

- Sour Cream, what about you? - Sure.

I'm down for whatever.

- Buck? - Nah.

I like to just experience the moment for what it is sometimes.

Plus, the lighting is weird.

Ugh, okay.

Steven? - Last call.

- Mmmm.

I got funny stickers! These are so good! - How do I look? - You look great! Look, stay right there.

I wanna take one mor - Steven, get in it! - W-What? Just for a second! One picture.

Okay, ready.

Three, two Wha - Dude! - Oh, my gosh, Steven! Wha? This is so cool! Whoa! Whoa! - Steven! - Whoa! How are you doing that? Uh I think it listens to what my hands do.

I really shouldn't be playing with this.

I have to take this back to the temple immediately.

No way.

You just got it working! Come on, aren't you your own mom? You can do whatever you want.

Yeah, you got to do some donuts in that thing.

At least a dozen.

Baker's dozen.

Seriously, Steven, you've been under a lot of pressure.

Don't you think you deserve to have a little fun? Whoo! Hey! You really got the hang of that thing, huh? Yeah! It always hooks to the left.

Whoa! I should really get it back to the gems, though.

- No! No! - No, no, no, no.

Or right after I jump that haystack! - Yeah! Come on! - Yeah! Do it! - Mess it up! - Wreck it, Steven! Go, Steven! - Yeah! Yeah! - Yeah! Whoo! I'm okay.

It's not actually so bad if you just give it a little Steven? Guys? Steven! What's going on? Guys, can you hear me? I knew it! That flare led us right to the escape pod! What's going on here? - Help! Help us! - Over here! Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl! We'll save you, humans! I can't believe it.

Peridot's still inside.

She's probably weak from the landing.

Don't hold back.

Got it! - No! No! - No! Whoa! You got a lot of nerve taking refuge here, of all places! - Garnet? - But I don't know where you get off attacking defenseless humans in your deadbeat escape pod.

Garnet! It's me, Steven! Can you hear me? Garnet! And if you think you're safe here, well, I got news for you.

You lost! - Now - Garnet! Garnet! Garnet! stay off my planet! Stop! Steven's in there.

- Oh, Steven! - Steven, what were you doing?! You found Peridot's escape pod, and you didn't come get us immediately? - Dude, we almost wrecked you.

- Steven, this is unacceptable.

I'm very disappointed in you.

You're right.

- Hey! Cut him some slack.

- It's not his fault! - Just let him be a deejay! - Wha? We just wanted Steven to have some fun.

I don't know what's going on with aliens trying to abduct him and him being his own mom, but it sounds like he's got a lot on his mind.

I'm sure whatever you're having him do is important, but everyone needs a break once in a while.

He's just a kid.

Oh, maybe we have been a little hard on him.

He did just break us out of space jail.


You're ungrounded from TV.

I'm invincible!