03x09 - (S) All For One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x09 - (S) All For One

Post by bunniefuu »

The prestigious school that turned out many heroes, U.A.

High School.

Enrolled in their hero course, I continue to run toward my dream, standing up to any difficulties and saving people with a smile in order to become the greatest hero! You spoke about the students' safety, Eraser Head.

During the incident, it appears you urged them to fight.

What was your intention behind this? "Pro Hero - Eraser Head - Quirk: Erasure" "Pro Hero - Vlad King - Quirk: Blood Control" I concluded that because we were unable to fully grasp the situation, it had to be done in order to avoid the worst possible outcome.

What do you mean by "worst possible outcome"? You don't call 26 victims and one abducted the worst possible outcome? The "worst outcome" I assumed in that situation was that the students would be at their wits' end and be k*lled.

"Pro Hero - Nezu - Quirk: High Specs" "U.


High School Principal: Nezu" The gas attack accounts for most of the victims.

We have determined that it was a sleeping gas from one of the enemies' Quirks.

Thanks to the quick response of Ms.

Kendo and Mr.

Tetsutetsu, there were no serious injuries from that attack.

In addition, we are providing mental care to the students, but at the moment, we do not see any signs of serious psychological trauma.

Are you saying that it was a bright spot in this tragedy? We believe that the worst outcome is one that would have infringed on the future.

Can you say the same thing for the kidnapped Bakugo? He enrolled at U.


High with excellent marks and won the sports festival.

In addition, during the incident with the sludge villain in middle school, he resisted the powerful villain alone, so he has a history of showing how tough and heroic he can be.

On the other hand, the v*olence he showed in the finals and his attitude at the award ceremony show that he is not always very stable mentally.

"angry angry angry angry" What if the villains kidnapped him because they had an eye on that? Kidnapping him with deceitful words, and dyeing him with the path of evil? What evidence do you have for saying that he has a future? I know it's his job, but he's being so aggressive! He's trying to stress us out and catch us saying something inappropriate.

Don't fall for it He's probably doing this knowing that you hate the media, Eraser! No, don't let him trick you! "Nezu" "Eraser Head" "Vlad King" As an educator, I take full responsibility for Katsuki Bakugo's violent behavior.

However, his actions at the sports festival originate in what he considers "ideal strength.

" He is trying harder than anyone in his pursuit of becoming the "top hero.

" If the villains saw that and thought they had an opening, then I believe they are being short-sighted.

That is not evidence, though.

This isn't a question of how you feel-- I'm asking whether or not you have a concrete plan in place.

We are not just standing around idly.

We are currently investigating along with the police.

"Broadcast: U.


High School Emergency Press Conference" We will definitely get our student back.

You said it, U.


and Mr.

Aizawa! That's how it is, you damn scum of a league! "Katsuki Bakugo - Quirk: expl*si*n" They went through all that trouble to mount a huge attack, and all they got was me.

They even told me what they wanted.

To them, I'm an important person that they can use.

Since they're trying to turn me to their side, they won't try to k*ll me seriously.

Before they change their minds, I'll take down two or three of them and escape! Just so you know, I'm still allowed to fight! "Villain - Magne" You know exactly what your position is, huh? What a smart boy! "Villain - Mr.

Compress" "Villain - Dabi" No, he's an idiot.

"Villain - Twice" "Villain - Himiko Toga" I'll stick you.

"Villain - Spinner" Even if he wasn't going to join us, he should have pretended we were winning him over He's done it now.

I won't do something I don't want to even if I'm only faking it.

"Villain - Tomura Shigaraki - Quirk: Decay" And I don't wanna be in an annoying place like this for very long.

Father Don't, Tomura Shigaraki! Calm down! Don't touch him, any of you.

This guy is a valuable piece.

"Villain - Kurogiri - Quirk: Warp Gate" I wish you would've listened to me a little I thought we could come to an understanding Heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin.

Come to an understanding? No way.

Then I have no choice.

The heroes said they're continuing their investigation of us We don't have time to talk leisurely.

Master-- Lend me your power.

"Villain - All For One - Quirk: All For One" That was a good decision, Tomura Shigaraki.

"All For One" "Camino Ward, Kanagawa Prefecture" "Yaoyorozu" This is the spot the receiver is showing.

"Yaoyorozu" "Kirishima" So that's their hideout It really looks like one! I don't know if it's their hideout or not, but from what I can see on the receiver, the villain has not left here for the past day.

"Midoriya" "Iida" "Todoroki" Also, just because that villain is here does not mean Bakugo is.

We are here with very little to go on.

Please think about that objectively.

We don't have anyone who excels at sneaking around, like Jiro or Hagakure, with us.

If I think it's even the least bit dangerous, I will stop you immediately.

Because I am your friend, I will not hesitate to call the police, either.

Thanks, Iida.

What can we do with what we have? I've gotta think.

"mutter mutter mutter" The prerequisite is that we not use our Quirks or fight with the villains.

--It's been a while since I saw that muttering.

--On top of that, we need to figure out if Kacchan is in that building or not.

--It really feels like Midoriya.

--Like Iida said, we don't have anyone with a good scouting Quirk like Jiro or Shoji, so That's right.

Once you decide to do something, you're unstoppable.

You can't stop.

It's what I respect about you as a friend a rival.

But I can't allow any more than this.

This time, I will protect you.

Why do I have to clean up after U.


? "Pro Hero - Endeavor - Quirk: Hellflame" I'm a busy man.

Come on, don't be like that.

"Pro Hero - Best Jeanist - Quirk: Fiber Master" You went to U.


, too, didn't you? "Police Officer - Naomasa Tsukauchi" Right now, we cannot call any heroes away from U.


Please look at the big picture, Endeavor.

It's possible that this incident will become the impetus for the destruction of hero society.

We must give it our all to make sure we resolve this successfully.

In the past, I invited Bakugo to my agency in order to reform his behavior.

There are very few men as stubborn as he is.

He is probably fighting back right now.

The situation requires that we act fast.

Not even you were able to change him? "Pro Hero - g*ng Orca" He was inflexible with pride down to the roots of his hair.

"Pro Hero - Tiger - Quirk: Pliabody" My comrade, Ragdoll, was also taken.

I cannot overlook this at a personal level, either.

Based on the tracking device set by one of the students, we believe that there are multiple hideouts.

From our investigations, we know where the kidnapped victim is located.

We'll send the bulk of our forces there and prioritize getting the victim back.

At the same time, we will gain control of the other location we believe is their hideout, cutting off all paths of retreat to arrest all of them at once.

Toshinori, if they're recruiting the likes of me, then-- There's nothing to "the likes of you" about you, Gran Torino.

With such big developments, that guy will definitely move.

"Pro Hero - All Might - Quirk: One For All" "Pro Hero - Gran Torino - Quirk: Jet" All For One Today, it'll be a race against time! Don't let the villains get away with anything! At the press conference earlier, we had just the principal work with us to deceive the villains.

I had him feign distress, as if going through a very rough time.

After hearing those words, the villains won't think that we will rush in on the very same day! Let us retaliate! Come, it's time for our counterattack! Let's overturn this flow of events, heroes! "Affiliation: Pro Hero" "Birthday: 10/5" "Height: 190 cm" "Blood Type: AB" "Likes: Wolves" "Best Jeanist" "Quirk: Fiber Master" "He can freely manipulate textiles.

" "Affiliation: Pro Hero" "Birthday: 2/22" "Height: 170 cm" "Blood Type: A" "Likes: Rice Balls" "Edgeshot" "Quirk: Foldabody" "He can stretch his body paper-thin.

" "A Few Minutes Earlier" There's no reaction even though we've gotten this close.

The lights aren't on, either.

It doesn't look like anyone's in there.

To hide a tree, use the forest I guess they're hiding as an abandoned warehouse.

The weeds under the front door are pretty thick.

Is there another way in and out? Has it been camouflaged using someone's Quirk? We can't do anything reckless, like enter carelessly.

--We have to see what's inside somehow-- --Hey, what're ya doin', hostess? Come drink wit' us! Stop that, idiot! --Th-There's a lady with a huge rack! --Hey, you! Hey, you! Let's get away from here for now.

There aren't many people walking by, but there are some.

We can't do anything to stand out.

What should we do? Let's try going around to the back.

No matter how little information we have on this place, it's all we've got.

This is very narrow I feel like I will get stuck We can't move until we know for sure it's safe.

No one will see us here, and at that height, we should be able to see inside, too! Will we be able to see anything in this darkness? I can make a night vision scope-- Wait, Yaoyorozu! Actually, I brought one with me Wow, why? When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we'd need it.

But isn't that super expensive? I did research on them online when I was thinking about my costume, but if I remember correctly, they cost around fifty thousand yen Who cares how much they cost? Stop talking about it! Okay, then Midoriya and Kirishima, you two look through it.

Iida and I will carry you on our shoulders.

It's really cramped Don't lean forward too much.

I want to make sure we can run the second we think it's dangerous.

Iida, can you move back a little? Oof.

Tell us what you see.

Kirishima, what's inside? It's just dirty I don't really see anything --Kirishima?! --Hey! What's wrong? What can you see, Kirishima?! In the back on the left! Midoriya, look in the back on the left! No way Are those all Nomu?! Master, lend me your power.

Master? You're not the boss around here? That's not funny! Kurogiri, Compress, make him go to sleep again.

I can't believe he's such a bad listener.

I'm almost impressed.

If you want me to listen to you, then get on your knees and die! I want to blow them up with my max firepower, but that warp bastard's in the way.

Think I need to make an opening somehow and get to the back door Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store.

Smash! What the--?! Kurogiri! Gate! Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison! A tree? What the heck? Don't be impatient.

It'd be in your best interests to stay put.

"Pro Hero - Kamui Woods - Quirk: Arbor" Just what I'd expect from one of the most competent new heroes around, Kamui Woods! And the veteran faster than the eye can see, Gran Torino! You can't run anymore, League of Villains! Why? Because we are here! Right after that press conference Don't tell me this was pre-arranged? --Tree man! Stop pulling me! Push! --No! No! When one is on the offensive is when one neglects defense most.

"Pro Hero - Edgeshot - Quirk: Foldabody" We're not the only ones here from the Pizza-La Camino store.

Outside, you're surrounded by skillful heroes, like Endeavor, and the police.

Tsukauchi! Why does that American get to rush in while I'm out here holding the perimeter? In case we miss catching them in there, you've got a wider field of vision.

Fine! I'm sure you were scared You did good bearing it.

I'm sorry.

It's fine now, young man! I-I wasn't scared! Not even close, damn it! After I went through all that trouble to prepare this Why are you coming to me, you last boss? Everyone's been restrained.

We can't escape from this easily.

Damn it.

It can't be helped.

"We're not the only ones here.

" The same goes for us.

Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over! Nomus, I presume? Hey! That's! "Pro Hero - Mt.

Lady - Quirk: Gigantification" What's the matter, Kurogiri? I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki.

The Nomus that were supposed to be in a fixed location are not there! Huh? You are still green, Shigaraki! Huh? League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much-- The soul of a young man-- The diligent investigations of the police-- And-- Our anger! The Nomu hangar is completely under our control.

That's enough with the childish pranks.

This is the end.

Tomura Shigaraki! All Might This is the hero acknowledged by Stain! The end, you say? Don't be ridiculous.

I've only just begun.

Justice peace I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas! It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart and started gathering people to my cause Don't be ridiculous.

This is the beginning Kurogiri! No, stop! I couldn't see anything! What, did you k*ll him? I played around with his insides and made him unconscious.

He is not dead.

Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce! This man was always a nuisance.

I'll have him sleep.

Didn't I tell you earlier that it'd be in your best interests to stay put? Kenji Hikiishi, Atsuhiro Sako, Shuichi Iguchi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara.

With little information and time, the police officers worked through the night to determine your true identities.

Do you understand? There's nowhere left for you to run.

Hey Shigaraki, can I ask you where your boss is? No one came to save you, huh? It must've been hard, huh, Tenko Shimura? "Heroes" "Eventually, the heroes will" Everyone thought that and pretended not to see you, huh? Just who made this world into what it is? You didn't do anything wrong.

It's fine.

I'm here for you.

This This is unsatisfying Don't be ridiculous Don't be ridiculous Where is he right now? Go away Disappear Shigaraki! I hate you! Nomus?! They came from nowhere! What is that?! Edgeshot, what about Kurogiri?! He's still unconscious! He didn't do it! They just keep coming! Kamui Woods! Do not let them go under any circumstance! Yes, sir! What the--?! Young Bakugo! Noooo! Endeavor, we need backup! What?! Tsukauchi, expand the evacuation area! There should be two hideouts That's what our investigation results said Jeanist, didn't you take control over there? Jeanist?! Toshinori, these guys They shouldn't have been able to warp They're dealing with this too quickly! Don't tell me they're going to use this?! Master "2 Minutes Earlier" --Ouch --Wh-What happened? Mt.

Lady and g*ng Orca and even the number four hero, Best Jeanist? Mr.

Tiger is there, too! Ugh, are these really alive? Is it really okay for our job to be this easy, Jeanist? Maybe we should've gone with All Might.

Don't think about difficulty and importance together, newcomer.

Riot squad, get the Maidens ready.

They might still be here.

Please continue to give it your all.

Yes, sir! Ragdoll! Answer me! Is that your teammate? Looks like she's breathing.

I'm glad.

But her condition "Pro Hero - Ragdoll - Quirk: Search" What did they do to you, Ragdoll?! The heroes were already moving way before we were! Wow! Now, let us fall back immediately.

There's nothing left for us to do now.

Since she said "with All Might," does that mean Kacchan is there, too? If All Might is there, then there's even more reason to rest easy.

Now, hurry! Right.

Sorry, Tiger.

She's always had a good Quirk.

It was the perfect opportunity, so I took it.

Are you with the League? A light, someone After my body turned into this, I also depleted a lot of what I'd stocked up Stop! Don't move! Wait, Best Jeanist, what if he was an ordinary citizen?! Think about the situation.

That instant of hesitation could decide the fight.

Don't let the villains do anything! Tomura finally started thinking and making decisions for himself I wish you wouldn't have gotten in his way.

There was no time to even look back-- It was the work of an instant.

What happened didn't even take a second.

Even so, that man's spirit gave us hallucinations of death.

You may one day have to fight against this great evil "Tomura" He was talking about Shigaraki! What is this? It's not true, is it, All Might? Don't tell me Then, that's That's All For One! Now then, shall we do it? "Preview" Here's the preview! The symbol of evil, All For One! We couldn't even move in the face of his overwhelming presence! Even though Kacchan is so close! Next time, "Symbol of Peace"! "Next time: Symbol of Peace" Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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