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04x04 - There's No Place Like Home/Color Me Gummi

Posted: 06/22/22 11:05
by bunniefuu

SUNNI: Thanks again for showing me your
new dressing table, Calla. It's beautiful.

Father says I should redecorate my room
so that it looks like a princess lives here.

Gee, Calla, you're so lucky.
I wish I could live like this.


Disgusting rats.
They always show up when it rains.

I must tell father at once.

There, that should do it.

Hi, Gruffi.


Sunni, are you all right?


This would never happen in Dunwyn.


See what I mean?
This old place has had it.

Why don't we find
somewhere else to live?

Listen, sweetie, for over 500 years
this has been the Gummi's home.

And it always will be.

Not if I have something to say about it.

-End of discussion.

Blasted chimney.

SUNNI: What's wrong with this place now,

The flue is broken again.

I should have known.

P-yew, what stinks?

TUMMI: Skunkweed stew.
CUBBI: Skunkweed stew.

Eck! That stuff is powerful.

Drat, my dinner will be ruined
if I don't get this flue fixed.

I think it's your cooking
that needs to be fixed.


- What was that?
- Sounded like a--


Run for your lives!



You really did it this time, Grammi.

Me? If you'd fix that chimney,
this never would have happened.

ZUMMI: Now, now, now. Look, the real
question is, what'll we do about that smell?

Don't worry about it, this is the perfect
chance to find a new place to live.

It'll be an adventure.

Adventure? What are we waiting for?

Nothing doing.

We're staying right here
until that smell goes away.

But, Gruffi...

You know, staying someplace else
could be fun, at least for one night.

He's right, Gruffi. What's the harm?

Okay, okay. Just make sure
they stay out of trouble, Tummi.

Oh, I will.

There's nothing to worry about, Gruffi,
I'll find the perfect place.

Ah. This is the life.

Yeah, Tummi. Now, isn't this better
than smelly old Gummi Glen?

We've got plenty of running water
and food at our fingertips.



Oh, no, jaber flies!



Got any other ideas?

SUNNI: Sure, I know a place
where nothing will bother us.

I don't know, Sunni.

No, it'll be perfect.

It just needs a little bit of redecorating.

With a few cheery curtains here

and a couple of colourful wall hangings
there, we could--


Maybe we'd better go home.

Wait, wait, wait.
I've got an even better idea.

But, Gruffi said--

CUBBI: Come on, Tummi, what could be
worse than jaber flies and dragons?

- Shoo! Shoo!

Calla, this is not a job for a princess.

But it is a job for the royal exterminator,
wherever he is.


Hello, me beauties,
I know you're round here somewhere.

It's about time, Willard.
This place is crawling with rodents.

Don't fret, Your Highness,
I can smell a rat at 50 paces.

Good, then get rid of these pests,

Yes, sire. Come here, me little lovelies.

Is this a great place or what?

I gotta hand it to you, Sunni,
you finally did it.


Yeah, this is terrific.

Nice view, plenty of peace and quiet.


I changed my mind, this stinks.



I'd rather go back to Gummi Glen,
even with the smell.

Wait, I know the perfect place to live.

You'll be safe here until morning.

This is great, Calla.
I feel just like a princess.

Sleep tight.




Someone's coming.


What's this then, eh?

Hello, love, any of your little friends
want to join you?




Don't be shy, me lovelies.
Willard here will take good care of you.


Oh, no. Hide.

There's nothing like a midnight snack.

Did he say "snack"?

Tummi, no.

What? Willard.

Yes, sire?

There's a rat in the royal bed.

Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, sire.

GREGOR: I mean, under the bed, you fool.
- Right.

Look, my robe.

Aye, they're clever little beggars, sire,
but not nearly clever enough.

Come back, me lovelies.


Who is that guy?

I don't know, but I think we lost him.


- What now?
SUNNI: A rat.

Boy, staying here
was the dumbest idea you ever had.

- It was not.
- Was too.

- Was not.
- Was too.

Was not.


Maybe we should put this on hold.


Me nose never lies.


Ah, rats.


I'm getting closer.
I can almost smell them.


Ugh! My, you're a big one, you are.

- Must be the biggest in all of Dunwyn.
- Oh, no.

He's got Sunni.

How would you wigglies
like a nice dunk in the river?


Oh, no. Hurry, Tummi.



Whoa, beauty. Whoa, there!



Hey, watch where you're driving!

Whoa, there!


Hang on, Cubbi, I got you.

Whoa. Things can't get much worse.

Guess again.

Blimey! Ah!

It's up to us.

Easy there, whoa, whoa!



Oh, no. Wait, stop.

Come back, me lovelies. Come to Papa.

Nice to see a man
so happy with his work.

Got any more bright ideas
about where to live?

Yeah, the best one of all.

ZUMMI: Thank goodness
that terrible smell finally went away.

Just look at this place. What a mess.

Yeah, it sure took a beating.

But it's the best home
in the whole wide world.

It's about time you realised that, Sunni.

Oh, I do. It's perfect.

But, you know,
it could use a little redecorating.

You know, I saw the most beautiful fabric
at the castle,

and with just a bit of paint,
we could really make this place look good.

Hurry, Gruffi, hurry. Oh, this is terrible.



Oh, Gruffi, I just washed this floor.

GRUFFI: If we don't fix this soon,
that floor is gonna wash away.

Whoa. Can't you just see the headlines:

"Augustus Gummi paints
another incredible masterpiece." Ta-da!

ZUMMI: Not now, Gusto,
can't you see what we're doing?

Making an indoor waterfall?
Hey, nice touch, pal.

Now, about my painting,
what do you think?

Gusto, can't you make yourself useful?

"Useful, useful--" That's it.

Gusto, you amaze me. Thank you.

I'll totally remodel this place.
Yeah, just redo it from the word go.

Ditch these tacky half timbers,
for a start.

Now, I see something simple.
Plain white walls with a splash of colour.

We're facing disaster
and he's talking about decorating.

I thought we'd never fix that leak.

Oh, what a day.


What's that?

Gusto. You almost scared
the daylights out of me.

Sorry, Grams, but you gotta strike
while the inspiration's hot.

And mine's burning up.

What are you doing?

Those paintings have been hanging there
for hundreds of years.

You know, that's just what I was thinking,

It's time and past time
for a new vision around here.

Yeah? Well, I've had enough
of this redecorating nonsense.

But-- But--

I don't get it. Have I lost my touch?

What if I never had any touch
in the first place?

What if I'm nothing
but a self-deluded, no-talent fraud?

It's true. Why didn't I see it before?

These are childish, amateur. Obvious.

There's onIy one thing left to do.

But, Gusto, we didn't mean
you had to take down all your paintings.

You can hang up at least one.

Sorry, Grammi, but the onIy thing
I'm hanging up is my brush.

Hi, Gusto, have you seen Cubbi?

What should I do with my life, Cav, huh?

Plumbing? Shoe repair?

Wow, what a great painting.

You like it? It's yours.

But, Gusto, I couldn't.

No, no, no, take it, Cav, you can use it
for a dartboard or something.

ROTOCELLI: Ah, Your Majesty--
May I call you "Majesty," huh?

Oh, wait until you see how I,
the great Rotocelli,

have immortalised you on canvas.

I guarantee your jaw, she will drop.


Good Lord, sire.

Oh, we've tested dozens of painters
but they've all been simply dreadful.

Don't give up, Father,
we'll find a real artist somewhere.

Oh, Cavin.

- Uh-- Yes, princess?
- What's that?

Uh-- Just my laundry.

Don't be silly, boy, show us what it is.

GREGOR: Why, it's a portrait of you,
Calla. How beautiful.

And don't you love
that whimsical Gummi Bear in it?

Oh! Uh--


Where did you get this, Cavin?

Well, uh-- I, uh--

GUSTO: You said what?
- I told them I painted it.

And now the king wants me
to do his official royal portrait.

Oh, how could you do that, Cav?

Look, I couldn't exactly tell him
that a Gummi Bear painted it, could I?

You've gotta help.

Well, I guess
I could give you some pointers.

this could be an interesting opportunity.

The chance to paint a monarch
in the full panoply of his terrible majesty!

And all that wasted
on a fraud without a scrap of talent.

You sure this pose
doesn't look too pompous, Cavin?

Oh, no, Your Majesty,
you look very heroic.

- Watch it.
- Oh, sorry.

Oh, no.


Is everything all right, Cavin?

Oh, yes, Your Majesty.
You know how we artists are.

How can that stableboy do it, huh?

It takes years
to learn such a skilful painting.

He couldn't have possibly...

Unless someone else
is doing the painting.

This looks great, Gusto.

You know, Caverino,
you might have a point there.

I mean,
this painting is beginning to speak to me.

And it's saying, "Bravo, bravo, bravo."

I knew it.
Someone is helping Señor Cavin.


What? You're talking to a statue?

How dare you?

You've broken my concentration.

In the name of the king,
I order you to leave.

I promise you,
I find out what's going on around here,

or I am not the great Rotocelli.

And you're not.

Cavin, I hear you're doing
quite an impressive job.

Thank you, Sir Tuxford.

Maybe after you finish the king's portrait,
you could paint, ahem, mine?

Why, I'd be honoured, sir.

Very good. Very good indeed.

"Why, I'd be honoured, sir."

Give me a break, partner.

What's wrong, Gusto?

Ho, ho, ho. Nothing that would bother
a born artiste like yourself.

But I'm doing all the work
and you're getting all the credit!

Well, why shouldn't I?
After all, if it wasn't for me,

no one in Dunwyn
would have ever seen your portrait.

Yeah, but they'll never know it's mine,

That's not what's important.

Then you finish the painting!

Fine with me.




Aren't you done yet, Cavin?

AImost, Your Majesty.

An artist's work isn't done in a day,
you know.


Is something wrong?

Oh, no, sire,
everything is coming together beautifully.

Gusto. He's the onIy one
who can fix this painting now.

Come on, Gusto, old boy,
40 winks are just around the corner.

Dreamland is calling you, pal.

Oh, what's the use? I can't sleep.

I've never quit a painting before
and I can't start now.


What a mess.

The king must see what a fool
this boy has been making of him.


What in the name of fur--?

Gusto, you came back.

Yeah, and it's a good thing I did.

I'm sorry,
I was acting like such a boob this morning.

Oh, Cav, Cav, Cav,
that's all water over the falls.

Now, give me some room.

Gusto, the artiste extraordinaire,
is about to turn this into a masterpiece.

I knew it!


You didn't paint this, that Gummi Bear did.
I must tell the king.

Stop, thief!

Gusto, no, someone will see you.

ROTOCELLI: Drat, I won't be cheated
by a mythological bear.

Give me that painting.


So long!

Come on.

Your Majesty, wake up.
You've been hoodwinked.

GUSTO: We're too late.
- No, we're not.


What's going on out here?

Your Majesty,
Rotocelli stole my painting and ruined it.

Your painting? Ha!

This boy's a fraud.
He didn't paint a thing.

A Gummi Bear did.

A Gummi Bear?

That's right. I have the proof--

I had the proof. I mean, uh--

The onIy thing I see
is that you are a thief and a vandal.

- A what?
- Guards!

Señor Rotocelli,
I hereby banish you from Dunwyn.

But I'm telling the truth.

He's right, Your Majesty. I am a phoney.

You, Cavin?

That portrait of Calla was really done

by someone who wishes
to remain anonymous.

But why did you keep the truth from me?

I didn't wanna disappoint you, My Lord.

I understand.

Whoever did this portrait
is a truly great artist.

Yes, he's the greatest.

"Truly great," they said.

Hey, who am I to argue? Ha, ha.

After all, Gusto, you are a genius!