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04x02 - Music Hath Charms/Dress for Success

Posted: 06/22/22 11:03
by bunniefuu
SUNNI: Don't touch that banana.
- What?

SUNNI: I'll save you, your majesty.
- Oh, no, you don't.

Hi, this Sunni Gummi

and this show funny, Gummi.

You'll pay for this, bear.



Oh, this old vat's a disgrace.

Just look at all this baked on ju--

Ugh. One more scrub brush
bites the dust.

Yeah! Cubis Glorious takes the lead.

Could somebody hand me
that brush over there?


Oh. Land o' Goshen!

Well, I'm not giving up yet.

This ought to do the trick.

Bull's eye!

Who says you can't teach an old bear
new tricks.


They're into the final stretch.

Hurry, Tummi, hurry. Faster.

I'm going as fast as I-- Aah!

- Oof!
- Cubbi, jump!

Runaway chariot.

What was that? Where's Grammi?


What's wrong with her?

What was that? What happened?

Why doesn't somebody
say something?

- Grammi.
- Huh, what did you say?

Oh, no, she can't hear.

Hurry, you dilly-dallying dimwit.
Bring that crate in here now.

Box too heavy for poor
underfed Toadie, your dukitude.

Then put it down.

Oh. Oh, me hurt self real bad.

I ordered this months ago and now,
at last, it's mine, mine, mine.

Oh, hurray, your greediness.

But, what is it?

This is a magic bagpipe.

It says, "Play this bagpipe once a day
and watch what will unfold.

For all who hear it's pleasant tune,
will do what they are told."

- What are you trying to do to me?
- Nothing.

If I hear that music, I'll become
more of a mindless idiot than you.

But why do you need bagpipe?

Ogres are already Dukie's faithful fans.

The bagpipe's spell onIy works
on intelligent creatures.

That leaves you out.

But it will enable me to conquer
the denizens of Dunwyn.

It's show time.


And with this bill the fine citizens
of Dunwyn will no longer have to--

What in the world is that horrible-- Ugh.


Dimwits of Dunwyn,
this is your master calling.

Come to Papa.

It works, the music works.

Not onIy that, but it's got a good beat
and it easy to dance to.

Step lively, my mindless minions,

we're off to your new home
in Drekmore.


I said you can't hear a thing.

Oh, quit flapping your yap, Gruffi.

Don't you know I can't hear?

Why didn't she lose her voice instead?

Don't worry, Grammi.

Your hearing will come back
in a few minutes.



Now what?
An elephant stampede?

Huh? I don't believe it.

Uhn! Let me see, let me see.


A little travelling music, please.

He's got everyone from Dunwym
with him. And they look kind of--


Cubbi. Gruffi. What is it?

All right, you stragglers, get to the back
of the line and be quick about it.

We serve Igthorn.

We serve Igthorn. We serve Igthorn.

Come back.

What's going on?

Hey, why, I can hear again.


Well, this is better than I expected.
I've got Gummi Bears.

Peel me a persimmon, princess.

We serve Igthorn.

Uh-oh. Missed a spot.

Yes, master.


What is it, Toadwart?

Eh-- Gummies can't make juice,
your dukiness.

Really? And why not, pray tell?

TOADIE: OId lady Gummi,
onIy one who know recipe.

She not in kitchen with others.

Listen, you simpering slime brain,

everyone who heard that music
fell under my control.

But, but, but...

You simply lost her in that mob
of zombies in the courtyard.

So find her before I tie your pointy ears
around your neck.

I've got to get the others out of here.
It's up to me.

I just hope I don't run in to any ogres.

Look-y, a lady Gummi.


It's not polite to point.

Grab Gummi.

Oh, no.

Grab Gummi, grab Gummi.

Hey, I'm on your side.

Oh, thank goodness I found you.

Hey, wait, do you know
what you're doing?

We serve Igthorn.

We serve Igthorn.

We serve Igthorn.

Grab Gummi lady.

Grab Gummi lady.

Tummi, not you too?

Zummi, Gruffi, how could you.

We serve Igthorn.

Sorry I asked.

How come Gummi lady run?

Duh-- Maybe she not under magic spell.

Sure she's under spell.

Everyone under spell.

We serve Igthorn.

See? What I tell you?

Let old lady Gummi go.

Now you be good and fix Dukie's
Gummiberry Juice. Okay?


I'll fix his juice all right.

See, Dukie, just like Toadie promised.

Find old lady. She make juice.

This is the life.
Hundreds of hard working numbskulls.

My very own Gummi Bears.

And we just play bagpipes once a day
to keep them under spell.

Yes, perfect, isn't it?

Which reminds me,

gather my subjects in the main hall.

It's nearly time for their daily dose
of magic music.

Yes, your nastiness.

But, first, I'll savour a taste of
freshly made Gummiberry Juice.

Now, that's what I call--



Pretty colours.

What's the matter, Igthorn?

Did I use too much pepperoot?

You messed up the recipe.
You're not under my spell.

Right on both counts. Ha-ha-ha.

Laugh while you can,
Miss Smarty-Pants.

Zook here will play you a jig
you'll never forget.

Yeah, never.


Do your worst.

Zook, let her wail.


Our guest seems to have something
stuck in her ears, Gad.

Please help her remove them.

Huh? Oh, sure.

Ha-ha. You can't keep it up forever, bear.


Don't stop, you dolt, keep playing.



No, don't play, don't--

Sorry, you say something?

Oh, Dukie.

Yes, Gummi ma'am?

I've got a little favour to ask.

Uh-oh. Time up. Spell run out
and still no Dukie with bagpipes.

What? What happened?

Where are we?

Father, we're in Drekmore.


Now remember, just like we rehearsed.

Just like we rehearsed.

Hear me, Ogres,
let the people of Dunwyn go.

Huh? Let them go?

That what Dukie say.

I'll take that, Igthorn.

People of Dunwyn,
you may return home.


No, stop.

Halt in the name of Dukie.

You all okay?

Yeah, but I'll feel a lot better once
we destroy these blasted bagpipes.


CUBBI: So long.

GRUFFI: See you.
SUNNI: Toodle-oo.



Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Oh, no, what do I do?

Poor Dukie's now mindless.

He'd probably do anything
he's told and...



Okay, Dukie, it's funderslicking time.


- Hmm. Not a bad likeness.
- Shh.

Huh? Mommy! I saw a Gummi Bear.

I'm sure you're not the onIy
Gummi Bear in this forest, Hilary.

Now, hurry,
we mustn't be late for Folly Day.

- Yeah! Folly Day.
- Yeah! Folly Day.

No, uh-uh, it's too dangerous.

But, you've got to let us go.

There's gonna be music and costumes.

- And jousting.
- And food.

Come on, don't be such a stick
in the mud, Grufferooni.

Dunwyn will be packed with folks
in costume

and there'll be lots of kids
dressed like Gummi Bears.

We'll fit right in.

That's right, Gruffi.
They think we're a fairy tale.

Besides, it will give us a chance
to learn more about human society.

There'll be displays of the latest tools
and medicine, artwork.

And food. When do we leave?

Well, as long as we're going there
to learn and not to play, okay.


Now, Sunni, I hope you're gonna use
your visit to Folly Day wisely.

Absolutely. I'm gonna win
the best costume contest.


This is gonna be some holiday.

Folly Day. Hah.

A castle full of people in disguise.


It's the perfect chance to get close to
King Gregor and destroy him.

What kind of a w*apon
can I sneak past the guard?

Would you stop clicking
those stupid magnets?

Not magnets, your braininess.
They are descimites.

I don't care if they're the crown jewels.

Just stop making that infernal noise.

Here. Ah!

No, Dukie, no.

Excuse faithful Toadie, got to run.

What did you say that stuff was?

Descimite. It's from hobby
loving Toadie's rock collection.

Hold them apart a little,
they snap together.

Hold them apart a lot, they go boom.

It's the perfect w*apon.

Toadie, get me more descimite.


MAN: Come one, come all for
the finest pots and pans in Dunwyn.

Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

Pay attention, Tummi.

Remember, we gotta leave Dunwyn
before 5:00.

That's when they have the
traditional Folly Day unmasking.

Yeah, that could be trouble, Gruffamundo,
since we aren't wearing masks.

Exactly. Walking around in the open
like this could be very dangerous.

Now, remember, we're all here
to do something useful.

Well, everyone except Sunni, that is.

That's not true, Gruffi.

I'm gonna win first place
for the best costume.

Costumes. Contests. Prizes.
All useless.

Oh, yeah? I'll show you.

Just make sure you're back here
by 5 or else.

You know, actually,
I kind of like that look.

You would.

Okay, nobody's looking.

Itchy monkey suit
makes Toadie feel foolish.

Quit griping, you simple minded simian.

These costumes are a stroke of genius.

You have a plan, your braininess?

Of course, I do.

You give that banana to the king.

Then when I play
the last note of this song

the top will spring open
sending the red descimite

after the green descimite
cleverly hidden inside the banana

resulting in one big bang.

Big bang, got it.


And presenting Sheera
wearing her own design entitled, ahem,

"Fit for a princess."

Ooh. Oh.

Wait 'til they get a load of me.

WOMAN: Our next contestant in the
children's category is Sunni.

She's also wearing an original design
which is


absolutely ridiculous.


What's so funny.

Yeah, well, someday
everybody's gonna dress like this.


Look, Mommy, a monkey.

Filthy, disgusting creatures.

Take that, and that and that.

Industrious Toadie got to find
another line of work.

Stop laying around.
We're here on business.

Yes, your painfulness.

Look-y, Dukie, I see Gummi Bear.

A Gummi Bear.

Quickly, follow me.

Gruffi was right,
this dumb costume is useless.

IGTHORN: Psst-psst. Hey, little girl.
Want a piece of candy?

No way. Kids are never supposed
to take candy from strangers.

But we're not strangers, are we?

Duke Igthorn.


How charming and you've even brought
me a little gift. Gummiberry Juice.

Help! Hel--

Quiet or I'll squash you like a bug.

Oh, goodie, someone else
gets squashed for a change.

Hear ye, hear ye.

I lead to the village square

where the king shall announce the
winners of the Folly Day competitions.

That's what we've been waiting for.

Ow! You little brat.

This urn should keep you out of trouble.
But don't worry,

we'll be back for you
once we've sprung our little surprise.


It won't budge.

Good, the banana is ready.

Let's go, monkey brains.

And, remember,
on the last note of this tune,

the descimite will fly and kapow,

no more Gregor.

Look, Gruffi, I found a new way
to churn butter.

And I found dessert.

You see, Gruff,
Folly Day wasn't such a bad idea after all.


Five o'clock already.

And where's Sunni?

Oh, great, she's probably gone off
to the closing ceremony.

Oh, we got to find her fast.

I knew there was gonna be trouble.

Help, let me out. Hello.

What will I do?

Igthorn's gonna get the king
and I'm stuck in here

wearing this useless costume.

Wait a minute.


Yeah! Whoo.
Now, if I can just get this over...


Whoa, whoa. Woof!

I'm gonna warn the king.

Anybody see Sunni?

No sign of her anywhere.

Now I have the pleasure of announcing
the winners of the Folly Day contests.


SUNNI: Ooh. If onIy Igthorn hadn't taken
my Gummiberry Juice.

Now, Toadwart,
give the king his just desserts.


Ahem. First the award
for the pie making contest. In third place--


Well, what have we here?

There's something fishy
about that monkey.


For me? Why thank you.

SUNNI: Don't touch that banana.
- What?

I'll save you, your majesty.

Now, see here young lady.

Oh, no, you don't. Give me that.

Come back with flammable fruit.

A talking chimpanzee.

Who me?


Don't. I'll get that banana
and plant it on Gregor myself.

When I give you the cue,
you play the final note.

Gotcha. Eh-- What is the cue?

You imbecile.

You imbecile, got it.

We better get down there.

Excuse me, pardon me, sorry.

Stop that thief.


You'll pay for this, bear.


Well, I never....


Stop, release me at once.

How dare you?
Don't you know royalty when you see it?

You imbecile.

That's my cue.


- Oh, Iggy.
- What? Uh-oh.

Toadie, no.



Dukie, wait for faithful Toadie.

Oh-ho-ho-ho. An amazing performance.

I especially liked the fireworks display.

But, now, what say we get
to the highlight of the day.

The unmasking.

And, that's our cue to vamoose.

GRAMMI: We're sorry we made fun
of you, Sunni, darling.

Thanks to your costume
you saved King Gregor's life.

I got to admit,
that was quick thinking, kid.

Thanks, Gruffi.

Yeah, I can see it now,

designs by Sunni: high fashions
for the home and the b*ttlefield.