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04x01 - The Magnificent Seven Gummies

Posted: 06/22/22 11:02
by bunniefuu


Something's wrong with that man.

Back now. Give that lad some air.

You okay there?

What in the...?


Must find Gummi Bears.

Are you sure
you know what you're doing, Gruffi?

Yes, I know what I'm doing.
Quit pestering me.

Now, this is no time to squabble.

If those air vents aren't working soon,
it's gonna get mighty hot in here.

All it needs is a little adjustment
with my screwdriver.



So did you fix those air vents?

It's not the vents.

It must be the wind turbines
on Mariah Mountain.

Welcome to Dunwyn, sir,

It is an honour, great lord.
I am Yen Moon.

We have never had a visitor
from the Great East before.

What is the reason for your journey?

I have travelled many moons
on a most important quest

for my people of Shang Woo.

It is urgent I present this statue
to Gummi Bears.


I'm sorry to say that no one here has
seen a Gummi Bear

in over 500 years.

But please accept my hospitality.

Ah. You are most gracious.

How did you pass through Drekmore

and manage to keep
the statue safe from the ogres?

I have ways.

What should we do, Cavin?

I better tell
the Gummies about this right away.

CUBBI: Wow, I've always wanted to see
Mariah Mountain.

SUNNI: Not me. I'm never gonna get
the tangles out of my hair.

If we don't get that fan working soon,
we'll have a worse problem.

- No air in Gummi Glen.
- That's too bad.

I've gotten sort of used to breathing.

When the ancient Gummies built this...

...they certainIy knew
what they were doing.

Too bad, Gruffi doesn't.

I can't help it if the ancient Gummies
didn't bother to leave a repair manual.

Look what I found.

I found one too. What is it?

After all these years, the master gear
must have fallen apart.

Well, if anyone
can put these pieces together,

you can, Gruffi.

No, I can't. OnIy the ancient Gummies
know how to put this contraption together.

Without their know-how, we're doomed.

You mean we'll have to leave
Gummi Glen?

I'm afraid so.

But it's our home. Where will we go?

I don't know, Sunni. I just don't know.

I'm getting hungry, Toadwart.

Obedient ogres be here any second

with sumptuous feast,
oh, gluttonous one.


What is this slop?

Sorry. Slow day.

Well, then, you eat it.

Uh... Dukie want cookie?

Where did you get this?

Nice man with magic Gummi statue
gave it to us.

You morons! You let someone
with a magic Gummi statue get away?


That statue
is probably loaded with powers

that could help me rule the world.

Where is this stranger?

To Dunwyn he go to find Gummi Bears.

So he's looking for a Gummi Bear?

I'll give him a Gummi Bear.

Say, have you guys noticed
it's getting a little warm in here?

We know, Gusto. We know.

Oh, dear, I can't find anything
about gears in the great book.

Well, could you keep
turning the pages anyway?

It's no use.
I'll start carrying this stuff out.

Gruffi, Grammi, Zummi. Oh!

Hey, what's the big idea, Cavin?

There's a strange man in Dunwyn
and he's got a statue of a Gummi Bear.

Tell him we've already got one.

But he's come a long way
to find you guys.

What did the statue look like, Cavin?

Well, sort of like that.

Oh, my. It says that statue represents
an ancient "fract of piendship."

Pact of friendship.

And we Gummies are sworn to help
whoever presents it.

We don't have time to help anyone.

We got problems of our own.

The least we can do is tell this fellow
why we can't help him.

Oh, all right.
Then maybe we can finish packing.


What? Ah. Are you a Gummi Bear?

No. Uh-- Yes, yes.
I'm, uh, Toadie Gummi.

You don't look like a Gummi Bear.

Bad likeness. Heh-heh-heh.

Here. I'll show you.
I bounce like Gummi.

See? I'm a Gummi Bear.

I'm a Gummi Bear. I'm a Gummi B--
Ooh! Aah! Oh!

- Are you all right?
- I'm okay.

Luckily sturdy alligator broke my fall.



That's where the stranger is staying.

Now, I better get back
before I'm missed.

Thanks for your help, darling.
You're a peach.

Meeting another human.
How'd I ever get talked into this anyway?

Oh, quit bellyaching, Gruffi.
We've got a job to do.


Ai-ya. The great Gummies.

Yeah, we're the Gummies, all right.

But what we came to tell you is,
well, we can't help you.

I have travelled so far.

I'm sorry, but we're all that's left.

We don't have an army any more.

MOON: This ancient proverb says,
"One Gummi Bear is worth 20 armies."

There are seven of us.
Gosh, that means we're worth, um...

Look, pal, you may have big problems,
but so do we.

Perhaps, I can be of help.

Not unless you know
something about fixing gears.

Such devices hold no mystery for me.

- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, come on, Gruffi, it's worth a try.


This is most exciting.

Ancient Gummies
built very clever machines.

Here's the part
that I've been trying to put together.

But I think it's just plain impossible.

Inscrutable, yes. Impossible, no.

How did you do that?

In my culture,
we have many such puzzle boxes.

I just put tab A into slot B.

Well, what exactly are you doing?

MOON: Making things last
for another 500 years.

Well, I'll be bounced.

Yipee. Gummi Glen is saved.

Thanks for helping us out, Mr. Moon.

And now it's high time
we get off our duffs

and help Moon out with his problem.

We've got a long way to go
before we reach the Great East.

Well, not if we use
the great Gummi statue.

It's magical powers
will take us there in a jiffy.

Terrific. So where's the statue?

The other Gummi Bear took it.

What other Gummi Bear?

The green, smelly one with pointy ears.


Where is that dawdling dunderhead?

Look, Dukie, we catch Gummi Bear.

Do we get reward?

That's no Gummi Bear, you spitballs.
It's Toadwart.

Put him down at once.

Okie dokie, Dukie.

Here is Gummi statue,
your greatfulness.

Oh, glorious day! At last I have you.

Now how in blazes
does this thing work?

Hocus pocus. Abracadabra.
Presto chango.


I know. There must be a genie inside.

Oh, genie. Little Gummi genie.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

I said come out now!


- Aah!
- Ooh!


Animals here make strange sounds.

That's not all
that's strange about this place.


See what I mean?

Statue's up there.

He-hey. I owe you one, Artie.

TOADIE: Excuse me, your mystical one,
but is this really going to work?

Open sesame.

Abba do. Bippity boppity bip bap boo.

Well, Tummi, what do you see?

They put their right foot in.
They put their right foot out.

The put their right foot in
and they shake it all about.

And they call me a bird brain.

And if you don't show me
how to use your magic,

I'll crush you into a million pieces,
you pathetic paperweight.


Do not worry, oh, persistent one.

Stubborn statue do better tomorrow.



There's no lime to "tose."

Time to lose.
Make a circle around the statue.

Now repeat after me.

Ingmar, bellow, gummiberry foo,
transport us to old Shang Woo.

ALL: Ingmar, bellow, gummiberry foo,
transport us to old Shang Woo.

Listen, Gummi Bears.
Put me down, you ninnies.

Transport us to old Shang Woo.

Ingmar, bellow, gummiberry foo,

- transport us to old Shang Woo.
- Aha.


Look at that.

Gee, Toadie get to have all the fun.




Wow, that was some ride.


I don't think
we're in Drekmore any more.

This is your city?

Yes. I am Prince Yen Moon.

Come. My people are anxious
to meet the Great Gummies.

Incredible. I've never seen
such a beautiful city.

Why, it would be an absolute shame
not to conquer it.

Can we, Dukie? Can we?

As soon as we find
a clever way to sneak inside.

MOON: Please accept these gifts
as a token of my friendship.

Sakes alive, I feel like a queen.

People of Shang Woo,

I vowed I would not return
without the Great Gummies.

Today I honour my ancestors
by keeping that promise.


ZUMMI: In all my years, I've never seen
anything as fantastic as this.

SUNNI: Yeah, look at the costumes.
GUSTO: Look at the dancers.

Look at the food. Uh...
Where's the spoon?

We use chopsticks, Tummi.
You see?


ZUMMI: Amazing.
- You can say that again, Zummi.

We'd never be treated like this
back home.

Yeah, this is all very impressive,
but you still haven't told us why we're here.

You will know soon enough.

The dreaded one comes at dawn.


How do you expect me
to come up with a brilliant plan

to get us into the city
if you keep making that infernal racket?

Inconspicuous Toadie not make noise,
your Dukishness.

- Well, then, who did?
- He did.


Oh, no.




Well, we're inside.
What now, oh, masterful one?


What was that?

- It is time.
- Time for breakfast?

No. It is time for the Great Gummies
to face the dreaded one.


Looks like got we've no choice now.


GRUFFI: I knew we shouldn't
have gotten involved.

What should we do, mince proon?
Prince Moon.

I do not know.

The ancient Gummies
were the last ones to defeat the dragon.

Stop, in the name
of the Great Gummies!


What's going on?

Oh, Dukie, don't let big bad monster
eat poor untasty Toadie.

Aha. That statue brought us to this
blasted city. We'll use it to get home.

But I wouldn't dream of leaving here
without picking up a few souvenirs.


Would you care to explain
what that was all about?

The dragon comes every morning
and threatens to destroy the city.

The onIy way to appease him
is to give him food.

Lots of food.

Gee, what a waste.

Oh. I do not know how much longer
my people can last.

I'm sorry. We let you down.

Boy, if onIy one Gummi
really was worth 20 armies.

Maybe when the dragon
returns tomorrow, we can be.

Listen, I've got an idea.

Keep it moving, Tummi.
We haven't got much time.


Awk! Battle stations! Battle stations!

Oh, darn! Keep him busy
while I finish this thing.

Stop. The Gummi army
has you surrounded.




Bring on the air force!



Take a powder, you big windbag.


This'll be great.

Okay, Zummi.





There. Now to get that overgrown
lizard's attention.

Hey, flame brain.

You can't catch me.


I sure hope this works.

You! Scaly ears! Over here!


Watch out!



GUSTO: This thing's gotten
way out of hand, Gruffimondo.

I just wanna go home.

- Home? Tummi, that's it.
- It is?

But, Gruffi, we can't run out
on Moon and his people.

We're not going anywhere. He is.

Thanks to the magic
of the ancient Gummi statue.

The statue. It's gone.


What mongrel
would dare steal the sacred figurine?

Come along, Toadwart.

It's time to say good riddance
to this place.

Yes, your kindliness.

Igthorn? What's he doing here?

Look. He's got the statue.



Farewell, Gummi Bears!



Unpleasant dreams, strange ones.

I've got the statue.

GRAMMI: Great! Now hurry up
or we're all gonna be fricasseed.

ZUMMI: Ingmar, bellow, gummiberry, may.
Send this dragon far away.


Hooray! We did it.

GRUFFI: That'll teach him
to tangle with Gummi Bears.


You have fulfilled
your ancestors' obligation.

You truly are the Great Gummies,
my friends.

Oh, heh.
We just used a little Gummi ingenuity.

You know, it just goes to show you.

You can't keep a Great Gummi down.