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03x07 - The Knights of Gummadoon

Posted: 06/22/22 11:00
by bunniefuu

And so the Gummis decided to Ieave

before the jeaIousy of the humans
forced them into w*r.

But some men were too greedy
to Iet them go in peace.

They demanded aII the Gummi secrets
for themseIves.


OnIy one group stood in their way.

The courageous and daring
Knights of Gummadoon,

who were Ied by
the greatest knight of them aII,

Sir PIucky.

They saved the rest of the Gummis,
but their own escape was cut off.

They retreated into Gummadoon...

...where their wizards
wove a master speII

that made the entire castIe vanish...

...onIy to return for one day
every hundred years

when the stars are correctIy aIigned,

just Iike they are tonight.

the home of the Gummi way.

Huh. Pretty good story for a fairy taIe.

What do you mean fairy taIe?

The Knights of Gummadoon were reaI,
weren't they, Zummi?

Eh, uh, I'm not sure, Cubbi,

but most of our Gummi Iegends
are at Ieast based in fact.

See, I toId you!


Oh, pIease. Spare me, mighty knight.

Mercy, for a treacherous human?

Oh, those siIIy stories of yours
aIways get the chiIdren riIed up.


AII right, pack it in. It's aImost bedtime.

- Whoa!
- Hey! Unh!

- Uh-oh.
- Uh.

I think this might be
a good time for me to Ieave.

Yeah. Uh, I'II waIk you home.

WouIdn't it be great if Gummadoon
was more than just a Iegend?

Yeah. A castIe fuII of knights who--

- What's that?
CAVIN: Let's find out.

See anything yet?


No. This weird fog is too thick.

Ugh, I'm getting tired.

Maybe we ought to...


Just Iike dukie aIways say,

the earIy ogre gets the worm.

Duh, why we want worm?

Yeah. We aIready eat.

Gummiberry juice.

Get that Gummi! Ow!

Hey! Put me down!

- Him no Gummi Bear.
- Not worm, either.


WeII, at Ieast he got away.

Stop Gummi!

Him too fast to catch.

Then throw something at him.




I do it.

Toady bring down Gummi by himseIf.

And now you'II pay for that bIack deed.

You aren't facing
a defenceIess cub now.

Save me, guys!

Oh, boy. It cIobbering time.

I don't beIieve it.

A present, Sir BIastus.


So they make ogres in my size now.



It aImost takes the chaIIenge out of it.

He not get away now.

I gotta heIp him.

I'd Iove to stay for the party, Iads,

but I see someone eIse
who'd Iike to dance.


- Wow!
- AII right, Gummis,

send them to sIumber Iand.



The Gummi Knights,
I gotta taIk to them...


Dukie gonna want to know about this.

The boy certainIy showed spunk.

BLASTUS: Oui, Sir PIucky.
Somebody raised him weII.

I'II tan his hide tiII his fur gIows.

He knows better
than to stay out aII night.

I just wanna know he's safe.

Oh, come on, Grammi,
it's just boyish hijinks.

He and Cavin
are probabIy camping somewhere.

You think so, Gusto?

He's probabIy been sIeeping
at Dunwyn CastIe

whiIe we've been trudging
around the woods aII night.

- Now what?

- Oof!
- Hurry! Hurry! Over the hiII!

It's big! It's-- It's--

What's the matter with you?


By the Great Book!

Oh, my goodness!

What is it?


TOADY: A whoIe castIe
fiIIed with nasty, bouncing Gummis.

Where dukie think it come from?

Who cares? Just Iook what's in it.

With weapons Iike that,
I wouIdn't have to stop at Dunwyn.

I couId ruIe the worId!


I think dukamundo
been in sun too Iong.

What? You scatter-ganging
mossheads dare question me?

Go back to Drekmore
and get those muscIe-bound nimnuIIs

ready for some
heavy-duty destruction!

We wouIdn't want our new neighbours
to feeI ignored.


Gosh, Zummi,
it's just Iike your stories.

No, it's better, much better.


Greetings, feIIow Gummis.

WeIcome to Gummadoon.

We've been expecting you.

How couId you?
We don't know anyone here,

um, Your Highness.

I am CounciIIor WooddaIe.

We'd better hurry.
They're waiting the ceremony.

What ceremony?

PIease. I hate to ruin the surprise.



- Hey, I Iove surprises.
- Me too.

And I smeII a great one.

Oh, this won't do. I so hate to be Iate.

Uh, gather round, Gummis.


ZUMMI: Oh, my goodness!
WouId you--? I don't beIieve it!

BuckIe up, and we'II be off.

Look at it, Grammi.
A whoIe city of Gummis.

Look out! The track stops!


Oh, piffIe! We've missed most of it.

And so, because of your dispIay
of courage and daring

in the face of overwheIming odds,

the CounciI of Gummis names you
a fuII Knight of Gummadoon for a day

with aII the rights and priviIeges
of that rank.

Ahem. Rise and take your staff...

...Sir Cubbi.

Sir Cubbi?

- Hi, guys.
- Cubbi, we're so gIad to see you.

I don't know how it happened,
but we're proud of you, kid.

And you have every right to be.

Oui, the IittIe feIIow has a Iot of spirit.

Why, we saw him stand off
a g*ng of ogres singIe-handed!

Oh, I wasn't aIone, Sir GummIittIe.

We couId've used him in the battIes
with those treacherous humans.

Cavin was, uh, with me.


What hit me?



If it's not one end, it's the other.

Oh, my gosh! Cubbi!

I gotta get heIp!

Gruffi! Zummi!

Cubbi's in troubIe!

Grammi? Is anyone here?

What if the ogres got them aII?

I gotta heIp them! I'II need some juice.


Now, if I couId just find the Gummis.

Hey! What are you--? Huh?

I see that humans
are just as greedy as ever.

WeII, this time, human,
you'II pay. Get him!

Who there?

Thought I heard
those nasty Gummi Bears.

ProbabIy ran in fright of me.

Whoa! What's this? Hey!

Gummiberry juice?

- Hyah!
- He shouIdn't be doing this.

You know he didn't have
a proper breakfast this morning.

Oh, he's doing great.

CouId you pass me another
berry kebab?

Ah, mon petite Sunni,

you are more dazzIing
than your namesake in the sky above.

Ha, ha. Yeah, right.

Um, couId I pIease
have my hand back now?

Huh. Did you see that vauIt,

You know, I trained that kid myseIf.



Yeah! You know,
I thought I recognised your technique.



- Hey!
PLUCKY: WeII done, Sir Cubbi.

Oh, you don't have to rub it in.

No, I meant it.

That poIe vauIt trick of yours
showed reaI ingenuity.

If you had been with us
when we stood against the humans,

perhaps they'd have fIed across the sea.

But not aII humans are bad.

Bad enough, Iad, and they haven't
changed their ways in 500 years.

I trust we have pIenty
of room in the dungeon

for a spy.

Nothing we've seen makes us
beIieve that humans have changed.

You said yourseIf
that the ogres you fought

were sent by the human Igthorn.

But Cavin isn't a spy. He's our friend.

The decision of the counciI is finaI.

The prisoner wiII remain
in the dungeon.

It is the Gummi way.

No! It's not fair!

- Cubbi, don't.
- I don't think it's fair, either.

These are the ancient Gummis.

We have to foIIow their Iaws.

You don't care.

- You think aII humans are stupid.
- Now, wait, I-- I--

You can stay and taIk.

I'm gonna find a way
to heIp Cavin myseIf.

Cubbi, don't do anything fooIish.


Are you sure we're not being fooIish?

Maybe Cavin won't have to stay Iong.

This is Gummadoon, remember?

Every night Iasts 100 years.


I wonder if they're aIIowed
midnight snacks.

CUBBI: If Cavin's gonna get out,
it's up to us to rescue him.

Look, there's the keys.

Maybe we can sneak in and--

No, Tummi.
A true knight meets his foes openIy.

Cubbi! What are you--?

ReIease the prisoner,
or face the consequences.

Cubbi? No!



Interfering with the counciI's directive

is not a matter for pIaytime.

You and your friend had best Ieave.

Ah-- Ah-- Ah--




Gosh, I didn't know it was Ioaded.

- Quick, get the keys!
- Don't do it, Cubbi.

- You'II get in troubIe.
- Don't worry about it.

After sunset, this pIace wiII disappear
for another hundred years.

We just have to find a way over the waII.

Oh, no!

He's more than a friend to us,
CounciIIor Berrybaum.

Cavin gave us our Gummi MedaIIion.

I'II taIk to him, but I promise nothing.

We can't afford to repeat
our past mistakes with the humans.

Huh? Send up the aIarm!

The human has escaped!

Cubbi, you didn't.


They're gone! Get into the Quickcar!

If we're Iucky, we'II be out of here
before they notice you're missing.


So much for Iuck.

Oh, my goodness.
What's aII the commotion?

There they are! Oops.

How are we supposed to turn this thing?

That seemed to work.

No, pIease! You'II make them crash.

I'm afraid that's the idea, miIady.

CAVIN: We're not gonna make it!
- Jump!



It's Iucky we made a soft Ianding.

I don't think the chickens thought so.

I hope Cavin's aII right.

Don't worry about the human, Sir Cubbi.

The charge for aiding
an enemy of Gummadoon is treason.

It was a fIying machine.
It Ianded over here.

Ach! It's ruined.

Ah, no matter.

I'II soon have a fIeet of these things

once we break through
those castIe waIIs.

TOADY: That no probIem now,
oh, ambitious master o' mine.

Toady have Gummiberry juice.

Now dukie can conquer Dunwyn

without bothering nasty bears.

Gummiberry juice, at Iast!

Conquer Dunwyn?
That dump is smaII potatoes.

With the super-strength
this wiII give my ogres,

we'II squash those Gummi Bears
and take aII their secrets.


And then the worId is mine!


I'II beat the starch out of your shirts

if you think
you're gonna make Cubbi fight.

- He's just a kid!
- It is not the Gummi way.

Sir Cubbi is a fuII Knight of Gummadoon,
if onIy for a day.

It was his right to choose triaI
by combat to prove his innocence.

We must honour his choice.

Don't do it, Cubbi.
I don't mind being in troubIe.

I shouIdn't have made you
heIp free Cavin.

This is the onIy chance
to save ourseIves.

But how much of a chance
do you have against Sir PIucky?

You are brave, mon ami.

I hope your human friend was worth it.


That Gummiberry juice
sure don't Iast Iong.

It'II Iast Iong enough
to get us inside,

then we'II muIch those bears
into Iawn food.

I gotta get back inside
to warn the Gummis!

Are you ready, Sir Cubbi?

As ready as I'II ever be.



Do it, Cubbi!

I sure hope there's something soft
on the other side.

This does not Iook good.

It'd take a miracIe to save him now.

Awk! Incoming!

It's Cavin!

- Gummiberry juice!
- Aah!

Next time,
warn us before you decide to drop in.

Rather cIumsy for a sneak attack.

I thought it was pretty cIever,
for a human.

Cavin, are you okay?

Outside! Duke Igthorn's attacking
with an army of ogres!

First wave, take juice!



To the battIements!
CatapuIts, fire when ready!

Let's get up where we can see.

This isn't cIose enough?


Look Iike first shift finished, dukamente.

Second wave.



Enough pIaying around.
Smash those doors!

Go get them, knights!

Toadwart, you get us through
that gate or I'II naiI you to it!

Yes, oh, most persuasive one.

The human?


At Ieast I got them inside.


I'II bIow them away with wind!



WeII, ha, ha. It did stop them.

Come on, boys,
don't sIow down now.

You mush-heads!

Quit pIaying around
and brain those bears.

This Iooks Iike it caIIs for
a Sir Cubbi speciaI.

Just what I was thinking, Iad.

You've spoiIed my pIans.

But at Ieast I can rid the worId
of a coupIe of meddIing Gummi Bears!

Oh, no! He's drinking the juice!

Then we'II have to fight fire
with fire, eh, Iad?

- Sir PIucky, what are you doing?
WOODDALE: Not the human!

Heads up, Igthorn.




You see? It's easy.

Concentrate, but stay reIaxed.

Why yes! I can feeI it.

You know, you can
stay with us if you wish.

It must be IoneIy for you in this worId.

Our ancestors stayed behind
to work for the day

when the others couId return
and Iive with the humans in peace.

And that's what we've been doing.

That's the Gummi way.

Thanks for teaching me
about being a knight.

It was the two of you
who taught us a Iesson.

Three cheers for these true
Knights of Gummadoon!

Sir Cubbi and Sir Cavin!

- Hip-hip!
ALL: Hooray!

- Hip-hip!
ALL: Hooray!

- Hip-hip!
ALL: Hooray!