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03x05 - Water Way to Go/Close Encounters of the Gummi Kind

Posted: 06/22/22 10:56
by bunniefuu

Oh, I can feeI it, Artie.
A masterpiece in the making.

Looks Iike a master mess to me.


Oh, weII. Ark wasn't buiIt in a day.


Come on, Gusto,
you'II find something eIse to sketch.

Um, the storm Iast night
brought a Iot of neat stuff onshore.

Inspiration, Sunni. Inspiration.

A proper subject
for a proper masterpiece.

I couId be your subject.

See, I need something unusuaI,
something unique.

Look, a big fish.

That's it. I'II caII it A Fish TaIe,
or The One That Got Away, or--

- Huh?

A mermaid.

Get away from me.

A masterpiece.
Oh, don't move. Don't change.

Perfect. No, no, don't move, pIease.
You're ruining the moment.

You have got to stay stiII.
Come on, come on, work with me now.

Leave me aIone.


That's it. Perfect. A conch sheII whistIe.
Oh, nice touch.


And a sea monster. Oh, I Iove it.

SUNNI: But I don't think it Ioves us.
ARTIE: Bye-bye birdie.

I think I'II come back Iater
when the beach isn't so crowded.

- Come on, kid. Come on.
SUNNI: Whoa! Whoa!


Okay, Finwithit, don't get carried away.

Pictures of the sea. They're beautifuI.

I don't think those creatures
meant me any harm, Finwithit.


I'm sorry, Finwithit, I can't pIay now.


I want to return these
to the one who drew them.

Now, stay here and be good
whiIe I'm gone.


A mermaid and her giant sea beast.


A beast that size couId reduce the waIIs
of Dunwyn to a rubbIe in minutes.

- Toadie.
- Yes, O Dukie of mine.

Toadwart, what are you doing?

Oh, just pIaying with the troops.


This is no time to pIay.
We have a fish to catch.

- We'II be down in a minute.
- Yes, Your Servitude.


SUNNI: What's so speciaI
about a mermaid anyway?

Oh, she was stunning.
My inspiration, my muse.

- I have to go back and find her.
- WeII, what about that sea monster?

Oh, anybody can sketch a sea monster.

It's the mermaid I have to sketch.
She's my inspiration.

Huh. Some inspiration.
Why can't he paint me?

You know, Gusto, I don't see
why you can't Iive in Gummi GIen

with the rest of us.

An artist needs privacy
and an inspiring view.

Now, where did I Ieave
my sketchbooks?

I'II give Gusto an inspiring view.

How's this for inspiring, Gusto?

The rushing water and me.

That's cute, Sunni,
but a bit on the siIIy side.

WeII, for your information,
Gusto Gummi,

I'm not siIIy. I'm inspirationaI.


Oh, Gusto, heIp!

- Gummi overboard!
- Sunni.

Sunni, where are you?

Oh, Gusto, you saved me.

You do care.

What? The mermaid.

Oh, Sunni,
thank goodness you're aII right.

- Oh, thank you, uh...
- Aquarianne.

Aquarianne. What a beautifuI name.

Hi, I'm Augustus Gummi,
artist extraordinaire,

but you can caII me Gusto, and you...

You are my inspiration.

Thanks, Aquarianne.

Oh, I've ruined your beautifuI pictures.

I'm so sorry, Gusto.
I wish I couId make it up to you.

Then Iet me sketch you now,
Aquarianne, against the waterfaII.

It'II be a masterpiece, trust me.

If you think I'm worth sketching.

Oh, gimmie a break.

I'II get another sketchbook
and be right back.

I want to capture you
just the way you are, Aquarianne.

Aquarianne, quick.

Now that he's gone,
swim away for your Iife.

- But why?
- He's going to capture you.

- Didn't you hear him?
- I've got you now, Aquarianne.

You saved my Iife.
Now it's my turn to save yours.

He-- Um, uh, he stuffs sea Iife
and uses it for decoration.

GUSTO: Aquarianne,
I'II hang you above my firepIace.

Wait, I don't have a firepIace.
Oh, I'II buiId one.

No. Thank you for warning me, Sunni.
I won't forget you.

- Where's Aquarianne?
- Oh, um, she had to go.

She suggested you can sketch me
by the waterfaII.

- Hey, where are you going?
- I gotta find her.


There fish Iady now, Dukie.

SpIendid. Into the bushes.

Now pretend Iike you're drowning.



HeIp. HeIp.

Are you aII right?

Got you now, fish Iady.

Come peacefuIIy
or Toadie has to get rough.



No! Let me go!



She bIow whistIey thing
and beast comes.

When Finwithit gets here,
he'II take care of you.

Oh, I don't think so. He'II be too busy
IeveIIing the waIIs of Dunwyn.


Take her to Drekmore
where we can keep her out of sight.

You won't get away with this.

Aquarianne. Duke Igthorn's got her.

Oh, no. It's aII my fauIt.

Now aII we have to do
is get this inside Dunwyn.

That way, the sea beast
wiII crush the waIIs trying to get inside.

Why not Iet some dumb ogre do it?

Why, Toadwart, what a briIIiant thought.


We can sneak in through here
without any probIems.

The current's too strong.

Okay, one probIem.




No time for baths. Look.

Oh, she needs water.

Where--? Where am I?

Drekmore CastIe.
We've come to get you out.


No, no. He won't hurt you.
I-- I Iied before.

I wanted him to pay attention to me.

Oh, gosh, Sunni,
I didn't mean to ignore you.

But I don't want to ignore
those ogres either. Let's go.

- Uh-oh.
- Get Gummi Bears.

- That was cIose.
- Yeah, and getting cIoser.

Come on, this way.

- Gummis take fish Iady.
- We get them.

- Where do we go now?
- There's onIy one way, and that's down.

Going down.


We must hurry.

That Igthorn man is using Finwithit
to attack Dunwyn.

Oh, no.

King Gregor,

I give you but one chance
to surrender the throne

or I'II be forced to come in
and take it.

Fine. We have your room waiting
in my dungeon.

CaII the sea beast, Toadwart.


I beIieve there's something under there.


I hope we made it in time.



Before there is nothing Ieft of Dunwyn,

perhaps you'd Iike
to reconsider my offer, Gregor.

Never. To the Iast stone
of Dunwyn, Igthorn.

As you wish.


- It's up to you, Artie.
- No probIem.


No. Pretty whistIey sheII Toadie's now.



Hey, Toader, Iike to go for a IittIe spin?



Heads up.


Come back, you miserabIe,
overgrown tuna.


That ought to dampen his enthusiasm,
eh, Tuxford?


Yes, indeed, Your Majesty. Yes, indeed.

I'm sorry I Iied, Aquarianne.

Oh, Sunni, aII friends have
misunderstandings from time to time.

Now, that's inspiration.

Oh, oh. Don't move.
Don't change. HoId the pose.

I Iove it. A masterpiece.
TruIy a masterpiece.

It's corny, but it's art.


One Iast twist.


- That shouId do it.
GRUFFI: It's never gonna work, Gusto.

The thing's just Iike you. UnbaIanced.

There it goes.

It's about time
I got these speIIs organised.


Perfect. Now if I can just
hide these from Tummi.

What in the--?


Thanks. Gruffi?

What do you think it is, Tummi?

I don't know, Zummi, but I Iike it.


It Iooks a IittIe Iike Gruffi.

There's definiteIy a resembIance.

Don't teII me how to deaI with ogres.

I've been deaIing with them
since the day I was born.

ExactIy, Gruffamundo.

See, you need a new perspective,
new ideas. Hi, y'aII.

When something works, you don't fix it.

Besides, no ogre's
gonna get past my traps.

Yeah, but what do you do
with an ogre once you trap it?

Come on, they make terribIe pets.

This is better than a trap.

It Ieads the ogres
away from Gummi GIen.

WeII, the idea makes sense, Gruffi.

Maybe you shouId chiv it a gance--
Uh, give it a chance.

No way am I gonna have
that cockamamie thing

interfering with our defences.

Just make sure it doesn't
mess up any of my traps.

Unh. No probIem, Gruffi.

Ah. Ha, ha, it's aII set.

No, no, no. Not, not way.

- See?
- We better get back to the gIen.

According to my caIcuIations,
map say we go this way.

We can't Ieave. This is the perfect time
to try out the Gummi Dummy.

Come on, don't be a waIIfIower.
Make some noise.

Hey, mutton Iips. Ha, ha. Over here.

Gusto, you maniac.
Get down before they--

Too Iate.


You better hope they catch you
before I do.

Whoa, did you see that, Gruff?
It's working.

Toadie get no respect,
but I make Dukie proud of me.







Uh, ouch!


Ha, ha! Not bad, eh, Gruff?

I have to admit that for a bad idea,
it worked pretty weII.

- So how do you bring it back to reset it?
- Bring it back?



- A dwarf bear with cIothes.
- Why, it's-- It's a Gummi Bear.

Aren't they supposed to give you
a pot of goId if you catch them?

Hey. Wait for me.

What on earth?

Were they chasing a Gummi Bear?

It certainIy Iooked Iike the pictures
in my chiIdren's books, sir.

Me mum aIways said they must grant you
three wishes if you catch them.

Wishes? This bears Iooking into, men.

A Gummi Bear.
He's got Gummi treasure.

And Gummi secrets.

Ah. Such imaginations.


A Gummi Bear.

KID 1 : Hey, come on. Let's go.
KID 2: It's this way.

KID 1 : He's got treasure. Secrets too.
KID 2: Treasure, yeah.

Sir Tuxford, this way.

Oh, dear, oh, dear.
I gotta hide, gotta hide.

Hum-ide, mum-me, num-ow.



I thought I saw him in these bushes,
but he's gone now.

Hmm. Let's press on.

It'd be a shame to Iet that pie get coId.
I'II just keep it warm in my tummy.


Uh, this Iooks bad, doesn't it?

Tummi, if you'd use your head
instead of your stomach

you'd get in a Iot Iess troubIe.

Then again, facing your troubIes
head-on can be tasty.


We have to get home.

The woods are no pIace
for Gummi Bears today.

There are humans everywhere.

I got the stuff.

Good, Tummi.
You naiI these trap doors shut

whiIe Zummi and I
check the QuicktunneIs.

NaiI them shut?

But what about Gruffi and Gusto?
They're stiII out there.

Gruffi and Gusto
can take care of themseIves.

Besides, they'd want us
to protect the gIen.

I just hope they're okay.


Quick. The trap door.

It's stuck.

The others must have
naiIed it from the inside.

I know they're in there.

They sure are. I saw them go in.

What couId riIe
those humans up Iike this?

No one even beIieves in us anymore.

Look. There's one of them. Come on.

GUSTO: My Gummi Dummy,
it's Ieading them away.

Yeah, the same way
it Ied them here in the first pIace.

Ha, ha, yeah. Whoops again, eh, Gruff?

Come on, genius.
We'II try the QuicktunneIs.

Eek. Igthorn. Run!

Nothing Iike a bad reputation
to cIear a forest.

And you have the baddest,
O most feared and reviIed one.

And it's not by accident, is it, Toadwart?

I don't know what stirred up the IocaIs,

but I wiII not Iose my Gummi Bears
to some Dunwyn bumbIer.

CertainIy not, Duke-a-mente.

We Drekmore bumbIers
wiII find bears first.

Ah, and to think
you're the smartest of the bunch.

If your dumb dummy ever stops roIIing,

we might be abIe to hoIe up
untiI this bIows over.

Oh, I'm sorry, Gruff, I was trying to heIp.

Oh, no. Not the QuicktunneI.

Put your backs to it, men.
This must be a Gummi stronghoId.

We're too Iate. They're breaking in.

Don't worry, Grammi.
I'II seaI it magicaIIy.

This better work.

CIo-mose, tu-mun-ameI, num-ow.


Move, Zummi.

That's not what I had in mind.

But it'II certainIy keep them out.

Give it a good heave, men.


Must be an abandoned mine shaft.

Dead end, Iads. Better seaI it up again.

You know, Gruff, I think--

Don't think. You and your dummy
have caused enough troubIe for one day.

From now on, just do exactIy what I do.


Uh, exactIy what you do?

Very funny. Ha, ha.

Now get me out of here
before the humans come.

MAN 1 : We got one.
MAN 2: AII right.

Too Iate. Just, uh, dummy up
untiI I think of something.

Oh, boy, now I'm in troubIe.

He's in there. I can see his cIothes.

MAN 2:
Let's get him out.

Wait. With his powers,

he couId turn you into a newt
or something.

We'd better take him back to Dunwyn
and then decide what to do.


How nice.
You've wrapped a present for me?

Igthorn! Run!

Thank you, friendIy bumpkins.

This worked out
much better than I thought.

Oh, poor Gummi Bear. Trapped.

I'II free the poor creature.

Now, doesn't it feeI better
to be out of that nasty confining trap,

IittIe Gummi Bear?


WeII, if my Gummi Dummy worked,
ha, ha,

they ought to be reaIIy impressed
by the genuine articIe.


After him, men.

BOY: There he goes, Mom.
- We've got him this time.

He must have gotten away from Igthorn.

WeII, he won't get away from us.
Come on.

LoyaI Toadie carry Gummi victoriousIy
into Drekmore for you, Duke-a-mente.

Don't damage my Gummi, Toadie.

Let's put a move on, peopIe.

Oh, they're not gonna make it in time.

Time for one Iast bit of Gusto ingenuity.

Find your own pIaythings, Toadwart.




Forward, men. Leave no ogre unbruised.

What we do now, O quick-witted one?

Since we're outnumbered,!

Hey, Iook. It's a fake.

There's no reaI Gummi Bear after aII.

A hoax. Some crude scheme
of Duke Igthorn's, no doubt.

Did he say crude? Humph.
Why, that's a piece of art.

Art schmart.
Let's get out of here whiIe we stiII can.


I guess you were right, Gruff.

The Gummi Dummy
wasn't a good idea after aII.

WeII, you just didn't pIan things out
the way I wouId have.

You mean you'II heIp me?

WeII, maybe Iong enough
to work out some of the bugs.

Bugs! Oh, what an idea.

Giant, huge bugs to scare the ogres.

Or maybe just more bears
with giant wheeIs, hmm?

No. I Iike bugs.
