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03x04 - Day of the Beevilweevils

Posted: 06/22/22 10:55
by bunniefuu





Stop gossiping with insects.
We have Gummiberries to harvest.

But, Gruffi, if I can attract more bees,
it'II mean more bIossoms.

And more bIossoms mean
more Gummiberries. Yum.

We have enough berries
to worry about right now.


You're just wasting work time
trying to taIk to a dumb bug.

Now get back to work. Ow!

Bees are very sensitive.

Yeah, weII, so am I now.

Tummi, you're being very careIess.

According to the Great Book's
instructions, you used the wrong wood,

you haven't driIIed enough hoIes,
the hoIes you have are the wrong size,

and the rope's too Iong.


But just Iisten to it, Zummi.
It works great.

WeII, I suppose so.

Whoops. Ow!

Okay, maybe the rope is a IittIe Iong,

but if this honey bee caIIer works,

we'II have more bees,
and more bees mean--

More Gummiberries. I know, I--

But it isn't right to take the Great Book
so IightIy.

You know, too IittIe knowIedge
can be a dangerous thing, Tummi.


Here goes.


The crop's not even haIf harvested,

and he's standing around
singing to bugs.

I don't know what kids
are coming to these days.


I didn't know buzzing
was such hard work.


Attaboy. First come, first served.

Hey, you're not a bee. Get out of here.

Shoo. Go away now.




Huh. At Ieast I got rid of that icky bug.


Beat it, you Gummiberry thief.


Oh, no.


Whew. That takes care of him.

Oh, no.



I gotta get heIp.

You know,
if we couId pIant these by coIour,

we couId turn the fieId
into a giant painting.


And they wouIdn't be
one bit easier to harvest.


Bugs...munch...berries. HeIp.

Let me guess.
This is gonna be bad news, right?



Uh-oh. Uninvited dinner guests.


GRAMMI: They'II destroy
aII our Gummiberry bushes.

Spread out and do whatever you can
to stop them.

Chew on this, you beeviI barbarians.

Hey, it was onIy a figure of speech.

Bottoms up, you monsters!

Bu-mugs, to-make--

Oh, no.

Take this. And this. And this.


Ouch! Ow! Ouch!

Let's see how those beeviIweeviIs
Iike this.

That ought to teII those fIying worms
they're not wanted.

I think we're in big troubIe.


Gone, and not a singIe berry Ieft.

- You did this.
- I didn't mean to.

I toId you not to take
the Great Book IightIy.

But, you-- You didn't Iisten.

He didn't do it on purpose, Gruffi.

But it got done.

Those bushes mean everything
to a Gummi Bear.

Tradition, food, and defence.

And now they're gone.




HoId on, Gusto.

AII right. Let it down easy. Easy, now.

Okay, Iet her go.

Now, Gusto, do you wanna expIain

where you're going
with this Iong-range Quickcar.

Oh, uh, no pIace speciaI.

Just thought I'd take a spin
and get some air.

And so you wouIdn't get hungry,
you packed a week's suppIy of food.

Hey, you know what fresh air
can do to a bear's appetite.

Where were you reaIIy going, Gusto?


Fangwood Forest.

Oh, my. That's a very dangerous pIace.
Why on earth wouId you wanna go there?

WeII, my warren had stories
of Gummis who Iived there

in a pIace caIIed South Gumpton.

Now, they were supposed to be
experts with pIants.

And I thought if there's any
Gummiberry bushes Ieft to transpIant,

weII, they'd be there.

GRUFFI: But we don't maintain
the QuicktunneIs that far away.

The tracks couId coIIapse
beneath the Quickcar.

Hey, Gruff, pIease.
You're gonna kiII me with overconfidence.

Just want you to know
what we're getting into.

Uh, ''we''?

GRUFFI: RepIacing those
Gummiberry bushes is worth any risk.

We'II Ieave in the morning.


Shh. Quiet.

Going somewhere, oId buddy?

It's not Iike you not to say goodbye,

I'm going aIone.

No one's gonna take any risks
for something that was my fauIt.

Gee, and I was going aIone
so no one wouId take any risks

on a trip that was my idea.

WeII, I say that makes us
a pretty good team, huh?

Okay, you Ioad up
and I'II Ieave a note for the others.

It's a deaI.

I can't beIieve those two nuts
Ieft without us.

After the way we treated Tummi,
it doesn't surprise me.

Me neither.

WeII, at Ieast Gusto's aIong
to keep him out of troubIe.

Yeah, that's Iike having Tummi
guard the cookie jar.

Grammi, Zummi, Gruffi.
Look at this.

It's happening on every bush.

Then our bushes aren't dead.
The roots are stiII aIive.

Oh, thank goodness.


This ought to make Tummi
feeI a Iot better too.

Tummi and Gusto are going
to Fangwood Forest for nothing.

- What?
- You kids wiII have to stay here

and keep an eye on the new bushes.

- But, Gruffi--
- We have to set up another Quickcar

to catch Tummi and Gusto.

Oh, I hope they're aII right.



- Hey, Tum, are we having fun yet?
- Hang on.


I sure hope this track hoIds together.

Oh, boy, I wish you hadn't said that.

Oh, no.

Come on, car, faster.

We're gonna make it.
We're gonna make it.

- Look.
- We're not gonna make it.



TUMMI: WeII, at Ieast we didn't crash.
GUSTO: But we're gonna faII!


You know, I'II bet someday
peopIe wiII pay for a ride Iike that.

I need some food to settIe my stomach.

- WeII, we're not eating here.
- We're not?

Hey, this pIace couId coIIapse
any minute, Tum.

- We gotta cIimb out first.
- But that couId take hours.

WeII, the faster we cIimb,
the sooner we eat.

Wow. For a big feIIa, he can reaIIy
hauI paws when he wants to.

Hey, speedy, wait for me!






Boy, I wish I was as fast
as you are hungry.

Can we eat now?

Yep, as soon as I wet my whistIe.
Where's the canteen?

It's in the other-- Hey, that's funny.



I thought it was-- Gusto?

Hey. Give me that.


You know, I seem to recaII Zummi
mentioning something

about, uh, F-- F-- Fangwood Forest
being dangerous.

OnIy to Gummi Bears.

We'II show you just how dangerous
we can reaIIy be.


Are you gonna eat us?

Do you hear that, girIs?
He thinks we're going to eat him.


When the Great Oak gets done with you,
you'II wish we had eaten you, pudgykins.


Uh, excuse me. You're taking us
to the Great Oak Iooking Iike that?

Like what, barkIess?

It's surprising how you Iet yourseIves go.

What do you mean?

Whew. I mean,
Iook how you Iet Iast year's Ieaves

just hang there aII Iimp and yeIIow.


And that bird nest you're wearing
is years out of styIe.

- Now, that's a definite gIamour ''don't.''
- Oh, dear. I didn't reaIise.

Sure, and your tendriIs
haven't been fIocked for ages.

Yeow! Oof.

- Goodness gracious.
- What does fIock mean?

I don't know,
but it sounds absoIuteIy wonderfuI.


You know, if you'd just Iet me
and my friend into your top branches,

weII, we'd have you Iooking your best
in no time.

- WeII, what do you think, dears?
- Won't they get away?

Oh, no. They'II be up much too high
to escape. Let's do it.

Get ready, Tummer.

Ooh! This is so exciting!

Now, Tummi.

They're escaping!

Look out.

Now Iet's find some Gummiberry bushes.

And hope they don't taIk back.

GRAMMI: ShouIdn't we sIow down
and check the track ahead?

It's in horribIe shape.

We don't have the time.

No need to worry about the track ahead.

- Why not?
- There isn't any.



Are you aII right?

Yeah, yeah, we're fine.

GUSTO: WeII, so much for
fIourishing Gummiberry fieIds.


I'II never repIace the bushes.

Oh, come on, Tum.

South Gumpton Gummis
were agricuIturaI experts.

We're bound to find a bush somewhere.

- As soon as we find a way down.
- How do we do that?



I'm sorry I asked.

Hey, it Iooks just Iike Gummi GIen.

Yeah, except these Gummis
didn't Ieave anyone to care for the pIace.


You hear that?

- What is it?
- Water.

If there are pIants in this dustbowI,
that's where they'II be. Come on, Tum.

Just what I was afraid of.

Their tracks Iead right into
the heart of Fangwood Forest.


ZUMMI: Those are Tummi
and Gusto's knapsacks.

Come on, Iet's check this out.

Gruffi, shouIdn't we be more carefuI?
It might be a trap.

Oh, there's nothing around here
but some ugIy oId trees.

Who's ugIy, you sapIess biped?


Up, up, and--


ZUMMI: Hey, watch it.
GRAMMI: Hey, Iet go.

My speIIs.

Got them.

Now you IittIe deserters
can't water yourseIves and bounce away.

Come aIong, girIs. There's someone
who's very anxious to meet our guests.


A Gummiberry sapIing.
Ha, ha, I knew we'd find one.

We found it! We found it!

What is this pIace?

I toId you they were experts, Tum.
This must be one of their greenhouses.

See? Gummi GIen
was the centre for Iearning,

but here in South Gumpton,
they speciaIised in farming.

So this vaIIey was once a garden spot.

TUMMI: Look, those tree things
and the Gummis used to be paIs.

Hmm, no accounting for taste.

The question is, how are we
gonna get this back to Gummi GIen

with the Quickcars wrecked?

- I think I have an idea.
- I toId you we'd make a great team.

OAK: At Iast, after aII these years,
Gummi Bears.

I've waited a Iong time to repay you
for your treachery.

What are you taIking about?
We don't even know you.

You'II have the rest of your Iives
to make my acquaintance

as the sIaves of Fangwood Forest.

But why do you wanna make us sIaves?

We've never done anything to you.

Did you think I wouId forget?

I was onIy a sapIing,

but I remember when Gummis
and Tree FoIk were friends.

We heIped them.

And they made sure
we had aII the water we needed.


Then, one day, the Gummis
Ieft us without warning.

And the water ceased to flow.

We tried to Ieave the vaIIey,
but the hiIIsides were too steep.

So our kind dwindIed

and dwindIed

untiI we are aII that are Ieft.

But the Gummis had to Ieave.
They were in grave danger.

They couIdn't have known
the water wouId stop fIowing.

Lies! You abandoned us.
You'II never Ieave again.

You're back, and you wiII
spend your Iives serving us.

Put them to work.

I'd Iike to introduce her
to some termites I know.




We have to be carefuI aIong here,

There's no bottom to this gorge
as far as we can teII.

WeII, I certainIy don't want
to be the bear to find one for you.

If you wouId just Iet me
foIIow this trickIe up,

I couId find out what happened
to the water and fix it.

Oh, no, you don't.

But I'II come right back. I promise.

Just keep fiIIing the buckets, cuddIes.

Ugh, trees.
I'II just never understand them.

That was using the oId noggin,

And these paneIs add just the right
amount of artistic sophistication.

Great, Iet's get going.

WeII, it's a IittIe Iate to set out for home.

Let's get this topside
and we'II Ieave first thing in the morning.


About one day of this sIave business
is aII I can take.

- What are we gonna do about it?
- Magic.

But, Gruffi, I've Iost aII my speIIs.

You've got that fire-Iighting speII
memorised, don't you?

WeII, yes, but I can't use it on them.
They're Iiving creatures.

Not on the trees. Just Iisten.

Tomorrow, when we're
raking up the Ieaves...

OAK: Hurry up and finish
so you can dump that trash in the gorge.

Okay, Zummi, now.

FIa-mame, Ia-might.


One faIse move, woody,
and you'II be roasting marshmaIIows.

Now, Iet us go and we'II put out the fire.


FooI. Do you think I've survived this Iong
without knowing how to handIe fire?


Look out, there are sparks
in your Ieaves.


- Run for it.
- Don't Iet them get away, girIs.

I've gotta find heIp.

WeII, if I can't get any reaI heIp,
those two are better than nothing.

Artie. What--?

No time. Trees got the others.
You've gotta heIp.

How are we gonna get to Fangwood
in time to do any good?

Quick, in here. I have an idea.

ARTIE: What'II we do when we get there?
TUMMI: Good question.

Oh, what's that?


- It's now or never.
OAK: Oh, no, you don't.

Not again.

GUSTO: Better put on the brakes, Tummi.
- Brakes? Uh-oh.


He's heading for the cIiff.

Jump out, Tummi! Jump out!

Come on, girIs.



- Oh!
GUSTO: Tummi!

Let it go before it's too Iate.

I'm not gonna Iose
our Gummiberries again.

Grab the rope.

What a brave Gummi.

Good show.

He risked his Iife to save a tree.

Oh, we've been so wrong.

Great job, kid.
You, uh, reaIIy can come through

when the Gummiberries are down.

Aw, shucks, Gruffi.
It's nothing your average,

red-bIooded, Gummiberry fanatic
wouIdn't have done.



I toId you I couId fix it.
And I'II be back reguIarIy to keep it fIowing.

I misjudged you, Gruffi Gummi.

Thank you aII for bringing Iife
back into this vaIIey.

But where's Tummi?

And I'II come back a Iot to meet aII
your brothers and sisters, I promise.

But in the meantime,

pIease don't taIk to any
strange-Iooking bees, okay?