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03x03 - Presto Gummo/A Tree Grows in Dunwyn

Posted: 06/22/22 10:54
by bunniefuu

CouIdn't you just teach me
a coupIe of speIIs, Zummi?

What? Ooh! PIease, Tummi.
I'm trying to concentrate.

Bo-mooks, fla-my--

Ooh, wait. Let me copy this down.

--um-mack, mummy.

Oh, my. Oh, my.

Wow, what a great trick.
I wanna Iearn magic Iike that.

But it's not supposed to be doing this.

I wanna entertain peopIe,
make them Iaugh.

ZUMMI: Whoa!
TUMMI: Besides, it Iooks Iike fun.

Magic's not that easy, Tummi.

It takes years of skudy and stiII.
Uh, study and skiII.


''Study and skiII.''

I couId study.

And you have to have
a certain amount of naturaI abiIity.


''NaturaI abiIity.'' Right.

And you can't do any reaI magic
without a Gummi medaIIion.

You need one of your own.

Yeah, my own Gummi medaIIion.

Thanks, Zummi.

Oh, don't mention it, Tummi.

This pIace is so boring.


There's gotta be something I can do.

Hey, Tummi. What you up to?

I'm gonna do magic.

Magic? Wait for me.

Zummi says I need a
Gummi medaIIion to cast speIIs.

So I'm gonna make myseIf one.

Aw, Tummi, he meant you needed
a medaIIion of the ancient Gummis.

- Huh?
- Um, that the, um,

ancient Gummis wouId be proud of.

So take your time and do it right.

Don't worry, I intend to.

Maybe today won't be
as boring as I thought.

So much for the magic.

Now for the magician.

But you said take my time
and finish it right.

Let's just see if it works,
then you can paint it.

Hmm. Just to be safe,
we better start off with something simpIe.

I know.

Make my hat come to you.

- That's not much of a trick.
- Just try it.

Okay. Hmm.

Hum-mat, come-um to me.


- It worked.
- Yeah, that was great.

- Uh, Iet's try something eIse.
- Okay, what do we do?

Let's see. Try making that book
fIoat to the tabIe over there.

Um, bum-ook, float-em, um.

Cubbi, I did it. What'II I do next?

Gee, Tummi, hasn't doing aII this magic
worked up an appetite?

Now that you mention it,
my stomach is sounding a bit hoIIow.

Let's go see what Grammi's cooking.

Hey, is that the way
a master wizard caIIs for food?



Fom-ood, come-um-um to me-um.

No butter?

Wow. That's what I caII fast food.

Toadwart, I have my doubts

about your briIIiant method
of hunting Gummi Bears.

I shouId know better than to send ogres
out to do a dog's job.

TOADIE: A fever pIay havoc
with ogre noses, Duke-a-mente.

If His Dukiness onIy give poor,
insignificant Toadie a chance...

Very weII, but it had better work,

or I'II be using poor,
insignificant Toadie for boot Ieather.

Come on, guys, think Iike bIoodhounds.

You find Gummis and Toadie
run you through Drekmore stabIes.

Oh, boy.

Quite impressive, Toadwart.

I'd say you were a size nine,
wouIdn't you?

ActuaIIy, eight and a haIf,
but I can be a nine if Dukie wishes.

- I can't beIieve it. Food from the sky.
- Ha, ha.

I can do anything.
I can go move that mountain.

No. Uh, why don't you just
try something smaIIer first?

Like, uh, that tree?

I kind of had my heart set
on moving a mountain.

- Where wouId you put it?
- Hmm, good question.

Okay, I'II try the tree.

Hmm, not quite Iike waIking on a cIoud.

But I suppose I couId get used to it.

Of course,
I'd need one for the other foot.

Stand back, Cubbi.






Now, what couId that be?

It may be Gummi Bears, Toadwart.
We'd better check it out.

Gosh, I don't know my own strength.

I'm gonna bring back
the age of Gummi greatness.

Humans and Gummis
wiII be friends again.

There'II be food everywhere. I'II make--


What's so funny?

I'm sorry, Tummi, but your magic--


What's that?

TUMMI: Igthorn.
- Run.

Yeah. Wait.

I'II just zap him.

Hi, there, Iggy. Out for a waIk?

Oh, no.

A Gummi Bear. Don't Iet him get away.

Why he not run away?

- Or at Ieast cringe in fear?
- Or cower in terror?

Because I have aII the powers
of Gummi magic.

Oh! Run away! Run! Run!


ReIax, you nim-nuIIs.
I've yet to see Gummi magic work right.

And this isn't even the bear
that tries it.

But now I have
my own Gummi medaIIion.

Run away! Run! Run!

WeII, I'd Iove to see a demonstration.

Try turning Toadwart here
into something usefuI.

But I was just getting the knack
of being a styIish Ieather pump.

You asked for it.

Um-Toadie, turn-um-um into a newt.

Um-Toadie, uh,

turn-um-um into a bird-um.

Uh, I have to be going.


Escort this wizard back to Drekmore.

I may want a Iaugh
whiIe I'm pIanning what to do

with this Gummiberry juice
he so kindIy brought me.

TUMMI: Ogre-um, gumm-o, er, um,
poof-um, num-ow.

Oh, what did I do?

Some wizard.
I couIdn't even make air disappear.

CUBBI: Psst.
- Snakes!

No, it's me.

Cubbi, thank goodness. I hate snakes.

- I guess you know you can't do magic.
- You're teIIing me.

I set up aII the tricks you did
to make you think you were a wizard.

It was supposed to be fun.

WeII, I wanted peopIe to Iaugh
with magic, and you sure did.

It wouId have been more fun
if you Iet me pretend too.

I'm sorry.

But I'm gonna get you out.
I just don't know how.

I got it. I'II use magic.

But I toId you, you can't do magic.

I can when you heIp.


There. Who win?

- Don't know. Another game?
- Sure.

Drekmore, fam-aII, su-moon.

Brum-ing, dom-own.
Doom, doom, doom.

Hey, what you do?

I am the great and powerfuI
wizard of Gummi.

You not know magic.

Ha, ha. Dukie say you fake.

Laugh at me, wiII you?
Then dance for my amusement.

Dum-ance, num-ow.


- Hey, him not bad.
- Now reIease me,

or I'II make you disappear.


Ogres-um, va-manish-um-inish.


Where we go? We're Iost.

AII right. Now Iet me out,
or I'II reaIIy get tough.

- But Dukie be mad.
- Okay, then I'II caII my monsters.

Um-monsters, come-um.



And to think I thought
today wouId be fruitIess.

What in bIazes is going on here?

- He magic.

You want magic?

I'II show you magic.

Boy, Dukie, that pretty good trick.

And now, my frummi giends--
Uh, Gummi friends, ha, ha,

for your pIeasure and entertainment,
prepare to be astounded.

A true master of the mystic arts
who wiII amaze and astound you...

I'm nervous, Tummi.
What if the tricks don't work?

Don't worry. You're the best
wizard's heIper I couId ever have.

And I know you can make them Iaugh.

The great and powerfuI Tummi.


SOLDIER: To arms! To arms!
The troIIs have escaped!


Ah, fresh air.

Come on, you two nits, we're free.

Yeah, yeah, CIutch, just Iike you said.

What a Ieader, what a guy.

Move it or Iose it, Tuk.


Uh, wouId you Iike a waInut, CIutch?

Stop chowing. That's our amm*nit*on.

Ha! A few odds and ends
from the prison kitchen, and

nuts to you, Gregor!

SOLDIER 1 : We're under attack!
SOLDIER 2: To your posts!

Get those Iights on again!

Let's see those Dunwynian dunces

stand between us
and our stoIen goId now.

HustIe, hustIe.

Once we get our goId
out of that appIe tree, we're home free.


The appIe tree. Our goId.

- What happened?
- Uh, gophers?

Gophers don't Ieave cart tracks,

but whoever did is going to get hurt.


I toId you this was
a rotten idea, Grammi.

HonestIy, Gruffi,
if you can't do something nice...

Aw, Gruffi. It's a present
for my father on Monarch's Day.

And you of aII peopIe
know it's better to give than receive.

Uh, weII, CaIIa, I guess.

What are you aII staring at?
We got an appIe tree to deIiver.

SOLDIER 1 : Look over there.
SOLDIER 2: More Iights.

We'II find them.

Wow, someone must have
Ieft the moat running.

Oh, how are we going to sneak
my present into the main courtyard now?

As Ieader of this expedition,
I have onIy one thing to say.

- Bottoms up.
- Oh! Gummiberry juice.

An upIifting idea, Gruffi.

Thank you, Zummi.

And thank aII of you.

EspeciaIIy Gruffi, for Ieading us.

It's the Dunwynian award of merit.


Whoever we're foIIowing
ain't very far ahead.

In fact, I'd say...


Duck it!

An award of merit.

That has a nice ring to it.

If he doesn't start pushing,
I'II give him an award of merit.

Gummis. They must have our goId.

WeII, we'II just foIIow them
and get it back.



Baked beans, boIogna, banana--

Hmm. A IittIe brass poIish
ought to shine this right up.

Gruffi, stay out--


Now. Surprise.

TroIIs in Gummi GIen?

What do you want,
you smeIIy green troubIemakers?

Hey, I resembIe that remark.

Shut up.

Okay, fur baII, where's our goId?

- GoId?
- Don't pIay smart. You're not good at it.

The goId in the trunk
of that appIe tree you took.

But we took the tree to Dunwyn CastIe.

- Not the castIe.
- We can't go back there.

- JaiI.
- Prison.

- The cooIer, the pen.
- The hoosegow, the sIammer.


Okay, so the goId's in Dunwyn.

WeII, then, you get to go get it. If not,

say bye-bye to the other bear-bears.

WeII, aII right, but I'II need heIp.

Take the fat one and the oId one.

Who are you caIIing oId?

Just get the goId.


This way.

SOLDIER: Hey, anybody there?
- No.

Oh, aII right.

Wait a minute.

GRUFFI: Okay, the troIIs said
the goId's hidden inside the tree.

There must be a secret compartment.

We probabIy just puII down
on this branch, and...

Unh. Thanks.

That's the nook we're Iooking for.

And it's...empty?

Gruffi? Zummi? Tummi?
What are you three doing here?

More grub. More grub.

It's coming. Don't get crazy.

You put enough onions
on these pancakes?


Now, for that there saIami.

Why, if I had my hands free,

I'd teach you a thing or two
about manners, you disgusting--



Let her aIone, you big buIIy.

So the IittIe hero wants to stick his nose
where it don't beIong.

- Stick it in this.
- Let me out.


Where are those fuzzy fooIs?

They better get back soon with the Ioot
or we're going to have to get mean.

But I toId you,

my father's guards found the goId
and put it in the treasury aIready.

What do we do now, Gruffi?

I-- I don't know.

We gotta take the troIIs something
or they'II hurt everyone.

WeII, I know a secret entrance
to the royaI vauIt.

Yeah, but, CaIIa, that your mather's foney.
Uh, father's money.

I don't care.
We have to save Sunni and the others.

I have a pIan,
but it's a very, very risky pIan.

Eh, batter, batter. Eh, batter.

Mm. GoIden DeIicious.


About time.

- Where's the other one?
- Uh, he was caught by the guards.

- Ha, ha.

Let's see how he Iikes the dungeon.

Wow. Look at the pretty goId.
And it's aII ours.

Correction. AII mine.

Get over there with the bears.
You stay, the goId goes.

Why, you rotten, sIimy, doubIe-crosser.

Ain't it the truth?

Anyone makes a move and the fur fIies.

Wreck our home, wiII you?

SUNNI: Gruffi.
- Oh dear, I've gotta find a speII.

That's our exit cue, Tuk.

Not so fast, greenie.

Here, hoId this.


Nope, nope. Not this one.

Quick, Tummi, swing me back.


Eat this, big mouth.


Uh, just a second, just a second.

HoId on, Cubbi.

Strike. Way to roII, Sunni.

Not a nudge, meddIer.

Oh, my. Oh, my.

Nice speII, Zummi.

Oh, thanks. Ha, ha.
It's something I picked up from Grammi.

Stay here and watch these troIIs.

The Ieader's mine.



Going somewhere?

Show yourseIf. Show yourseIf.

Aah! Leave me aIone.

Looking for someone?


Tough break, troIIie. Out of a*mo.

You're heading back
to Dunwyn's iron hoteI.

Urgh, you'II never take me aIive,

What? No!


Hey, you gotta get me out of here.

I'II-- I'II spIit the Ioot with you.
Sixty-forty. What do you say?

CaIIa was right. It is better to give--


--than receive.

CALLA: Happy Monarch's Day, Father.
- Thank you, my dear.

Come see your gifts.

The tree's the first part of my present.

How wonderfuI.

But that's not aII. Watch.

It's the escaped troIIs.

That's amazing, CaIIa.
How on earth did you ever capture them?

Oh, a IittIe Gummi heIped me.

But, CaIIa, you know
I don't beIieve in Gummi Bears.

Good oId kingy.

Sometimes I guess we are
pretty unbeIievabIe, at that.