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02x08 - My Gummi Lies Over the Ocean

Posted: 06/22/22 10:51
by bunniefuu


One, two. One, two. One, two.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

"Live each day the Gummi way."

That's the key to an orderly life.


I been waiting a half-hour for toast.

Where did I put that miserable pan?

Now how am I supposed to cook?

Sunni, leave Grammi alone
so she can make breakfast.

You all think
I'm getting fat like Tummi.

I'm not. These are love handles.

Bear's fur! This looks like a job
for an organised mind.

Sunni, later.
Cubbi, steam is dangerous.

Here, Zummi, eat.

That the pan you want, Grammi?

Why, uh, yes.

Thank you for sorting it out, Gruffi.

It was simple. I'm an orderly person.

By the way, anyone here seen
where Tummi's gone with my tools?

Uh, I'm not sure, Gruffi.
Lately he's sneaking off somewhere.

Well, I'm going to find him.

I don't want my stuff to come to any--

Ow! --harm.

I'll bet that fool bear's in the midst of one
of his cockamamie garden projects.

Probably using my crowbar
to pull up rutabagas.


Oh, hi. How do you like her?

- Not one bit.
- Why not?

If you go paddling
up and down in this thing,

you'll get caught and give us away.

It's a danger to Gummi Glen.
We've got to chop it up.

No! Gruffi, please.

All my life I've onIy built models.

Just once I had to build a real boat.

- Okay, so you've done it.
- But I gotta see if it works first.

Just an eensy-weensy one-way trip
to Nilsson's Point?

- Please?
- Oh, okay.

But I'm coming along
to make sure you destroy it.

Let's shove it in the water
and get this over with.


- But first, the launching ceremony.
- Huh?

Permission to come aboard, Mr. Gruffi?

Permission granted...


- What was that, boatswain?
- Permission granted, Admiral Tummi.

This is fun.

Typhoon off the starboard bow.

Batten down, Mr. Gruffi,
then close-haul the mizzenmast.

Go on, enjoy yourself.
We're stopping soon.

If we could onIy
make it through this storm.


Now where's that axe?


Ogres! Paddle for it!


Downstream! Faster!

Uh, we better slow down now.

Are you nuts?



Oh, boy. Can I build boats or what?

Ugh! Yeah, hooray.
Now how do we get back to land?

We'll just have to drift a bit
till the wind changes.

Nothing doing.

I don't want to drift
any further from home.



Cut the rope!


Oh, this is just great. No land anywhere.

Gruffi, be careful
when you stand up in a boat.

I know what I'm doing. Whoa! Ugh.


Just raise the sail and I'll get us back.

Hey, how come you get to steer?

Because whenever there's an emergency,
I'm in charge. Right?

Right. Oh, boy.

I'm the admiral. I don't know...

Aye, aye, Mr. Gruffi.

Now, we'll have a nice,
orderly trip back home.

What the--? I want to go right.

Then push the tiller left.

This thing is built backwards.

I built it right.
That's the way a boat works.

Phooey! Push left to go right?
That's not the Gummi way.


Look at all the pretty stars.


Did you have a nice little lie-down?

You can steer from now on.

Nothing to steer. The wind died.

We're not moving.

No? Well, my stomach sure is.

One, two. One, two. One, two.

One, two. One, two. One, two.

I wonder how long it takes to starve.

In your case, about two years.

I'm so hungry,
I could even eat Grammi's cooking.

I think I'm starting to get dizzy.

- Feels like we're moving.
- Hey, we are moving!

We're caught in a current.


Solid land! A sensible forest!

Now you're gonna see
Gruffi Gummi in his element.

Funny, the closer we get,
the faster we go.

- What's that rumbling?
- Probably my stomach.

No, Tummi. Something's wrong!

There's a hole in the ocean!

- Do something!
- Hang on!



Mm! Solid ground at last!

A little too solid.

We'll be able to fix that in no time
once we get into the...


Wow. Do you think anybody lives here?

Arg! You're not gonna get away with this,

you rock-headed reptilian! Ha, ha!




TUMMI: A monster!
- Hold on a second, kid.


Agh! Take shape, you miserable rock!

- A Gummi Bear.
- No, no. It's all wrong!

Why isn't it working?
Why? Why? Why?

Ha, ha. You're an artist, not a dentist.

Hold the coach!

That's it. Ha, ha, perfecto!
Thank you, muses.

Gummis? I don't believe it!

You make the clam dip,
I'll bring the chips. Be right down.

Ta-da! Holds for applause.

Hi, I'm Augustus Gummi.
Gusto for short.

I'm so glad to see you guys!

How are you, and can we get out
the way you came in?

Unfortunately, our boat's in no shape
to take us back up those waterfalls.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

One day I came here
to paint on the beach,

the next day, bingo, the beach is gone.

Is there any other way off?

Unless you're built like Artie Deco here,
heh, I hope you like island living.

- I like it.
- What is this thing?

Hold it! A little more to the right.



This is my masterpiece.
Fabulous, Gusto.

I've worked on it every year for 12 days.

Ha! No, no, wait, reverse that. Uh--

So, what do you think?

Wow. It's absolutely...

- ...amazing.
- Pretty rickety scaffold.

- But exciting.
- Not very Gummi.

I carved my dragon on the side of this
volcano for a single, brilliant reason.

Get this. Every day
the lava rises a little more.

Soon it will pour into this cave.

And, in that fateful hour,

my creation will actually breathe fire!

- Isn't this dangerous?
- No, I wear goggles.

Hey, let's eat.

I've studied this fully,

and a bridge is the onIy way
to get off this gumforsaken rock.

It won't work. You see, when
the beach collapsed a dozen years ago,

I tried making a bridge myself.

Gruffi, heh, it no reach.

No offence, pal, but after seeing
your scaffolding, I can understand why.

Let me tear it down
and build you a really great bridge.

Whoa, hold it. Sorry.

I need that bamboo
to finish my masterpiece.

Hey, Gusto,
what's more important,

finishing your statue
or getting off this island?

Wait, I know this riddle.
Give me a second.

You don't understand.
The bridge is everything.


Look. Back home,
whenever there's an emergency,

I always solve the problem.
Right, Tummi?

- Right.
- Gruffamundo,

we're trapped, but we're safe.

There is no emergency.

This island is falling apart.
Why can't you see that?

It's my hat, isn't it? You don't like it.


Gusto, you moron.

I'm sorry, Tummi,
I was trying to cheer him up.

Gruffi takes his bossiness
really seriously.

Well, I'm gonna go hit some granite.

And what are you gonna do?

Why, I'm gonna help them both...

...after I help myself. Catch.



Don't worry, Tummi, I'll get us home.

Organisation will see us through.

I hope so, Gruffi. I miss home.

One thing at a time.

A forked tongue!

What's all that about?
The call of the wild?

I'll check.

Inspiration has struck
our resident artiste.

Hey! Some of us are trying to sleep!

GUSTO: Sorry, Gruff.
Gotta work when the inspiration hits.

That settles it. Tomorrow morning
we start work on the bridge.

Augustus, that forked tongue
is sheer genius.

You know, you're right.
Gusto, you're amazing.

It really speaks to me.


Now for some shut-eye.


Early to bed and early to rise,
and you won't have two bleary eyes.

- That's the Gummi way.
- Oh.

Is Gruffi always this pushy, Tummi?

No, he's just uncomfortable here.

And, besides, Grammi usually
keeps him in line at home.

Home. Boy, it's been a long time. Left!

Actually, Gruffi's a great guy.

Yeah, I know. I just wish
I didn't rub him the wrong way.


If onIy he understood my work.

Unh. You may not believe it, Tummi,

but art involves
a lot of pain and suffering.

I believe it. I believe it.

I can't imagine why he wants to stay
on this crummy island.

But he doesn't, Gruffi.
He's more homesick than we are.

Then why won't he help us?

Hey, get off there!

- Awk, just one more ride?
- Beat it!

Okay, bye.

I'd like to fricassee that bird!

Yo, Tummi. This steel chisel
of Gruffi's works great.

Remind me to give you a raise.

Speaking of raising,
have you seen this lava lately?

No sweat, big guy.

This dragon will spit fire right on cue.




Any mail for me while I was gone?

- You're all right!
- More than all right.

Stick me with a fork, I'm done.
Ho, ho, whoopee!

Possilutely incredible!

- It's staggering.
- Eh, too busy.

Hey, Gruffi!

Gusto finished his dragon.

Yes, he did, and it is brilliant!

Well, it's about time.

Now you guys can start
repairing our bo-- Aah!

Quick. Grab those lines!

Get off the bridge, Gruffi.
It's gonna go!

Not without my tools!


My tools!

Forget them, Gruff, you nut.
Save yourself!

- Thanks.
- Just run!

Hustle! Hustle! Awk! Hustle!


Gruffi, you're all right.

No, I'm not. My bridge is gone.

Now we'll never get back
to Gummi Glen.

I'm really sorry, Gruff.

Hey, give me a smile.
Come on, we'll build another bridge.

You don't understand. I've lost my tools.

Face it. We're stuck here forever.

But Gruffi--

Hey, cheer up.

Your dragon's gonna breathe fire soon.

- That's not the onIy thing.
- What do you mean?

Come on. You weren't born tomorrow.

These tremors aren't a case
of the chills.

- This volcano's gonna blow its top!
- Soon?


Mm. I'd say so.

We're doomed.

No. There's still some time.
Think, think, think.

We've got to find Gruffi, fast.

TUMMI: Gruffi!
- Boy, have we got an emergency for you!

If you would've helped me before,
we could've been gone by now.

Gruffi, I wanna go home.

Sorry, kid,
but we wasted our onIy chance.

But that bridge wasn't our onIy chance.

Gruff, come on. Be inspired. Be crazy.

Maybe there's another way.

- And pigs can fly.
- Whoa, hold it. Time out. "FIy!"

The problem is to get the boat
over the falls. Am I right?

No tools, no bridge.

Lose the bridge! How about...


No tools, no catapult, either.



This mountain's gonna k*ll us!

That's it. Steam!

Gusto, you maniac!
You're absolutely right.

- Huh?
- Cubbi, I love you!


Ooh, not long now.


- Perfect fit.
- Of course. I carved it.

GRUFFI: Okay. When I pull this rope,
the lava will pour in on the water,

the steam will build up, and blooee!

- Will you sit down?
- But it's so beautiful.

Get ready.

- Uh-oh.
- Awk! I'll do it!

Artie, no. Wait!


- Artie!
- No, Gusto, it's too late.


Wow. I build boats that fly.

Look, it's wonderful!

It's a work of art.

- Artie.
- He was a noble bird.

Quick, grab a paddle.
We're not out of the jungle yet.

The current, remember?

Yee-ha! We're doing it!

Paddle harder!

We're losing it.

Tummi, you steer.

Hang on!

- Are we safe?
- Yup.


When we get home,
I'm never leaving my room again.

Bye, Artie.

Good composition, but is it art?

- Artie!
- Good as new and steam-cleaned.

This boat is nothing but trouble.

Aw, come on.

We went on an eensy-weensy trip
and came back with a new Gummi Bear.

Don't remind me.

Poor Gusto. He's sure been quiet
since he lost his life's work.

Don't spoil it. Maybe he'll sit still
for the whole trip home.

Whoa! Stop the presses! I've got it.

We'll use the sail for a canvas.
Oh, Gusto, you've got it in you.

I'll do a giant seascape.
Gusto, you're incredible.

I know that,
and thank you very much.