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01x01 - A New Beginning

Posted: 06/22/22 10:45
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[hoofs clopping]

♪ Dashing and daring ♪

♪ Courageous and caring ♪

♪ Faithful and friendly ♪

♪ With stories to share ♪

♪ All through the forest ♪

♪ They sing out in chorus ♪

♪ Marching along ♪

♪ As their song fills the air ♪

♪ Gummi Bears ♪

♪ Bouncing here and
there and everywhere ♪

♪ High adventure
that's beyond compare ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears ♪


♪ Magic and mystery ♪

♪ Are part of their history ♪

♪ Along with the secret ♪

♪ Of Gummiberry Juice ♪

♪ Their legend is growing ♪

♪ They take pride in knowing ♪

♪ They'll fight
for what's right ♪

♪ In whatever they do ♪

♪ Gummi Bears ♪

♪ Bouncing here and
there and everywhere ♪

♪ High adventure
that's beyond compare ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears! ♪

[courtly music]

[Dunwyn] Fire!




Dunwyn Castle is mine!

How did I get so brilliant?

It hardly seems fair to
the rest of the world.

Get moving!

Time is money, or it would
be if I were paying you.

By tomorrow,
King Gregor's castle

will be nothing but
a big pile of gravel!


[calm music]

Hmph, I'm wastin' my time
on this stupid errand.

I could be practicin'
my sword fightin' instead of

carryin' lunch to a bunch
of yokel woodcutters, Cavin.

Unwin, you'll thank those
yokel woodcutters this winter

when you're sitting
by a nice warm fire.

-[mule whinnying]


[Unwin laughing]

That. that's mine,
give it back!

A Gummi Bear medallion!

Well, I had somethin'
like this once,

when I was four years old!

My grandfather gave me that,
give it back!

[Cavin grunting]


Admit it,
you believe in Gummi Bears!

Ow, okay, I admit it!

Gummi Bears!

Boy, there's no
hope for you, Cavin.

Come on, Unwin, there
aren't any Gummi Bears now,

but they used to exist,
everyone knows that!

Everyone knows that!

Everyone knows they're
just fairy tales!

Hey, wait up!

[playful music]

[pensive music]


Good work, lads,
steady on there!

[chuckling] Hard work never
[yawning] hurt anyone.

Oh, where have you boys been?

It's an hour past lunch!

It's Cavin's fault lost,
he his mule!

That's not fair! [yelping]

Excuse me, Sir Tuxford?

Shouldn't you be keeping an
eye out for ogres and things?

Boy, are you dumb, Cavin?

There isn't an ogre
within 10 miles of here!

[Ogre] Oh yeah?



[woodcutters shouting]


-[Tuxford yelping]
-[horse whinnying]

Jump on!

[ogre laughing]


-[ogre yelping]

[horse whinnying]

[ogre snarling]

[ogres clamoring]

Don't worry,
lad, I'll be back!

I think!

[ogre laughing]

We scare them good!

They were getting too
close to our secret catapult

but you scared them
off nicely, good work.

[tense music]



[ogre yelping]

[Cavin panting]

[Cavin yelping]

[ogres shouting]

[gentle music]

[Calla laughing]




Calla, what have I said to you

about jumping into
that haystack?

A princess has to set
an example for her people.

I'm sorry, father,
I just couldn't resist!

[hoofs clopping]

Your Highness!

Ogres are in the woods!

I'm afraid they
may have my page!


Some of them chased
him into the woods!

I did my best but
the trail was too faint.

Is Cavin a friend
of yours, Calla?

Oh, uh, he seems nice enough,
for a page.

Do you think they'll find him?

I'm sure they will.

He's hurt!

We should do something!

We've already done too much.

Let him be Sunni, he'll do fine!

I've never seen a
human close up before!

Zummi, do they really
eat Gummi Bears?

Oh no, oh no, of course not,
Cubbi, that's just a story!

Humans are nothing but trouble,
I say leave him be!

That has been the Gummi
way for hundreds of years!

Look, around his neck,
a Gummi medallion!

Ah, that is just
some human trinket.

Oh my, it's a, I think it's,

well, one of the
Great Gummy medallion!

But Zummi, where
would a human child

get his hands on
a great medallion?

[Gruffi] More important,
do we let him keep it?

[Sunni] Gruffi, we can't
just take it, it's not ours!

[Gruffi] More ours than his!

[Zummi] Oh dear, oh dear,
it's really too powerful

to leave in the hands of a boy!

Wow, Gummi Bears!

Wait, I won't hurt you, please!

[action music]




Are you scared of me?

Can you talk?

Do you wanna say something?

Look out!

Look out?

[Gummi Bears] Look out!

-[dramatic music]
-[ogre growling]





[Cavin screaming]


[Gruffi] I told you
getting involved with humans

would bring us
nothing but trouble!

[Sunni] That's not fair,
Gruffi, it's not his fault

there've been so many
ogres in the woods lately!

I liked him!

And I bet there's a lot of
things he could tell us about.

Like what human music
is like!

Or what kinda foods they eat!

Or about knights
or wizards or...

Or about that medallion!

The medallion!

We left it out there, with him!

Wow, what a great place!



Stay where you are or I'll
smack you into next Tuesday!

Please, please,
don't be scared!

I don't mean you any [yelping].

We've got a few
questions for you!

[tense music]

No, no, no!

Much too simple!

Make it more royal,
I'm going to be a king now,

- I want to dress like one!
- Yes, sire.

Uh pardon, your nastiness,
catapult ready for test.

Oh, jolly.

Well, let's get to it!

Your Dukiness,
robe not finished!


Catapult loaded and ready!



What's the matter with you?

I might have been hurt!

All right, you say your
grandfather gave it to you,

where did he get it?

He found it when
he was a boy

in a ruined city way up
in the western mountains.

Ahem, could I have
something a drink?

-Gruffi Gummi,

you have the manners
of a Billy goat!

Bless you child, of course
we'll get you a drink.

I can do it,
Grammi, I can do it!

[Grammi] Tummi, what is that?

Gummiberry Juice.

No, Tummi, stop!


[Gummi Bears gasping]


[playful music]

Wow, this is great!

I'll be the greatest,
most famous knight that ever was

and Princess Calla
will notice me!

Look, pleased don't
be scared of me!

I wouldn't hurt you,
you're my heroes,

don't you understand that?

I want us to be friends!


The juice wore off,
didn't it?

So, now the shoe's
on the other paw!

I'm gonna get me some more rope!


Leave the boy alone,
Gruffi Gummi!

He's proved that
he's trustworthy.

Thank you, ma'am!

My name is Cavin, by the way.

Well, what a polite young man!

Cavin, you've met Gruffi.

This is Sunni Gummi.

I'm Grammi Gummi.

Wait, let me guess,
you're Tummi Gummi!


[Grammi] Zummi Gummi,
our keeper of Gummi wisdom.

[Cubbi] And I'm Cubbi Gummi,

I'm gonna be great
knight someday!

Uh, what was
that stuff I drank?

Oh Gummiberry Juice!

We Gummies have been
making it for centuries!

It's what makes us bounce!

Yeah, but apparently it has
a different effect on humans!

Oh dear, humans.

Cavin, there's something
that we must do right away!

Please, follow me.

This is the Great Book of Gummi.

What's in it?

Well, we really don't know.

It's been locked
shut for centuries!

Put your hand on it, please.

Now, Cavin, we need
your solemn promise

that you will never,

never tell anyone
about our existence

or about our home or
about our Gummiberry Juice.

I give you my word.

The book confirms your word!

Welcome to our home.

[Cavin] What is all this?

These are the quick tunnels
the ancient Gummies built them.

Yeah, we can go anywhere
in the forest in 'em.

Climb in!

Okay, hang on.

[energetic music]

[Cavin screaming]



[Cavin screaming]

Wait, stop!

Can you turn this thing around?


Hang on!


[gentle music]

Do you ride this thing often?

[Sunni] Pretty often.

And you were afraid of me?

[tense music]

Anymore mistakes and
you're going to be fired

from the catapult!



Beautiful, delicious!

Dunwyn Castle will be
mine for the taking!

Oh no, he's gonna
destroy the castle!

[tense music]

[Cavin] Look,
I know those old stories

that tell why
you don't like humans

but the Gummies have always
fought for justice

and King Gregor
is a good and just man.

He deserves your help!

Cavin, uh, we'd like to help,
we really would,

But we can't, I mean there
are only a handful of us

and the duke has an army!

But the ancient Gummies!

Well, we aren't
the ancient Gummies!

We've lost most
of their secrets,

we have no magic, no weapons.

We aren't really
fighters, what can we do?

We keep to ourselves,
that's our Gummi tradition!

People are gonna get hurt

and you're just
gonna let it happen?

Well, you just go ahead
and hide in your hole!

All those stories
about the great Gummies,

they really are
just fairy tales.

You're nothin' but a bunch
a silly selfish old bears!

I'm just one boy but
I'm not afraid to try!


We got no reason
to feel ashamed,

we don't have any other choice!

Well, maybe so, but I
wish we could help them.

The ancient Gummies would have!

[yelping] Oh my goodness,
now what's happening here?

[mystical music]

[thunder crashing]

[pages rustling]

[Zummi clearing throat]

"I, the last of
the great Gummies,

locked this book containing
all our lore and magic.

You who read these pages
have unlocked your past.

Now, find your future!

Help the good,
fight the wicked,

strive to make Gummies
great once more!"


It's a trick!

It's no trick, Gruffi.

Whoever left that
message was right,

we can't just hide here and
let innocent people be hurt!

I'm gonna help Cavin

and whoever wants to
join me is welcome!

I'm comin' with you, Zummi!

-Me too!
-Sure, you can count on me!

[suspenseful music]

You can't take it to
the castle without wheels!



[Cavin yelping]

-[ogres chanting]
-[whip cracking]

[Cavin grunting]

I want you all to know
I'm only going along

with this foolishness to keep
the rest of you outta trouble.

We're ready to go, Zummi!

Oh, wait, wait, wait,
just a little moment

and one of these spells
might make all the difference

if we get into trouble!

[pensive music]

If we can get some
Gummiberry Juice to Cavin,

he'll make mincemeat of 'em!

Mincemeat, mm!

No, it's way too dangerous!

There is one possibility.

I found an invisibility
spell in the Great Book!

Ooh, wait, here,
here, ah, here it is!

Well, if somebody's got
to try this fool scheme,

I guess it better be me!

You're walking into
danger for Cavin?

I thought you
didn't like humans!

Don't you tell me who
I like and who I don't like!

Here's his Gummiberry Juice.

I think this says, oh dear.

Tummen ummen vummiz

umma bummle, Gruffi!

[thunder crashing]

-It worked!
-[Gruffi] It did?

By golly, it did!

I'll be right back with Cavin!

[suspenseful music]



Gruffi, you came!

You came to help me after all!


[playful music]

Ooh, Cavin, catch!

I got it!

Never seen nothing like you!

What is you?

I am a Gummi Bear and
you are in big trouble.




[action music]

Put him down!

[ogre yelping]

[Gruffi grunting]

[ogre yelping]

-[Calvin yelping]

[ogre yelping]

[tense music]

[laughing] Look at them,

scrambling around
on top of the walls

like ants in an ant hill!

-What is that?


[playful music]

I no get squashed!

-I no get squashed!


Let's start from
the beginning.

How did you fall from
the clear blue sky?

Little boy threw us here.

Threw you here?

From catapult camp.

How do you think a
little boy got so strong?

Uh, he got small bottle of
magic drink from Gummi Bear!

A Gummi Bear?

What kind of fool
do you take me for?

Don't know, how
many kinds are there?

Uh, pardon, my lord,

but we are ready
to begin attack.

Ah, marvelous!

Clap these fools in irons!

How in the world did
Igthron build that thing

without our finding
out about it?

I'm sure I don't know, sire,

but we'll make certain he
never gets a chance to use it!

Mount up, men!

[calm music]

Lower the drawbridge!

[Igthorn] Fire tar ball!


I said, lower the drawbridge!

It's no you, sir,
she's stuck tight!

I have never seen so many ogres.

What do we do now?

Come on, we've gotta
stop that catapult!

You distract the soldiers
while I tear the thing apart.

Now that they're stuck inside,

let's give them a real
taste of what she can do!




[all gulping]

Gummies, attack!

[action music]




What is that?
What's going on?

Who are those attackers?

They lookin' like Gummi
Bears, You Dukiness.

[Gruffi raspberries]

-[ogre yelling]


[ogre babbling]

[ogre groaning]


-[ogres grunting]

The boy with the magic potion!

Get me that bottle!

The juice!

Get me that bottle!

Thank you.



[tense music]

[Igthorn laughing]

He'll lose his
strength in a minute

but he'll still
have the catapult,

we've gotta destroy it, come on!

[action music]

Help me release the brake!

[laughing] Look at this,
King Gregor!

Nothing can stop me now,
not your bravest knights,

not your thickest walls!


[Knights] Push!

[all grunting]

Ah-ha, you think you're
getting away with something?

[Igthorn laughing]

Who needs a catapult now?

I'm all the catapult I need!

Today Dunwyn is mine,

tomorrow the world!






-[Igthorn yelping]
-[towns people] Ooh!

Father look, the catapult,
it's rolling!

We've got to jump!

But it's gonna hit the castle!

We can't do anything
about that, now jump!

I'm caught!

Oh no!

[dramatic music]

Look out!

Cavin, Cavin is on the catapult!



[somber music]

Do you, uh,
do you think Cavin is all right?


[upbeat music]

[Gummi Bears cheering]

He's all right!

He's all right,
for a human that is.

What were you doing
on that catapult?

Uh, I, I set it free
so it would crash!


Oh, er, page, we
regally congratulate you

on destroying the
catapult all by yourself!

Oh no, I had help,
I had [gasping].

Remember your promise!

I had nothing to do with it.

I was a prisoner and when
I saw the catapult rolling away

I jumped aboard to escape.

Good boy!

No matter, son,
we're all safe now.

As we all know,

the Great Book of Gummi
will never be finished,

it is our duty to record every
important deed done by a Gummi.

For the first time
in generations,

we have done such a deed.


we helped a young
boy save his kingdom.

[theme music playing]