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01x52 - The Return

Posted: 06/22/22 09:51
by bunniefuu
All: # We are the Crystal Gems # we'll always save the day Steven: # and if you think we can't # All: # we'll always find a way # - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - Garnet: # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Steven: Give me the Oh, thanks.

- Eh, I saw you guys coming.

- Are you closing up - all by yourself? - Yeah.

- It's just me tonight.

- Wow.

That's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age.

Hey, your dad must really trust you.

- Don't patronize me, sir.

- Steven: See you, Peedee! So, like I was saying, Peridot's been sh**ting huge robots here from space.

And when you smash them, - they explode into goo.

- That sounds scary.

You know, I'm not sure if Do you ever feel like this gem - stuff is too much for you? - Steven: What do you Oh! [rumbling]

What the hey was that?! Steven? - Steven: Is that a hand? - Pearl: The light cannons - should be ready.

- Steven: Guys! Did you see that thing in the sky? Pearl: It's a ship.

We have to assume it's Peridot.

Garnet: Lapis told us she'd be coming with advanced - weapons and reinforcements.

- It's happening.

Steven: I want to see.

Whoa! Garnet: Ready the light cannons! [grunts]

Garnet: Steven, light 'em up.

Steven: If every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs.

- Garnet: No affect.

- What now? Garnet: We'll have to take them head on.

The whole town might be in danger.

Steven: I better make a call.

Time for some political favors.

[telephone rings]

- Hello? - Steven: Mayor Dewey, it's me, - Steven Universe.

- Universe! What's this thing in the sky? As a politician, pointing - fingers make me very nervous.

- Steven: Mayor Dewey, the whole town's in danger.

We have to evacuate the city.

Evacuate? Hmm.


Could be tough.

Um I'll need a catchy slogan.

Eva-cu-ate! Eva-cu-ate! Eva-cu-ate! Eva-cu-ate! [crowd murmuring]

People! I need everyone to consider evacuation.

Evacuation is something we all - depend on in times of trauma! - Steven: Oh, hey.

That's a great idea, Dad.

You should leave with the rest of Is that my luggage? - Uh - Who wants to tell him? Amethyst: Hey, I'm not good with this stuff.

Garnet: Steven, I know you don't think we trust you.

I know more often than not, we treat you like a human child.

But the truth is we rely on you.

Your voice inspires us, binds us, reminds us why we promised to protect the planet.

You must now be that voice - for them.

- Peedee, come on! - When are we coming back?! - Ronaldo, help me with your brother! Garnet: If anything happens, you need to be there to protect them, like your mother once did.

- It's your destiny.

- Steven: I won't disappoint you.

Garnet: I know.

[engine turns over]

We did everything we could.

All right.

Pull it together.



Steven: Maybe when Peridot gets to Earth, she'll see how nice all the people are and she won't want to hurt anyone.

- Just like your mother.

- Steven: Yeah? Yeah.

But these other gems aren't like your mother.

They're not like Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl.

They're not gonna start caring about people now.

They didn't the first time they - Steven: The first time they what? - I mean, it was thousands of years ago.

It's It's not like I was there.

The gems should be telling you all this stuff, but I get it.

I mean, they don't want you - thinking of them like that.

- Steven: Like what? - Dad, like what? - Like aliens, Steven! - Aliens who invaded Earth! - Steven: What? All they do is try to make up for it, but they just can't forgive themselves.

Do you understand? Look, they were doing something awful to the planet, and your mother couldn't stand it anymore.

She told me that's why she had to turn on her own kind.

She gave up everything just to stop what they started here and drive the invading gems off of Earth.

Steven: So, sh-she saved the world.

- That's good! - Uh, no such thing as a good w*r, kiddo.

Gems were destroyed.

People, too.

In the end, your mother could only save a handful of her closest friends.

If it weren't for her shield man, I don't know.

Bu-but hey.

Let's look on the bright side! We're gonna drive by that waffle place in a couple miles.

Steven: We got to go back! Turn the van around! No way! The gems don't want you going back.

Steven: I know they're just trying to protect me, but I have to protect them.

I have Mom's shield.

They need me! - I need you, too! - Steven: Please, Dad! What if they get hurt? Dad, turn around! Dad! Turn the van around, please! [tires screech]

[horns honking]


Steven! - Steven: Dad - Yo, Greg! Are you and your kid okay? Yeah! Yeah.

We're fine.

We're fine.


Steven: Dad, please.

I have to go back.

I have to.

They don't have my shield.

- Do you Do you understand? - Yeah.


Just be careful or I'm gonna run fresh out of family.

Steven: Stay with everyone and keep them safe.

I'll figure out some way to get back to Beach City.


Steven: Oh, this'll work.


[cellphone rings]

- Come on.

Pick up.

- You have reached - the Maheswaran residence.

- Steven: Aw! Please leave a message after the beep.

And keep it short.


Steven: Hey, Connie.

It's Steven.

Just seeing what you were up to.


Uh, don't know if you knew, but there's some crazy stuff going on with a giant space hand, and we all might die, so, uh I guess call me back when you get this, and talk to you soon! Uh, bye! [beeps]



Garnet: Fire! Steven: Stay here.

If something happens, Dad will need a new son.

Garnet: At least Steven is safe.

- Steven: Hey, guys! - Garnet: Steven! [both grunt]

Amethyst: You came back! Pearl: What are you doing?! Get out of here! - Steven: But - Garnet: It's too late.

Just stay behind us.

Steven: Uh That's them all right.

They're the ones that keep - breaking my machines.

- This is it? Jasper! They keep interfering with my work! [sighs]

Looks like another waste of my time.


Hey, get over here.


- Steven: Lapis.

- This is their base? - Yes.

- Garnet: You need to leave immediately.

Amethyst: Yeah, step off! Pearl: This is not a gem-controlled planet.

Neither of you saw Rose Quartz? Oh, what a shame.

I hoped to meet her.

I was looking forward to beating her into the ground.

- Steven: Oh.

- But this is all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl, a puny, overcooked runt, and this shameless display? Hmm.

What is that? - It calls itself the Steven.

- He's just a human.

He isn't a threat at all.

He He's not one of them! I know what a human is.

You don't need me for this.

- Just blast them with the ship.

- [sighs]


Garnet: Steven, get out of here! - Steven: No! - Garnet: I won't let you risk your life.

Steven: But this is my home, - and you're all my family! - Firing.

Steven: I'm I'm a Crystal Gem, too! [gasps]

That shield.

That symbol! [grunts]


You! You have the power of Rose Quartz! - Now do you believe I needed an escort? - Fire a barrage, wide spread! Rose, why do you look like that? Why are you so weak? - Don't hurt him! - You knew about this! It wasn't relevant to the mission! - Forget about the mission.

- What?! Yellow diamond needs to see this thing.

- Steven: Uh, uh - Good.

- Garnet: Steven, run! - Priming gem destabilizer.

[electricity crackles]




I was there, you know, at the first w*r for this garbage planet.

I fought against your armies.

I respected your tactics.

But this - this is sick.

- Pearl: Unhand him! I don't get what you're planning, Rose, but look.

Your base is taken.

Your armies are ruined.

You have failed! [smack!]