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01x44 - Marble Madness

Posted: 06/22/22 09:45
by bunniefuu
We are the Crystal Gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Can I look yet? Okay.

Books! Whoa! Cool cover.

It's my favorite series.

It's about this girl named Lisa, and she's a witch.

I mean, she doesn't know she's a witch at first.

And she has a familiar, which is sort of like this spirit companion that everyone in the world has, and hers is a talking falcon named Archimicarus.

Anyways, she goes on this quest to find her father after he's kidnapped by a mysterious one-eyed man.

- Whoa! Mystery! - Here, let me get you started.

"Chapter one: The morning thief.

Lisa awoke with a start, the echoes of her dreams still dancing in her mind.

The low rumble of thunder murmured through the quiet house.

" Whoa! - This is a really good book.

- Uh okay.

"The house was deathly still.

The only sound Lisa could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

The hairs on her neck tingled when suddenly" What the What was that? - It's one of the marble robots! - What? Huh?! - Amethyst! Pearl! - Hyah! - You okay? - I love hanging out at your place.

- Pearl, do you think this was - One of Peridot's machines? Yes, I think so, only we've never seen one this big before.

- Or this gooey.

- Amethyst, we need to be careful.

We don't know what this stuff is.

Oh, no.

Don't you dare get that stuff on me! Goop hug! Come here, Pearl! I love you, Pearl! Peridot.

Is that the gem you told me about the one that's trying to come to Earth? Yeah, we stopped her before, but I guess she can still sh**t stuff here from space.

So, what do you think it was here to do? We destroyed it.

That's all that matters.


Goop hug! Connie! The Steven Universe boy would like to speak with you.

I swear that's not his real name.

Hi, Steven.

What's up? Have you read more - "Unfamiliar familiar"? - Yeah, but I'm Isn't it amazing? - How far did you get? - I'm in the middle of one of them, but I'm really confused.

They keep talking about this plinkman guy who died.

- Am I supposed to know who he is? - Plinkman? But that's Lisa's dad.

Steven, you're reading them - in order, right? - There's an order?! Aw, man.

I just started with the one with the coolest cover.

Hello? Connie? What the Something entered the atmosphere.

Up there! It's another one of those things! It landed on mask island.

- Come on! - Connie, I'm gonna call you back! Is it looking for a warp? We have to stop it! Yeesh.

What are these things trying to do? We're not really that sure.

- It's not trying to do anything now.

- Mm.

Okay, so, you read the first three books in order.

- Do you like them? - Of course! They're awesome! I really love Lisa's familiar.

He's my favorite.

I'm just confused about - one thing, though.

- Mm, what's that? - What is a familiar? - Nooo.

Was that another one of those marble things? - Yeah.

- Grrr! What is with these things?! - This is like the fifth one this week.

- We'll find it in the desert.

Connie, talk later.

Wait, you guys! Wait for me! Stop coming here, you stupid balls! Yeah, let it out! Get crazy! - Wah! - Guys, guys, guys! Stop! How many more of these things - are you gonna have to fight? - We don't know! They just keep coming and coming, and we don't even know what they are! We don't know anything! Th-That's okay.

I-I don't know anything all the time.

It's like my whole life.

But I've got you guys to tell me about gem stuff, Connie can explain what familiars are, and Dad tells me weird Dad stuff.

But nobody knows what these things are here to do.

Well it probably does.

- What? - We could follow it - and see where it goes.

- Are you nuts?! Who knows what could go wrong?! We can't fight these things forever.

Well, we can, but I don't want to.

- Let's do it Steven's way.

- Yeah! # let's follow the funky flo-o-o-w# We're dead.

All right, big guy.

- Mush.

- Oh, oh, oh! Whoo-hoo! Kindergarten.

Oh, why here? This site has been damaged enough by the gems that were incubated here 6,000 years ago.

That's it! It's confirmed! - This thing is up to no good.

- Wait! We don't even know what it's doing here.

Can't we just see where it wants to go? - Garnet.

- Mm - Steven's way.

- Ugh.

What does it want here? Maybe it just wants to see where Amethyst was made.

Maybe it should mind its own business.

I don't like this at all

- But - I'm kind of with - Pearl on this one.

- Aw, come on.

Can't you feel this guy's funky flow? - He's a funk master.

- I can't believe we're doing this.

Why'd you stop, little buddy? - Something's happening.

- Whoa! Yes! See? I knew we'd find something cool! Let's go.

Hey, guys.

Goin' down? - Are you okay? - What is all this? What's that sound? Establish gem-projection link with control room.

Plug robonoid has successfully landed on planet Earth and entered prime kindergarten control room in Facet 5.

We'll proceed to perform status-check of kindergarten.

It's Peridot.

Is she trying to re-activate the kindergarten? Doesn't she know it'll destroy all life on Earth? - Why don't we ask her? - Shh! Steven, we're facing an enemy we don't know, a technology we don't understand.

This isn't the time to be - asking questions.

- Really sounds like it is.

Okay, here's the plan we can't let her see us, so we wait for an opening.

When she's distracted, we destroy the power source on the far wall.

Steven stays here.

- Hmm.

- Hmm.

Steven! Now accounting for all operational injectors.

Checking for aberrations in perimeter.

This gem tech is simply archaic.

Uh, I don't know.

I think it looks pretty cool.


I'm Steven.

There appears to be an infestation of"Stevens" in the kindergarten.

Aw, I'm not so bad once you get to know me.

And how many more Stevens are present in this area? Oh.

Just me.

Ah, that's a relief.

So, tell me, have Stevens replaced humans as the dominant species on Earth? Oh, no, there's lots of humans.

There's my Dad, Connie, Lars, and Sadie, the mailman, Onion I think.

Lots of people! - Hmm.

- Now I get to ask a question.

What are you doing? Mm.

Just picking up where we left off.

A gem?! More? But the red eye didn't report the presence of any gems on this planet.

That's because we destroyed it.

You what? But the records say that gems were wiped out on Earth.

Wait a minute.

You're the ones that have been destroying my plug robonoids! Are you the reason the homeworld warp is down again? Is this your bizarre icon?! Ohh! Why do you keep destroying my things?! Because we are the Crystal Gems! We're still alive, and we're still the guardians of this planet and all its living creatures! The Crystal Gems? Stop! How dare you?! I'm doing this one way or another.

You're just making it really difficult! Amethyst, now! - Destroy! - I'm reporting this! Is it over? Okay.

I-I might have gone a little - too far this time.

- Well, Steven, you weren't completely wrong.

We learned something new because - of your decisions.

- All right! But, yeah, this was a pretty bad idea.

Aw, man.