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01x42 - Winter Forecast

Posted: 06/22/22 09:41
by bunniefuu
We are the Crystal Gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Mmm.

You're roasting good! And Good job not setting that one on fire.


What is it about marshmallows that make them so good? It's probably the animal by-product.

You mean like poop? No.

Stuff like hooves, bone marrow, collagen and lots of sugar and corn syrup.

Corn sugar! Sugar syrup! Mmm! Bone marrow! Hello? Have you been watching world weather news? Um no.

Steven's still grounded - from watching TV.

- I see.

Well, there's a snowstorm on its way to Beach City, and I don't want you getting snowed in.

You need to get a ride home this instant.

Otherwise, your father is gonna try to pick you up.

Oh, no.

Don't send dad.

I'll be home soon.

- Looks like I got to get going.

- Oh, no! There's a snowstorm coming through, and my parents don't - want me getting stuck here.

- Man! That stinks! Wouldn't it be fun if we got snowed in together? We could stay up all night and watch the snow fall! - Hello, you two.

- Hi, Garnet.

- Hi, Garnet.

- You all having a nice time? Yeah, but Connie has to go soon.

There's a snowstorm a-comin'.

Maybe the storm will miss us.

Sometimes the forecast - is completely wrong.

- Nope.

- It's definitely going to snow.

- That's the 411, yo.


- Garnet has future vision.

- You kids better get - yourselves to Greg's.

- Wait We can't go yet.

I've got to show you this - tube-tube video really quick.

- Steven.

It's only, like, one minute long.

I know you don't want to go, but you have to make the right choice.

That tickles! Wow! Gotcha, Steven! Come on, kids.

We got to get going if we're gonna beat the storm.

I'll start the van.

# Carabiner # - # Carabiner! # - Aw! Do we got to go? Yes.

The Maheswarans think I'm a responsible parent, and I've got to maintain that image.

Guess this is it.

Well, Dad, if you want to look responsible, you should probably change out of that sweatsuit.

But it's cherries.

Everybody likes cherries.

I'm a cherry man! Okay, I see your point.

Just give me a second to change.

- Steven, are you procrastinating? - Nah.

I'm just k*lling time.

Aha! You can practically smell the responsibility.

Isn't that the turtleneck you wore the first time you met them? They're gonna think you only - have one fancy shirt.

- I do only have one fancy shirt.

Don't worry, Dad.

We'll help you find the perfect, - most responsible outfit.

- I don't know.

I haven't worn any of this stuff in years.

Ohh! - Okay, how about this one? - I can't lie.

That is the best outfit I have ever seen.

Okay, great! Let's go! Holy moly! That snow is really coming down.

- W-What are we gonna do? - Uhh - I guess we'll have to walk.

- What?! A responsible parent doesn't let two kids strand themselves in a van in the middle of nowhere.

A responsible parent escorts those kids through wind, sleet, and snow to avoid making the other parents angry! H-Hi, Mom.

Hi, Dad.

H-Hello, Dr.

and Mr.


Sorry we're late.

Mom, Dad you remember - Mr.

Universe and Ste - Do you have any idea what time it is?! - Why are the children blue?! - What are you do Ah ah choo! She's sick! You're going straight to bed, young lady! That's the last time I let you - out during flu season.

- I think you know where the door is.

Since you're standing in it.

Uhh, I kind of crashed my ride.

- Are you serious?! - Yes.

I'll go set up the pull-out couch.

Uhh okay.

So much for being responsible.

Maybe I should have worn the floral print.

Is everyone okay? - Yeah.

- W-Wait.

- What W-What happened? - We wiped out.

No, I mean, why are we in the van? You're right.

We got to get out there and start walking if we want to get Connie home.

Dad! No! We should stay put.

- It'll be way safer this way.

- My parents are all about safety.

- Heh.

You can't argue with safety.

- It'll be like camping.

But in cozy bucket seats.

Thanks for dinner, Mr.



Any requests? Hmm.

Let's hear a song about a snack monster that loves animal by-products! Om-nom-nom! Hello? Connie, are you still at Steven Universe's house? - I'm on my way.

- Dad, no! You know how bad you are at driving in the snow! - It's way too rough out here! - I'm almost at Beach City, so start putting on your shoes.

I see some headlights.

Is that him? Don't worry.

I got it this time.

Oh, wait.

Ohh! Dad, stop the car! You're right in front of us! I-I got it.

I got it! I Ohh! I-I don't got it! I don't have anything! - Whoa.

Sorry, Steven.

Are you okay? - Connie, what's going on?! - Everything keeps repeating! - Hey, come on, kids.

We got to get going if we're gonna beat the storm.

I'll start the van.

# Carabiner # Carabiner! Hey! What the My keys! I'm not gonna find those till Spring! - Come on, Connie! - What? Hey! - Let's go back to my place.

- But my parents No, Connie! You have to listen to me! If we leave Beach City, bad things are gonna happen! I've seen it! Bad things! Several bad things! Um okay.

Let me just call my mom and tell her.

Mom, this is Connie.

I'm staying at Steven's overnight.

- Oh, no, you're not, young lady! - But Mom! - You're coming home right now! - Dr.

Maheswaran, you can't let your husband leave the house! - He can't drive in the snow! - What? - Yes, I can! - Please trust me! Hey! Hold it steady.

We have to send this to the galaxy warp without - warping ourselves.

- This is too risky.

No, it's not.

Get over it.

If the sh**ting star goes off mid-warp, it could explode forever in warp space.

And even if we do manage to destroy the entire galaxy warp, they could still find - another way to get here.

- Uhh, whatcha doin'? - Steven?! - Pearl! No! - Mwah.

- Uhhhh What? Garnet, what happened? I passed my ability to you for just a moment.

You mean I had future visions? - Tell me what you saw.

- I saw some good things, - but mostly bad things.

- And now you can - make the right choice.

- Hmm.

Connie, we have to go right this instant.

Would you look at this? An entire inch of snow.

Dad, there's no time! - We got to go now! - Wha-huh?! Connie! Oh, thank goodness you're safe.

- Nice sweatshirt, Greg.

- Oh, thanks.

Well, we better get going.

Bye, Connie.

Sorry we can't stay - and watch the snow.

- Yeah.

It's starting to get pretty bad out there.

I don't know if you Universes should be - driving in this weather.

- Why don't you both stay here tonight? - Really?! - Wow, Mom.

- That's really cool.

- It's just safer that way.

We Maheswarans are all about safety.

- I'll make up the couch.

- A couch? Ooh la la! Chã¢teau Maheswaran!