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02x08 - k*ll Keef Knight

Posted: 06/20/22 12:17
by bunniefuu
I need you
to do something for me.

No more favors.

I'm done doing everything
for everybody.

‐ I need you
to k*ll Keef Knight.

‐ Okay,
I did not see that coming.

‐ You want us to k*ll you?

‐ No, no, no, no, no.
Not‐‐not‐‐not literally.

I need you to help me k*ll
The Keef Knight Project.

So Laura
has all the power, right?

But she needs what I built.

She needs the shoes!
She needs Keef Knight!


we're gonna k*ll my image
to stop her.

‐ That's not nearly as exciting
as k*lling you,

but I'm in.

‐ You're in?
‐ Me too.

♪ ♪

‐ You want us to sh**t you
in the face?

‐ Oh, my God.

No, did you not hear‐‐
His image.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Here lies Keef Knight...

who f*cked up everything
he ever did.

♪ ♪


‐ I take it you've seen
the latest edition

of the Bay Arean.

So Ayana revealed
all the dirty secrets

of your little corporate folly.

you're an assh*le.

And I'm stuck wearing
an assh*le's shoes,

which, by the way,
are falling apart.

‐ I just need you to understand
that I had no idea

there was 5G in the shoes
when I...

when I‐‐when I‐‐when I paid
you to take them.

Right. So now what,
you bring me a new pair,

and that's supposed
to fix everything?

What about everyone else?
‐ That's why I'm here, okay?

Man, you've been challenging me
since the day we met.

All right?

if you're up for it,

I was hoping you'd be part
of what we're doing

to make things right.

‐ Well, I'm still on the clock,
so if you want to talk,

you got to sit.

‐ Okay.

♪ ♪

‐ Are you kidding me?

Oh, shit, my bad.

Nope, nope.

Okay, sorry.

But we know it works, right?

‐ Don't run the batteries down.

We're gonna need that.
‐ Yeah, for sure. No.

Oh, shit.

It's the first issue
of the Bay Arean.

‐ Whoa.

‐ Could've written
this yesterday,

20 years ago.

Nothing ever changes.

‐ I mean, they do.
It just...

it just takes a while,

‐ I got to move on.

I can't do this anymore.

I don't want to write
about this shit anymore.

I want to fight it.

Hey, f*ck, yeah! I'm with ya.

I never thought my first fight
would be with Keef

and his dumbass shoes.

‐ Me either.

I wouldn't have guessed
that either.

‐ Just‐‐it's fine.
You don't have to‐‐

‐ Nah.

No, it's on the side.

‐ You know everyone's gonna
hate you.

‐ Maybe. Probably.

But, you know, I got to make
things right, so...

if that means destroying
the career that I've built,

then so be it.

‐ Revolutionary su1c1de.

‐ What's that?
‐ Huey P. Newton.

Reactionary su1c1de is brought
about by despair.

But the revolutionary knows
they risk death

and chooses to fight.

♪ ♪

Can I use this?

Not how I thought
you'd headline another protest.

‐ It's good.

It hurts, but it is good.

‐ Yeah, I know you, like,
really f*cked up,

but this is kind of radical.

Guys, I am so glad
Tommy's helping us out.

He just plotted
a regroup spot for us

in case the cops split us up.

‐ I'm no expert, but I've had
my fair share of run‐ins

with the SFPD.

‐ Oh, welcome to the team.

I don't mean
this as a compliment,

but you putting together
this protest,

getting us together, you're
doing more activist work now

than you did
with The Keef Knight Project.

Check it out,
check it out, check it out!

What up, what up?

We got the shoes
for the sneaker exchange!

Yeah, see, Hype had a connect

with this scamming,
double‐crossing m*therf*cker,

Rolo, so...
‐ Rolo...

‐ He tried to say
these was, like,

some limited‐edition
Kwame Browns.

‐ Wait, wait.
Kwame Brown had a shoe?

‐ No, he had a deal,
but he never got the shoe.

‐ Exactly. Ain't nobody wearing
these shits, man.

‐ I don't understand anything
anybody's talking about.

Are those Kwame Browns?

Or what?
‐ No, bro!

They just
some brown‐ass shoes, man.

‐ And we got tons of 'em.

‐ And once
we called Rolo out...

‐ We got 'em cheap as hell!
‐ Yeah!

‐ Mm.

‐ I've got a delivery here
for, uh, let's see...

‐ Oh, shit.
I know what this is.

Guy shows up
with a random envelope

right after I may or may not
have violated my NDA.

But this cowboy has been

to more than one rodeo,
my friend.

And I'm not
with the game playing,

so, please, hit me
with the infamous three words.

‐ Ayana Givens...

you've been served.

‐ Me?

♪ ♪


‐ What the f*ck he just say?

‐ No, no, no, no, no.

They can't do this.
They can't‐‐

What‐‐what‐‐what is SunLink
suing you for?

What is it?
I don't remember. What is it?

‐ "Defamation related
to false, scurrilous charges

in the most recent issue
of the Bay Arean newspaper."

‐ Freedom of press! I mean,
that's in the Constitution.

And it's been a minute,

but I'm pretty sure
it's still in there.

‐ Keef, it's‐‐
And besides,

you've already left anyway.

Joke's on them, you know,
you're already out the door.

Bay Arean's already done.

That was your last issue, okay?

You've already ceased‐ed
and desisted‐ed.

You ceased and desisted.

You stopped. You've already‐‐
you already stopped.

‐ Well, I can't leave now.

‐ What are you talking about?
I was going to leave

on my own terms‐‐
I'm not gonna be bullied.

‐ Wait a minute, what about
what we talked about?

I mean, spread your wings,
you know, fly high,

leave the nest,

soar and other, you know,
birdlike activities.

Hell, no.
No, no, no.

Forget that, man.

Hey, Ayana right.

You got to stand your ground.
Fight them b*tches.

I agree with bae.

‐ No one asked me,
but I also agree with bae.

I mean, Ayana, I think
you should do what you want,

obviously, but if you want
to stay, I'm right with you.

I mean, your work here
has meant everything to me.

‐ Okay,
none of this is helping.

Can I've a moment alone
with Ayana, please?

‐ Wow, so you just assemble us
like the Avengers

and then shoo us away.

‐ Well...

‐ Okay, no.

This is not how
this is supposed to go.

Look, I'm the‐‐I'm the one
who‐‐who should be to blame.

I‐I take the heat.

I'm‐‐I'm the one who's supposed
to get sued, nobody else.

‐ Keef, I wanted to leave
the Bay Arean to fight.

Sometimes the fight comes
to you.

‐ Not like this.
Not like this.

No, it's fine.
Look, I'll just call Laura.

‐ Man, f*ck Laura.
This is personal.

I've been giving jobs
to the unhoused for years,

never thinking that I was gonna
be on the street.

And then all of a sudden,
I'm living in my office.

I'm sleeping
on the f*cking floor.

If it wasn't for you guys, I'd
be wearing those shoes, too.

‐ So you're gonna risk

and you might not change

‐ Yeah, no shit. That's, like,
every g*dd*mn day.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

‐ We both know this is
a classic SLAPP lawsuit

used by corporations
to silence critics.

‐ Mm‐hmm.
‐ But unfortunately for you,

California's SLAPPback laws
are pretty tight,

so you're not gonna win.

‐ Okay, I see
someone's been Googling.

You're crazy.

‐ That's not the point.

The point is,
let's just drop this, okay?

Because we both know
this is bullshit.

‐ SunLink has a right
to defend itself, Keef, okay?

And if Ayana wants to go
to court

and she wants to plead her
case, that's perfectly fine.

To be honest,
she will probably win.

‐ Yeah.
‐ But SunLink has more money.

And SunLink has more lawyers,

and they're just gonna tie
this up in court for years.

‐ SunLink, SunLink, SunLink.

SunLink is you.

‐ No, I'm an investor
and a board member.

And thanks to you

and your little protest
on Friday,

the board is now meeting
on whether to cut me out.

‐ I hope they do.

Do you really?

This technology works, Keef.

SunLink is taking it nationwide
with or without me.

And if I am not a part of it,
I can't be there

to make sure
they don't do things like,

oh, I don't know,
sell data to law enforcement.

‐ Right, right, right, right.
Here's what you're telling me‐‐

"Um, you're trying to stop
a bad thing

"from happening, Keef,
but in doing so,

you're actually making
that bad thing happen."

That's good.

‐ Good twist you put on that.

‐ Keef, I know
you don't trust me, okay?

But I'm on the inside,
and the person who replaces me,

you think they're gonna sit
here and meet you for tacos?

I am trying to make this right.

‐ Well, so am I.

‐ So then let's do it

So let's open up the lines up
about this Friday's protest.

It's gonna be lit.
We got a care fair
for the homeless.

SunLink is evil.

We're gonna
show those f*ckers just
how much they suck on Friday.

I'm not surprised
by anything they do.

I feel we got
bamboozled by Keef Knight‐‐

Keef Knight and SunLink
must be stopped at all costs.

‐ Ooh, got a new batch
of bricks for tomorrow!


I didn't even use
the recipe book.

That's the real anarchy.

You okay, man?

♪ ♪

‐ Yeah.

I'll give in to peer pressure.
‐ Nice.

♪ ♪

‐ I mean, if self‐sabotage is
a superpower, right?

It's just that I thought

I was doing the right thing
this time.

Like, I really
genuinely thought I was.

But then, yet again, somehow
I managed to screw the pooch.

‐ I mean, I don't know
what bestiality has to do

with anything, but...

I have often viewed you as,
like, a frustrated superhero,

you know, because you're, like,
super frustrated

most of the time, so...

♪ ♪

‐ I just keep thinking
about what Clovis' dad said.

"Don't get so caught up
in the cause

that you forget to take care
of what's in front of you."

‐ Man, stop lying!
Holy shit.

‐ My dad did not say
that shit, bro.

‐ Jesus Christ, Candyman.

Listening in?
‐ Hell, no.

I was walking by
and heard my name.

But let's stay on topic.

Did he or did he not
say that shit?

‐ Yes, he did, okay?

He was talking
about how he wishes he
could've been a better father.

‐ Understatement
of the f*cking decade.

But it is nice to hear, though.


Look, the point is,
I'm okay

with screwing up my own shit.

But I got to find a way
to get Ayana out of this.

Look, bro,

you got to use your strengths
against their weaknesses, bro.

‐ You said "their weaknesses"?

No, no, no.
SunLink has zero weaknesses.

They say they care,
but if that technology works,

they're gonna sell.

‐ Well, then that's
their weakness.

Yeah, we just need to figure
out how to fight fire

with fire.

‐ Hold on.

What if self‐sabotage is
my superpower?

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We are alive ♪

♪ We are alive,
we are alive ♪

f*ck SunLink!

Who do they think we are?

We're not guinea pigs!

We're not tech mules
for Silicon Valley!

We're human beings!

And, remember,
they can take back

their shitty,
uncomfortable shoes,

but they'll never take
our freedom!

‐ All right, now, step on up!
Step on up!

‐ We got all the sizes
you need.

‐ Just let us know if you want
the Willie Browns...

‐ Or the Charlie Browns.

All right.

So, um, I was thinking...

‐ Mm‐hmm?
‐ Since you work so good

when I'm around,

maybe after this Rolo shit,
we go into business together.

‐ Hell, nah.
Absolutely not.

‐ Girl, what?

‐ Look, Clovis,
we got a good thing going.

What happens
if something goes wrong, hmm?

‐ Well, then we use
our communication

and our transparency skills
and whatnot.

‐ Wow.

So the student has become
the master, I see.

‐ Yeah, you know,
this that whole kung‐fu shit.

n*gga, you crazy.

Hey, how you doing?

‐ So that's a yes, right?

‐ I am Uncle Tifa!

‐ Gunther, calm down!
Calm down!

Where's Keef?

He's got a plan,
and, actually, there's, like,

a really small chance
that it might k*ll him, so...

‐ What plan?

All right, let's f*ck shit up!

‐ SunLink is exploiting
the unhoused.

And we're here
to tell them no!


‐ Ain't no power like
the power of the people!

'Cause the power
of the people don't stop!

‐ Ain't no power like
the power of the people!

'Cause the power
of the people don't stop!

‐ Ain't no power
like the power of the people!

‐ We are bringing power

to the people in ways
few have even dreamed about.

This is a most exciting time
for SunLink.

We know the technology works.

So we have an opportunity.

An opportunity to do
an incredible amount of good.

Of course, we're all aware
of what's going on outside.

Our narrative has gotten‐‐

‐ Our narrative issues
are a direct result of you...

and your partner,
who, might I add‐‐

Excuse me.

Oh, good morning, everybody.

I am so sorry I am late.

Let me tell you something,

if we're ever
in close proximity of a bar,

first round's on me.

‐ This doesn't need
to go any further.

I'm ready to take a vote
on moving forward.

Hold on a second.
I, um...

I want to be a part
of the solution.

You know, that's‐‐
that's why I'm here.

So, please, allow me
a few words, if I may.

‐ You have one minute.

‐ That's all I ever need.

I believe...

that human beings have three...

very basic life cycles.

Phase one...

you're born,

and you believe
professional wrestling is real.

‐ Jesus.

Hold it, now. I promise
you, there is a point.

Phase two...

you get older.

And you find out
professional wrestling is fake.

But what? How? How? Why?

How? How could that be?

Which leads us
to phase three...


You know the fight is rigged,
but you appreciate the grift.

‐ Wages haven't gone up
since the 1970s.

Because the people with money

don't want them to.

Taxes get cut, government
services go extinct,

because the people up there

with money
vote to keep their money.

‐ See, the people out here,

those people are stuck
in phase two.

But you, me up here,

we're already in phase three.

Now, sure,
when I first heard

about the whole
data‐collecting thing,

I was a little upset.

But that was
phase‐two me talking.


You see, phase‐three me
gets it.

We're never gonna solve

Instead, how about this?

We reimagine it‐‐

empowering the powerless
to play a critical role

in citywide connectivity.

‐ Is somebody
taking notes or...

‐ Those who once wanted
a buffer from the unhoused

now wants to move
a little bit closer.

And why is that?

To stop all the buffering.

They'll be opening their doors
to the unhoused.

We're gonna chance the NIMBYs
into the YIMBYs.

Yes! In My Back Yard.


Front porch, why the f*ck not?

Side of the house!

God damn it, in my bedroom!


Who doesn't want
the fastest internet, huh?

I come here today, folks,
to tell you...

that I get it.

I get it.

Oh, yeah.

I get it.

Oh, I get it.

I get it.

‐ So how do y'all feel
about Keef Knight?

‐ I'd be remiss
if I didn't let you all know

a very important fact about me.

I indeed come
from a long line...

of jigaboos, house n*gg*r*s...

And Uncle Toms.

Settle, settle,
settle, settle, settle.

I say that merely as a way
to communicate to you

that I literally have

coursing through my DNA,

which makes me the perfect

SunLink wokesperson, hmm?

No tablet left behind!

No tablet left behind?

We should use that.

‐ Yeah.
It's good.

No tablet left behind!

No tablet left‐‐
Come on, I can't hear you!

f*ck Keef Knight!
f*ck Keef Knight!

f*ck Keef Knight!
f*ck Keef Knight!

No tablet left behind!

‐ f*ck SunLink!

‐ No tablet left behind!

‐ f*ck Keef Knight!
Can't hear you.

‐ No tablet left behind!

‐ f*ck SunLink!

No tablet left behind!
‐ Yeah!

‐ f*ck Keef Knight!
‐ Now we cooking!

No tablet left behind!

‐ Oh, my God!

5G! It's the shoes!

That's got to be what this is!
Quick! Get some water!

‐ All we have is La Croix!
‐ Ah! It's hot!

Get this shit off of me!

♪ Ave ♪

♪ Maria ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

‐ m*therf*ckers!

So I hear

you might actually
survive this.

‐ Oh, yeah.

Just some minor
third‐degree burns.

It's not a big deal.

‐ Good.
‐ Mm.

‐ I'm glad
you're gonna be okay.

So where are the shoes, Keef,
the ones you were wearing?

‐ I was wearing shoes?

You know what? I‐‐

I think they may have gotten
lost amongst all the chaos

and whatnot, you know?

‐ Do you really expect me
to believe

that you gave some big speech

and then,
right when you finish,

the shoes just
spontaneously combusted?

‐ Oof, that does seem
to be what happened,

doesn't it?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ And if SunLink
continues its lawsuit

against Ayana,
that's what I will say happened

to a lawyer.

‐ Oh, Keef.

That is not a battle
you are gonna win.

‐ I ain't planning
on winning it.

But, you know,
a little birdie once told me,

we could have this whole thing
tied up in court for years.

And with all
the conspiracy theories

going on about 5G‐‐

Ooh. Ooh!

Who knew it was this bad?

‐ I really do care
about this work.

And I'm still gonna find a way
to make it happen.

‐ Just not with me.

‐ We really could have done
so much good together, Keef.

‐ Mm.

Is this the recovery room
for one Huey Keef Newton?

‐ What up?

‐ What up?
‐ What's up?

‐ Ayana.
‐ Hey, girl!

‐ Hey!
‐ I'm just kidding.

I still hate you.

Yo, hey, hold up, bruh.

How you pull off
the Serena maternity suite,

bro, with just city insurance?

‐ Courtesy
of the SunLink Corporation.

I guess they had
enough bad press for one day.

‐ Yeah, well,
my faith is fully restored

in "The Anarchist's

‐ Ah! f*ck.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.


‐ Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

‐ Oh, how'd
the shoe exchange go?

‐ Oh, you have
the last pair, man.

RIP to the KKP.

‐ RIP.
‐ And good riddance, shit.

Why didn't you tell me
what was going on?

I really thought
you were Keefing up again.

‐ Look, you risked so much
with this protest.

You know, I wanted to figure
out a way to get the heat off

of you and bring it on to me.

Yeah, literally.

I still can't believe you set
yourself on fire for me.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Well, now I'm fired up.

Like, who we
taking down next, dude?

‐ Thinking on some things,
you know, but whatever it is,

I want it to be low‐key,

out of the spotlight,
you know?

Want to get the real work done.

‐ I mean, I did like having
that megaphone.

Maybe I'll start
The Ayana Givens Project.


‐ Mm.
Just kidding.

I would never use my name.
I'm not an assh*le.

‐ Oh, that's good.

‐ Oh.


The New Bay Arean,

now 100% edited and distributed
by the unhoused community.

I love it.

‐ Thanks.

Now our whole team of folks
are ready to go.

You'd be surprised
how many journalists

are on the streets.

Well, the office is paid for,

at least
for the next few months.

Keef made a anonymous donation

with the rest of the money
from The Keef Knight Project.

‐ Ooh, I like that.

Funded by the people
we're trying to take down‐‐

that's just dripping
with irony.

Hey, um...

thanks for trusting us with it.

You know,
you built something special,

and we'll try to keep it going
for as long as we can,

or f*ck it up
in spectacular way.

♪ Nature's child ♪

♪ Child ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And I know,
and I know, and I know ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And I know, and I know,
and I know ♪

♪ The way that I feel ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Will reflect upon you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ All you gotta do is ♪

♪ Be a little wiser ♪

♪ Know when to retire ♪

♪ ♪

‐ God damn, Keef.

Everywhere you go,
you stirring up some shit, man.

You know that hallway's filled
with reporters, right?

Ready to do this?

‐ As ready as I'll ever be.

‐ Hi, Mr. Knight.
I hope you enjoyed your stay.

Just let me know
if you need anything at all.

♪ ♪

Mr. Knight?

♪ The front desk
won't take my card ♪

♪ They don't know if I'm okay ♪

♪ They can't say
that I'm okay ♪

‐ Oh, shit!
There he is!

The activist!

Who got the f*cked‐up foot now?

‐ You sure
you want to do this shit?

‐ Ah, come on, man.

Open road,

guerrilla farming,
all while seeking revenge

on those who have wronged me‐‐
what's not to want?

You should come.

I mean, he's your daddy.

‐ Yeah. Nah, bro.

I know the type of bullshit
y'all about to get into.

‐ But, hey, man,
take care of yourself, dog.

‐ You too.

‐ Take care of him,
if he'll let you.

‐ Let's go, Keef.

Ready to get into some
questionable mischief?

‐ Don't you mean good trouble?
‐ Do I look like John Lewis?

Get in the f*cking van!

♪ ♪

‐ Good luck.

Hey, Keef.
You got any peanut oil on you?

♪ Ooh, bet I'd look good
in some sheets ♪

♪ It's been a long week, think
I'm finna kick up my feet ♪

♪ I'm craving isolation
and a few tangerines ♪

♪ I crave a little me time
on my free time ♪

♪ But time be movin' slow ♪

♪ But ain't no stagger
when I step ♪

♪ I'm a casual man, so I always
watch before I tread ♪

♪ I ain't mad, I'm just tryna
get my ass up out this debt ♪

♪ It's real hard
to ease pressure off ♪

♪ With ties around your neck ♪

♪ It's all good, baby ♪

♪ Just think
I need to loosen up ♪

♪ Shout out ♪

♪ It's all good, baby ♪

♪ It's all good, baby ♪

♪ Just think
I need to loosen up ♪

♪ 'Cause it's just better
like that, oh, oh, yeah ♪

♪ 'Cause it's just better
like that, oh ♪

♪ It's all good, baby ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Just think
I need to loosen up ♪

♪ It's all good,
wait a minute... ♪