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02x07 - Black Trauma V

Posted: 06/20/22 12:16
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪



I just took the BART
to the end of the line.

I'm not really sure why
I'm in the Old West right now,

but, um,
I got in a big, stupid fight

with some dude
I'm not even f*cking.

And now I need a room.

And I know
what you're gonna say.

Why don't you go to your room?

Well, I can't,
because I live with the dude

and two other dudes,

one of whom
doesn't wash his legs.

And I have no privacy, all
because I lost my apartment,

all because
I was k*lling myself

trying to keep
my newspaper afloat,

all because
I'm a strong Black lesbian

who is committed
to the struggle.

And I'm f*cking exhausted.


so business or pleasure?

‐ I'm gonna take
a shit ton of mushrooms.

‐ I'll just put business.

♪ ♪

‐ ♪ Ooh! ♪

♪ ♪

Hello, Laura.

Surprised to see me?

Hope I didn't scare you.

‐ I'm not scared,
I'm just...confused.



Did you come in early
to celebrate your photo op?

Because it looks really good.

You okay?

I was wondering where
you ran off to last night.

Well, I ran off to many places.

First a bar.

Then a cheaper bar.

Then a gas station

so I could pick up
99¢ flip‐flops.

And then I made my way
all the way over here

so you could help me wrap
my head around...this.

‐ Okay.

I see.

So you wanna
keep being dramatic,

or should I explain?


Oh, you're gonna explain.

♪ ♪

‐ Ayana, hey!

Yeah, it's, uh,
it's‐‐it's Gunther again.

Um, just calling‐‐
calling‐‐calling you

several times, several times.

And you haven't
called me back yet, so, uh,

if you could, as soon
as possible, that'd be great.

It's, um, it's urgent, so...

Okay, bye‐bye.

Ciao, see ya, uh...f*ck.


Thank the Abrahamic god
you're here.


Um, so...

Ayana didn't come home
last night.

‐ Okay.
I mean, she is grown,

so she probably out just being
a fuckgirl or something, bro.

Calm down.
‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, that's, uh, that's
what I thought as well,

um, but then when I went
into her/my room to, you know,

just look for clues
about her whereabouts,

I found...


‐ Okay, so that is nothing.

‐ Yeah, it should be
my bag of shrooms.

Ayana took 'em.

‐ Okay, so basically Ayana
jacked your shrooms

and decided to go get high
somewhere in private?

‐ Yes, but my shrooms
aren't normal shrooms!

They're Amanita muscaria!

‐ Oh, you talking about...

you talking about
the big red and white‐‐

‐ Willy Wonka‐looking

m*therf*cking shrooms?

And she is going to have

a Willy‐Wonka‐esque trip,
all right?

And I'm talking the one
that's starring Johnny Depp.

So, like, visually pretty cool,
but overall...

f*cking terrible.

It's gonna be really bad.

‐ Whoa.

♪ ♪


It's breathing.

♪ ♪

SunLink's new mesh network

features connection devices
discreet enough

to cast high‐quality Wi‐Fi
from a dashboard, a wallet,

or even a pair of sneakers.

We're democratizing
internet access

and revolutionizing
the way people connect

within the city,
across the country,

and around the world.


It's not just a connection.

It's a bond.
‐ "It's a bond."

It's good, right?

I worked
with the marketing team myself

to avoid another fuckup like
those Martin Luther King ads.

‐ So let me get this straight.

It‐‐it‐‐it's not
just the shoes.

You're putting 5G
in everything.

‐ That's right, The Keef Knight
Project was our beta test.

‐ What?

Wh‐‐so I'm a‐‐I'm a mark?

‐ A mark? What?

What is this, "Criminal Minds"?

I didn't know you were
gonna make sneakers, Keef.

I saw an opportunity,

and if you'll pardon the pun,
I ran with it.

‐ And you didn't think
to tell me?

‐ It's new technology.

I wasn't sure if it would work.

But it does work,

which means
that we can bring free Wi‐Fi

to the entire city!

‐ First the city.

Then the world.

‐ Keef. Why not?

There are unhoused people
in every city on Earth.

And all the people
in all those cities need Wi‐Fi.

I mean, you always say you
wanna change the world, right?

Well, that's what we're doing.

‐ Okay, but why hide it?

‐ I wasn't hiding it.

These things move fast,
Keef, and...

I mean, no offense, but you've
been off with your publicist

giving yourself awards.

‐ Award. Just one award.

And we're supposed
to be partners in this.

‐ We are partners.

We would not be here
without you, Keef.

I wanna keep moving forward

‐ Okay, good.

Good, you know, because...

I'm getting all
these crazy tweets from people

talking about 5G
being in the shoes

and now I have to go and tell
them that they were right.

‐ Oh, no, no, no, we're gonna
launch this the right way.

No‐‐no Twitter.

I have a meeting
with the SunLink team

in a few hours
to discuss just that.

You know what?
‐ What?

‐ Why don't you go home,

put on something other than
those 99¢ flip‐flops,

and then come back
and join us with fresh eyes?

‐ You don't like my chanclas?

Well, maybe I should
supe 'em up with some 5G.

‐ Keef.

This is good.

You'll see.

‐ I am Ayana Givens.

I make the sacrifices.

I know the struggle.

I was here before Keef,
and I will be here long after.

I am a revolution‐‐

I am a revolution‐‐I am‐‐

A revolutionary.

We get it.

‐ Oh, shit.

‐ Calm down.
You're hallucinating.

‐ Yeah, I got that.

Oh, I recognize you.

You're Claudette Colvin.

♪ ♪

♪ Claudette Colvin ♪

‐ We need to talk.

Let me just tell you
why I'm here.

‐ No, I think
I can figure this out.

‐ Hmm.

‐ Got it.

Rosa Parks overshadowed
Claudette Colvin.

Keef overshadowed me.

Ipso facto,
this makes perfect sense.

And since I should probably
be spending more quality time

with Black women, but I'm alone
and high in a motel,

I manifested a Black woman
out of thin air.

My brain is fire.

‐ Yeah, you're real impressive.

But I'm here
to teach you a lesson.

‐ I'ma stop you
right there, CC.

Today is my day to escape.

Not a chance to play
A Christmas Carol

with the ghost
of activists past.

‐ But I just want to tell‐‐

Can't we just...

have a good time?

Well, a vacation
does sound nice.

Count me in.

I could use some relaxation.

And some hooch.

But can somebody
get me a nightie

or turn on the AC or something?

I ain't been this hot
since bondage.

‐ I'm sorry,
I don't think I know you.

‐ Yes, you do.

I'm Harriet Tubman's
secret girlfriend.


♪ Harriet Tubman's ♪

♪ Secret girlfriend ♪

‐ Oh, yes!

I got in a lot of trouble
fifth grade

writing a very explicit story
imagining you.

‐ Mm, mm‐hmm, but you weren't
too far off, though.

You know, us girls
had to get real creative

back in the day.

You know, we used to fashion
strap‐ons outta sugar cane.

‐ Um, that sounds

‐ Don't judge me.

♪ When you're in love,
my, how they fly ♪

♪ Blue days ♪

Dude, where would a super‐duper
f*cked up Ayana go?

I mean, she's smart.

She's gay. She's corny.

Pier 39.

♪ ♪

What the f*ck are you doing?

‐ Oh, um...

well, when I was lost
in the stairwell, high and found myself,
so I'm just kinda,

I don't know,
applying that logic to Ayana.

We'll see what happens, right?

‐ Stupid man.
‐ Oh, shit, dude.

How wild would it have been
if that was her?

Hey, um,
want to let everybody know

that I'm working out
the shoe situation with Laura.

‐ Okay, good, good.

That's what's up, man.

Have you seen Ayana?

‐ Have I seen‐‐uh, no.

I have not seen Ayana,

but we did get
into a pretty big, uh,

argument last night.

And, know,

maybe I suggested
she was a little bit, uh,

you know, envious of me.

And then I, um,
definitely walked away

and gave myself an award.

I mean, she was mean too.

‐ Mm, you know what?

I wasn't gonna do it.
I wasn't gonna do it.

But since you my boy,
I gotta keep it real.

Do it.

‐ You've been being
kind of a d*ck, bro.


First, you skipped out
on Ayana's rent party.

Then you went ahead
and threw yourself

the Keef Knight Source Awards,
gave yourself five mics,

and you ain't even
get your homies good seats.

Now this?

Who‐‐who are you?

‐ I'll tell you who he is.

George Lucas.

‐ What?

You're the rebel filmmaker
who fought the power

and conquered Hollywood,
only to become the Empire.

That's you.
Guys, I'm‐‐I'm sorry.

I'm tired, and look,
maybe Ayana didn't come home

last night because she
was getting laid or something.

‐ Okay, yes.

And that's exactly
what Clovis said,

but what you're not getting is
she took off with my shrooms.

‐ She took off
with your mushrooms?

The Willy Wonka‐‐Jesus Christ.

‐ Yeah.

‐ Well, we gotta find her!
We know!

‐ Yes. That's...

‐ Previously
on "Black Trauma 5"...

‐ No, please don't!
‐ I don't get it.

I mean, why did we end sl*very

just to watch our people be
whipped on TV 150 years later?

‐ Well...

this is progress.

Yeah, back in the day,

Black actors
could only play servants.

And now they can be...
m*rder victims.

‐ Damn.

And I thought minstrel shows
was f*cked up.

‐ But this
is what should be on‐screen.

Like...Black women hanging out,
enjoy each other's companies.

‐ Yes!
‐ I like it.

‐ Right? This is what people
need to see right here.

‐ Yes.

Oh, I'm starving.

Hey, what a girl gotta do
to get a snack around here?

‐ I knew I would be hungry.

I have popcorn in my suitcase.

‐ Well, I'm not getting up
from my seat.

That's kinda my whole deal.

‐ Right.
Okay, trailblazer, I got you.

‐ Mm.

‐ Oh. All right, then.

‐ Oh, my gosh, you know...

I'm so impressed that you two
aren't, like...bitter.

I'm not gonna lie‐‐
am I pissed

that Keef gets more credit
than I do?

Yeah, a little.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

But it's more than that.

Like he knew I was struggling.

And then he got
a little bit of money

and a little bit of fame
and he just ditched me!

‐ You know what?
f*ck Keef.

‐ f*ck Keef.
‐ f*ck Keef!

‐ Yeah!
You know what I would do?

I would smother that fool
while he slept.

‐ That's not Christian.
I mean,

I have thought strangling him
many times.

‐ See?

And that just goes
to show you

how capitalism
corrupts everything.

‐ Including friendship.

And that's why
I don't f*ck with it.

‐ You don't f*ck
with capitalism, huh?

Well, then why am I here?

‐ Oh, shit.

‐ Who the hell is this?

♪ Annie Malone ♪

♪ ♪

And like all of you,

I was brilliant.

Like all of you,
I was overshadowed.

And like all of you,
I'm here to teach Ayana‐‐

‐ No.
‐ No, no.

‐ Mm‐mm.
‐ No lessons.

Especially from a hair care
millionaire like you.

‐ Uh‐‐
‐ If you wanna stay,

you need to chill.

‐ Whoo!

‐ Chill.

‐ Fine.

Let's do some hair!

‐ Ayana?

Hey, where are you?

It's, uh, your pals,
Gunther, Clovis.

‐ Girl, where you at?

♪ ♪

There's gotta be a clue
in here somewhere.


Okay. This...


Yeah, I don't know,
it kinda feels like

an invasion of her privacy,

‐ Shut up, man.

Your ancestors always looked
for Black people.

‐ Uh, okay.
‐ What's in here?


‐ "Aha" what?
‐ Look what we have here.

♪ ♪

Facial cream.

‐ Okay, that doesn't help.

‐ Cool.

‐ All right.

Now you kinda just made it
a little uncomfortable.

I feel like
we're rifling through

a woman's personal things now.

‐ So if a female friend
runs off...

are you not supposed
to chase after her?

Are you supposed
to just respect her privacy

and...leave her alone?

‐ Well, I mean,
dr*gs are involved.

‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You're right, but...

I don't know, man.

If you ran off...

I wouldn't chase after you.

‐ Huh.

Probably wouldn't even notice.

I mean, if we're being honest,
I mean,

I probably wouldn't even care.
I just‐‐

‐ You're just kinda starting
to hurt my feelings now,

but I do understand
what you're saying.

Like, you and Keef
didn't come home last night,

and I‐‐I didn't care at all,

‐ Oh, shit.

I think us looking
for Ayana right now...

I think that's...
that's the sexism.

‐ The sexism?

‐ Your sexism, man.
‐ I'm not sexist.

‐ Bro,
you're a white sexist man.

‐ I'm not sexism.
You're sexism.

♪ ♪

‐ Thank God.


Got me out here looking like
I'm on a walk of shame.


Come on, move!

♪ ♪


‐ Oh, my God.

‐ You can't just
f*cking throw it away!

How do you sleep at night,
you f*cking pig?

You sick f*ck!


‐ Tommy!

‐ These f*cking pigs

just tossed
my red sketchbook, man.

‐ Okay, okay, I'll help you‐‐
‐ You don't understand!

That book is the only thing

that means anything to me!

They probably took it
to jack off to,

do whatever f*cked‐up shit
cops do when they're not‐‐

‐ Got it, I got it!
‐ Let me see.

‐ I got it, I got it.

And, uh, this is part of it.

These are really good, man.

‐ Just a bunch of stuff
I've been working on

to send to my niece.

If I lost this, I wouldn't know
what I'd do, so...

See, 'cause these f*ckers are
getting better at finding us.

It's like they have a tracking
device on us or something.

That's why
I don't have a phone.

I don't want an eye in the sky

or the cloud or whatever
the f*ck knowing where I am,

you know?

All right, let's go.

‐ f*ck me.

‐ What'd you say?

‐ f*ck me.



Take‐‐uh, take the shoes off.

‐ What the f*ck?
‐ Trust me.

Just‐‐just tell everybody
to take off the‐‐the shoes.

‐ You sound like a crazy man.

Why would I take off‐‐
‐ Just‐‐Tommy!

Trust me!
Take off the shoes!

And put on what?

‐ Pin this updo tight now; it's
gotta last through time travel.

♪ ♪

‐ I know you're self‐made

and you have a pretty cool
biography and all,

but if you're here to teach me
that being rich is ethical,

I'm not buying it.

‐ I'm not trying
to teach you anything.

Isn't that the deal?

‐ Right,
but just so you know...

I wouldn't be convinced.

Because nobody
becomes a millionaire

without compromising
their integrity.

And if they say they didn't,
they're a liar.

‐ Okay.

Playtime's over.

Wait, what about my roll?

‐ Everything is a compromise.

But I gave Black women jobs.

I filled a need
in the community.

I deserve my success!

And somewhere deep down,
you know that,

or I wouldn't be here.

So stop projecting
your frustration

on other people or you are
going to be overworked

and unhappy forever!

‐ Okay, well, at least I didn't
opt out of the struggle.

That's what's important.

Right, Claudette?

‐ Well, I did both.

I mean, I dedicated myself
to the movement,

but I also had a good life.

I have a good life.

I'm alive.

Y'all do know that, right?

‐ Okay, well...

Harriet Tubman's
secret girlfriend,

you know
what I'm talking about.

Living as a lesbian
during sl*very.

‐ Well, I'm not saying
I had it awesome.


well, I did f*ck
Harriet Tubman, so...

I mean, how many people
can really say that?

‐ Fine, you're right.

I get in my own way.

I could be living
a happier life.

‐ Great!

That's settled then.

♪ ♪

But why are you crying?

It's okay.

‐ It's not okay.

I'm not okay.

♪ ♪

‐ Ayana, honey.

It's just you and me.

Now tell Harriet Tubman's
secret girlfriend what's wrong.

‐ I'm a failure.

That's what's wrong.

‐ Okay, I can't do this.

I'm not a mother.

‐ I thought being a strong
Black woman would be enough.

But you all are strong
and Black and happy.

What's wrong with me?

‐ Well, baby,
we weren't trying to say

there's something wrong
with you.

You're a perfectly normal
human being.

With a very active imagination.

‐ But you're all superwomen.

I can't do that anymore.

I don't know
if I can do it anymore.

‐ No Black woman
is a superwoman.

We all have our things.

For instance,
I get overwhelmed easily.

‐ And I suffer
from panic att*cks.

And then I suffer from trying
to hide the panic att*cks

so people won't think I'm weak.

‐ And I'm a messy ass bitch.

I mean, come on now.

You can see that.

‐ The only lesson we were
trying to teach you

is that you shouldn't make
yourself miserable

trying to live up
to some false ideal.

‐ But I've been doing this
for so long.

If I don't struggle, I don't...

really know who I am.

Oh, God, that sounds so sad.

I think the mushrooms
are wearing off.

‐ Your first obligation
is to your own joy.

And I used to tell Harriet
that all the time.

And then she would tell me...

And then I would tell her.

We would tell each other‐‐

‐ What would bring you joy
right now?

‐ I don't know, like...

some water?

And finding a meaningful job
that pays me decent money.

‐ Well, give yourself

to find those things.

‐ What if I get corrupted?

What if you don't?

‐ You didn't get corrupted?

‐ Well, I don't think I was.

But more importantly,
you don't think I was.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I think I know one more thing
that'll make me happy.

♪ ♪

Some box braids?

Like, a little pink in it?


Okay, you got it, baby.

♪ ♪

‐ Oh, Keef,
you didn't change clothes.

I'm about to leave
for the SunLink meeting.

‐ Are you selling unhoused
people's data to the cops?

‐ What?

‐ Are you selling data?

‐ We do have a preliminary
contract with the city.

I don't think that we're‐‐
‐ Jesus f*ck.

Please tell me we're not
helping the f*cking police.

‐ Keef, if the city is doing
something nefarious

with our metadata,
we can address that.

‐ Why are we selling them

We should be helping people!

‐ We are helping people!

But the money to help people
has to come from somewhere.

‐ Oh, okay.
Yeah, makes sense.

Just a vicious f*cking cycle.

‐ It's a virtuous cycle.

Okay, I didn't get
into this to sell data.

I am doing this work

for the exact same reason
you are.

And you know what?

For anything
to actually change,

it involves compromise.

Oh! What was I thinking?

You know it's wrong.

So I guess that's comforting.

‐ Keef, this isn't
black and white, okay?

This isn't good versus evil.

‐ Oh, no, it's just
good, old‐fashioned

f*cking capitalism.

Because here at SunLink,
connection matters.

‐ Stop blaming capitalism.

‐ We are helping the police

put people out of their homes!

‐ And I told you
that we can deal with that.


I know that the police
are a very sensitive issue

for you, okay?
‐ Oh, you know?

You know it's "sensitive."

It's a very touchy issue
for me.

You have no f*cking idea.

And it's
for good f*cking reason,

I can guarantee you that.

You know what, man?


I'm out.

Yeah, I'm out.

You're out?
What do you mean you're out?

You can't just be out.

Okay, you can't
just pull the plug

because you have
a personal issue

with one infinitesimally
small part of what we're doing.

‐ It's called
The Keef Knight Project.

I'm Keef Knight.

I'm out.

‐ It doesn't work like that.

See, you wanted to be
a big‐name activist, right?

Well, congratulations.
You did that.

You created something
bigger than yourself.

And you know what? You
should be really proud of that.

'Cause most people,
they never do.

But this...

this is my money.

And I actually care
about this work.

So as long
as your reputation is solid,

The Keef Knight Project
will continue its partnership

with SunLink.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

I have a meeting.

♪ ♪

‐ You know,
respecting Ayana's privacy

really freed up our afternoon.

‐ You know, we should
ignore women more often, bro.

‐ Unless she's, like,
really in trouble

and we're just eating tacos.

‐ Hmm.

‐ How long should we wait
before we file

a missing persons report?

‐ You know, I'm thinking
it's not a good idea

to call the police
on a Black person.

Oh, shit!
Oh, my God.

‐ Ayana? Okay!

There you are!

I knew you was all right.

‐ Mm.
‐ I knew it!

‐ Okay.
I knew it!

‐ And I'm gonna use
my dad voice real quick,

but don't you ever run away
like that again!

Hell wrong with you?

Just leaving?


‐ What are you talking about?

I told you I was taking
the Wonka shrooms to a motel.

‐ Wait, what? You‐‐

‐ Oh, yeah.

Yeah, you know what?
I must not have remembered

because I was high
on the shrooms.

Oh, also, sometimes
when you talk to me,

you should know
I sleep with my eyes open.

So if I'm ever just like...

probably snoozing.

‐ So did, like, a troll
nut in your hair or something?

Like, what's...

what is this about?
‐ Yeah, what is that?

‐ It is toothpaste.

Is it?
‐ I did my own hair...

on shrooms.

Doesn't matter.

I have something important
to announce.

I'm putting "The Bay Arean"
to rest.

I'm going to find a way
to help my community

that doesn't cost me
my happiness.

‐ Okay.
‐ Yeah, good for you.

‐ Major moves.

Thank you.
‐ I am proud of you.

Now please wash your hair.

‐ Thanks.

‐ Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, Ayana!

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

I am terribly sorry.

‐ Wow, I need to run away
more often.

‐ Okay, listen.
You were right.

I was wrong.
‐ Hmm.

‐ Turns out,
Laura has been putting 5G

in all of The Keef Knight
Project sneakers.

And she's selling the data.

And the police are using that

to track and to abuse
the unhoused population.

‐ Uh...

I would like to formally resign
from The Keef Knight Project.

Starting from this very moment.
‐ Okay, that's fine.

I have to get up.
My knees are k*lling me.

‐ So the SunLink conspiracy
is true?

‐ Yes.
Oh, my God.

It's Shoe‐Anon.

‐ And listen,
I know I don't, um...

I know I don't deserve
your help, but um...

I need you to do something
for me.

No, no more favors.

I'm done doing everything
for everybody.

‐ I need you
to k*ll Keef Knight.

‐ I'm in.

♪ I don't want to have I ♪

♪ Go against I ♪

♪ I don't want to have I
go against I ♪

♪ Oh, let me tell you ♪

♪ The same old story,
no factual glory ♪

♪ I against I against
I against I against ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ And I say I don't like it ♪

♪ And I know I don't want it ♪

♪ I against I against I against
I against I against ♪

♪ Ooh! ♪

♪ Almighty watching,
almighty watching ♪

♪ I against I against I against
I against I against ♪

♪ Ooh! ♪

♪ And I say I don't like it ♪

♪ And I know I don't want it ♪

♪ I against I against
I against I against ♪

♪ Whoa‐oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I‐I‐I‐I ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I‐I‐I‐I‐I‐I, oh ♪

♪ Whoa‐oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪

♪ I‐I‐I‐I ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I‐I‐I‐I‐I‐I, oh ♪