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02x01 - A Knight in the Park

Posted: 06/20/22 12:08
by bunniefuu
You're a Black cartoonist.

You're controversial
just by existing.

‐ Why is it that, as people
of color, we're always

having to stand for something?
I'm just a cartoonist.

‐ Because the world's
a r*cist, f*cked‐up place.

Don't make me!
‐ Don't move.

‐ You got the wrong guy.

I got my ass beat
by the police.

This isn't the suspect.

‐ I can't believe
they did us like that.

What's really going on, bro?

Mr. Policeman did
a number on you, didn't he?

He finally hears.

‐ That's right,
I'm a talking trash can.

It's just like
having a superpower.

‐ I'm not crazy.

Houston, we have
a problem.

This n*gga woke.

‐ What do I do?
‐ You know what to do.

‐ It's time to make your mark.

‐ One more flick,
and I will arrest you

for assaulting an officer.

How does it feel
to stand up

against the police department?

‐ And so it begins.

‐ Breonna Taylor.

♪ I do my hair toss
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

♪ Hair toss, check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

♪ Ooh, child,
tired of the bullshit ♪

♪ Go on dust
your shoulders off ♪

♪ Keep it moving
yes, Lord ♪

♪ Trying to get some
new shit in there ♪

♪ Swimwear,
going to the pool shit ♪

♪ If he don't
love you anymore ♪

♪ Just walk your fine ass
out the door ♪

‐ f*ck you, pigs.

♪ I do my hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'?

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

♪ Hair toss, check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪

‐ Hey, you're Keef Knight.

‐ You got me.

‐ Dude,
I love your comic strip.

‐ Thank you, man.
‐ I'm an ally.

I still post black squares
to Instagram every week.

‐ Actually,
you can stop doing that.

‐ Are you really Keef Knight,
the cartoonist?

‐ Yeah. Remember,
we‐‐we met when I came in?

‐ Keef is not just an artist,
he is an activist.

‐ Well, the correct term
is art‐ivist.

I have one of your strips
on my refrigerator

right next to
my signed picture of Kamala.

‐ Right next to the VP?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Well, I went to the city hall
protest last summer,

and your speech blew my mind.

"Without the black lines,
the white page is nothing."

That's right.

‐ Oh, my God, I love that.

I'm adding that
to my quote wall.

‐ Oh, well, you should
put it on your fridge

right next to
your signed picture of Kamala.

I think Kamala's a cop.
‐ Okay.

You wouldn't say that
if she was a man.

‐ Yeah, I would.
‐ No, you wouldn't.

You understand she's‐‐
‐ Okay, yeah.

This just got heated.
Oh, this happens to be my stop.

So I'm gonna go
before the gloves come off.

‐ You are not acting
like a feminist.

‐ Watch it.

♪ ♪

Whoo! You heard
those Bay Area libs.

My man, Keef Knight,
has been busy as hell

since he walked out of
that jail last year.

‐ When we get stopped
by the cops,

we shouldn't have
to be perfect to live.

He's speaking out
and demanding change

with his voice and his art,

sharing his own experiences
to reach out

and make a damn difference.

De‐g*n the police!

And the timing
couldn't have been better.

Shit has been crazy.

So, what's next
for our creator of conscious?

‐ And I say to you,
Black music is American music.

Black history
is American history.

Black oppression
is American oppression.

Without the black lines,
the white page is nothing.

Will he take it
to the next level

or sh**t himself in the foot?

How the f*ck do I know?

Stick around and find out.

the black lines...

The white page is

the black lines...

The white page is

♪ ♪

‐ Yeah.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Gunther, it's 7:00 a.m., man.
People are trying to sleep.

‐ Ah, never too early
to fight the power.

‐ Before 7:00 a.m.
it's too early.

‐ Ooh, I'm just so hyped, dude.

My bro is headlining a protest.

Oh, you're just
growing up too fast.

‐ Just please let me go.

‐ Dude, no, but really,
this is so cool.

The people are on board
with your message.

They actually want to hear
what you have to say.

‐ My Knight in the Park strip
did get a lot of love.

‐ Yeah, it did.

I mean, how many cartoonists
have headlined a protest?

Crumb? No. Robbins? Uh‐uh.

Like, that jerk who
draws Dilbert? f*ck him.

No, you. Keef Knight.
You are the one.

‐ Thank you.
I appreciate that.

‐ Oh.
‐ What are we making?

‐ Oh, you'll see.
I think you're gonna like it.

Yeah, they're actually
pretty heavy.

‐ Gunther‐‐
‐ Yeah.

‐ Are those bricks?

I thought you were
cooking breakfast.

‐ Well, kind of.
It's more like brick‐fast.

Yeah, you know, just in case
stuff goes south

at the protest and
we've got to f*ck shit up.

‐ Gunther,
it's not that kind of protest.

‐ It is.
Dude, I'm so excited.

It's been a while since I've
been to, like, a real protest.

Just everybody
pressing up on you.

It's like a mosh pit,
but with a purpose.

Positive purpose.
‐ Right.

‐ Of course, of course.
But I will be throwing elbows.

Just elbows for equality.
‐ Right, okay.

Oh, my God.

‐ Ooh, look what just
walked in.

‐ Oh, so much baby oil,
or, in your case, oil.

You know what?

No time for
your trifle little insults.

Ya boy just hit
his goal weight.

‐ Mm.
‐ Oh.

‐ Good for you, man.
‐ Yeah, that's cool.

What part of
that makes it where

you have to cover
your body in syrup, though?

‐ Calm down.

So, what are we doing
to celebrate these new pecs?

‐ Hey, we could go
to Keef's protest, right?

That'd be cool.
‐ f*ck all that.

I'm trying to hit the club.

Introduce the ladies
to these new abs.

Hey, Ab‐raham Lincoln,
Kareem Ab‐dul Jabbar.

‐ Look, man, it's 7:00 a.m.
The clubs are closed.

So you should come.
It's gonna be fun.

‐ I'm not getting my ass beat
by the cops

to protest getting my ass beat
by the cops.

‐ Come on, brother.
You should roll out,

put these muscles to use,
help out your boy.

You could be his protection.
‐ Whatever, n*gga.

There better be
some ladies there.

‐ They do like syrup
on their toast.

‐ Ooh, let's get that.
Rub that.

Hey, how come
he can do whiteface,

but we can't do blackface?

‐ Bro, why do we
have to get off the train

so far away from the protest?

‐ Well,
my young protest Padawan,

you never take the train
the whole way.

Listen, cops are going to be
at the nearest station,

waiting to snatch your ass up.
‐ I don't mind the walk.

You know, it's a nice day out.

Gives me time
to soak in the moment.

No way.

That is so cool.
Yo, will you sign this for me?

‐ You know we live together.

I'm pretty sure I can do that
when we get home.

‐ Oh, no, no, no,
'cause I got a feeling

the government is probably
going to snuff you out soon,

so I just want to have some,
you know,

items to sell on eBay,
just in case.

‐ Bro, what the hell
are you talking about?

Ain't nobody taking Keef out.
‐ Thank you.

‐ This n*gga ain't nobody.

‐ I mean, that's what they said
about Kubby, too.

‐ Okay.

What is this,
a protest potluck?

‐ There is a lot issues.
Keef Knight.

‐ Man, I knew you had clout,
but I didn't know

you had the ladies
"Hey, Keef‐ing" you.

‐ You're a big deal, man.

You know, the Keef train
has left the station.

It's just like,
everybody's on board now.

‐ If that's the case,
I'm just gonna go ahead and a‐‐

‐ Jesus.
‐ What the f*ck is that?

‐ It's before.

After, man.

‐ I do believe
you have body dysmorphia.

‐ Man, I dys‐morphed
into a swole king.

‐ More like the buffest kid
in sixth grade.

‐ Hey, is that Ayana?

Oh, yeah.

‐ Hey!
Ayana, what up?

‐ Hey!
Well, look who it is.

Special guest speaker
Keef Knight and his entourage.

‐ What up?

‐ So, Keef, today's a big deal.

You nervous?

‐ Who me? Nervous? Nah.

I'm just excited
to expand my platform,

talk about some new issues,
'cause all oppression matters.

‐ I hope that's
not your new catchphrase.

‐ It could be worded
differently, for sure,

yeah, but it's the right idea,
though, you know.

I mean, I'll‐‐
just come back to me.

‐ This is the People's Brunch.

k*ller Mike, Stacey Abrams,
Luna Johnson?

They're all here
to speak today.

‐ What, like today?

They're speak‐‐
like today, today?

They're gonna be at my protest?
I mean, uh‐‐

they're gonna be at the protest
that I'm speaking at?

‐ Yeah, that's what I'm trying
to tell you.

A bigger platform comes
with a bigger microscope.

And if you try to start
expanding out of what you know,

it's gonna get
complicated quick.

And activists are vicious.

‐ That's what I've been saying.
Hella vicious.

I just‐‐I'll figure it out.

‐ Ayana!

‐ Are you on a roller date?

Oh, my God,
that's cute as f*ck.

‐ Man, that girl gonna bust
her ass, shit, and I'ma laugh.

‐ This is my one
and only day off in a month,

so I'm gonna make
the most of it.

Oh, here she comes. Okay.

‐ Oh, my God, I'm so wobbly.

‐ That's okay, girl. I got you.

It's just you and me.

What about us?

‐ Hi.
‐ Hi.

Keef, Clovis, Gunther,
this is Abby.

‐ Abby? Wow,
you know, my nickname is Abs.

What a coincidence.

I'm assuming
since you're with her,

you're not interested
in all of this.

Ah, they don't bullshit.

Let's get
some spicy fruit, man.

‐ Oh, hell yeah.
Nice to meet you.

you're Keef Knight, right?

Oh, my God, you're like
an activist but also an artist.

‐ You know, some people
like to call us art‐ivists.

‐ You know Luna Johnson?

‐ New poet laureate
of San Francisco?

Yeah, of course I know her.
I mean, I don't know

her personally
or anything like that,

but I'm excited to meet her.
She's speaking today.

‐ She's such a leader.
She just debuted

this powerful new poem

that San Francisco

is the ancestral home
of the Ohlone people.

‐ That's such
an important issue. Yeah.

‐ I'm so glad
to hear you say that,

because, if I can be honest,
I was a little disappointed

you didn't call it out in your
Knight in the Park strip.

‐ What's that?
I mean, it's just,

you called out
so much of the bullshit,

and then this mission‐era
fountain you drew is like

this horrific symbol
of oppression,

and you didn't even mention it.

‐ I can see that.
Could you stop?

‐ Hmm? Oh, just looking
through a giant microscope.


I'll have you know, the reason

I didn't acknowledge
land acknowledgement:

I'm saving it
for my speech today.

‐ Yeah, yes, I was.

‐ Wow, Keef,
can't wait to hear the speech.

Sounds like it's gonna cover
a real range of topics.

‐ It is 'cause I told you,
I got this.

‐ Great.
‐ Great.

‐ Okay.

‐ Shit.

‐ No, this is fine.
This is good.

This is good. She wants
to talk about land recognition?

Let's get into it.

Man, I know more
about quantum f*cking fusion

than you know
about the native people.

‐ I know about oppression.

If I want
to be truly effective,

I have to talk
about other issues.

You know, I don't want
to be a one‐hit wonder.

‐ Mm, okay. Do you know

why most one‐hit wonders
are one‐hit wonders?

Because their
second album sucks.

‐ Mm, sophomore slump is real.
Look it up.

‐ Always so helpful
talking to you guys.

‐ Hey, Keef Knight, sit.
Let me draw you.

‐ Ah, I'm sorry.
I, um‐‐I can't right now, man.

‐ Hey, everybody, Keef Knight
doesn't support fellow artists.

‐ No, that's not even
a little bit true.


Guys, give me a second.
I'll catch up with you.

♪ ♪

Tommy, right?

‐ It's actually Tomás,

but Tommy draws caricatures
because more people

are interested in getting
a caricature by Tommy.

‐ Ah, I get it.
That's the way the world works.

You know, I used to draw
caricatures back in the day.

‐ But you're better
than that now?

‐ No, I'm just saying

it's hard capturing people,
that's all.

‐ I think I can capture you.
You hate the police and koalas.

You saw that video?

‐ I mean, I don't hate koalas.
‐ Anti‐koala?

‐ No, I'm definitely not.

I‐‐I do hate police brutality
and systemic racism and just‐‐

but I'm learning how to talk
on other issues as well.

Land acknowledgement.

‐ Ah.
Performative bullshit.

‐ Wow, harsh.

‐ I see you solved
the whole cop thing.

That's great.
No more police brutality.

‐ No, no, that's not what‐‐
‐ Give it up for Keef Knight.

Putting out fires everywhere.

‐ I'm‐‐what I'm saying is,
they are connected.

Racism, inequality,

‐ So you can't solve one thing,

but you're gonna
solve everything?

‐ Look,

the powers that be want us all

on our own individual issues,

'cause when we work together,
that's when we're dangerous.

‐ I'm not looking
to be dangerous.

I'm just looking to get by.

‐ Just keeping it light.
Yeah, I been there.

‐ You owe me 15 bucks.
I got you though, right?

‐ Help me.
I'm drowning.

‐ I'm so glad I sat for this.

‐ Look who's cracking
under pressure.

‐ Look, I just gotta figure out
how to talk about

these things in a way
that I can‐‐

I can bring people together.

Yeah, that's exactly
what I got to do.

You know, I don't want
to embarrass myself

in front of Stacey Abrams.

‐ Let me give
that damn speech.

‐ You cannot give a speech.
You are a marker.

You are a manifestation
of my subconscious.

‐ Whatever, Sigmund Freud.
Give me the damn mic.

Shut up.

You don't think what I do is
performative bullshit, right?

‐ No, no, man.

It's more horseshit
than bullshit.

‐ Okay, I like to think I offer
a little bit more than that.

‐ Well, I mean,
your Wikipedia says

you offer accessible,
yet subversive comics.

‐ Yeah, and you never stop
talking about this shit.

‐ Right, right, right, uh,
your Wikipedia also mentions

that you're super annoying.

Like, annoyingly passionate,

I think, is their words.

‐ Hey, uh, how much further

we gotta walk
to this damn protest, though?

‐ Oh, let me check.

No justice.
No peace.

‐ We're close.
‐ Damn.

♪ ♪

Here we are, man.

This is what democracy
looks like.

Yeah, dude,
I'm going in the pit.

‐ Hell, yeah.

♪ ♪

Okay, I got it.

So, you know how people
are always having

protests to
take back the night?

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ Or to take back the streets?

We're going
to take back the park.

‐ Cool.

So who you going to give it to
when you take it back, though?

‐ I‐‐I don't know, man.

I'm just‐‐nobody ever
asked that about the night.

I'm just‐‐

‐ Damn.
Yo, is that Ayana?

Ah, with a different girl, man.

I can't get a single girl
to look my way,

and she out here flexing
with spares, bro?

‐ Maybe because Ayana has
a lot of different interests

and likes to do
interesting things.

‐ What you know about it?

You ain't hooked up with nobody

since the white girl dumped you
and moved back to Australia.

‐ New Zealand,
and she didn't dump me.

She left 'cause of COVID.

‐ Okay, but did she come back,

‐ Well, she ain't a boomerang.

And look, I don't know, maybe
women don't like to have sex

with men who are flexing
in a park.

You know what I mean?
They like to go out.

They want to
do things together.

♪ ♪

‐ Do things together.

♪ ♪

‐ Check it out.
Those dudes in the drum circle

gave me this sweet weed hat.

Oh, oh, oh, and they told me
to tell you that, um,

your speech should actually
be about the people

still in prison for weed

because that
is the real oppression.

‐ It's all the real oppression,

That is the damn point.

‐ Are you mad at me?
‐ No!

Jesus. f*ck!

‐ Hey, don't litter, man.

You're part of the problem.

A bigger platform comes
with a bigger microscope.

It's this horrific
symbol of oppression,

and you didn't
even mention it.

So you can't solve one thing,

but you're gonna
solve everything?

‐ Are you frustrated?
You seem frustrated.

‐ No, man, it's just‐‐

‐ Make sure you school them
on income equality.

♪ Income equality ♪
‐ Okay.

‐ Don't forget about
the prison‐industrial complex.

♪ Prison ♪
‐ Right.

‐ Share your thoughts
on hunger and food insecurity.

♪ We're hungry ♪
‐ Okay.

‐ Save the tree frogs, brother.
‐ What the f*ck is a tree frog?

‐ And daylight savings time,

‐ f*ck the designated hitter,

♪ f*ck
the designated hitter ♪

‐ It's just a lot of opinions.
That's all.

You know what?

I'm just gonna stick
with my "black lines,

white paper" speech.

Everybody's on board with that.

‐ For sure.

Oh, my God, they turned your
comic into a selfie station?

‐ Keef Knight!
Hey, Britta, like the filter.

You're right on time.
‐ Am I?

Uh, there is nobody here.

‐ Oh, yeah, this is
a mimosa march.

You know, like, everyone goes
to brunch,

then they stop by
and take selfies,

and we raise
a shit‐ton of money online.

‐ So, this is an online protest
in the park?

‐ It's so much more convenient
for everyone.

We have thousands of people
watching our livestream.

‐ Really?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ So, where's Stacey Abrams,
k*ller Mike, Luna Johnson?

‐ Yeah, so they're not here,
but they Zoom‐ed in.

‐ They Zoom‐ed in?
‐ Yeah, Luna just finished.

And now we're streaming
your speech

from the Juneteenth protest
last summer.

‐ "Without the black lines,
the white page is nothing."

That speech?

‐ So good.

We can't wait to see
what you have this time.

We need
a little inspiration here.

Just a couple small things:

we weren't able to get a permit
by the fountain,

so we're
going to green‐screen that in.

‐ Yeah.

You know the beer flick
thing you do?

So that's actually how I sign
off on all my YouTube videos.

‐ Cool.
‐ Britta out.

Um, I feel like you, kind of,
stole that from me.

‐ Right, I'll‐‐I'll keep
that in mind.

‐ I'd really appreciate it.

♪ ♪

Ayana, yes.


‐ Ooh, um...

Keef, hey.

This is my date,
who I told you about,

the only person I met today.

‐ I'm sorry,
I really don't have time

to cover for you right now.

You're like the third
or fourth person

I've seen her with today.

‐ Oh, I'm cheating
on my girlfriend anyway.

I'm gonna go get a selfie.

‐ Okay. Oh.

This one sucks.

‐ Hey, can we focus on me
for a second?

I am drowning right now.

‐ Keef, just do
the "black lines,

white paper" speech again.

‐ That's what I was
gonna do until I realized

they're streaming
that speech right now.

‐ Oh, shit. That is bad.
Okay, well,

whatever you say,
stay true to yourself

and don't piss anyone off.

‐ And how do you suppose
I do that?

Every time I say anything it's,

"Oh, you shouldn't speak
for me,"

or it's, "Oh, you didn't say
enough," or it's,

"Oh, you spoke, but you didn't
say it in the right way."

‐ Yeah, it's exhausting.

Why do you think
I need a day off?


‐ Ooh, I told her I had to cut
our date short for a meeting,

so you're on your own.

Hey, girl!
Hey, Keef.

Keef, hey.
Um, we're ready for ya.

‐ It's official.
We're screwed.

‐ Okay, buddy, you wanted
to give that speech?

You're on.
‐ Oh, hell to the no.

This right here is what
they call a no‐win situation.

We gots to get the f*ck
up out of here.

‐ I'm gonna get the f*ck out.

‐ And I really
was like‐‐I was, like,

this close to entering
the Tour de France.

Yeah, and then I tore my ACL.

Lot of things happened.
‐ Go, go, go, go, go.

Come on, come on.

‐ I didn't even get
the digits, though, bro.

Hey, follow me on Instagram.

What'd you‐‐
why are you doing‐‐bro.

You done scraped
the back of my damn leg up.

Keef, man, where are we going?

‐ I can't give that speech.

‐ What?

I know you not
this out of pocket

over some talking, man.

What's really going on?

‐ I just can't‐‐

I just‐‐I just‐‐I just
can't go back

to feeling like I did before.
‐ Before what?

‐ Before all this.
Before all the‐‐you know,

I started speaking out,
before sexy Clovis.

Like, look, okay, you know,
I started to feel

empowered a little bit, right,
and I thought I was ready

to step up and
start speaking on things

beyond my own experiences,
and oh, I've been found out.

Man, I'm not ready.
I am not ready.

‐ Listen, man. I don't know
shit about this activist stuff,

but if I were you
and I ain't know what to say,

shit, I would just
go full Common.

‐ What is full Common?
‐ You just do what he does.

Everybody love Common.

‐ So you think I should
go on stage,

say a bunch of vague,
yet uplifting shit

in a weird cadence
like I'm in a poetry slam?

‐ Exactly.

And at some point, I don't
know, mention Langston Hughes.

He always does that.
People love it.

‐ Full Common.
‐ Full Common.

‐ Full Common.

One world, won‐der.
Oneness, y'all.

And what comes next is
ahead of us, not behind, see?

‐ I can't believe
he went full Common.

‐ Girl, everybody love Common.
‐ I love Common.

‐ A dream deferred
not for this nerd.

See? This dream is heard.

Thank you, brother Langston,
for your views.

Or shall I say, Mr. Hughes.

Well, that sucked.
‐ Mimosa march.

Cops weren't even there.

How we supposed
to fight the power

if the power
doesn't even show up?

God dammit,

I thought it was gonna be
like The Purge today.

‐ What?

‐ Revolution's over.
‐ It's not over.

It's just different.

We're all riding
this protest wave for so long,

but actual activism
is about organizing,

learning your history,

doing the work that‐‐
‐ Holy shit.

Common retweeted my speech.

‐ What, the Common?
‐ n*gga, I told you.

Didn't I say it?
‐ That's‐‐

‐ Didn't I say it?

‐ That's not what
this is about.

‐ I have 15,000 followers.

I had, like, 3,000
this morning.

You got to capitalize
on this.

Where there is a platform,
there is a profit.

‐ I thought you said
woke equals broke.

‐ That was fat me talking.

A livestream is
a way better platform

to get your message out
than some stupid‐ass newspaper.

‐ Excuse me?
‐ No.

Nope. That's not
why I started doing this.

I actually want
to change things.


I just got to pull back
and... figure out

how to do my own thing.

♪ I know a girl ♪

‐ I know you want to check it.
Go on.

How many followers
you got now?

♪ Of last year
she scored my melon ♪

‐ 25,000.
Nope, doesn't matter.

♪ I think I'm in
over my head ♪

‐ Sure, the only reason
they're following you

is because of Common,
but it doesn't matter

how you got them.

It's what you're gonna do
to keep them.

Show them
how un‐Common you are.

♪ ♪

‐ Give me this damn phone.

Hey, hey.
It's Keef Knight.

What's up
to all my new followers?

Shout out to Common.

Look, I know we all love
a good speech,

but that's not what
this is gonna be about.

You see,

there's a lot
of bullshit out there,

so it's up to us
to take action.

Now I get it, I know,
a lot of you have

your own causes
and your own issues,

and, believe me,
I know how important that is,

but here, here,
we're gonna work together

because together

we're dangerous.

So... who we
gonna take down first?

♪ I want
my money back ♪

♪ I'm down here drowning
in your fat ♪

♪ And if you hear this song ♪

♪ If you ain't dead
then sing along ♪

♪ Bang and strum
to these here drums ♪

♪ Till you get
where you belong ♪

♪ I got a list of demands ♪

♪ Written on the palm
of my hands ♪

♪ I ball my fist and
you know where I stand ♪

♪ We're living hand to mouth ♪

♪ You want to be somebody
see somebody ♪

♪ Try and free somebody
got a list of demands ♪

♪ Written on the palm
of my hands ♪

♪ I ball my fist and
you know where I stand ♪

♪ We're living hand to mouth ♪

♪ Hand to mouth ♪

♪ I wrote a song
for you today ♪

♪ While I was sitting
in my room ♪

♪ I jumped up on the bed today
and played it on the broom ♪

♪ I didn't think
that it would be ♪

♪ A song that
you would hear ♪

♪ But when I played it in
my head I made you reappear ♪

♪ I wrote a video for it
and I acted out each part ♪

♪ And then I took your picture
out and taped it to my heart ♪

♪ I taped it to my heart,
yeah, I taped it to my heart ♪

♪ And if you pull away from
me you'll tear my life apart ♪

♪ I got a list of demands ♪

♪ Written on the palm
of my hands ♪

♪ I ball my fist and
you know where I stand ♪