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02x06 - Kiss and Release

Posted: 06/20/22 09:46
by bunniefuu
The latest polls show Taft
has eaten away at our lead

in several key states, so this
Julien situation is a problem.

"The Rock attacking
an average citizen" angle

- is hurting us.
- I didn't attack Julien.

I mean, come on.
I was just defending myself.

If anything,
I was online bullied.

Hmm, I once played
an online bully

in a Lars von Trier film.

We all have, Randall.
How's Tennessee lookin'?

Not great.

I'm not losing
one of my home states.

No, sir, you're not.

We're going on the offensive
in Tennessee,

starting with sending in
General Monica Jackson.

Oh, great.
Is she on the ground?

She's in Memphis
prepping her rally speech

with Governor Juanita Patree.

And Monica and the governor
go way back.

They were on the armed forces'
tae Kwon do team together.

Hmm, Chang Hon style
or Songahm style?

I don't know.
Should I know that?


All right, brief me
on how the rally goes

as soon as you have anything.

Of course.

That's a plus, huh,

your vice presidential pick
being tight with the governor?

I trust Monica
to get the job done,

and, you know, sometimes
the best way to solve a problem

is to surround yourself
with the right people.


Now, I know we're talking

but that reminds me
of the story you were telling

about your mom stepping in
to help your grandmother

run her business in Hawaii.

Good callback, Randall.

I listen.

I mean,
what a crazy time that was.

My grandmother was about to go
to trial on extortion charges,

and she handed the reins over
to the best person for the job:

Mama Rock.

Welcome to Honolulu
International Airport.

We are days away
from the event of the summer:

The Backyard Brawl-B-Q.

In fact, let's bring in
two of the giants

of professional wrestling
right now,

the one and only Nature Boy,
Ric Flair,

and the man from Mud Lick,
Kentucky, Hillbilly Jim.

Aloha, fellas.
How was the flight?

Crazy, Gene.
The plane was so big.

Bathrooms were so small.

I suppose better
than the alternative.

Ric, you're in Hawaii.

- What's gonna happen?
- Woo!

What the hell?

Oh, that's no chauffeur.

That's The Iron Sheik.

This is you, bubba.

- This could get ugly.
- Woo!

I take your bag.

My luggage!

All tighty-whities?

Just undies?
Is that all you brought?

Gentlemen, gentlemen.

This is
an international airport.

This is no place for a brawl.

The only place for a brawl
is the Backyard Brawl-B-Q,

and things may not settle down
until then.


My mom was finding her rhythm

as a wrestling promoter,

and she was creating
all these amazing story lines

for her events,
but she was so busy

running the family business--
Randall, what is this?

- What are we doin'?
- Oh, this is a blanket.

I brought it from home.
I'm just a hair chilly.


Well, she was so busy
running the business

that she didn't realize

I was going through
some changes,

let's say
pushing some boundaries.

He wrote on my pants--
Permanent marker!

A pigeon
in the teachers' lounge!

Perfectly good cheese!

Ten! Mark it.

take your new pages.

I wrote your names on the top

so you know
which ones are yours.

Ah, sweet.
Mine say "Macho."

That's right.

Say, Rock,
can I share with you?

I seem to have lost mine.

You guys are doing so great

with all the new story lines.

We aired the airport stunt
during the match on Saturday.

The fans ate it up!


Now, just remember to take

your pages home with you,

Last week, I found a bunch
of them in the men's room.

That was me.

Sorry to interrupt, ma'am.

But some people called for you.

is that Downtown Bruno?

Yup, that's Bruno.

He looks so young.

That was before
he discovered

chicken wings and whiskey.

- Really?
- Nah.

He was deep into both by then.

Yeah, okay, so the first--
Vet called.

Francine's eye medicine
is ready,

so I'll make sure
to go get that.

And then--oh, yeah, yeah,
Dewey's principal called.

Dewey's principal?

"Shenanigans," Mom.

That's the word he used
to describe Dewey's behavior,


Why are you doing shenanigans
at school, Dewey?

I'm not!

Shh! No talking.
You're being punished.

Francine's farting.

Classic shenanigans.

Rocky, this is serious.

Something's going on
with Dewey.

So the boy turns heel
for a couple of weeks.

It happens.

We're lucky he's only tossin'
cheese slices.

When I was his age,

I was boostin' car stereos.

Ata, don't worry.
Dewey's a good boy.

I know he is.
That's why I'm so confused.

Maybe because
his dad's the champ,

now he's getting a big head.

A few weeks ago,
he got in trouble

for stealing
a janitor's ladder.

- And he k*lled the janitor?
- No.

But it's still not good.

He's getting bigger--

Bigger than the other kids
in his class.

Andre know what that is like.

When I was Dewey's age,

I threw my teacher
into the forest.

- You want me to talk to him?
- Would you?

That would be great.

I'm sure Rocky's right

and I'm probably making
a big deal out of nothing,

but I just don't want him
to become, you know,

a bully.

Except for white chocolate,

being a bully is
the worst thing on this Earth.

Thank you.

Yeah, look,
all I'm saying is,

I do 99% of the work.

But since Tony gets the pin,
he gets most of the credit.

Hey, I've been working
with this promoter.

He's planning a match
in Saudi Arabia,

wants to open up
that whole territory.

- Mm!
- He was sayin'

there's a Rocky-sized hole
in the market.


Thank you all for coming
to my trial eve dinner.

To my jury, who I am confident

are gonna find me
a lady innocent.

Hear, hear.

Oh, that reminds me.
I gotta ring Bob.

Bob, please.

Hello, FBI,
connect me to Bob.

Mrs. Maivia,
again, I'm not an operator.

I'm tapping your phones.

Bob, please.


Bob, it's me.

Just checking on the brisket.

- Is it ready yet?
- Ah, yes.

The brisket.
The brisket is cooking.

Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams"...

♪ Sweet dreams
are made of this ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree


I'm trying to give you mangos!

♪ Some of them
want to use you ♪

♪ Some of them
want to get used by you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh

♪ Ah-ah

♪ Sweet dreams
are made of this ♪

Before we begin,

it has come
to the court's attention

that the defendant, Lia Maivia,

has attempted to illegally
influence the jury

and the judge
for some reason...

with fruit.

The bailiff will now collect
all the mangos.

What if
we already ate our mango?

My grandmother
loved mangos too!

Yes, they draw their power
from the elderly.


- The fruit do?
- Yeah.



I don't know how things work
in the wrestling business,

Mrs. Maivia,

but in my courtroom,
we follow the rules,

which is why I've chosen
to sequester the jury

at the DoubleTree hotel until
the conclusion of this trial.

Not the DoubleTree!

But I have tickets
to see Aerosmith!

So while my grandmother
was dealing with a setback

in her trial,
my mom was trying to figure out

why I kept acting out
in school,

so she called in
the best man for the job.

Where is my other
coral earring?

I'm gonna be late!

I don't understand why
"Mary Worth" is in here.

Go on, answer it.

Bonjour, mon ami.


- Hi, Andre.
- Hi, Ata.

What are you doing here?

Well, today
you spend the day with Andre,

- again.
- But I have school.

It's okay to miss one day.
Go on, go get ready.


Oh, hey, Speed Racer!

- Hey, Andre.
- Rocky.

Ooh, babe.

Hey, sorry I can't make it
to Lia's trial today.

I'm waitin' on Vince McMahon
to call me back.

That's fine.

Her white lawyer, Herman,

says it's best
to not have any wrestlers there

in case the jury has a bias.

All rise.

United States
versus Lia Maivia,

the Honorable
Judge Lamington presiding.

All right,
let's get started.

your first witness?

Thank you, Your Honor.

The prosecution calls
Lonnie McGill.

Nice lady,

but she did thr*aten to bash
my head in like a watermelon.

Sylvester Ritter,
AKA Junkyard Dog.

Love Lia.
Wrestled for her for years.

She was always good to me.

Didn't she thr*aten
to slap you?

- No.
- May I remind you

that you're under oath?

She was always
threatenin' slaps.

Somebody do somethin'
that she didn't like,

she was breakin' out
them gloves.

Slap City.
Slap City limits.

She was like
Gladys Knight and The Slaps.

Christopher Alan Pallies,
AKA King Kong Bundy.

One time, she said my ring
outfits make me look like

a bald woman trying on
swimsuits at the mall!

We need to change your image.

Mrs. Maivia.

Mrs. Maivia!


- What are you doing?
- Knitting,

like a grandmother does.

It looks like
you're just

hitting two knitting needles

Oh, no.
I'm making a gift.

It's a summer hand muff
for your wife

for nighttime beach walks.

It's just the base.

Then you lead the pony to
the pumpkin patch, and voilà.

Your hook has been snelled.

- Got it.
- Good.

Now we fish.

Remember how I show you?

C'est magnifique, Dewey.

So Andre tell Dewey a story,

Once upon a time, there was
a woman who had a cherry bush.

And one day, she see a toad
eating her cherries.

And she say to the toad,
"Hey, toad!

Get away from my cherries!"

But the toad
was secretly a witch.

She put a spell on the woman
so her baby would be born

covered in hair like a dog.

I'm gonna sh**t you
straight here, Andre.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Just because
you're becoming big

does not mean you can bully
the children at school, huh?

- Hey, the bigger you are--
- Oh.

This is about me
getting in trouble?

- Oui.
- I'm not doing that stuff

because I'm big.

I'm doing it because of a girl.

A girl?

♪ You are the one

It felt weird to tell my mom
because she's like an old girl,

and my dad would just be like,
"Is she a wrestling fan?

Sell her my merch."

I think I'm in love.

And I've never felt
these feelings before.

Maybe we don't talk
for a while, huh?

The fish are sleeping.


Rocky, it's Vince Mc--

One sec.

Rocky, it's Vince McMahon.

Sorry, I was eating a burrito.

Anyway, how are you, Rock?

- You left a message?
- First of all,

I just wanna say
I'm very excited

about getting back
on the road for the WWF.

And I was thinking,

look, I know,
for the most part,

it's gonna be Tony and I
defending the tag team titles.

But... what if we threw
a couple solo matches my way?

I feel like
there's a Rocky-sized hole

in the market right now.

Oh, I agree, Rocky.

You're a wonderful
singles competitor.

Thank you. That's great.

But you and Tony together,
it's historic.

I mean, it's legendary.
It's--it's inspiring.

- Uh-huh, yeah.
- We can't break that apart.

Think about all the kids
out there who love you, Rock,

that--that believe in you.

We can't do that to them,

Uh... right.
Yeah, no, no, no,

- we can't do that.
- Good!

Glad we had this talk.

So look, I've got
something big brewing.

I'm bettin' the farm
on this one.

I don't know
what I'm gonna name it--

Maybe Wrestlefest
or Wrestleplex.

It's gonna be huge.

I don't have the money.

Then you have to pay
a different price.

What do you mean?

Bang, bang.

Mrs. Maivia,
is that you on the tape?


but I wasn't threatening
Greg Yao.

That's just how I talk.

Bang, bang. Boom, boom.

It's a wrestling thing.

Bang, bang.

- That's how you talk?
- That's right.

Boom, boom.

I've never heard you add
those words

to the end of your sentences
until just now.

I have been.
Bang, boom.

Can we get
the court stenographer

to read back any part of
the transcript that shows that?

She missed it.
Boom, bang.

You should fire her.

Boom, boom.

I didn't know you wanted
to talk about love.

I thought you were bullying
because you're becoming big,

- so I take you fishing.
- Andre, it's fine.

We don't have to talk
about love if you don't want.

We can just fish.

This is not
Andre's area of expertise, huh?

Andre is a giant, not a Romeo.

But if you want to talk
about love,

then we talk about love.

Okay, great.

So her name is Debbie Rose,

and she wears these little
colored balls in her hair,

and she's a fan
of REO Speed wagon.

She smells
like Johnson's Baby Shampoo.

Oh, one time,
I made a joke about that

because my last name
is Johnson.

But she didn't laugh.

Anyways, whenever I see her,

my stomach feels like
I just ate a bag of Pop Rocks.

Is that a question?

I guess my question is,

how do you get a girl
to like you?


They're complex creatures,

They are strong of will
and firm of heart.

And they only go
where they wish to.

If she like you,
then she like you.

- And if she doesn't?
- Que será, será.

- What does that mean?
- It means c'est la vie.

I don't understand
any of that.

have you ever been in love?

Oui, mon ami.

Andre has loved.

Her name was Brigitte.

She was Andre's stewardess
when he fly to Japan.

She had blonde hair and a...

beautiful, kind face.

And when Andre ask
for a glass of wine...

Brigitte bring him
the whole bottle.

Did you tell her
how you felt?

At the end of flight,

when Brigitte bring
a hot towel,

Andre tell her how he feel,

and he ask her
to join him for dinner.

Then what happened?

Brigitte belonged to the sky.

She's dead?

No, she is working.

She's too busy
to have dinner with Andre.

- So sad.
- No.

No, Andre got to be in love.

Love does not have to be
returned to be love, Dewey.

It's a feeling.

And if you feel it,
then it's real.

It fills you up with...

The Pop Rocks.

- Oh, oh!
- Oh!

- Oh, my God! It--
- Reel her in, mon ami!



Très bien, Dewey!


Now we release her, huh?

Release her?
But I just caught her.

You want her to stay.
She does not want to.

So like Brigitte, we honor
and respect her choice,

even though we do not share it.

We let her go, huh?

Bonne chance, ma choupette.

Bye, fish.

So if you only keep the fish
that want to be kept,

how many fish do you
actually end up getting to eat?

Andre do not eat the fish.

The wine pairings
do not speak to me.

So Andre the Giant
taught you about love?

I learned about it

from watching
two squirrels in the park.

- Mm.
- Yeah.

- They were goin' at it.
- Mm.

Well, I came
out of that day changed,

and my mom
was so happy about that,

and even if she didn't know it,

she sent in the right person
for the job.


♪ And I can't fight
this feeling anymore ♪

- Hi, Debbie Rose.
- Hi, Dewey.

I like you.

Oh, okay.

Like, like like?

Do you like like me?

No, sorry.

I just like you regular.

I understand.

You're a complex creature
who is strong of will

and firm of heart, and nobody
can tell you what to do.

I release you.

Que será--la-la, la-la.

- What?
- It's French.

What was that about?

I think Dewey Johnson just...
respected me.

I wonder if it'll catch on.

Fart pony, fart pony!

- Ow!
- Oh!

- Ugh, Julien again?
- Always been the worst.

Mom, what are you doing?

Packing for prison.

Do you want my wooden spoons?

Don't need these
where I'm going.

Don't be ridiculous.

There's still a lot
of trial to go.

I'm tired of fighting.

I am a lady innocent.

But the court system's
so cruel...

which is why I want you to take
over the business permanently.

- No.
- No?

Who's gonna run things?

You will...

because you're
the strongest woman I know,

and you're going
to get through this.

The jury doesn't believe me.

The jury isn't any different
from a wrestling audience.

We tell them what's real
and what's not.

It's what we do.

Also, nobody believes
you're tired of fighting.

You love fighting.

I do, don't I?

We just need a plan.

Casey, hey.

- How's it goin'?
- Not well.

It turns out that the governor
and Monica were more rivals

than friends
on the tae Kwon do team.

And they decided pretty quickly
for old times' sake

to throw on their doboks
and have a grapple,

and Monica,
being in far superior shape,

dispatched the governor
with pace and brutality.

There is video, which we've
managed to secure all of,

thank God, because it is not
something that you wanna see.

At one point, the governor
literally begs for mercy,

and Monica reminded her
that tae Kwon do means

"the way of the foot
and fist"

and showed her none.

Sounds like General Jackson
had an old grudge

she couldn't let go of.

You know, like you and--

we all see the parallels.

Thank you, Randall.

I think that's a good idea.