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01x06 - Red in Tooth and Claw

Posted: 06/19/22 18:14
by bunniefuu
Sophie Brussard:


Good to see you again.

- How are you feeling?
- Oh, fine. Good.

A bit strange
to be back here.

For good reason, though.


I'm going to finish
setting up.

See you in there.


(light piano playing)

About time.

How's Sonya?

Oh, she's good.
She's good.

Kids are good.
Everyone's good, you know.

- You? How's the g*ng?
- The family's fine.

Well, are you ready?

First day of the rest
of your life.

There's no going back now.

Oh, thank god for that.

Sooner we get this done,
the sooner you get to Paris.

We've got just enough time
to run through the questions

before we see the judge.

(door closes)

That's yours.

Okay. I'd like us to walk
through this one more time.

Today, February 24th, 2017,

you, Michael Peterson,
will be entering an Alford plea.

This plea has been
carefully negotiated

with the state of North Carolina
over the past several years.

We will begin by saying
the following:

"Michael Peterson is innocent."

Theme music playing...

[♪ ♪]

(people chattering)

Michael Peterson:
Did you find a place to rent?

I'll keep looking.

Well, you know how
I like a view.

We'll be lucky
if it doesn't look directly

into a brick wall.

Well, I've got
better things to look at.

(upbeat French song playing)

(alarm beeping)

[♪ ♪]

(tires screech, horn honks)

Speaking French

Speaking French

(phone ringing)

Larry Pollard: (on phone)
Miss Sophie. Hello.

It's Mr. Pollard.
Calling again.

As I mentioned,
I have something

I'd love to discuss with you.

I think you have
a vested interest in this.

Please call me back.


(alarm beeping)

(French song continues)


(inmates shouting)

[♪ ♪]

Ah! Ah, voilà.

Thanks for getting back
to me, Ms. Sophie.

Where are we,
Mr. Pollard?

Call me Larry.

Oh, okay.

Well, where
are we going, Larry?

(insects chirping)


Sophie: To what?

To nature.

Sounds like chaos, doesn't it?

Another universe operating
within our own

with its own set of rules.

And sometimes, these universes
overlap in ways that feel wrong.

But disorder, entropy...

is natural.
Scary, but natural

Hey! Come here, boy.

Mr. Pollard,

uh, oh, I mean, Larry,

you said you wanted
to talk about Michael.

Oh, that's right.

You know,
barred owls love this area.

We had a feathered fella
that bounced

between the Petersons
and my place.

Drive the dogs nuts
when they heard him.

Barking up a storm.

Not Flint.
He's well-trained.

Well, it was
those crazy bulldogs.

God rest their souls.


Um, none of this
makes sense to me. Sorry.

I have reason,
actually many reasons,

to believe that an owl
was responsible

for Kathleen's death.


Well... just give me
a chance to show you.

You never know
where it could lead.


Is that...

The Peterson house.

[♪ ♪]

(buzzer sounds)

Do my kids know?

I came here right away.

I will call them, if you like.

So what do we do now?

What's next? Do we,
we file a third appeal?

I mean, just tell me,
what do we do?

Nothing's next, Mike.

We lost our second appeal.

There are no more.

I know we were hoping

that with the documentary
being out there

and, uh, the country's
attitudes changing,

that public opinion

might have been enough
for us to win a retrial,

but that's just not
how it played out for now.


for now, it's over.

So you're saying
that I'm here...

for the rest of my life?

You're just going
to let this happen to me,

to my kids?

What are they going
to do without me?


This is horseshit.

Uh, there,
there has to be a way.

I mean, a motion
we can file or, or...

There isn't, Mike.

There isn't. And, uh...

I need to take a step back now.

- Uh, be there for my family.
- What? Your family?

For Christ's sakes, your,
your kids are in college.

I'm getting remarried.

To Sonya Pfeiffer.

The journalist.

Yeah. Uh, we got
to know each other,

you know, during the trial.

My trial.

- Mike...
- So, my, my, my attorney

was f*cking some, some,
some 25-year-old...

- That's not how it was.
- ...court reporter, and now I'm gonna rot in jail!

I was focused 100 percent.

f*ck you, Dave.

Hang on...

Hey, I want to go
back to my cell.

Alright, hang on, hang on, Mike.
Come on. Come on.

- Now! Now! I want to go back!
- David Rudolf: Don't, don't...


Look, let's say
a proper goodbye.


Well, okay.

Say a proper goodbye.

(buzzer sounds)

Alright, Dave,
enjoy your family.

(door closes)

(cell phone buzzes)

David, hi.

I'm good. What's up?

David: (on phone)
Um, listen,

I know it's not the outcome
any of us wanted.

It's terrible news,
and there's no denying that.

(cell phone ringing)

We're all going to have
to figure out how to live

in a new reality.

It's not going to be easy.

I want you to know
it's, it's been an honor

to fight for your father.

To fight for this family.

And I hope that one day

you can think
of this as closure.

We're out of limbo.

We can move on...

even if not in the way
we had hoped.

We'll be releasing the
defense files to the family.

- So I guess this is...
- (sobbing)





One, two,

three, four...

- Caitlin: Hey, Mom.
- (knocking on door)

Oh, are you okay?

Oh, yeah, honey, I'm fine.

Are your eyes acting up again?

It's just stress.

This Thanksgiving
feels so weird.

Come here.


I wish that Martha
and Margie were here.

Me too.

I have more bad news.

The boys
aren't coming either.

- Ohh!
- Stop.


Work obligations
or something.

I'm sure that they do.

Yeah, yeah.

Michael doesn't want
to go to Candace's either.

I'm surprised we're even going

since Michael usually
gets what he wants.


I'm honestly so sorry
about parents' weekend.

About not coming.

I'm going to do better
to be there.

It's okay.

It's okay.

- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.


This is Lucas.

- Oh hi.
- Hi. Lucas.

- Nice to meet you.
- So nice to meet you.

Shall we go?

Let's do it.

(indistinct chatter)

(door clangs)

You're doing okay on money?

Stamps and all that?
I can do more...

It doesn't matter
how much you send.

Your father's been writing.

Some short stories.

Dad, that's great.

No. No, I stopped all that.


How's married life?

Oh, I believe we still
owe you a gift.

Oh no, thank you.
That's, uh, that's too kind.

Our place is pretty small,
so we, uh,

we don't really need much.

Don't want anything from me?

He's being polite, Michael.

I spoke to Todd yesterday.

He says the Cabo real estate
thing is really paying off.

He's got some sweet setup
at the beach.

And Martha's got
a new job at a cafe,

um, and she started
going to therapy.

She says she's going to start
studying dance again,

which is great.

Clayton: So, Sophie, what are
you doing in Durham?

Sophie: I'm working on
a new film with Jean

and, uh...

I come to see your father.

- Another documentary?
- No, no, no, fiction.

No more documentaries for us.

(light laughter)

And also I just met with Larry.

- Larry Pollard?
- Sophie: Mm-hmm.


Well, he's been...

investigating the case.

He has an interesting theory.

He believes an owl

has something to do
with that night.

- Clayton: An owl?
- Mm-hmm.


- Clayton: Okay.
- Lucas: Who is Larry?

- Um, Larry was our next-door neighbor.
- Oh, okay.

Clayton: Do you remember when
he had that dead deer

in his convertible?

I mean, who drives
a convertible

to go hunting?

He's eccentric...

(conversation fades out)

This needs to end.

(buzzer sounds)

- (door opens)
- Margaret: Dad?




(line ringing)

I'm all torn up about Mike
losing his second appeal.

He was a good neighbor.
A good man.

It's a shame to see
an innocent man behind bars.

A damn shame.

But the defense,
the prosecution,

neither of them made
much sense of the facts.

And that's what makes what
I'm about to say so convincing.

This theory accounts for
the previously unaccountable.

I'm first to admit it's crazy.

But that doesn't make it
any less true.

There were confirmed
owl att*cks in the area.

In almost every case,
the owl strikes

from behind,
attacking the head.

In December,
when Kathleen died,

barred owls are mating

and known to be aggressive
and territorial.

As you can see,

the talon of the barred owl

matches the set of wounds
found on Kathleen.


Larry: When the owl att*cks,
the talons,

like razors,
rip into Kathleen's skull.

She fights to get the bird off.

The tussle with the owl

explains the scratches
and pinpricks

on her face,
her nose, her hands.

It also explains

why there are
no skull fractures.

And it tells us why.
In the examiner's report,

"Hair was noted to be grasped

between the left
and right hand."

She was trying
to fight off the owl

as it got tangled
in her hair.

So finally, finally,
when the bird releases her,

it flies away unharmed.

But Kathleen,
she stumbles to the front door.

Two drops of blood
fall onto the path.

Kathleen grabs the door,
leaving a smear of blood.

She's now disoriented.

She moves up the back stairs,
heading to the linen closet,

searching for something
to stop the blood

that's now really coming down.

And bam, Kathleen Peterson
falls down the stairs.


Look at this.


The day before she died,

they weren't there.

That's why Kathleen was
outside in the first place.

She must have put him
out there that night.

And that's when
the owl decided to strike.

(Sophie speaking French)

(Jean speaking French)

Jean: (on phone)

(Jean sighs)

(cheering on TV)

So nice to get to be able

to host you all for a change.

Just wish the whole g*ng
were here.

Well, I'm not sure your house
would even fit the whole g*ng.

We'd make it work.

- Mark: Go, go, go.
- Michael: Come on. Come on!

Come on. Come on, go!

- Go. Oh!
- Goddammit!

So, Michael, you read
anything good lately?

Well, I read this pillow
five or six times.

It's a real tour de force, Mark.


Oh, those little guys
are adorable.

Now how long do they take?

- Forty, 45 minutes at 350.
- Forty-five?

sh**t, I don't have
the oven space.

Well, no, you do, actually,

if you just did
the sweet potatoes later.

- I have a plan.
- Plans change.

- Here, what?-what if I just...
- Lori, don't touch that oven.

All I'm trying to say
is when I host,

I like to give the guests
a little guidance

on what to bring,
so we don't have...

Yeah, and I like to not
micromanage my guests

and stress them out
in advance.

Hello? Can I just jump
in here for a second?

- Lori, quiet!
- Just let us talk!

Jesus Christ, you two.

Becky point-blank
gave me an ultimatum.

Curb your drinking, though?

I mean, what does curb mean?

Like, stop.
It's the DUIs, man.

Yeah, I'm sure hulking out
on 4th of July didn't help.

Oh, f*ck off.

You know, why don't you just
tell her you're taking a break?

Keep drinking.

You mean lie to her?

No, it's not lying.
You're just not...

telling her the whole truth.

I mean, you're curbing, right?
That's like coming to a slow stop.

But can I even do that?

Like, can I curb my shit?

I mean, it's not just
the drinking, it's everything.

How do I know I'm not
going to be like Dad?


He cheated on Mom.
He left her.

He still hits her up for money.

Look at Dad with Kathleen.

Right? I mean, he's
a great husband, he's loyal.

It's about the person, Clay.

You're really psyching
yourself out about all this.

If you want to do it,
you can get your shit together.

(doorbell rings)

f*ck yeah. Okay.

Cue the music.
I'm going to let them in.


Hold on. I'm coming!

- Hey, happy Thanksgiving.
- Guest: Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, I'm Melody.

This Thanksgiving,
I'm thankful for...

the strength of my spirit.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, Melody.

Alright, guys. I'm Josh.

And I would like to express
my gratitude through song.


[♪ ♪]

(clears throat)

I'm Yasmine.


This is Shawn.

What are you doing later?
You want to go to a real party?

[♪ ♪]

What's a real party?

Not this.

(both snicker)

Aunt Blair: Bless us, O Lord,
for these thy gifts

which we are about
to receive from thy bounty

through Christ our Lord.


We are so happy
to have you here.


And I know Liz
is just so pleased

to see us together.

Martha should come
next year.


I mean, we will
if Dad keeps being a psycho.

Well, we all need a break
from Michael now and then.

What do you mean?

Well, uh...

Michael always did,
you know,

march to the beat
of his own drum.

And with you girls,
he, he was just so...

Hey, Margie.
Important question.

What part of the bird
do you want?

(inmates shouting)

(indistinct announcement
over loudspeakers)

(inmates chattering)

(buzzer sounds)

You're starting to get soft.

Need to get you lifting again.



(inmates chattering)

Big Ray:
I'm talkin' to you.



- Michael.
- What the f*ck you doing?

What the f*ck you doing!

- I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!
- (inmates shouting)

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!

(inmates chanting):
Hole! Hole! Hole! Hole!

(door clangs)

(inmate shouts in distance)

Larry: The Peterson yard has
lots of wide-open space.

Because of this,
barred owls love the woods

surrounding 1810 Cedar.

The yard gave them
ample opportunity to hunt.

David: (over video) Would you say with
a reasonable degree

of medical certainty

that Kathleen Peterson
was k*lled

by blunt force trauma
to the head?

- Dr. Radisch: Yes.
- Jim Ma her: Was there anything unusual

about the hairs you found
in Kathleen's hand?

James Gregory:
When I examined the hairs,

there were ones where the cut

looks like
the edge of a knife,

and they were also ragged

so it looks
as they were broken.

It's a combination
of these two characteristics

that make us think it was
an attack instead of a fall.

I knew it.

I damn well knew it.

Crime scenes are littered
with evidence.

Some of it you can see,
some of it you can't.

This is a list
of the small stuff.

Like pine needle


(Sophie exhales)



(Christmas music playing
over loudspeakers)


Zamperini family
tradition. Hush.

Turkey's gone,
and it's Christmas time.

Oh god, we don't
even get to digest first?

Oh, Mom.


Let's go to bed.

I'm glad you came
back home, kiddo.

Means a lot to your mom.

And to me.

Yeah, of course.

I mean, you are gonna fly
Margaret and Martha home

for Christmas, right?

I'm not a sadist.

Kathleen. Kathleen!

What are you doing?

Stop. I asked you not to put
those in the dishwasher.

Jesus Christ!
They're not bone China.

This is my house,
and these are my good plates.

Okay, you know what?
I'll just get you some new ones.

Candace: What?
What is going on with you?

You have been awful all day.

I mean,
you're clearly exhausted,

you look like crap.

(sniffles) Wow.

Thank you so much.

You know what?

I am stressed,

but some of us have
actual f*cking jobs.


You know what, you think
you're so much better than me,

and you never miss a chance
to remind me of it.

Everything I do...

all my efforts...

will always be second best
compared to you.

(Christmas music continues)




(music stops)


- Oh, come on.
- What's going on?

I... I messed up.


We're all just
trying our best.

(hip-hop music playing
over loudspeakers)

Happy Thanksgiving.

[♪ ♪]



- Clay!
- (bottles clatter)

(dance music playing)

(crowd shouting)

Are you happy?

This is the best night
of my entire life.

(both laugh)

(crowd cheers)

I couldn't sleep.

Why not? Did I pick
a terrible mattress?

She's just stressed out.

I could feel you all wishing
you were at your house.

That's not true.

It was lovely.

You know, when she's
like that with us,

it's a little window
into how she treats herself.

Not even Kathleen's
good enough for Kathleen.


Thanks, Michael.

- Did she bake this?
- Yep.

God, that bitch
bakes a good pie.

(Michael chuckles)

Corrections officer:
640, on your feet.


You got cleaning duty.

(door closes)

- What's going on?
- Relax, man.

Cashed in a favor.
We got to talk.

About what?

About getting
your shit together.

You're falling the f*ck apart.

This has nothing
to do with you.

You keep getting thrown
in the hole,

it's going
to be a long life.

This isn't life.

I know you, Mike.

You're not a bad person,
but you did something.

- Kathleen fell.
- Doesn't really matter

because you're here.

And you find a way
to live like this or you die.

But make a decision
because you can't do both.

You want to go?

I'll find you a way.

Something easy.

It doesn't have to hurt.

This is it, isn't it?

This is it, Ray.

This is how it all unfolds.

- f*cking hell.
- Hey.

I know.

It's not going
to feel like this forever.

Why are you being
so nice to me?

What do I owe you?

You don't owe me.

I identify as q*eer.

I am q*eer.

And it's been really hard
keeping that a secret.

I realized a little while ago

how lonely I was.

How scared...

when I...

I found out my father was
never getting let out of prison.

And I wanted to tell you
for so long, especially.

But there was never
any room for my stuff

or, like,
anybody else's stuff.

You know,
after some ups and downs,


it's been 18 days.

And a whole lifetime
of, like,

that just being all there is,

I don't...

I don't think that you will

ever really know me.

Todd: You know, it's my first
time home in a while.

I'm doing good.

I'm okay.

Yeah, it's...

it's hard.

Therapist: I think Michael
might welcome hearing all this.

What do you think, Martha?

Thank you for listening.

Thank you for sharing, Todd.

Officer Kern:
Rug fiber.

Next one.

Officer Kern:


Officer Kern:
Dried skin.

Move on, please.

Oh. See the angle?
This hair wasn't pulled.

It was, it was sliced.

Talons like razors.

This has got to be
the craziest damn thing

I ever heard.

Next slide.

Increase the magnification.

Can we magnify it more?


Art Holland: The Petersons lived
in the woods.

They had pillows, duvets.
I mean, come on.

I'd like to see
slides 35-3-2

through 35-3-10
again, please.

- Officer Kern: Again?
- Sophie: Mm-hmm.

But at this
magnification now.

My word!

It's another feather.

Tangled right up in her hair.

- Is that blood?
- Yeah.

Where was the hair found?

Her hands.

The feather was attached
to a hair

found in her hands?

The evidence is
six years old, okay.

You're going to need to verify
what we're looking at there.

It could be anything.

Or it could be a hair

Kathleen pulled from her head
as she fought off an owl.

(annoyed sigh)

I trust you were able to watch
the video explaining our theory.

I did, yes. It's...

Let me guess. Interesting.

Is that a common reaction?

It's one of
the more diplomatic ones.

I'd like to ask you
about the feathers.

What did you make of them?

Strange thing to find, no?

Oh, you can't imagine
the things we find on bodies.

Near them.
Inside of them.

I found a Skittle
inside a man's ear once.

I don't think the guy
who stabbed him put it there.

I never saw the feathers.

The fragments were too small.

I didn't even know
they were there.

You understand this theory
accounts for everything.

The scratches on her face.

The blood on the path.

The front door,
the walls, the stairs.

Those brutal lacerations
without skull fractures.

- I told you that feather...
- Feathers.

The fragments... could have
come from anywhere.

Then how do you explain
where it was found?

Entwined with her hair
in her hand.

this new information...

are you willing to reconsider

the cause
of Kathleen's death?

If an owl
did attack Kathleen...

we might find
talon scratches on the skull

or DNA left behind
by the animal.

I could reexamine
the entry point

of the lacerations
with talons in mind,

the wounds on
her face and hands.

- Really?
- Sure.

But there's nothing
I can do without a body.

Kathleen would have
to be exhumed.

And to do that...

you need permission.

(buzzer sounds)

(door clangs)

(inmates chattering)

(cart rattling)

- Hey.
- What the f*ck?

Oh, sorry. I, uh...

Where's Big Ray?

I don't know.
Transferred or some shit.

Oh f*ck...

Oh f*ck.

f*ck, f*ck.

We didn't do anything.

- You couldn't...
- Oh god, that's great.

Oh, that's so great.

I mean, no offense,
you're really pretty,

but that's just so...

- ...great.
- (door opens)

Oh, Jesus Christ!

Boys, get down here!

Oh shit. Shit!

(door opens)

I can't believe this.

I mean, I just cannot
believe you guys did this.

I mean, Jesus,
look at the house.

It was only supposed
to be a few friends.

A few friends?

What sort of friends
would do this?

I, I know I f*cked up, okay.

I'm a f*ck-up.

I want to make something
extremely clear

to all of you.

And your sisters,
Caitlin, so you text them

or whatever
and let them know too.

This Thanksgiving...

was a shit show.


So to make up for it,

we are going to have
an incredible Christmas.

The house will be
fully decorated,

and everyone is coming home.

It will be perfect.

Is that understood?


Alright, well,
I'm going to take a nap.

And when I wake up,
it'll be clean.

That's right.
Get on with it.

Nice one, boys.

That could have gone
a lot worse.

I'm going to do it.


I'm going to propose to Becky.

- Caitlin: What?
- Holy shit, Clay. What? What?

- Holy shit!
- Oh my god!


We got to tell Dad
and Kathleen.

I have to ask her first.

I'll tell them at Christmas.

- Are you serious?
- (Caitlin laughs)

Shut up. Shut up!

Announcer: (on TV)
Well, good morning, everyone,

and welcome to game time.

The highs, the lows,

the good calls, the bad.

And of course
the two games everyone...

- Thanks.
- Mm.

I've never
seen these before.


Looking at you girls,
it's like looking at Liz.

Liz was so full of adventure.

Moving to Germany to teach.

an air force captain.

I felt like such
a plain Jane next to her.

But I think that
Liz could be brave

because she always had me
to fall back on.

Yeah, I get that.

Let me show you.

This is a photo
of you and Martha

when you guys stayed with me
and Steven for the summer.


We were here
for a whole summer?

- Hmm.
- In Rhode Island?


You were six,
and Martha was four.

That's a long time.
Dad just...

just sent us here for fun?

Patty was overwhelmed
with you and the boys,

so she gave me custody
of you and your sister.

- What?
- But then, um, well,

Michael, he took you back.


He didn't approve
of my devotion to God.

Then four years later,

when Martha had
behavioral issues,

boy, did Michael
change his tune.

He wanted to keep you
and give her to me...

but I refused.

I knew what it was like
to lose a sister.

Ho-hold on, hold on.

So you're saying that Dad...

Dad wanted to split us up?


(cell phone ringing)

(line ringing)

Oh my god, I have so much
to tell you, oh shit.

Is everything okay?

I'm not with Shawn anymore.

f*ck the Shawns.

- What?
- No, it's really good, actually, Margie.

It's really, really good.

Okay. Um, I have
something to tell you.

- Aunt Blair just...
- You're just gonna freak out

when I tell you because
I'm so stupid happy.

And I just want
to see your face

when I tell you why.

Oh, uh, okay, yeah.

I think I'm going to tell you at Christmas.
You and Caitlin.

(exhales forcefully)

What were you going to say?

You know what?

I will tell you
at Christmas too.



Sophie: (over phone)
Caitlin At water?


Sorry to bother you.

My name is Sophie Brussard.

Um, I'm, I'm calling
about your mother.

I-I've been doing
some investigating,

and I believe
the defense's theory

about what happened
that night is wrong.

I-I-I don't, um,
I don't think I understand.

Well, I'm not doing
a very good job

at explaining myself,
I think.

Um, can we just meet
to talk?

I think it'd be better.

I'm busy.

Um, can, can you just say

whatever you need to say?

There are a lot of questions
that remain about that night,

and I have a theory

I, I feel answers
those questions.

(owl hoots)

(Kathleen groans)

I'm gonna take care
of that email.

Oh, just stay.

You're ruining the moment.


- I'm ruining it?
- Never mind.

You know what I mean.

What's the point
of working so hard

if you can't live
the life you want?

Hmm. I work hard so you
can live the life you want.

Alright, let's not
do this tonight, okay.

I'll see you in bed.

Don't stay out too late.





(insects chirping)


(dog barking in distance)

(owl hoots)


- (gasping)
- (owl screeches)


(screams, cries)

Oh my god!

Michael! Michael!

Oh my...




(heavy breathing)


(heavy breathing)


Holy shit.


Oh god!

Oh god.






Oh! Oh!

(heavy breathing)

This is hard to say.

We'll need to exhume
your mother's body

to get the answers
we're looking for.

So... um...

I'm humbly asking
for your permission.

What? What?
What the f*ck is wrong with you?

No. No!

No. How, how f*cking dare you!

Well, if there were,
if there were any other way,

I wouldn't but please...

Michael Peterson
m*rder*d my mother!

Is that clear?

I sleep great at night knowing
that he will die in prison.

You can direct all your
future calls to my lawyer.

Oh f...

- (sighs)
- (phone clatters)



(inmates chattering)

It's nice
to see you, Martha.

I know it's hard
for you to come here.

It's just tough,
tough to see you in here.

Michael: Mm-hmm.

But... this is how
it's going to be.

[♪ ♪]

This wasn't supposed
to be the ending.

This isn't your problem
to solve.

Time will pass.

David: "From the beginning
of the investigation

"into Mrs. Peterson's death

"and throughout
his 15-year battle

"with the criminal
justice system,

"Mr. Peterson has
steadfastly maintained

"his innocence at all times.

"He did not k*ll
Kathleen Peterson.

"He did not attack
Mrs. Peterson.

"He did not strike Kathleen.

He is not responsible
for her death in any way."

After we've delivered
our initial statement,

we'll move on to the questions.

"Voluntary manslaughter
is a class-D felony

"that carries a maximum penalty
of 229 months.

- Do you understand?"
- Yes.

Mm-hmm. And then the judge
will ask Mr. Peterson,

"Are you satisfied with
your lawyer's legal services?"

- Yes.
- "The Alford plea

"allows Michael Peterson
to maintain his innocence

"while admitting the evidence
against him could lead a jury

"to find him guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt.

"Now by entering
the Alford plea,

you are pleading guilty
to manslaughter."

Does all this still
make sense?

Well, make sense?
What do you think?

And then the judge will say,
"Do you understand

"you have the right
to plead not guilty

and have a jury trial?"


"And do you now plead guilty

pursuant to the Alford plea?"

If you accept,

you'll be
officially released

from the correctional system
with time served.

That feeling you've had
for six years

that you could go back
at any moment,

that's over.

You'll be free.


- (kids giggling)
- David: Mike?


You good?

They want me to say
I k*lled Kathleen.

I'm not going to do it.

A lie doesn't set you free.

"Le Pénitencier"
by Johnny Hallyday playing...

Singing in French...