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01x02 - Chiroptera

Posted: 06/19/22 18:10
by bunniefuu
Pour vous.

Didn't Mom used to
put pineapples on it?

I looked, I, I
couldn't find any.

Well, it's going to be perfect.

Um... Let's use
the fancy glasses.



Get! Get!


Just one more.

That's it.

Look what I found upstairs.

Oh, wow.

Mom's Christmas sweaters.

She kept all of them.

She bought a new
one for this year.

Might be Dad.

Nope, it's the DA.
Won't f*cking let up.


It's your Auntie Blair. Hmm?

I got it. I got it.

- Good luck.
- Yes. Hello?

Blair Merry Christmas, Margie.

Merry Christmas to you.

Did you get to mass?

No, we didn't make it to church.

- But you prayed, though.
- Yeah, we prayed.

Margie, I've been thinking
about Thanksgiving,

what we spoke about?

This has nothing
to do with that.

I don't want to talk about it.

But I've been thinking
about you girls,

- about what happened in Germany.
- You know we don't

remember Germany.

Look, our ham is
ready. I got to go.

- Okay. I'm here if you need me.
- Merry Christmas.

God bless you girls.

Got it?

- - Yeah.
- - It's Dad.

Electronic voice: This is a call
from the Durham County Jail.

Do you accept the charges?

Yes, I accept the charges.

Well, isn't that sweet of you?

I cover your ass for 25 years,

and now you're finally willing
to cough up some dough.

Yeah, for now.

I mean, it depends how long
they keep you in there for.

Has your bail posted yet?

Any day now.

Uh, put Margaret on
the phone, will you?

- Hey, Dad.
- You guys unwrap presents yet?

Uh, no, not yet.

They're not gonna
do it themselves.

I know. It's just, it's
not the same without you.

Honey, nothing feels
right about this.

The DA keeps calling.

Well, you just
keep ignoring him.

So, have you spoken
to Candace or Lori?

I haven't gotten through.

Uh-uh, no.

What? Really? Nothing?


Look, just make sure
everyone sticks together.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

We all do.

I'll, I'll see you soon.

- Alright?
- Okay.

- I love you.
- I love you.

- Love you.
- Love you, Dad.

Love you. Bye.

Hi, you've reached Mark,
Ash, and Candace Zamperini.

Leave a message.

Automated This is a call
from the Durham County Jail.

Mark, darling, would
you stoke the fire.

It's getting a little chilly.


- Jesus, man, be careful.
- Oh, f*ck off, Todd.

Caitlin, open your present.

She remembered what I wanted.

It's the wrong one.

Well, she, she has lots
of presents to buy, so...


Mom just made a mistake.

People keep saying that
she just... made a mistake.

Like it's her fault
that she died.

Look, it could happen to anyone.

Alright? She just had
too much to drink and...

Stop saying that she was drunk.

No one said Mom
did anything wrong.

- It just happened.
- She had some wine.

She was stressed out because
she had to make money and work

- and take care of everybody!
- Caitlin, Caitlin...

No, she wasn't
drunk, Todd, okay,

you f*cking assh*le!

Why, why are you
suddenly calling her Mom?

It's not like you
ever called her that.

I mean, if she just
fell down the stairs...

You know, this... This
seems so f*cking pointless.

Did you get those waiters?

For Saturday?

The ones with the bow ties.

Yeah. For Sunday.


The fundraiser's on Sunday.

- Who told you that?
- You did, Michael.

I'll be in New York on Saturday
for Caitlin's parents' weekend.


You think anyone's
going to show?

You always worry about these
things, and they always work out.

They work because of you.

I'll be there.

Don't you worry.

Remember we promised you'd
give Clay a lift to school.

I remember!

Thanks for the ride.

Dad said it wasn't a big deal

since it's on your way to work.

It gives us a
chance to catch up.

It's hard when
everyone's so busy.


So what have you been up to?

Uh, you know, just
trying to figure out

my money situation.

It's, uh... it's, it's tight.

Yeah. There never seems
to be enough, right?

And Becky? Work's good for her?

You guys are good?

Yeah, we're, it's fine.

Woman Was the attack on
the World Trade Center...

In your professional opinion,

do you think we're
going to experience

a massive outbreak...

It's not your fault.

Ma'am, it's a mercy.

That's what we do.

Thank you, Officer.

You reach a clearing in
the middle of a forest.

Your footsteps are light.

Count each step in your mind.




- four...
- Four.


- Hi. Oh.
- Six...

- Am I interrupting?
- Seven

- eight...
- I had a weird morning.

- Nine...
- Well, John and Frank Dunn

want a meeting.

- And again...
- When?

Later this afternoon.

One, two...

Well, about what?

Three, four...

Okay. Thanks.

- Five...
- Sure.

You served?

- Marines. You?
- Same.

Semper Fi till I die.

You from around here?

Nah. Just visiting.

Thought I'd check out the scene,

see what Durham's about.


You want to, uh

want to tell me what it's about?

Oh, you know

it's about

this and that.

ManMortgages, man.

I'm telling ya.

That's where the money's going.

Ya know?

Is it just me, or is it
like a sauna in here?

Man Mr. Peterson.


Read your column this week.

The target on my back
is getting pretty heavy.

You keep going after
the little guys.

You know, you rack up wins.

If you tackled a real
issue, I'd let up.

Mm. Well...

I'm sorry. Sometimes
the truth hurts.

You keep on lookin'
for the truth.

One day, you might
trip right over it.

So Nortel is going
to write you a check

for Kathleen's back pay.

That'll cover bail,

Rudolf's retainer, initial fees.

I, um...

I don't know how we're
going to swing the rest.

We got bigger things
to worry about.

Candace and Lori,

they're not answering my calls.

Do you think the DA got to 'em?

It's horseshit.

I mean, they never,
never liked me.

I'm going to need a favor.

I need you to tell
the kids about...

- You want me to tell them about...
- The photos.

You know, and, uh, you
know, my interest in, um...

They're going to ask,
is it just the photos,

or were you, you
having an affair.

Oh, Bill, for Christ's sake.

An affair?

Kathleen was the only one.

She really knew me.

Kathleen knew everything?

Of course.

Uh, the police

found some photos on
your dad's computer.


well, the photos were
of an intimate nature.

And, and that nature
was h*m*.

They were, uh,
h*m*... photos.

Just a bunch of
stupid, stupid photos.


- Kids, you, you have any...
- So Dad's gay?

- What?
- No.

No, no, no, no. He likes women.

He loved Kathleen. Uh, just...

Uh, he likes the idea of men.

Right now, I know this
is a lot to process,

but it, it gets easier.

Wait, when did you find out?

Uh, I guess I've

always known

since we were little.

You know, life wasn't
always easy for your dad.

So Dad's bisexual?


Did you guys know?

Remember those jean shorts?

- The really short ones.
- Did Mom know?

- Those f*cking shorts.
- I tried to throw 'em away.

No, wait, did Mom know?

Yes, uh, Kathleen knew.

Alright. Well, this
doesn't matter.

- I mean, Dad's Dad.
- Right. Dad's Dad.

Is that it?


David You've been
locked up too long.

Let's get you the
f*ck out of here.

Make a path. Make a
path. Make a path.

Take your time. We
have nothing to hide.

Michael, excuse me...

We'll be making a
statement at a later date.

Thank you very much. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

So, we're going to need access

to your accounts,

all your financials.

Bill, didn't you give
this man his money?

- - Yeah. Of course.
- - No, no, no, no.

We need to do
forensic accounting.

The DA's going to say you k*lled
Kathleen because of your debt.

I k*lled her for the money?
I just optioned my book.

Oh? Well, how, how
much you get for that?

He got ten. Ten, ten thousand.

- Oh.
- The backend's ridiculous.

Well, uh, Tom Maher's going
to take care of financials.

- You met Tom yet?
- No.

Bill, you just got to go.

They'll, they'll
get out of the way.

What are we going
to do about the DA?

That's it.

There you go. That's it.

Have you read the papers?

Hardin's trying to
make me look like,

like Satan incarnate.

Don't sweat Hardin.

We got Judge Orlando Hudson.

Who's he?

He and I go way back.
He's a good one.

Uh, is that it, Ron?

Uh, what about
those French guys?

Ah, right.

This is a first for me.

Uh, I got a call from a
couple documentarians.

I looked into them
myself. They're legit.

They even got a flick out
now with some Oscar buzz.

They want to make a movie
about the US justice system.

Our case would be
some sort of example.


What do you think?

We could get a call lined
up, but let's sit on it.

Not a priority.

Well, the French
do have good taste.

He's here!

- I love you!
- Margaret; Oh, we missed you.

It's so good to see you.

Mm. Hey, kid, get over here.

- Come on.
- It's good to have you home.

- That's better. That's better.
- - Are you okay?

Alright, hold on, hold on.

- Let me go take a shower.
- We missed you!

And get some of
the stink off me.

I'm making you lasagne.

Got a nice bottle
of red for you.

Uh, you guys talked
to Uncle Bill, right?

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- It went well?

- It went well.
- Good.


I got it!


My dad's here.

Hi, girls.


I am, um, so sorry.

Thank you, Fred.

Let's just go outside.

I don't want to be
indelicate here,

but your mom's back
pay from Nortel,

they paid it out.

Plus the life insurance
money, I mean.

It's, it's a lot.

I mean, enough to rent something

while all of this is happening.

Everyone can move together.

Mike... didn't mention anything?


They don't really have
time to talk to me

unless it's about,

like, scheduling an
interview or something.

Candace keeps leaving
these crazy messages

about Mike and, like,
things in the house

he could have used to...

She wants me to go
and check and see

if anything's missing.

I am so sorry, Cay.

She keeps trying to tell me

what I already know, that...

You already know what?

Mike is bisexual.


Did Mom ever say
anything to you?

About Mike and that stuff?

Uh, no. No.

Your mother and
I, basically, um,

just talked about you.

I, uh...

Cay, I don't know how
to say this, but, uh

the DA called.

Yeah, they're calling everyone.

Yes. But there's
photos of Kathleen.

They were taken after she fell.

And they're going
to be released.

And it sounds like
these photos are,

are pretty bad, Caitlin.

And I do not want you
to see them, you know,

just accidentally on the
cover of a newspaper or on TV

or, or God knows where.

Oh, sweetheart.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Why don't you,

why don't you come
stay with me tonight.

At the hotel?


So catering's all
set for Saturday.

And I thought you
might want these.

Oh, thanks. Hey, did
you hear anything?

Now management's saying that
they got it figured out,

so they don't need the meeting.

Figured what out?

I don't know.

And Caitlin's on line three.



Wait. What? What do you
mean you're not coming?

Kathleen Well, I, I have to
help Mike with his fundraiser.

I'm really sorry.

Why can't you make
it up to Mike, Mom?

Honey, the fundraiser
is very important.

And it's happening this weekend,
whether I want it to or not.

How about I come see
you in two weeks?

No. It's not the same. I'll...

I'll just, I'll see you
at Thanksgiving then.

No, don't be like that.

No, I got to go.


It's going to be a
feature-length documentary

focusing on the prosecution,
defense, and the judge.

I got to say, I'm,
I'm real concerned

with confidentiality.

The tapes are being sent
to Paris as we film.

It'll get a lot more complicated

than just, um,
shipping some tapes.

Absolutely. But we've been there

with our last movie.

Well, we haven't and
that's what's important.

That's irrelevant...

So what you're saying is
you, you want to leave Paris

and come to Durham?

Yes, we'd relocate.

Well, that's absolute insanity.

I mean, Paris is beautiful.

And Durham is, um... Durham.

Uh, Michael, Jean here.

Um, do you know Paris well?

Intimately. Kathleen and
I wanted to retire there.

And we wanted to get a
little place in the Mara is.

Whichever case we focus on,

we'll be making
something for the ages.

You're talking to other people?

Yes. A few. It's, it's standard.

I-I'm worried about some things

that will come to
light, so to speak.

Well, I'm, I'm happy to,
to address these concerns.

Kathleen and I were
very much in love.

She was my soul mate.
Of that, I'm, I'm sure.

But I'm, I'm also bisexual,

which happens to be a problem

for some people, you know,
especially in Durham.

Uh, Michael, for, for us,

your sexuality is not a problem.

Listen, um

we'll give it some thought.

Great. Let's stay in touch.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- How's the hotel?
- It's fine.

Thanks for meeting me here.

The house is so... stressful.

Can't wait until they clean

everything up.


So I-I've been thinking...

Mike... lied to us.

What do you mean?

About... like, small things.

I mean, Dad tells stories.

Yeah. But like, the
Purple Heart thing. And...

Like, we didn't know
that he was gay.

- Bisexual.
- Okay, bisexual. Whatever.

That's like an important part.

It's a very important
part of who somebody is.

And he... he kept that from us.

From... from all of us.

- I mean, not from Mom.
- No, she would have told me.

What, she would have told
you about her sex life?

No, not the details,

but she would have found a way

to let me know.

Like, she told me. She
told me what happened

with my Dad, Fred, what he did,

and how he cheated on her.

Yeah, but Dad
didn't cheat on Mom.

- You think it's gross?
- No, I don't think it's gross.

I think it's

wrong, okay.

They were married,
and she loved him.

How did a woman

end up at the bottom
of the stairs dead

from blunt force trauma?

With an object

heavy enough to k*ll

but light enough not
to fracture a skull.

Now that's a difficult
combination to replicate,

for most.

But not for us.

At SBI, we get it done.

You want me to run inside

so you can continue ruminating?


Need anything?

Only that you'll
hurry back, right?

That be it for you?

I, uh, I gotta get going.

- What happened?
- Nothing.

It's nothing, I think.

It's a big day for us. Hmm?

We've got two stories to tell.

The story of what
happened that night

and the story of the great love

between you and Kathleen.

I haven't been
able to find anyone

that's willing to say one
bad thing about you two.

Most folks were jealous.

I hate to think what
my neighbors would say

about me and the wife.

Right. But we can't find anyone

willing to testify
that Kathleen knew

about... your...
diverse interests.

You talked to my
friends about that?

That's what we do.

Got to know what the DA
is going to dig up on you.

As long as you're
honest with us,

we don't expect any
surprises from the DA.

- Right, Ron?
- I got eyes in the courthouse.

Which is how I came about these.

Uh, hold up. So these are,

uh, Kathleen's autopsy photos.

You need to look at them.


All autopsy photos
are bad... Mike.

These are worse.

I don't want you to be
surprised in the courtroom.

I'm a veteran, David.

I've seen death.

Doesn't mean I need
to see more of it.

I wouldn't ask you if I
didn't think it was important.

Well, I, uh, I'm
not looking at them.

Not tonight. Not ever.

You see that? That's how my
wife deserves to be remembered.


Photos of her lying
in some morgue,

that's not Kathleen.

Look, we hear you, Mike,

but we need you to take
a look at these photos.

I, I don't even know why
I'm listening to this.

f*ck. I'm tired.
I'm going to bed.

Hey, you want to see what
your mom looked like, huh?

Of course not, Dad. Never.

Oh, good. That's good.

You're a beautiful young woman.

Your mother was
beautiful as well.

Inside and out.

Can you tell me about her?

I'm sorry, do you
mind if we don't talk

about my mom right now?

Of course. Of course.

You have two stepsisters,

Margaret and Martha Ratliff.

How are you all holding up?

We're okay.

At least we're, we're
trying to be okay.

This is a tough time.

Yeah, it is.

It's made even more difficult

by seeing your stepfather,
Michael Peterson,

being accused of hurting,
of k*lling your mother.

You clearly think
so highly of him.

"Michael Peterson stopped
my mother's tears.

"He restored her strength
and her confidence

"and showed her that
she could find true love

after my father's deceit... ".

Wait, where did you get that?

It's a school paper you wrote.

Yes, but how did you get it?

David, Mr. Rudolf,
gave it to me.

Yeah. Uh, Mike saved it

uh, and thought you'd
like to share it

considering the circumstances.

I, I think actually
I need a minute.

I-I'm sorry, can I use,
can I use your bathroom?

Mike, you upstairs?

That looks great, you guys.

So just through to
the dining room.

Michael, will you
please grab my shoes?

Just straight through
there. Thank you so much.


Oh, you're a lifesaver.

- Thank you.
- The place looks great.

You're going to make
Mike a million bucks.

I'd settle for ten grand.

And look who I ran
into at the florist?

- Dennis the Menace.
- Hey.

Oh my gosh. Dennis
Rowe. Here, thank you.

I hope you don't mind
an under dressed guest.

Oh, come as you are, as
long as you got a checkbook.

Let's go get the
rest of the flowers.

- Yeah.
- Thanks, you guys.

- See you in a minute.
- Yeah. See ya.

Mike, uh, let me
introduce you to the team.

Henry Lee, our blood guy.

Werner Spitz, who wrote the book

on forensic pathology.

Faris Bandak, injury
bio mechanics.

And, uh, Tim Palmbach,
our crime scene analyst.

Why don't we, uh,
take a look up close?

Faris, why don't
you, uh, get in there

and see if, uh, you
need to be close up.

- Werner.
- Nah, this is too tight.

- Hey.
- Brent It's Brent. How's it going?

I only got a minute.

- I got a big event tonight.
- Oh, yeah?

I'm kind of a, kind
of a powerful guy.

You could show me next week.

Let's make sure our
dates don't change again.

- I really want to meet you.
- I promise.

Mike! Guests are
arriving! Next week.

See you then.

Come on. What are you
doing? People are here.

- Jesus, look at you.
- What?


Bam, the head only hits once,

but the impact causes
multiple wounds.

The flesh splinters.

Even so

one fall can't explain
seven lacerations.

Two falls then?

It helps to explain the blood
on the soles of her feet.

Hey, come...

So we're in the locker room,

and Hardin's whining
about my articles.

That bingo hall expose
was incendiary stuff.

Honestly, we, we got rapists
running around Durham,

and Hardin's wasting
finite resources

going after bingo halls.

Hope none of your
grandmothers got busted.

Oh, unless they're also rapists.

Dennis, meet Michael,
Kathleen's husband.

Oh, uh, Dennis Rowe.
Nice to meet you.

You're the one
running for office?

Uh, yes, yes. A pleasure.

Now, where is that,
that wife of mine?

Now's just, it's
really not a good time.

Um... can you just send

the, the documents to my email?

Devon I'll get that
right over. Did you bring

- your laptop home?
- Yeah, of course. I brought my laptop home.

It's, you know,
it's my third leg.

Kathleen, where are you hiding?

I've got more to go over
with you, like the...

Let me call you back.
Yes, I'll call you back.

Uh, you can put the checks
in the basket there.

Thank you!

So this is where
she's falling back

down the stairs,

and then she hits her head

right here.

The back.

Then she goes down,

hitting her head
a second time here

and ended up here,

then the cough.

And on this side and she turns
over her head and then...

See, that's both sides.

And then she will try
to pull herself up.

That's why the blood
marks on the, on the wall,

and then loses her balance,

goes back

all the way here.

And then that is
her last position.

Speech. Speech, Michael.

Let's hear from the candidate.

Uh, that would be me.



Oh. Uh, alright. Thank you.

Every man deserves
a second chance.

But not every man gets one.

So I'm honored to receive
so much support for mine.

I couldn't be happier to be
running for city council.

Durham means the world to me.

And so do all of you.

But before it gets too late,

let me introduce

the evening's entertainment.

The Durham Dance Company.

Look at what you've done.

Look at this.

You're incredible.

I'm tired, Michael.

Like, all the time. To my bones.

I need help.

I know, baby.

I know.

I'll make it easier, I promise.

I promise.

Woman Help!

Help! Anybody!

Help me!



I need help!


Help me!

- - Mike.
- - Help!

- - Mike... help me.
- - Please!

Hey, buddy.


Let's take a walk.

I need help! Anybody!

Help me!


Anybody. Hel...

She's on the stairs.
You're by the pool.

You couldn't hear a
g*dd*mn thing out here.


Hey, you've reached
Caitlin At water.

Please leave your
name and number,

and maybe I'll get back to you.

Honey, it's me.

Uh, I wanted to say sorry

for missing parents' weekend.

Um, Mike's night was a, a hit.

He may even win this thing.

Uh... listen.

Sometimes things happen in life,

and, uh, you got to make
a choice about what to do.

And there's no clear right way,

and there's no clear wrong way.

What I'm trying to
say is, uh, sometimes

there's no option that's
going to make you feel

completely good.

So, uh, you gotta look
at your choices and

make a tough decision.

I know you're upset,

but I'll make it up to you.

'Cause I'm your mom.

I love you.

You're stuck with me, kid.


Oh my god!

Kathleen suffered
numerous injuries.

For f*ck's sake.

After tonight,

we can account for
nearly all of them.


She wasn't beaten to
death by her husband

with some sort of a w*apon.

She wasn't, uh,
att*cked by an intruder.

Kathleen fell.


Mike and Kathleen eat dinner.

They watch a movie,

uh, "America's Sweethearts."

She speaks briefly to a coworker

before they decide to end
an already lovely evening

by taking in the stars.

Stay for one more.

Why shut out the day
before it is done?

Because some of us have jobs.

I got to get some
stuff done before bed.


You take a pill
to help you sleep?


Come to bed soon, okay.


Let's do it tomorrow.



Oh god, Michael, help me!

And when Mike finds her,

she's still breathing.

So... he holds her,

he grabs towels,

wipes her face clean.

He calls 911.

Begs for help.


it's too late.

You know, sometimes, when
we do everything we can,


it's still not enough.

It's never enough.

Alright, so she falls twice.

Um, blood's everywhere.

What about the
scratches on her face?

What, what about the,
you know, broken,

you know, neck bone?

- Thyroid...
- I'm sorry.

- Thyroid cartilage.
- Thank you.

I mean, do we say
how she got those?

- No.
- Why not?

Because you don't get them
falling down the stairs.

Maybe her throat hit the wood,
her face banged the wall.

I don't, I just, I'm
not worried about it.

Sorry I'm late.

This is Miss Black.

She's my assistant
DA on the case.

I know, she left messages.


Uh, Fred At water.

- Caitlin's father.
- Fred?

Well, isn't that something?

I'm Freda.

Uh, my daddy wanted a boy,
but he got me instead,

so he just went ahead
and added an A...

Can we just get on
with it, please?

Yes, ma'am.

As we said, autopsy photos fall

into public domain.

That means that eventually,
they'll be everywhere.

For anyone to see.

How bad was she hurt?

There were a
variety of injuries.

Uh, bruises, scratches,


Defensive wounds.

Your mom lost a lot of blood.

Her blood alcohol was 0.07

with a Valium level of
0.15 milligrams per liter.

To put it simply,
by legal standards,

she wasn't intoxicated
when she died.

Oh god.

Oh god.

Oh god. Oh god!

Caitlin, we firmly believe
your mom didn't die

from an accidental fall.

We believe Michael
Peterson k*lled her.

With what? What does that?

The w*apon's yet
to be identified.

Wait, what the f*ck?

Yeah. What the f*ck is right.

I thought she was
smarter than that.

But Fred's an idiot, so...

What does this mean?

Well, clearly, it means we
can't talk to her anymore.

We, we, we can't talk to anyone.

Family is all we got.

Remember, this takes time.

The trial's not going
to start for months.

Caitlin has one hour.

She needs to stick to
her room, only her room.

She would like some of
Kathleen's jewelry, if possible.

That, that will be
settled with the estate.

Uh, now there's one more thing.

Some filmmakers are going to be
making a documentary about the case.

- Is this a good idea?
- It's not necessarily a bad one.

It could be a good way for me
to tell my side of the story.

Do we have to do anything?


Girls, just go back to school.

Live your lives.

Clay, you gotta move to
Baltimore with Becky.

Hmm? Keep you out
of the spotlight.

And Todd,

you got to step up, be
the man of the house

while I'm distracted by
all this f*cking nonsense.

I have to get my hair stuff.

It's in the bathroom.

Your home, it's lovely.

We're excited to
begin the process.

Oh, as am I.

So where do we, uh,
start this thing?

How about where the night began?

Kathleen and I were
watching a movie,

uh, "America's Sweethearts."

I think it was probably
around eleven o'clock.

And, uh,

uh, it's something we would do.

You know, watch movies.

And when the movie
ended, we took our wine.

And, uh, what we
would usually do

on a nice night is, um, we would

come on, come on
out to the pool.

Because it's, I
always think about

um, pretty much the nicest place

on the property.

Uh, keep walking.

We're doing a wide shot.

So I stayed out by the pool,

and Kathleen had
a conference call,

you know, some kind of work
obligation in the morning.

So... that was it.

Down by the pool,

that was the last time I
saw Kathleen, uh, alive.

No, she was alive when
I, when I found her here.

But... barely.

Michael, um, making
a documentary

is, is more than
filming and talking.

It's, it's about a relationship.

And you and I, we're just
getting to know each other huh?

So it's always

a little strained
in the beginning.

You thought I was strained?

We'll just do it again.

- Do it again?
- Yes.

With, um, with more emotion.

I want to see how
you really feel.

I just told you how I feel.

Yes, of course.
Of course. But, um

when you go to bed
at night, you know,

and, uh, and the
room becomes dark

and you start thinking
about your wife.

No. No, I'm not going
to prostrate myself

for the sake of your film.

Okay? You go talk
to the DA for that.

Oh, for Christ's sakes.

Who's that?

That's my mother.

I mean, Patty told me she booked
a room at the Holiday Inn,

I didn't believe her.


I saw that you were busy,

and I didn't want to bother you.

You did the right thing.

I know Kathleen loved
those girls, but

they're a lost cause now.

You know that she'd
been laying there

a whole hour before she died?

Do you think she was
in a lot of pain?

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

What are you doing?

That son of a bitch.

What are you doing?

- Candace!
- What are you doing?

Candace, stop!

- - Candace, stop!
- - Candace!

You're scaring us.

Son of a bitch.

That son of a bitch
used the blow poke.

That son of a bitch
used the blow poke!