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02x02 - Don't You Ever Stop

Posted: 06/19/22 17:04
by bunniefuu
This is happening, Del Mar!

Who's with me?

I can't hear you.

Who's with me?

Stop thinking about him.
You've got work to do.

Starting with our warm-up.

Nice and easy.

Stretch. Pull.

I said, stop thinking about him.
Get your head in the game.

Time to get out of that head
and get in that body.

You got it.

Take it up.

Who are you kidding?
You're not gonna stop. You're obsessed.

- Jesus! What the...
- You went past the X.

No, I did not. That's right here.

I didn't get past it.


Well, okay. That's on us.

So, we good?

I don't think we're good
because we didn't figure out how this...

How's that corn dog?

It's actually just fried cheese
on a stick, and it's terrible.

Don't really care. Just being nice.

I thought your dad was coming today?

He said he might try to stop by later.

He thinks you're the B-team.
An afterthought.

Did I sound okay out here?
Could you hear my voice over the music?

We've got a chance
to pull a big crowd today,

but not if they can't hear my voice
over the music.

I hope that doesn't happen.
That would suck.


So, we need to make sure
that doesn't happen.

Are you with me?

You think he cares?
No one cares unless you make them.

Kev. Kev!

You may not give a shit about today,
but I do.

This is my chance to actually level up
and sell this thing

to more than two f*cking women
at the grocery store at a time.

- So let's lose the corn dog…
- Oh.

…and use the f*cking sound check
to check the f*cking sound.

That's what I'm talking about.
Now throw the puppy a bone.

Why don't we both show Dad what we can do?

Yes, sir.

Gimme a blue! I want the blue!

He won't give me the blue.

Buddy. Buddy, buddy, buddy.

Hey. Hey, look at me.

You want the truth? Nobody likes to share.

But everybody has to share if we expect
to live in a just and fair society.

- Does that make sense to you?
- No, it does not.

This is how we're gonna solve this. Watch.

Now there's two blues. Yeah?

You guys have fun today, okay?

And be nice to Uncle Danny.
He's doing his best.

Wait, wait, wait.

What are you doing? You're not staying?

No, I told Sheila I was gonna go
to see her big performance at the fair.

I don't wanna let her down.
Is that a problem?

No, no, no, it's not. I just...

When you had said parent committee,

I think what I figured was
there'd be a lot more, you know, parents.

That's really funny. Yeah, no.

Some meetings are more meeting-y
and some are, like, playdate-y.

Hey. Okay, how about you
and Wanda can discuss ideas

for the big fundraiser coming up?

- Yep.
- Yeah?

You can brainstorm some themes.

Big picture stuff, right?
That's your thing. You like that.

And then, I don't know, write them
down on some boards or something.

Okay? You're gonna be great.
I'm proud of you.


- Great pancakes, Mom.
- Thanks, dear.

I wish I had an appetite like that.
I wish I had any appetite.

Dr. Varsho wants me to gain more weight.

That's a new one.

What's that?

You have a lot on your mind. I know.

Wish I could come today
to the groundbreaking.

You know,
if I didn't have to be off my feet now.

It's just a photo op to make the investors
happy. I wouldn't want you to bother.

Well, you know I would
if the doctor okayed it.

Of course.

So, kids at school are saying
there's gonna be some protest.

Apparently, all the surf kids
are all pissed off about it.

I walk through the smoking section every
day on my way to woodshop, so I hear the…


Zeke. Language.


Well, I-I mean, actually,
it's just "pissed."

That's really not that bad, right?

If you wanna use bathroom words,
you can go straight to the bathroom!


You've got this. You're in the groove now.

Pump it to the left. Two, three, four.

Take it back. Two, three, four.
Pick it up.

Two more.

- Babe.
- To the left.

Babe. Babe!


Check it out. Fixed it.
It's ready to roll.

The light's all mid-morning angular
right now. It should be perfect.

- You don't look ready to roll.
- Stay with me!

You think she's better than me?

I mean,
you obviously think she's prettier.

No way. She's just different.

That means better.

No, it means different.

Is it 'cause she's skinnier?

Is it her hair?
I mean... 'Cause that shit is perfect.

I think she got a wig.

I think she got her teeth bleached
or maybe capped.

They look like Chiclets and not even real!


Sorry, babe. It just doesn't seem healthy.

Neither are bong loads.

Look, babe.

I mean, I know everything didn't,
like, turn out as we expected, but...

Okay, if you say everything happens for
a reason, I will slice open your nut sack.

I'm not gonna say that anymore.

But, babe, If I may?

Aerobics was then. RollerBod is now.

You know, like, we got a great new idea
for a fitness tape, and it's all ours.

You know? It's got legs.

No, it's got wheels. Oh, my God.

Is that a good catchphrase,
or is that the best catchphrase?

How are people gonna do RollerBod at home?

Are they gonna roller-skate
in front of their VCRs?


I mean... Wait.

I mean, I don't know.

Maybe we didn't,
like, 100% work out the details.

But babe, I just need you to know,
like, I would do anything for you.

Like, I would lay down my life.

And what would that get us?

I mean,
it's gotta be worth something, right?

Like, how do you not get that?

You're the one who doesn't get it.

Will you stop thinking of him,
you horny old ho?

You've got a show to do. Clean it up.

- Hello, gorgeous!
- Hi.

I just dropped the kids off with Danny.

He's completely overwhelmed.

Uh-huh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

No, you're not.

Okay. What do you think?


What? What?

You can explain this.

I think… You know, I think Maya kicked me.


That's a handprint.

No, that's a man-sized handprint, Sheila.

- Sheila?
- Yeah?

What are you not telling me?

It's tempting, but dangerous.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

I just…

You know, Danny sometimes
just gets a little intense with me.

That's it. Always another family member
to throw under the bus.

That little shit.

Sheila, I swear to God...

No, it's not what you're thinking at all.

We've just been having,
like, intense, you know…

- Like hate sex?
- Yeah. I guess you could call it that.

So, what are you doing? Like, bossy stuff?

Light bondage? Heavy bondage?

No. More, like, emotional?

I know it's not healthy, but it's one way
for me to figure it all out, you know?

It's not healthy,

but that's super hot.

Yeah, it's very, very hot.

- I'm still leaving him.
- Okay.

I just need a little more time,
more money. This is how I get it.

- Boom.
- Is it really bad?

Oh, my God. Don't even worry about it

because I literally have the best cover-up
in my purse.

And a card for a divorce lawyer.
Whenever you're ready. No rush.

And I have
an amazing water-based lubricant.

I swear, there will be zero friction.
But I think I left it in my evening bag.

No, here it is. I already used that,
but you don't want to know that story.

And then when the election
didn't go our way,

that was really the beginning of the end.

Although it was tough to see at the time,
you know?

I do, yeah.

We tried to keep things alive
with the think t*nk and the...

We did have some good ideas for change.

But he just couldn't handle
that I wanted to prioritize my family.

And he moved on.

Well, I happen to think
that what you're doing is very brave.

David... My David,
he never watched the kids. Never.

Never packed a lunch. Never did pickup.

- Look where that got him.
- Mexico with his secretary.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

No, please. I'm fine.

Look at me. I'm, like, free.

I'm completely free.

Candice, what did I say about biting?

I'm just glad that Leo and C...

Well, both of them, really,
are here, seeing an involved father.

Well, we're all about progress
in this house. Radical progress.

Okay, Berkeley. It is Berkeley, right?

- That's right, yeah.
- I may have heard a few things.

Okay, can I just admit something to you?

I would love that.

I signed up for this committee
because I knew you would be on it.

Nobody cares about anything
in this town anymore.

Especially not that rich bitch, Greta.

Ooh, I'm sorry.
I really try not to use the B-word.

B all you want here.

Just be yourself.

I love the kids. I do. I really do.

I just…

You know, sometimes I just feel...
I don't know. Like...

- Lonely?
- Angry.

Like I have this, just overwhelming anger
that just has nowhere to go.

Right. Angry.

Have you ever been to a protest, Wanda?

Next bottle. Knock 'em down. Win a prize.

Be a better you. Body By Sheila.

You don't have to be rude about it.

Hey! Hey!

I'm so sorry.

- Thanks. All right, next up.
- Thank you.

Everyone's reason is different.

Let's add a knee.

Maybe you wanna lose weight.

That's a perfectly good reason.

I'm here to learn what I'm capable of.

Let's make it a kick.

Not here in this workout.
Out there in that world.

Let's add the arms. That's it.

Keep it up.

When you push yourself right here,
when you see how much you can change,

you're gonna wanna make that change
out there that you've been putting off.

You know what I mean?

Don't you, ladies? Don't you?

Yes, and twist!

What about you, sir? In the hat.

You seem to wanna look at boobs and butts.

That's okay! Whatever it takes.
As long as you don't stay put.

As long as you get up.
As long as you start moving.

As long as you...

Sorry. Sorry. One second.


What the f*ck is that? Cover. Cover.

Okay, keep it up. Keep it up.
You got this.

With a slow it down. And walk. Two, three.

And tap, and tap, and tap, and tap.

Dad, is that you?

- Ezekiel.
- They ran out of tickets.

You must be Mr. Breem.

This... This is my friend, A-Alejandra.

Nice to meet you. I'm Alejandra.

Oops, he already said. Sorry.



Nice to meet you.

Oh, yes. You speak Spanish. Zeke told me.



What else did he tell you about me?

Why don't you get in line
for the Tilt-a-Whirl?

I'll meet you over there.

See? He's being cool about it.

I met her in school. In class.

She's, like, a really good student.

And her family's really nice.

You've met her family?

How can we hate anti-Mormon bigotry

when we're the exact same way
when it comes to Catholics?

I mean, it just doesn't make any sense.

Are you gonna tell Mom?

She does seem like a nice girl.


The word development is the first lie.
This isn't development, it's destruction.

Pure destruction.

The kids... That's my daughter,
right there, San Diego born and raised.

You know, I ask myself every day,

are these shores gonna be here for her
in five years? In ten? Twenty?

Will they be here
for her daughter someday?

Well, we came out today
to make sure that they are. Right?

Stop the shop! Save our wave!

Do you have a name for your group?

We are the Environmental Youth…


E-Y-E. Eye.

'Cause we're watching.
Watching out for Mother Earth.

Can you tell us your name again, sir?

Yeah, it's Danny Rubin.

Like the sandwich?

No, not... No. It's spelled R-U-B-I-N.

- I actually ran for public office. Yeah.
- Very good.

And is that your wife over there
with all the kids?

No. No, I... My... She's not here.

She's elsewhere.

I do it every day. Or every other day.

I like that I can, you know,
cheat a little since no one's watching.

That's the beauty of working out at home.

Have you thought of making a tape
for teens? Or elderly adults?

Not yet, but I will.

I've been getting hungrier since I started
exercising. Ravenous. Do you find that?

Course you do, but you control it.

I try to maintain a balanced diet.

Three healthy meals a day,
two light snacks.

What do you eat for breakfast?
Grapefruit? Cottage cheese?

I like oatmeal.

- Nobody likes oatmeal.
- What about lunch?

Do you make something separate
for the kids' dinner or eat with them?

You starve yourself.

Do you wear insoles? Should I?

Butter or margarine?

You watch every bite
that goes in your mouth.

Ice or heat?

- Chocolate or carob?
- You don't eat.

- Cheater.
- Liar.

- Fraud.
- Boo.

Oh. Hello.

- I didn't see you there.
- Big crowd.

Can I help you with something? Or…

A lot of people want to meet
the lady on the tape, I guess.

I watched it, you know.

Wow. Thank you.

I didn't buy it.

I stole it, just like you.

How's Tyler?

He's great. Yeah, he's just so great.

He's a doctor now.

He went to doctor school,
and now he's a doctor.

Well, it's… good to see you.
Thanks for stopping by and...

So, how'd you do it?

How'd you make it look so...
Like it's all one take.

It is one take.

Ten sets of ski slices
with alternating knees?

No f*cking way.
You don't have it in you to go that hard.

She didn't just watch, she studied it.
Studied you.

Did you...
I mean, did you think I had it in me?

Do you? Because...

I mean, I barely even smoke anymore.

Holy shit. You got to her.

- You know, I could use you, Bunny.
- Like you haven't already.

No, I could hire you as another teacher.

A job. Money up-front.

You want me to work for you?

Shake my butt up there to sell your tape?

I could use the help.

And I don't think you could go
as hard as I do. I know you can.

You're a great teacher. Best I ever had.

Sheila! Hey!

- Great sales today!
- Thank you.

Numbers are ticking up.

This must be one of your fans.
One of your Sheila-nators!

If you wanna leave your name,
we can enter you in a raffle

for a free class with Sheila.

And then I can enter you up to my elbow.

I'm not a fan of hers.

- I'm the original her.
- No.

She stole from me.

- You stole from me.
- No, I didn't.

- I'm gonna get security.
- It's okay.

This tape you're selling?
All the moves are mine.

No, this is my routine.
This is my routine.

- You're a f*cking thief!
- Hey. Hey! Honey!

All right. This is not...

- No. Absolutely not.
- You f*cking... You ruined my f*cking life.

Calm down. Okay.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
She's... She's a troubled girl.

- She's a very troubled girl.
- You okay?

You know what?
I could really use some water or...

Yeah, some water. You okay?

Kevin, can you bring two waters, please?

Three waters. Thanks, Kevin.

…the shop! Save our wave!

Stop the shop! Save our wave!

Stop the shop! Save our wave!

Sorry to keep you waiting, folks.

- Good to see you. Uh-huh.
- Bobby.

- How are you?
- That's nice. Come on.

- d*ck, nice to see you.
- Yeah.

Nice of you to show up.
We've been standing here for an hour.

- It hasn't been an hour.
- Felt like an hour.

- Let's just take the photo, shall we?
- Yeah, great.

Where do you want us?

We got a couple of uniforms standing by.
If we give the word they'll make arrests.

Send a message.

It's just some kids and a couple hippies.
Nothing to write home about.

Tell that to the local news.

You gave the impression this was
a clean deal, but this feels messy.

- And we don't like the messy.
- She's the one who's messy.

Did you see her fingernails?

Oh, and she's high on speed.

The deal is absolutely clean.

I was inspired by her class,
but the routine is my own.

Piece of shit.
You stole from her, and you know it.

She's troubled.
Very talented, but troubled.

- Poor thing.
- She drinks speed!

Well, I hope you're right because
we'd love to stay in business with you.

You're one of our favorites.

My son tells me good things.

And he tells me everything.

Of course, that lazy turd is a spy.

Understood. She won't be a problem.

Can you just...

- Thank you, Kev.
- Thanks, yeah. Thanks, Kev.

Never got that water.


- I'm sorry.
- Jesus Christ!

This is Mr. Breem, Mama. He drove me home.

I didn't mean to frighten you.

What... What do you mean he drove you home?

What? Where's Daddy?

Well, Danny was arrested.

He and a group of children
were trespassing.

Or, as he would call it, "protesting."

Right. Okay. And is he okay?

There was a friendly lady there,

and she helped
get all the other kids home. Right?

Very friendly lady.

With your husband.

Hey, you okay?

- I'm fine.
- Yeah?

Do you want to go get in your pajamas?

It's not bedtime.

I know,
but we could have a double dessert.

I'll be right in. Go.

- Are you hurt?
- No. No, I'm fine. I just...

I'm just trying to find
our lawyer's number.

But where are they holding him?

Do you really have to do that right now?

Couldn't you let him stay there
a minute or two?

Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world,
would it?

He's in a holding cell in Del Mar,
a block from the beach.

It's certainly not Attica.

You shouldn't be here in my home.

This is... You've crossed the line.

He thinks he can stop me
from what I'm doing.

He can't stop it.

Not for a minute.

This is wrong that you're here.
It's wrong.


For what?

For the way you're talking to me.

Are you crazy?


You smell like sweat.

Well, I've been exercising for hours.

I'm sorry.

I gotta... I have to get that. I...

- Of course, you do.
- Yeah.


Of course.

You've reached the Rubins.

Please leave us a message after the tone,
and we will call you back.

Peace and love.

Hello there. It's Liz Norton.

I'm calling for Sheila.
If you could give her a message.

Or maybe she hears this.

I'm not terribly familiar
with how these things work.

- I'm a free man. Okay.
- Yes. Yeah.

Yeah. Okay.

This is not how I intended to tell you,
but I haven't been able to reach you.

I know you're terribly busy,
but I had to let you know.

Well, your father passed away last night.

It was sudden but peaceful.

A heart episode, they believe.

There will be a service
this weekend at St. James.

I can give you all of the details
if you'll just call us back.

Arrest me, don't arrest me.
I felt alive again out there, protesting.

The news was there.
The f*cking news was there.

I don't know. I just...

You all right?