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01x03 - Forward, Together

Posted: 06/19/22 09:31
by bunniefuu
Thank you
for joining us tonight.

I'm Randall Park.

With the presidential race
kicking into high gear,

the candidates are all
asking the same question...

What issue is most important
to the American voters.

Our cameras were allowed
exclusive access

to a strategy meeting
with Candidate Johnson

and his campaign manager.

As you can see from the data,

our campaign polled
likely voters

about their biggest concerns,
which we'll want to address

when we sh**t our TV ad,

and the most common answer was...

Oh, you know what'd be good?

I'd like to guess
"Family Feud" style.

That's fun, okay.

What is the biggest concern
among American voters?

- Job security.
- Ding, ding, ding!

Number one answer.

So what our polling showed is,
with automation on the rise,

people worry about technology
replacing them

- in the workforce.
- Yeah, that makes sense.

I mean, a change like that

creates a lot of uncertainty
in people.

And trust me, I know.

My life has changed
so much over the years.

Right, you were
the Scorpion King,

and now you may be the leader
of the free world.

I was actually talking about
when I was a kid.

- Me too.
That's also what I meant.


Yeah, my mom and I
followed my dad

as he wrestled
all over the world,

and things were
challenging back then

like living paycheck
to paycheck.

I mean, we weren't destitute
in any way,

but we certainly weren't rich.

I gotta tell you... when my dad

first started wrestling
for the WWF,

it felt as though
things changed just like that.

This is crazy!

You're wrestling
the Black Demon in New York,

and you're here
at the same time.

That's called syndication,
little man.

I'm nationwide, baby.

I can't believe
they're airing wrestling

like it's "The Jeffersons."

Takes commanding control.

Nice move, Dad.

The crowd is going crazy!

- Oh, they are.
They are.

Oh, look, look,
there's Vince McMahon.

an impressive victory

by "The Soul Man" Rocky Johnson.

Together, me and him
are gonna do

some exciting things
for the WWF.

The camera loves
a strong chin dimple.

Hey, thanks to him,
a million fans

just saw me
beat Black Demon's ass,

so I thought
we'd capitalize on that

and start selling merch
at my events.

We got jackets, hats,
T-shirts, scissors.

- Do not throw him scissors.
- Scissors?

Uh, to cut the sleeves
off the shirts, Son.

Free the great black sharks.

- Can I help sell merch?
- Absolutely.

You know what?

You could be president
of the Rocky Johnson Fan Club.



How much did all this cost?

Oh, don't worry
about that, babe.

You heard that crowd.

I'm on track to being
Vince's number one guy.

Is that why we're staying
in this nice motel?

Oh, Son, this is a hotel.

That's why we let you
sit on the carpet.


Oh, I wonder
who that could be.

Did someone order...
room service?


That's my new favorite song.

Here you go.

- Marisa, my pen has run out.
Can I borrow yours?

Sorry, Lia,
I've only got the one.

- I can just remember stuff.
- Yeah, thank you, dear.

And entering the diner,

standing at 6'2", 260 pounds.

You've seen him on national TV.

"Soul Man" Rocky Johnson!

Thank you, thank you.

Appreciate it.

- Hi, Grandma.
Sorry we're late.

- Hey.
- Mm, looks good.

I'm starving.

I should kiss Vince McMahon
on the mouth.

- Mom.
- What?

You heard that reaction.

WWF get more popular,

our company
gets more popular too.

You know,
ever since Peter passed...

I love you, Peter.
I love you, High Chief.

Vince has become
so supportive of me.

Vince loves you.

You're the only promoter
he lets his wrestlers work for

outside the WWF.

I'm his favorite
ever since I gave him

my recipe for pulled pork.

Look at this.

- Can you move those?
- Yeah, yeah.

Whoa, a poster for your
Island Battle Royale.

All my best guys
will be there.

- Rocky.
- "The Soul Man."

- The Iron Sheik.
- Iran, number one!

Junkyard Dog.

I'm an old, nasty dog.

Nasty dog!

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.

I get angry very quickly!

- André the Giant.
- I don't even exercise.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Tower of power
too sweet to be soured.

- King Kong Bundy.
- Give me a five count!

Oh, no, actually
King Kong Bundy is pulled out

because his mom's sick.

- Oh, right.
I forgot.

My mom is sick.

We'll miss him, but nothing
is more important than family.


You coming over to look
at your father's boxes?

You know,
it's been three months.

Yeah, it's time.

Good, you can decide
what goes and what stays.

- I know.
- Oh, and remind me

to give this poster
to my assistant, Bob,

so he can put it up.

Is that him sitting out there?

- Why didn't Bob come in?
- It's a family breakfast.

My grandmother and my dad

could feel the world
of wrestling changing...

Is that Rocky Johnson?

And their futures
looked bright.

Hey, Dewey, check it out.

Whoa, why'd they put you
in between two ladies?

- That's Sylvester Stallone.
He's Rocky number two.

Rocky, great match last night.

Thanks, JT.

We all set
for the autograph signing

- on Saturday?
- All set.

My dad is gonna need
all fan photos

taken on his right side.
That's his good side.

Oh, and he's gonna need

five silver pens
and ten ripe mangos,

pre-sliced, for energy.


Yeah, sure.
I'll take that.

Oh, yeah, great definition
in the thighs, brother, yeah.

Look at the detail
in the hair.

- Wow, what's that?
- My action figure.

Vince McMahon sent it to me.

Vince didn't tell me he was
making us into action figures.

Not us, only me.

But things were
even brighter for André.

It's a prototype.

One night, Vince and I,
we were drinking fernet,

and he say, "I wonder how small
we can make André."

And I say, "Not small at all.
André is a giant, huh?"

And today he sent me this.


- Oh, the arms moving.
- Damn!

Dad, you getting one of those?

Yeah, I'm sure mine is coming.

Not coming soon, boss.

Yeah, André, we know you're
Vince's number one guy...

Well, I mean, I don't think
we all know that...

So did you guys talk about me
when you was out drinking?

'Cause I love fernet.

We go out, I'm like,

"Somebody get a round
of fernet for the Dog."


It's correct down there?

Hey, come on.

- What are you doing, man?
- It's a toy for kids.

You want your jabroni kids
to play with doll,

pull down pants, and see sex?

Wow, look how young
you and your dad were.

Peter loved
listening to you sing.

He knew I was shy,
so he just kept encouraging me.

You sound like an angel.

Hey, is Lia here?

She's in her office
with Sheik.

- What is wrong with dog?
- Nothing.

She has tumors.
She's resting.


I'm hosting a barbecue
for all my wrestlers

before the match.

- Yes, very exciting.
I go to Safeway.

I get the cupcake.

The barbecue
is a family event,

so let's run through things
that you can't say.

- No problem.
Sheik only family man.

All these words here.

- No ""?
- No.

- No ""?
- No.

- No ""?
- That's right.

Okay, boss.

Lia, I have some bad news.

It's about
King Kong Bundy's mother.

Oh, no.

Okay, send some flowers
and a card should read,

"Sorry for your loss."

- No, she didn't die.
She's not even sick.

Bundy lied to you.

He signed a deal
to wrestle for Yao.

That's why he backed out
of our event.

Greg Yao...

What kind of promoter
puts his own picture

in the announcement?

And who's this... Chinese man?

That word, that okay to say.

A traitor.

He worked for Peter,
and when Peter passed,

Yao said he would
never work for a woman,

so he left, and he started
his own wrestling promotion.

What a jabroni.

The sheik love all... women.

This event isn't on
the same night as ours.

Why can't Bundy do both?

Yao made him sign
an exclusive contract,

so he can only wrestle for him
in Hawaii.

Bundy is not gonna
work for us again,

and I'm gonna make sure
Vince hears about this

and get his advice.

I forgot his number.

Oh, try visualizing the shape
the numbers make on the keypad.

My mom's number is a square.

Am I trying
to call your mom, Bob?

Get me Vince's number.

Who lies about
their mom being sick?

I pray every day
for my mom's good health,

and she's been dead 20 years,

- and Yao, he thinks he can...
- Hey, Lia.

- Thanks for the barbecue.
- Aw, yeah, manuia.

Anything for my wrestlers.

He thinks he can steal my guys
from the battle royale.

- Bundy should have said no.
You can't back out of a match.

If you say you gonna do it,
you do it.

- Yes, right.
Sika, write that down.

I got wing fingers.

I'll remember it.

- Vince sent me this.
Look out.

Hey, don't know
if you guys heard

Terry and the Chief
this morning on the radio?

Ah, Terry number one.

- The Chief, ach-toof!
- Yeah, I hate the Chief too.

Why is he always congested?

- Yeah.
- Go see an allergist, man.

Well, they were talking about

my autograph signing
this Saturday.

Dewey's gonna sell merch for me.

- It's gonna be huge.
- So how many hats do you want?

Well, gonna go reload
the Arnold Palmer.

Too much corn on the grill, Bob.

People love my corn.

And we found
an old picture of André

sitting on Dad's lap.

Dad looks so tiny.

André loves sitting on people.

Glad you're going
through those boxes, babe.

Bet there's some
amazing stuff in there.

Brother, you should see
some of the old home movies

that she found...
Voice of an angel.


Whatever happened
to your music?

- You still writing songs?
- No.

It's just... nothing serious,

just something
I was playing around with.

- Too bad.
I thought of you this morning.

There was an ad
in the paper for singers

to audition for this
new TV show, "Star Search."

Yeah, I don't think so.

- Why not?
You used to love singing.

Um, well, you know,
I'm... I'm just...

Oh, here's my son.

- Dad, I sold a T-shirt.
- Nice, son.

Who's the lucky fan?

Bob has too much corn
on the grill.

Has anybody seen Junkyard Dog?

He's supposed to bring
the ambrosia salad.

- Ah, yeah, he called.
He said he couldn't make it.

Something about
his mom being sick.

You okay?

JYD's mom is not sick.

He's gonna go and work
for Greg Yao.

The hell he is.

You're the number one promoter
in Hawaii.

That's not gonna change.

I know, but Yao,
he respects nothing.

- Oh, he gonna respect this.
Come on, let's go.


To talk some sense
into Sylvester.

Yeah, I'm gonna put on
my slapping gloves.

Bob, get some corn for the road!

They're not ready!

Where you headed, Sylvester?

- You going to see your mom?
I heard she was sick.

First Bundy's, now yours.
Moms are dropping like flies.

She, uh, got a hold
of some bad yogurt.

Are those your slapping gloves?

Oh, what you got there?

Oh, it's a smoked French ham
wrapped in gold cellophane.

Yao gave it to me

with a note that said
he want to talk,

so I called him, and we did.
I'm sorry.

I hate to bail on y'all,
but I have to.

Why would you choose
to wrestle for him over me?

I thought we were family.

We are, but he offered me
a lot more money, Lia.

Look at this place.

Somebody either had a baby
or made a baby

on the other side
of that wall right there.

He upgraded me to the Radisson,

and I get to do whatever I want
with my persona.

Come on, no way.

Man, I'm telling you
the truth, Rocky.

Imagine me, Penthouse Dog.

Get up out the junkyard
and move up into the penthouse.

Get rid of my dog chains
and get me a briefcase

- full of treasury bonds.
- Mm-mm.

- I'd put money in the briefcase.
- Ooh.

stacks of phony hundreds.


That way,
when you hit somebody...

- Uh-huh.
- Cash explodes everywhere.

- Bam.
- Hey!

Stop pitching on Penthouse Dog.

Yao says that'll be a hit,

and that with him,
I'ma be a star.

See, me and Rocky,

we ain't gonna never be
Vince's number one guy.

It's always gonna be André.

- I don't know about that.
- Come on.

They didn't even talk
about us during fernet.

They didn't talk about you.

You think they talked
about you during fernet?

- What is fernet?
- Nobody knows, Mama.

- I know.
It's a digestif.

I'm sorry, Lia.
I love you.

And Rocky, you my man ten grand.

But this is a opportunity
that I can't pass up.

Excuse me.

My grandmother realized

that change doesn't
affect people equally.

What was best for her wasn't
necessarily best for everyone,

and my father was wondering

if change would be best for him.

That's me and my cousins
playing a game

where you had
to jump in the water

without hitting the rocks.

The adults
just let you do that?

Well, it was a different time.

What happened
if you hit the rocks?

You'd split your head open
and die.

You won't even let me
use real scissors.

- Hello.
- Lia, it's Vince.

Thank you so much
for the kalua pork recipe.

I couldn't keep my hands off it.

No time for small talk, Vince.

- I've been very upset.
- I know.

I got your messages about Yao.
Don't worry.

I've seen guys like him before.

All bluster, big promises,
but no staying power.

You're a pro, Lia.
This guy can't touch you.

- Thank you, Vince.
I'm glad you enjoyed your pork.

- It's delicious.
Thank you again.

I do have a bit
of bad news though.

You know we have that show
at Madison Square Garden

every month?

Well, I didn't realize
my old man

booked the garden for your date.

- You're kidding.
I'm locked in that date, Vince.

- I can't change it.
- I know.

And, Lia, I would change
our date if I could,

but Billy Joel is eating up
all the other nights.

The guy sings about pressure
like it's a bad thing.

Look, I'm gonna have to call
some of my guys back,

but I'm not gonna leave
your cover bare.

I won't take Rocky
or the Wild Samoans.

I know they're big draws
out there.

I appreciate that,

and I understand
you need your guys.

- Appreciate you, Lia.
Thank you, and I'm sorry again.

Talk soon.

Well, Bob, we've got
bigger changes coming.

Grandma, something's wrong
with Francine!

No, that's her way
of telling us she's hungry.

- Do you want to feed her?
- Can I?

Just be careful when you
put the bowl down.

Don't kick her tumors.


Are those the boxes
for donation?

They're to keep.
That's the donation pile.

That place went out of business.

So hard.

I don't want to let him go.

He's always with you,

the same way
he's always with me.

But I won't lie.

It would be helpful to talk
to him, ask his advice.

That's funny because

I remember him
always asking you for advice.

He believed in you, Mama.

That's why he left you
the business.


Your father always loved it
when you sang.

He knew it made me happy.

So why did you stop?

I don't know.

Just didn't feel right
to sing without him.

You're not singing
without him.

You're singing because of him.

Very good, very good.

She's number one.

He's so handsome.

Looks like Robert Stack.

Francine peed
and stepped in it a little.

We've all been there.

Mr. Johnson.

the only thing I knew

about all the change going on

was that we went
from eating fast food

in our car to eating
at a fancy restaurant

where you could
look your dinner in the eye

before you ordered it.

Turns out, it wasn't
as good as French fries,

but still fancy.

So Yao gave Sylvester
a smoked, French ham?

To entice him,
which I don't get.

It don't need to be gussied up.
It's ham.

We know it's delicious.

But I do understand
making someone feel valuable

- to an organization.
- Babe, I told you.

My mom said Vince didn't ask
you to work the Garden show

as a favor to her.
Don't take it personally.

I'm just saying he could
have called me himself.

Welcome to Lorenzo's.

Can I start you off
with some drinks?

We'll take a bottle
of your finest champagne.

And I'll have
your finest tequila.


I'll have a vodka martini.


Fine, a Shirley Temple,
extra cherries.

See what happens
when you dream big?

The sky's the limit.

- Speaking of...
- Yeah?

I've been thinking about

that singing show Afa mentioned.

- I'm gonna audition.
- Babe, that's fantastic.

I mean, it may come to nothing,
but it makes me happy.

Do you want a sneak peek?

What's she doing?

Your mom's full of surprises.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we hope you're all
enjoying yourselves.

We have a surprise guest
for you tonight.

Her family's been part
of our family

here at Lorenzo's for years.

Would you please
put your hands together

for Mrs. Ata Johnson?

- Hi, everybody.
- Room service song!

As Charles said,
I used to come here a lot

with my family
when I was younger,

and tonight I'm here
with my own family,

and I'd like to dedicate
this song to my dad,

Peter Maivia.

That's a good song too.

Attention, everyone,

Rocky Johnson Fan Club
president here

with an official announcement.

My dad is game
to sign your body,

but let's keep it PG, all right?

- Thanks.
- So cool.

- Hey, my man.
Who can I make this out to?

Greg Yao.

Yao, Yao, Yao, come here
to steal more wrestlers

from my mother-in-law, huh?

I wouldn't call it stealing.

I made an offer.
They made a choice.

- Mm.
- You got a second to talk?

If you can talk with my foot
up your ass, go for it.

That's an impressive turnout.

You're quite the star.

Big enough
for his own action figure,

but I hear only André's
getting that treatment?

- That's on the house.
Now get lost.

No, no, I insist on paying.

You know what that is?
That's an expensive French ham.

You wrestle for me,
you'll be my number one guy.

You want a action figure?

You got it.

Hell, I'll make your
whole family action figures.

"Professional wrestler's son."

My info's on the card.

What was he talking about?

Oh, it's nothing, son.

Just, uh... just adult stuff.

My dad knew his business
was changing,

and he was afraid
of getting left behind,

and that's a fear I know

many Americans
struggle with today.

That's why, as your president,

I will make sure none of us
get left behind

and that change benefits all,
not just some,

because when I see you,

I see my grandmother,

I see my mother and father,

I see that we're all a part
of one family called America.

I'm Dwayne Johnson,
and I approve this message.