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02x06 - Jyu Sa

Posted: 06/19/22 08:27
by bunniefuu
You weren't paying
attention to your feet.


Thanks for the pointer,
but as I remember,

the first time we met,

I kinda kicked
your ass.

That was incredible.

Both of you.

You've been at it
for hours

and haven't even
broken a sweat.

Ooh, uh, Mia,
I'd still

really love to get
some baseline data on you.

Uh, vitals,
maybe a blood panel.

It'd really help.

so much that we

still don't know
about the bloodlines...

About warriors or guardians

or what it means
that you're both.

Look, another
time, ok?

If I can't assess your
strengths, your weaknesses,

your vulnerabilities...

Nicky. You wanna
weigh in here?

When you're ready,

you let us know.

Ok. I'm... I'm gonna
hit the shower.

Thanks for the assist.

Last week, Mia's own
father sold her out to tan.

It's gonna take time
to gain her trust back.

I don't want
to push her.

Right now,
I'm focused on

training her,
keeping her sharp.

Tan could strike
at any moment

and we need
to be ready.

Ok, fine.
I'll be waiting.

I have been
watching you.

Training Mia.

You have been
holding back.

Did you not see
that take down?

That is not what
I meant, my child.

You are afraid to be

a teacher to this girl,

but deep down, you know

that is what she needs.

The last time around,

I pushed her
and I lost her.

We just got her back.

What good is
being her teacher if

all it does is
drive her away again?

For now, I'm just
trying to be

her partner.

Her friend.

Is that what Mia needs?

Or what you need?

What makes you

Sooner or later,
you will need

to make a choice

about who you are
to this girl.

A friend...
Or a shifu.

As replicas go,
it seems adequate,

but will it work?

Before the original
was destroyed,

I employed the industry's

best scanning
and imaging tools

to determine its
exact dimensions

and its precise
metallic composition.

The world's
leading experts

worked day and night
to fabricate this.

It's beyond a replica.

It's a perfect recreation...

And it will
produce the exact

same tones
as the original.

Once we've collected
everything else

we need for your plan,

I assure you...

This bell will work.

We have confirmed

Mia is in
San Francisco

with her cousin.

We could eliminate
Nicky shen

and grab Mia right now.

We need Mia but

we don't need her yet.

We've tried it
your way, father.

Hunting her,
chasing her.

She already fears you.

What are you suggesting?

She's not on
the run anymore.

She thinks Nicky shen
can protect her.

We can get to her
when we need to.

We will try it
your way, Juliette,

but if it fails,
this falls on you.

Still at it?


Looks like you
could use a break.


Hmm. I know that look.
You have something.

I may have a lead.

I'm intrigued.

Whatever tan's up to, it's
centered around San Francisco,

and I've been digging but it
keeps coming back to li jiaming.

That guardian
you said went missing


Yeah, him.
He's been mentioned

a few times in this old

Chinatown newspaper
from that era,

written by some guy
name tin.

Unfortunately, there's
just fragments, but

according to this
article from last year,

his great-granddaughter
cheri tin

still lives in
the same house

where that paper
was published.

She found a bunch
of old broadsheets

in the basement
and then donated them

to a local
historical organization.

Should we go
take a look?

We can't, because
they're not there anymore.

A certain billionaire acquired
everything that she donated.

- Russell tan.
- Yup.

Whatever's in those papers
mattered to him.

We can't get our
hands on those, but...

Maybe cheri
knows something.

- Hi.
- Can I help you?

Hi, Ms. Tin.
I'm Nicky shen.

I'm Henry yan.

We're here about
the newspapers you donated.

I don't have
them anymore.

We know they were acquired
from the historical society.

We were hoping
you could tell us

a little bit more
about what was in them.

Haven't you people
threatened me enough?

Oh, no. We don't
work for Russell tan.

We're trying to figure
out what he's up to,

why he wanted your
great-grandfather's papers.


Come in.

- Is that him?
- Yes. My great-grandfather.

He was not
a popular man.

He started
one of the first

broadsheets in Chinatown.

He knew li jiaming...
Became obsessed with

breaking the story
of his disappearance.

He was convinced
it had something to do

with Jacob Sloan.

The industrialist?

Some men came here
several months ago.

After everything I donated
had been bought

from the historical society.

Tan's men wanted it all.

Everything my great-grandfather

ever wrote about li jiaming.

They were... Insistent.

- I'm sorry.
- I had no choice.

I gave them everything.
Every paper, every note.

Even the film.

There was film?

Could you tell us
what was on it?

I can do better than that.

They got the original.

I didn't tell them
I made a copy.

I think that's
Jacob Sloan.

That's the yueling bell.

And that's the
guardian... jiaming.

Sloan wants li
to ring the bell.

Looks like he's
being forced.

The bell... it's glowing.

What's happening?
The room is shaking.

This film was
the last piece

of my great-grandfather's

Ms. Tin,
when was this shot?

According to my

April 18, 1906.

That date.
That was...

The day of the
San Francisco earthquake.

Do you think that's
what this is all about?

Tan wants to
use the bell

to destroy the city.

This is just
a theory, right?

We don't seriously think
a robber baron

set off the great earthquake

with an enchanted bell,

or that Russell tan
will do it again.

I know you saw some
crazy stuff in China,

but this is nuts.

You know I'm
a believer, but

earthquakes are caused
by the release of

tectonic pressure,
not magic.

It could've been a coincidence,
but it doesn't matter.

Russell tan believes it
and as long as he does,

Mia's in danger.
We all are.

So, let's assume it's real.

Why cause an earthquake?

Yeah. You don't just
demolish a city for no reason.

Unless you're Godzilla.
No, he had his reasons.

Could it be some weird
insurance scheme

or real estate grab?

Whatever it is,
we have to stop him.

But we destroyed
the bell.

Doesn't that mean
he's done?

Well, he's still
after Mia,

which means there
must be some kind of

plan b in the works.

We gotta keep digging,

figure out his next move.

Well, I'm in.

Me, too.

- No.
- No?

You are going to
celebrate Dennis'

promotion tonight.
Both of you.

As planned.

We're not in panic mode yet.

Well, if you're sure...

Party it is.

All right.
Good luck.

Tell Dennis congrats.

Ok. I brought Evan up to
speed on everything.

He's been keeping tabs
on the tans.

Mia, let's look into
the 1906 earthquake.

See if there's anything
in the history books

about the bell,
and Henry, you can...

I will scour
every frame

in case there's
something we missed.

Do I know you?

No. But I know you,

Joel raddatz.

You got the wrong guy.

Ok. Let's go with Phil.

Phil Dean.

Who the hell are you?

Just a concerned citizen.

That Joel raddatz...
He's got quite a history.

So, tell me, Phil,
does your employer know

you changed your name...
Falsified records...

When you applied for
the chauffeur gig?

No? 'Cause if
the tans missed it,

you must've really
covered your tracks.

What do you want?

Information on your boss.

And if I say no?

The tans prefer
their domestic hires

to have clean records.

And I'm sure you've heard
the horror stories

about what happens to
people who lie

to that family.

Thanks for coming
to the collective.

We appreciate your work.

Oh, excuse me.

Speaking Mandarin...

The exhibit
is so beautiful.

Yeah? We all did this.

Frank, the collective.

We reached out to
people in the community

to feature their stories

and connect them
with younger artists.

Wonderful way of showing
our history, right?

Well, you should be
so proud.


I did realize
you have an exhibit

for both the zhaos
and the pengs.

Did Chinatown's two oldest
operating groceries

finally settle
their feud?

Of course not,
but it'll be fine.

Hey, mrs zhao.

How do you like
the installation?

The artist did
a wonderful job, didn't they?

Ours is lovely.
But what are the pengs

doing in the show?

There's room for both.

We are the oldest grocery

in Chinatown, not them.

You will take
their display down,

or we'll pull ours
from the show.

Mrs. Zhao... Uh...

Oh. Don't say
you told me so.


Oh. Hey.


Aren't you supposed to
be at the restaurant?

I'm on my lunch break.

Just enough time
for a visit

to the doctor's office.

I'm sorry, but you don't
have an appointment.

I needed some
urgent care.

I was hoping you
could squeeze me in.

Ha! I would love to, but

I got a patient
in 10 minutes.

Ok. Fine.
How about tonight?

Uh... oh, can't.

Got drinks with
Dennis and althea.

Celebrating his
big promotion.

You could... Come.

Heh. I thought
we wanted to

stay in the bubble.

You know, at least
a little while longer.

My parents
don't know yet,

but there's no keeping it
from althea.

Hmm. A real date.

I'll see you tonight.

Ah, come on.
10 minutes.


Ooh. Your orcs
are looking good.

- Those are goblins.
- Is there a difference?

Tolkien didn't really draw a
huge distinction, but later fantasy...

Polite question.

Real question:

Why are you working
on your dolls?

Minis. Minis.

Well, you only
bust those out

when you're prepping
for a game

or when you're down
about something.

I think we should
cancel the party.

What? Why?
Did Nicky tell you

about the magic earthquake?

Uh, no.

Uh, well, I'm sure
she's got that covered.

Why don't you
want to go?

I don't know.
It's flattering

my old department
wants to celebrate

my promotion, but
it feels kind of weird.

Everyone knows
I only got this job

'cause it's
my dad's company.

Heh. Nepotism... yay.

Dennis, I don't think
it was nepotism.

And even if it was,
who cares?

Your family might've
gotten you through the door,

but you still
had to deliver.

Hey, you've been
working your adorable

butt off for years.

I guess.

Well, if you won't
do it for you,

will you do it
for me?

Come on. I don't get
many opportunities

to celebrate my
amazing, brilliant,

gorgeous husband.

When you put it
that way,

how can I resist?


Finding anything?

Nothing magical, but
this earthquake. Wow.


This footage
is too degraded.

I'm having trouble making out

any new details on it.

- Hey, Evan.
- Hey.

I got a lead.
Juliette tan

has a big meeting today

with a very
shady dude.

How'd you find
that out?

Let's just say
I applied some... Pressure

on Juliette's
new driver.

She's meeting with a man
named grover Charles.

He's a fugitive

He's been linked
to dictators,

drug kingpins,
the mob.

He sets up
and runs labs

for anything from
meth to uranium

to fake diamonds.

I have no idea what
the meeting is about

but grover Charles
is bad news.

Where's the meet?

It's at an old warehouse.

Thank you, Evan.

Looks like
it's recon time.

Ok. Let's go.

Hey, Evan,
could I get your eyes

on something real quick?

Look, Mia,

I don't think it's
a good idea... you coming.

Putting you that close
to the tans is...

What? You're
benching me?

You said it's
just recon.

- I know.
- You're not locking me

up in a library.

I don't think
it's smart to...

You know what?
It doesn't matter.

I saw the address.

It's not like
you can stop me.

I'm trying to see
what's on this paper

but I can't quite
make it out.

Oh, I have
a friend at sfpd.

She's a tech whiz.

I bet she could clean
that image up for you.

We are heading out.

You guys keep digging
on the video.

We'll be fine.

It's just recon.

Be safe.

Ms. Tan, it's a pleasure
to meet you in person.

Did you bring
the sample?

I'll have to run
my own tests

to determine
its authenticity.

Of course.

a millennia-old
refinement process

proved complicated,

but I know
you'll be satisfied

with the results.

I can't hear anything.

I need to move closer.

Nicky. The case.

That's what she came
for. That's what we need.

It's not safe.

Recon, remember?

Just stay back.

Well. If your sample
is indeed

true jing jai Jyu Sa...

Oh, I'm sure
you'll be very happy.

I'll wire you the funds
for the rest.

When you do, we'll
arrange for delivery,

direct from our lab.


We have the complete
amount you requested.

Should you require more,
we will need...

Mia, get out of there.

Mia, what is happening?

I appreciate
your willingness

to make this possible
on such short notice.

It's been a pleasure.

The pleasure has
been all mine.

Are you
expecting someone?

No. Go check it out.

Just one minute.

All good?

More than good.

Mia, what happened
back there?

I don't know, ok?
I just choked.

You could've
been caught. k*lled.

Juliette tan
was right there.

I'm sorry.
And why did you sneak off

in the first place?

I told you to
stay back. I...

I don't take orders.

I was just trying
to help, and I did.

I saw it. The red
gem. That's useful.

We wouldn't have known
what was in that box

if I hadn't
taken a risk.

Hey, guys.

Uh... I got
your text,

but if now is not
a good time, I can...

It's fine.

Mia... what's up?

Uh, we learned
that Juliette tan

is about to collect
some mystical red rocks

called Jyu Sa.

I think they're an important
part of the ritual.

Grover Charles,
the scientist, says

they're being held
at his lab.

If you could help us figure
out where that is, we can...

Intercept them before
they get delivered

to tan's daughter.

Yes, Kenneth,
I understand...

Oh, ok!

Kenneth peng
just hung up on me.

I caught Mrs. Zhao
in the parking lot.

She refused to
listen to reason.

Kenneth is usually
so polite,

but now he's saying
he's gonna pull out

unless they do.

Do you really need to
include both of them?

It's the principle.
I did this project

to bring people together.

- So silly.
- Yeah.

The pengs
should just admit

zhao was here first.

Wait. Hold on a minute.

The pengs
were here first.


The zhaos didn't come
to San Francisco

UNTIL THE 1870s.

But the zhaos had
an actual storefront

and the pengs were
selling it out of a cart.

We are just as bad
as they are.

Lo por?
Mei-li? Mm?

I have an idea.

So, the gems... Jyu Sa, aka
cinnabar... are highly toxic.

But Juliette called them jing
jai Jyu Sa... refined cinnabar.

So, that's what
grover was doing for her...

Refining it and
detoxifying it somehow.

I think I got something. I
dug into grover's financials.

It's a web of
shell companies.

But he has one real
estate holding in salinas.

An old processing plant.

It doesn't sound
very promising, but

I hacked into
the local power

and water supply

The plant's usage
is off the charts.

I can't promise it's
a cinnabar lab, but

he's doing something
in there... something big.

- Ok.
- Let's go.

Can you give us anything on
the location? Security cameras?

Already on it.

Pretty desolate but
that's the structure.

I mean, it looks
big enough to house

a lab to me. Ok.

You two be careful.

Yeah. We'll try.

Your friend wasn't kidding.
This is much clearer.

What is it?

Musical notation.
Sheet music.

Well, a section
of it, anyway.

Why would a bell
need sheet music?

Doesn't it just make
the same sound?

Many of these can
produce different tones

depending on where
they're struck,

and tempo and rhythm
would be important.


A couple years back,
I saw this panel

with this
local musicologist.

An expert in
bianzhong, bianqing...

Bells of Eastern Asia.

Han something.
But if I can

show him this fragment,
then maybe

he can tell us more
about the song.

Got it.
Eric han.

Just a minute.

Can I help you?


Hello, Mr. Han.

I believe you have
something I want.

Thank you for
agreeing to come.

I have nothing
to say to her.

There's really
no point to this.

At least we agree
on something.

Heh. Let me
be honest.

I want you both
to be in the show.

I know it's frustrating.

Lily... I agree that
your family

was the original grocer
in Chinatown.

- Thank you.
- But it's clear

to me, Kenneth,
that your family

has the more
legitimate claim.

I mean,
storefront or not,

the pengs were
working here first.

Thank you.

See? My wife and I
argued this.

This feud between
two legendary businesses,

it's becoming
our story...

And Chinatown's history.

I'd like to
tell you a little story.

It's about how
I met this guy.

I'd seen him
outside his job.

I thought he
looked sexy.

And then we bumped into
each other again

at a friend's party.

He was so gregarious,
so outgoing,

but when I wanted
to talk to him,

he wouldn't look up
from his drink.

He was so shy.
And he insulted my dress.

I said

her dress
was interesting.

I walked home
alone that night

convinced he had
zero interest in me.

not what happened

look, I might've
played it cool.

I was picking
my moments.

I talked to her
at the bar,

told a few jokes,
made her laugh,

and before she left,
I gave her my number.

And I told
our friends

this was the woman
I'm gonna marry.

To this day,
we disagree about

how that night went,

but that disagreement
has become

our children's
favorite story about us.

Instead of fighting
about who's first,

let's own it all.

Two historic families,
one legendary rivalry.

What a great story!

Let's tell it together.

Looks like it's clear.
Let's go.



I can't go
in there with you.

Nicky, the Jyu Sa
is in that lab.

If we don't
intercept it right now,

the tans will get
everything they want.

I know.
But you nearly got us

k*lled at the warehouse.

I'm not doing this
if I can't trust you.

I need to trust
that you'll do

what I say
when I say it.

If we go in there,
it's not as partners.

I'm calling the sh*ts.

What do you want more... to
push back on me or to stop tan?

Ok. I'll follow
your lead.

Ok. Let's go.

I've read your work,
Mr. Han.

For an expert on
Chinese bell music,

you barely touch
the subject

of the song
of yueling.

Just one scant reference

in which you dismiss
the song as apocrypha,

saying that no
sheet music for the song

ever existed.

It doesn't.
It's pure legend.

I know you're lying,
Mr. Han, and I know

you're a member of
the wan zai.

You didn't make it
easy, but

your organization is

not quite as secret
as you imagine.

My father's had eyes

on you people
for years.

I know the sheet
music exists.

I've seen it
with my own eyes.

- How?
- Saw the movie.

Father has
the original print.

I know it was lost
right here

in San Francisco.

If anyone has it,
it's your little brotherhood.

Found something.

Why do you even
want it?

It won't do
anything for you.

Where did you get that?
Is it real?

Ah. So, you do know

that this specific
tonal and rhythmic sequence,

resonating through this

faceted stone,

can produce
a devastating effect.

If it's the real thing.

Shall we put it
to the test?

You don't know
what you're doing.

I'm sorry, Mr. Han, but

the wan zai
can't help you now.

I've authenticated the gem.

The money will be
transferred immediately.

Bring me the rest
of the Jyu Sa.

I'm so excited about
this new stage of my life,

but I will miss working
with you all every day.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Ok. Ok. Cute.

I approve.
Time to tell mama?

Oh, good lord, no.

Yeah, maybe not yet.

Heh. Well,
I'm glad you're here.

Everything ok?

It's Nicky.
She needs help with...


She needs help with her job.

You should take that.

Excuse me.

I thought your sister worked
at Harmony dumplings.

You know, come to think,

I've only seen her
run deliveries,

like, twice.

She has other gigs.
You know, side hustles.

Nicky, what's up?
We're at the back door

of the lab, but there's
a security system.

I sent you a pic.

It's a harm an.
Could be worse.

How's it
coming, althea?

There's a known vulnerability
with this particular model.

I'm sending you
a skeleton key

that I've been
working on for you.

It was supposed to be
for your birthday, and I

haven't tested it out yet,
but give it a try.

Ok. Downloaded.

Ok, now hold your phone
by the sensor

and wait for a beep.

Althea, it worked.

Happy birthday.

There's something
going on with

you and your
sisters, right?

Nicky, she is not normal.

Nicky? No, no, no, no.

She's... she's super normal.

Ha ha! She's so normal,
she's actually boring.

My boring sister. Ucch.

Ok. Sure.

Ok, look.

There might be
things about Nicky,

about my family, that
I can't talk about.

Yet. But I promise.


What the hell is
he doing here?

Hey, I'm glad we came.

I love seeing you get

the appreciation
you deserve.

Hey. Hey.
Hey. What's up?

I think
we should go.

What? Why?


Oh, my god.

Are you serious?

I take it this guy's
not a friend.

My old boss.
Chase Matheson.

Your story is important.

What your boss did to you...

Former boss.

He did it
to other women.

We hope you understand

the consequences
of speaking out.

He falls,
they fall, too.

Didn't end well?

You could say that.

Come on, babe.
Let's get out of here.

No, no, no, no.

You sure?

I am.

He's not gonna
drive us out of here.

I won't let him
ruin our night.


- ♪ Hey!
- ♪ Do that, do that, do that ♪

♪ Do that,
do that, do that ♪

♪ Do that, do that, do that

- ♪ Do that
- ♪ Hey!

♪ Do that,
do that, do that ♪

♪ Do that, do that,
do that ♪

♪ Do that, do that, do that

- ♪ Do that
- ♪ Hey!

♪ Yo

♪ Hey!

- ♪ Hey!
- ♪ Do that, do that, do that ♪

- ♪ Do that
- ♪ Hey!

There they are.
♪ Yo

Who the hell are you?

♪ Yo

I don't want to hurt you,

but I need to know
what you're doing here.

We're here for
the Jyu Sa.

That so?

Yup. You're
about to

hand that stuff off
to a very bad person

who's going to do
very bad things with it.

Can't let that happen.

Oh, yeah?

What are you gonna
do about it?



Cover me.


The Jyu Sa.



- Mia.
- Uhh!


Grab the gems.
The buyer's waiting.

- Forget them.

We have to go.

Nicky, I'm sorry.

I don't know
what happened,

but it's my fault.

It's not your fault.

The stones did
something to you.

I felt it, too.

They got everything.

Not everything.

We'll figure it out, ok?

But first, we need
to get out of here.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

- One more.
- Coming up.

Althea. I can't
believe you're here.


I'm glad to see you.

I'd hoped that I'd
run into you sometime.

Funny. I'd hoped
for the opposite.

Look, I just wanted
to let you know that I'm

really grateful to you.

You're grateful?

Yeah. You've changed
my life.

I mean, after everything
that happened,

it forced me
to look inward,

to grow as a person.
It was a gift.

I learned to stop talking
and to start listening.

Having to step down
from cloud rush was hard,

but it forced me
to become a better man.

New and improved.
Chase 2.0.

I'm just sorry
that we saw

our encounter
so differently.

Ok, chase 2.0,

we didn't see our
encounter differently.

And no amount of
focus-grouped rebranding bull

is gonna change the
fact that you're a monster

and a creep,
and everyone knows it.

- Althea, come on.
- No.

You're listening,

I have spent way too
much time since then

thinking about
what happened...

What you did to me...

And I am done.

See, my life is good.
Great, even.

But you?
You're pathetic.

And you don't have any
power over me anymore.

I've actually been
thinking I'd

throw this drink
in your face, but...

You're not worth it.

Ok. Now we can go.
Shall we?

Dennis, your wife just said
she can't stop thinking about me.

Come on. Hey.


Stay the hell
out of our lives.

I'm a part of your life
whether you

like it or not.

Just ask your daddy.

He cut ties with you
when althea came forward.

Oh. Yeah,
maybe publicly.

You know,
for a new partner,

you don't know much about
your family business.

Mess him up.

We're leaving now.

Is that all right
with you boys?

Mr. Han?

Mr. Han. Hey.

I'm very impressed, Juliette.

Thank you, father.

The refinement process...

You authenticated
the Jyu Sa?


It worked.
I saw it.

Just the music
and the gem.

Just a taste of
these stones' power.

When my experts
combine it with the bell

and we have everything
that we need...

This city will
be destroyed.

And from the ashes...

A new world
will be born.

Hey, Mia?

We can't win 'em all,

and I know it doesn't
feel like it,

but what we did
today, it helped.

We'll figure out
what the Jyu Sa is,

why it affected us,
and we will stop tan.

But we're gonna need
Ryan's help

to figure it out.

Ok. I'll talk
to him tomorrow.

Thank you, Nicky.
For everything.

♪ Everybody
says the world is ending ♪

♪ But tonight
is just beginning ♪

♪ While everyone
is running out ♪

♪ And spinning

♪ we keep slowing down

♪ stay right where you are

♪ come on, let me
dance with you ♪

My place ok?

Yeah. Sure.

Hey. You all right?

Where'd you learn
to fight like that?

Ryan, you have things

you're not ready
to talk about.

So do I.

Is that cool?

♪ Stay right where you are

♪ Come on, let me
dance with you ♪

♪ Stay right where you are

♪ Come on, let me
dance with you ♪

♪ Stay right where you are

♪ Stay right where you are

What do you want from me?

Who are you people?

We are the wan zai.

Hello, son.


Greg, move your head.