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02x04 - Clementine

Posted: 06/19/22 08:26
by bunniefuu
dumplings are cool.


Did someone
say dumplings?


- Baba!
- Mm...

Wait until we sit.

Hey, I skipped
lunch for this.

- Ha ha ha!
- Mm.


Your secret's
safe with me.

Oh, ha ha ha!

- Watch the heat.
- Yes, mama.

How's it been, holding down
the fort without baba?

I'm still
getting used to it,

but working with frank,
your baba seems happy.


Have you heard
anything about Mia?

We're still looking.
Have you told po po?

I was preparing
to tell your po po

she had a granddaughter,
but when Mia ran away,

I just...

Hey, I won't stop
until I find her, ok?

I know.

Chemistry, triage...
I proved myself.

No more dish duty
for Ryan.

Huh. I heard dish duty
comes with perks.

Oh, getting
mixed signals

from my parents hot
but arrogant line cook

is not a perk.

It's a curse.

Hey, guys,
almost time to eat,

but first,
a toast to our Althea

for her big day

Come on.

Congrats on
striking out on your own, sis.

Well, I wouldn't
have done it

without all your
love and support.

We are proud of you.

Here's to the next
big Shen business. Gan bei!

Gan bei.

Consider this phase one.

We're gonna be
kicking the tires

on several
of my app concepts.

You're all brilliant,
and I encourage you

to be as rigorous
in evaluating these ideas

as I will be in evaluating
your performance.

Now... get to work.

- Althea...
- Yes, court?

Before we get started
on the baseline code

for your
geotracking app,

where should we be
with machine learning?

We should
probably wait

for a minimum viable
product, right,

the essential features

and then build
from there?

But if we don't
plan for it now,

it'll mean
double work later.

So what's
the top priority,

being first to market
and R&D costs

or being thorough
and future proof?

Well, good news is,

you both have
valid points.

Thanks, but we should
pick a path pretty fast.

This has ripple effects
throughout our whole process.

Yes, yes, of course.

why don't you guys
get started,

And I'll
noodle on it, ok?

How's it going?

I totally
tanked my welcome speech,

all those eyes
just staring at me.

It's fine.
It's day one.

I need to be positive
and inspiring and perfect.

The future of my career
is riding on this.

Here's my day-one
good-luck idea.

I'm gonna pick up your
favorite pineapple buns

and maybe a few danta
and cha shao bao

for your team.

Wait. Isn't you car
still in the shop?

Oh, right.

I'll just take

- Clem?
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Ok.

Just don't forget,
she lurches a bit

when she shifts
into second,

oh, and her parking brake
is a little finicky,

oh, and no snacking.

I just got her

Ok. Don't worry.

I'll take care
of your baby.

Oh, wait. I forgot
I'm the boss. No PDA.

Heh. Ok. Ha!

The Greeting Committee's
"You've Got Me" playing...

♪ You got a hold on me...


We seriously need
to disrupt enemy plans

more often.

Breaking into
Tan's mansion,

destroying the bell,

stealing one
of his laptops...


Definitely better
foreplay than losing.

Oh, yeah.

Round 3?

Ohh, but I'm
supposed to do

some renovations

Yes, please.

♪ Don't you worry

♪ I've nowhere to be

wait, wait. Wait.

I need to check out

decryption software...

Uh-uh. No.

Because it might have
unlocked the laptop by now,

could be something


Right back.

♪ Giving you everything
for always... ♪

It's your dad.

Not gonna answer?


He never calls,
though, right?

it's important.


Can we not do this
right now?

Henry, you are
the most caring,

sensitive guy
in the world,

and you
don't care?

When I ran
away from home,

I thought fixing
things with my family

would be impossible,
but we worked through it.

Maybe if you just tried
to let your dad in

and talk, you...

You think
I haven't tried?

It's not for lack of trying
because I've tried a lot.

See, my family is
not like your family.

My dad is nothing
like your dad.


- Hey...
- Hi. Here's your order.

- Thanks so much.
- No problem.

on your end?

No, not yet.

The encryption software.

Nicely done, Althea.

We're in,
Tan's database.

Try a search
for "Mia."

Birth date,
hair color, eye color.

Some kind of profile,

nothing on here
we don't already know.

She's not the only
person in the directory.

Zhilan's on here.
So am I.

I mean, the data they've
got on you's crazy...

Birth date,
blood type,

- medical records, everything.
- Tan was building a database

on warriors
and guardians.

There are hundreds
of profiles on here.

Mia's dad
could be on here.

We know she went out
looking for him, right?

If we can figure out
who he is, we might

be able to figure out
where she went.


Oh, I messed up.

Hey, man.

Dennis, what
are you doing here?

- I messed up.
- Ok. What happened?

- I lost her.
- Who?

She's gone.



*KUNG FU (2021)
Season 02 Episode 04

Episode Title: "Clementine"
Aired on: March 30, 2022.

So Clementine
is just a car?

No. Yes.

She is a car, but she
is so much more than that.

That car is
everything to Althea.

She keeps
a framed photo

of clem in
our living room.

Ok. When we were kids,
baba took us

to an antique
car show.

Althea became obsessed.

She talked about,
you know, growing up

and finding her car
the way that some girls

talked about
finding their husbands.


Ok. She was just waiting,
and then she saw her

in a used car lot,
and she knew.

She didn't have
any money back then,

so she started
haunting the lot,

you know, spooking
any potential buyers,

anyone who got even an inch
from Clementine.

- That's a little...
- Yeah.

I know,
but she was in love.

When she got
her first tech job,

she used the signing bonus
as a down payment.

Clem was finally hers.

Ok, so Clementine really
is more than just a car.

Yes. She's Althea's
good-luck charm,

a symbol
of her independence,

the love of her life,
no offense.


Ok. Today is the first day
of her new business.

If Althea finds out
that clem is missing,

she is going to spiral.

Ok, so did you
call the cops yet?

Yeah. They said
they were unlikely

to recover
anytime soon.

Look. If anyone can
find her, it's you.

If we're quick, it'll be
like it never happened.

She can't find out
I lost

- Clementine.
- No.

Dennis, no.

I want to help,
but keeping this from her

- doesn't sit right for me.
- Please, Nicky.

I can't be the guy who
ruined her big day.

I just can't.

- Ok.
- Ok.

No promises, but we
can start with Evan,

and no matter
what happens,

you have to tell her
by the end of the day.

Yes. Ok.
I promise.

Car theft's
been on the rise,

especially in
low-income areas,

and Chinatown's been
hit hard lately.

Yesterday Yang's flowers had
their delivery Van stolen.

The yangs get most of their
income from deliveries.

They must be

Could all these
thefts be related?

- Possibly.
- Thanks, Chris.

Makes and models have
been pretty diverse...

Fancy cars, beaters.
The only common thread is that

they've been mostly
easy targets.

Easy targets?

Yeah... double-parked cars,
unlocked cars,

cars where people
were careless enough

to leave their keys
in the ignition.

Dennis, really?

I'd circling
for 15 minutes.

Was the engine


Well, then
it fits the pattern.

Quick hits in
the middle of the day

when there's
a lot going on,

these are crimes
of opportunity.

Look. I'm not really
sure how I can help.

Maybe we can
lure the thieves.

Like leaving out
a bait car?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

SFPD's done it
in the past.

Great. Then that's
what we'll do.

We just need a car.

Yeah. Mine's in the shop.
What about Henry's?

Let's try Ryan.

He's been asking to
get in on the action.

Henry, hey.

Guess you didn't feel
like meeting up.

Anyhow, wanted you to know
that I closed out

the family safe deposit box,
got your birth certificate

and social security card,
didn't have your address,

so if you need them,
swing by.

Evan, a minute?

Ms. Tan,
this is my Ada Evan hartley.

Ada hartley,
this is Ms. Juliette Tan.

Ms. Tan, would you bring
Ada hartley up to speed?

I believe my family
is being targeted.

Last week, our home
was vandalized.

Someone broke into one
of our Chinatown properties

the night of
the new year's parade.

My father, Russell Tan,
he's inconsolable.

We're opening
an investigation

into these crimes, Evan,
and I would like you

to spearhead it.

We have a team pulling
traffic cam footage

from around the Tan estate
at the time of the break-in,

so hopefully, we will
catch the suspects on tape.

- Evan?
- I'll get right on it.

Thank you,
Ada hartley.

Ah, should have
brought sunflower seeds.

Stakeout vibes.

I could spit out
the shells

out the window
like a real cop.

Can't believe
I'm waiting

for my own car
to get stolen.

I thought you said
we'd get a hit fast.

We will, I'm sure.

Where's Henry?

He's following
a Mia lead.

You're a
horrible liar.

"You're a
horrible liar."

Ok. We had
our first fight.

His dad called,
and I encouraged him

to talk about it, maybe
try to reconcile, and...

It's Althea.
She's asking where I am.

What do I say?

I think you
have to respond.

What? No.
Don't respond.

Just say you
didn't see it.

You know how much
clem means to her.

- Yeah, exactly.
- Exactly.

Am I seriously
ghosting my wife?

- Yes.
- No, Dennis. Respond now.

As soon as you
start typing,

that 3-dot
bubble appears,

you're committed.


- Look, guys.
- Oh, god.

Hey! Where do you
think you're going?


This is our

We're looking
for a stolen car...

Vintage beamer,

I swear, I don't
know anything.

So, what, you were
just gonna steal

my brother's car
for no reason?

No. It's not
like that.

It's a one-time gig,
all word of mouth...

Look for
an easy target,

you Jack it,
and you drop it off.

The more expensive
the car,

the better the cash.

I don't know
who the buyer is.

Ok. What about
the drop-off?

Once I get a car,

I'm supposed
to text him the vin,

and then they give
me the drop-off.

Look. I'm sorry.
I needed the money.

For what?

My dad and I are two
months late on rent...

And I don't know
what else to do.

Hey, come by
the community center.

Ask for me... Nicky Shen
or Henry yan.

We have resources
that can help you.

Come on.

Give me
the number.

I'll use a fake vin
and get the drop-off.

Good idea.

I'll text Evan, get him
to run the address for us.

Hey, mama.

I told po po
about Mia.

How'd it go?

Nicky, she
knew something.

20 years ago,
Mei-xue called po po,

told her she loved her,
and hung up.

Po po traced the call
to a hospital,

a west view general
in British Columbia.

They didn't have
any information,

but when po po found out
that Mia was 20 years old...

That could be the hospital
where Mia was born.

Could this be

Thank you, mama.

Got the drop-off.

Mama got a lead.

We might know the hospital
where Mia was born,

and I need you to...

And you need me to use my
doctor credentials to look into it?

Please. It might help us
figure out who her father is,

and maybe we'll figure out
where Mia went.

I know it's not
the most exciting...

Hey, it's ok, Nicky.
I got you.

What were
you doing?

Oh, I just wired Brittney
some cash for rent.

That's one way
to help the community.

Evan, what's up?

I got a little
visit today...

Juliette Tan.

She's convinced D.A. Hughes
to open an investigation

into the break-in
at her house.

That was you?


I'm overseeing
the task force,

and they're gathering
traffic footage,

and I need to know,
on the night

of your little field trip,
what streets did you take?

We parked at
Battery and Jackson

and then headed west
on Jackson by foot.

Evan, if we're
on those tapes...

Then I'll do what I can
to protect you.

I looked into that drop-off
address you gave me.

It's being leased by
a guy named leif winzig.

Wait. I know
that name.

There was talk about him
a couple years ago...

Low-level ex-con on the make
in silicon valley.

He was trying to go legit,

pitching some app
all over town.

He flamed out fast.

Well, leif's been
pretty busy since then.

After his app failed, he
used his criminal connections

to offer exclusive

to wealthy clients...
Finding a tiger

for a bachelor party
or a bazooka

for an exec
to fire off.

Leif would
hook you up.

Let me make
a few calls.

I might know someone who knows
about this kind of stuff.

Hey, dad.
Got your message.


Come in, come in.

This is, uh... wow.

I... I...

I wasn't
expecting you.

- Yeah. I was...
- Hey, Daniel,

are you going to...

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

This is my son.

Oh. Nice
to meet you.

I'll see you
later, Daniel.


If I knew
you were coming...

Look at you.
You look good.

Still playing

Not since
the sixth grade.


How's graduate school?

Yeah, so I got
your message

about the safety
deposit box.

Right. Of course. Um...

Yeah, your
birth certificate

and social
security card.

Thanks, but
I want to ask you

about something else
inside the box...

The ring.

What do you want with
tai po's engagement ring?

Got it. Thanks.
I have something.

- Who did you call?
- My sister.

Chloe's been on
the straight and narrow,

but she's still
got friends.

One of them has been
at leif's parties,

get updates
on the events.

She sent me a link.

You want to really
blow off some steam?

3, 2, 1!

- Ha ha!
- That's right.

invitation only.

And we just restocked
our inventory.


Wait. They're
blowing up Clementine?

That's what he's been
stealing cars for.

I've heard about
these events.

They're popping up
all over the country.

Ok, so we know leif's
hosting one of these parties

as we speak,
and clem's on the block.

Ok. I have to save Clementine
and take down the whole ring.

If we don't cut off
the head of this operation,

they're gonna keep
targeting Chinatown,

like the yangs.

Can you get me
the vin numbers

that match up with the
stolen-vehicle reports?

I'll make sure
SFPD's at the ready.

- Where's that party?
- Chloe's working on that,

trying to get us
on the guest list.

Great, but, Dennis, time's up.
We got to tell Althea.

No, no, no. No.
No, not yet,

not until we
save Clementine.

Hi, guys.


How's your
first day going?

My first day?
Oh, thanks for asking.

Hmm. Well, it's one
of the biggest days

in my life, and I'm
already struggling

to project calm, confident
girl-boss vibes

when my husband leaves
on a short errand

that turns into
an all-day ghosting,

so between thinking
you're dead

and being so distracted,
I spent most of my morning

hiding in the bathroom
from my employees

and then getting
a suspiciously large

transaction notification
from our bank account

to a Brittneycabbagehead99,

I'd say it was memorable.

Now, what's this
about Clementine, hmm?

I'm sorry.

I promise, I did it
to protect you.

But it's clem.

You know how much
she means to me.

How could you think
that lying to me

would be
a good idea?


I got the address.

I got the address.
We're on the list.

All right.
I'll get sfpd ready.

Great. Let's get
clem back, yeah?


Babe, wait.
I'm sorry.

Still sparkles.
Tai po had great taste.

Mom used to tell
the story

of your proposal
all the time.

Stow lake?

You know,
that's where we met.

Ah, she never
told me that.

She was on a date
with some white guy.

They rented
a paddle boat,

and I was
the poor schmuck

putting on
the life jackets.

I asked your mom
for her number

right in front of him,
got socked in the eye,

but it was worth it,

5 of the best years
of my life.

Just couldn't
grow up, huh?

Well, you know, I tried
to make things work,

but the world's
a big place.

Yeah. Well, mine
got pretty small.

Um, so there must
be a girl, then.

She got a name?

Nicky Shen.

She's incredible.

Incredible, huh?
That's some biography.

I'm not looking to
propose anytime soon,

but I know it.

She's... she's it.

Well, it's
smart to wait.

What do you mean?

I just don't
want to see you

get tied down
before you're ready.

You know, your mom and I,
our worst mistake

was settling down
too young.

Oh, that was
your worst mistake?

Because I could name
a few others...

Ditching mom,
leaving ah po

to raise me by herself.

Yeah. I better
get going.

What? Hey, have
another beer.

What about the ring?

It's fine.

When the time
is right,

I'll think I
pick out my own.

♪ I got the power

♪ I got the power

you know
the plan?

We mingle
and look out.

You sneak off
and find clem.

And once I send
Evan the pics,

we wait for the cops,
then get clem.

- If things go south, run.
- Don't wait for me. - Hi.

Invite, please.

♪ Slayed so hard,
big faces need a broom ♪

♪ k*ll 'em softly,
then I put 'em in a tomb ♪

♪ Walk up, walk up, walk up,
walk up, walk up in the room ♪

♪ Make her, make her, make her,
make her minds go, "boom" ♪

♪ Money, money, money, money,
money, need a broom... ♪

my friends.

Mm, I like
what I'm seeing,

and your name is...

I'm Susanna.

- You are...
- Iris.

Well, I'm leif,
and who are you?


What do you do,

I'm in
private equity.

We need to talk
later about that

and that suit,
but for now,

let me turn it over
to my lady t.

- Do your thing.
- Bye, sexy. Ha ha ha!

Hi, today's
offerings for you.

Thank you.

You look like you
need a drink.

Am I right?
Follow me. Ha ha ha!

A firing range with
shotguns and r*fles?

- Mm-hmm,
- but if you prefer something

more sensual,
we've got that, too.


- Oh!
- Oh!

All complimentary,
of course.

We are not
drug dealers.

Molly, spice,

And a karaoke

Oh, my guilty

♪ Ah

ha ha ha!

Well, I saw a sweet,
vintage beamer

on your hype video,
and I would love

to blow that
orange beauty up.

Oh, mm, sorry.

Ooh, a.J.!
Already reserved it.


But don't worry.

All paying customers
get to watch, huh,

so settle in.

Enjoy yourselves.

- Ok.
- Cheers.

Hi, Susan!

Clem's confirmed
on site. We're a go.

Text me if you
need anything.

- Thank god, right?
- You still don't get it!


Let's just blend in.

Hmm. Hi.

♪ I've got the power

Come on.

I had reception

This place must be
rigged with jammers.

Ahh! Ha ha!

Oh, these are for you.
Here you go.

- Thank you.
- Thank you. What's in this?

Oh, just see
where it takes you.

Ha ha ha!

So, Susanna,
what do you do?

Oh, I'm a tech CEO.

Ah! But you're
so young,

you must be
a rock star.

Oh, Nathan,
why don't you

tell her about
your marketing company?

Wait. I thought
you told leif

that you were
in private equity.

- I am in private equity.
- Yeah. Th-Th...

- That was before.
- Right. That was before.

Before. Before.
Ok. Ha ha!

- Ha ha ha!
- Ha ha ha!

I love a good pivot.

Dennis soong?
No way!

It's Benny

from the athletic
club, remember?

Sorry. I think you got
the wrong guy.

I had no idea you were into
this underground stuff.

It's rad.

I don't know who this...
Who is this guy? I mean...

Dude, that's cold.

Heh heh.
Ha ha ha!

Would you
excuse me? Ha ha!

Of course.
Dennis, we got to go.

Ok. What
about Nicky?

She said she's ok.
Let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where's the fire?
Where you going?

You are gonna
come with me,

and there won't
be any trouble, yeah?

Find the woman
they came in with.

Take them out back.

Found her.

Hey, guys,
what's up?

I was just checking out
these dope wheels.

Your friends
blew their cover.

Orders are
to take you to them.

Look. There's clem.

Hey, what are we
doing with them?

Could be cops,

could be working
with cops.

Oh, neither. All we
want is my car back.

Well, either way,

I'm not going back
to San Quentin.

Get rid of them and
Bury them out back

and do the same
with their friend.

Do it.

Uh, look. We're just
private security.

We're not k*lling
these people.

Oh, see, here's the problem
with that theory.

I'm the guy paying you,
so you don't have a choice.

I say something,
you do what I say.

That's how
money works.

Oh, wow.


Hey, you both
signed NDA's.

Guess I'll
take care of it.

Please. Wait.

Uh! Huh!


♪ Any blood clot thing
me wan'... ♪

- Nicky.
- Go. Go.

♪ Play with me,
y'all dead and buried ♪

♪ Come with the thing, come
with the thing, yeah... - ♪ Ohh...

I'll take you on,
little girl. Hwah!


♪ Broke it off
like a switch ♪

♪ Bet you never... again

♪ Yo, guess what,
I'm the one you want ♪

♪ You wouldn't never
tell me to stop ♪

♪ Yo, guess what,
you the dummy ♪

♪ Hard crash 'pon me,
man champ, that's me, yeah ♪

♪ Come with the thing, yeah,
can't see me in a ring ♪


Sorry, leif.
I got the evidence.

The police
are on their way.

- You ok?
- Yeah.


♪ Ow!


Nicky, that's my baby.

♪ I was just a little
girl when I started this ♪

♪ I started this

♪ Never thought in the world
it would get this big... ♪

What are we gonna do
when we catch up to him?

Uh, I don't know.

♪ Now I'm
running things, huh... ♪

♪ I'll fight for the right

♪ Fight, fight, fight

♪ I'll fight for the right

♪ Fight, fight, fight

♪ I'll fight for the right
to do what I want ♪

- Aah!
- Waah!

- I'm scared, Nick.
- So am I.

- Nicky!
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Pei-ling didn't
exactly teach

precision driving
at the monastery.

♪ I'm just
a little girl ♪

♪ And I don't get what I want

♪ Give me what I want now

♪ I fought my way
from the bottom ♪

♪ All the way to the top

♪ Top, top, top, top

What's he trying to say?

♪ Yeah, man,
bring it on ♪

♪ I will repeat it, so...

♪ I'll fight for the right

♪ Fight, fight, fight...

Ok. I have an idea,
but, Althea,

I need your

- For what?
- Uh...

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.

- Just a tap?
- Just a tap.

I can't promise clem's
gonna come out alive,

but if we give up
now, he makes it

to the freeway,
he's gone.

This is our chance
to take down the guy

who's been terrorizing
our community.

- Ok. Fine.
- Ok.

Close your eyes.

♪ I'll fight for the right

♪ Fight, fight, fight...

♪ I'll fight for the right

♪ To do what I want

She's ok.


Agh! Oh! Uh uh!

You're not
going anywhere.

You're crazy.
You could've k*lled us all.

What can I say?

I like to live

Um, the trunk?

Nicky, are those

I tried to tell you.


Oh, man...


Althea, I'm sorry

about today,
about everything.

Ok. This isn't about
losing clem, Dennis.


That you felt like you
couldn't tell me the truth.

I was scared if I
messed up bad enough,

you'd realize.

Realize what?

That I'm not
good enough for you.

How could you think that,

and how long have
you felt this way?

I don't know.
Since forever.

High school, Althea,

I was this
gangly nerd.

You were this gorgeous,
brilliant, fun,

popular queen.

You'd say hi
to me in the halls,

and I knew you were
just being nice,

but even then, it'd
make my whole week.

I wasn't
being nice, Dennis.

I thought you
were adorable,

your gangly walk
and your scruffy hair,

and I loved that
you were a mathlete.

Even back then, if
you would ask me out,

I would've said yes.

I just want
to be perfect for you.

Ok. Well, you're
not perfect.

Yes, you leave
the toilet seat down,

which is great,
but you pee on it,

and the d&d thing,
it's cute,

but, like,
every Saturday?

You're never
gonna be perfect,

and neither will I.

You don't need to hide
your mistakes from me,

even one as big
as losing clem.

We're married.
This is a partnership.

Yes, we're gonna
make mistakes,

but that's what
makes us stronger.

Huh. I just realized
something about work.

You're brilliant.

Hey, she's
brilliant, right?


Oh! Ow.

- Oh, pebbles...
- Oh, bamm-bamm...


Oh! Whoo!

Ohh! Oh!

Huh. That was...

Uh! Ok.

I'm just gonna own it.

We had a rocky first day...
Heh heh...

But I realized something.

I'm gonna make mistakes,

but what I won't do
is make it any worse

by hiding them from you.

I'm not gonna have
all the answers.

Ach, I'm gonna get
confused sometimes,

and I'm gonna screw up,
and, as my partners

on this endeavor,
you're gonna see

every second of it,
and that's ok.

See, we need to feel free
to be ourselves,

to try new things,
to take risks

because that's how
great companies are born.

Courtney, dawn,
our conversation about ml,

can you help me and the team
understand it better?

Uh, sure,
so dawn and I

were discussing
the pros and cons

of machine learning,
considering the time

and cost of
implementing it now

rather than later with
respect to Althea's

geotracking algorithm.



- Listen. I...
- Listen. I...

- No, no. You go.
- No. You go. Ok.

I heard
about Clementine.

I'm really glad
you're ok.

Yeah. I wouldn't
have gone

on a high-speed pursuit
if I'd known

she was loaded
with expl*sives.

Althea and Dennis
are good?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

They worked through
their first marital dispute.

I was hoping we could
work through ours.

I'm sorry, Henry.

I know you were
just being honest

about how you felt,
and I wasn't hearing

any of it.

I was pushing.

♪ It's true,
it's true, it's true ♪

♪ It's true, I've got
these insecurities... ♪

I'm sorry...

♪ Do, do, do, do...

But I listened,
went to go see him.

How'd it go?

Really good,
actually. Yeah.

Part of me always
wanted to be sure,

and now I am,

and my dad, he's...

He's my past.

♪ I heard it
from a woman on the Internet ♪

- ♪ She told me to live a life of no regret... ♪
- You're my future.

♪ So maybe I won't
take you on as such a threat ♪

♪ Tell me how, tell me how

♪ Oh, I know that I've been
flirting with the en... ♪

Hey, I found the d...
oh! Ooh...

looks like you two
made up.

Got through
to west view general,

pulled up two
documents on Mia...

Birth certificate

- and an infant health panel.
- Her birth certificate.

Is her dad's name on here?

No, just aunt Mei-xue under
the pseudonym Sandra Yang.

Mia's listed
under Mia Yang,

but the health panel,
they found

the kell antigen
in Mia's blood.

It's extremely rare
and can only

be passed down
through genetics.

Um, a sec.

Ok. There's just one name
on this database

that has the kell antigen...
John liu.

Could be
Mia's dad.

And we know she's
been looking for him.

If we can find him first,
we can find Mia.

Henry's too committed.

He's not
breaking up with her.

He caught us
off guard...

But did you go
too easy on him?

I didn't want
to push him away.

Nicky Shen
is a complication.

You know that.

I hope your love
for your son

won't get
in the way.

It won't.

The mission
comes first.

The mission
comes first.

♪ Tide is high,
moon is drunk ♪

♪ Vessels sailed,
sailors sunk... ♪

I see new evidence
is submitted.

You have an update
on the Tan case?

Yeah. Um,

traffic cam footage was clean,

nothing incriminating
unless you want

to bring charges against
a few stray cats.

♪ Pat you on the back

♪ Tear you at the seams

♪ They don't ever...

Why couldn't you
just do your job?

Excuse me?

I had copies made
of those drives

before they hit
your desk.

You tampered with
the footage, Evan.

Who are you
trying to protect?


This was a trap.

How deep in
are you with them,

hmm, the Tans?

I think we both agree
that it's best for you

to hand in
your resignation.

Good news, father.

One of our thorns
has been removed.

Not only that,
I confirmed a lead on Mia,

and you were right.

She's headed straight
for her father.

Greg, move your head.