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02x03 - The Bell

Posted: 06/19/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
♪ Under the moonless sky

♪ I rise before the light

♪ Chase down a better life

♪ I claim the power

♪ Block out the words of doubt

♪ Keep them from getting loud

♪ Daring to stop me now

♪ I claim the power

♪ Watching... Every wall

♪ See it from the...

♪ You will never see me...

You're up and at it
kinda early.


I was trying
to keep it down.

Couldn't sleep.

- Mia?
- Yeah.

I was digging into

The guardian research
trying to find

A lead on her dad.

Anything to
help us figure out

Where she is,
but no luck.

- Nicky...
- Do you think she's ok?

Yeah. I do.

Remember how it was
with zhilan?

Sometimes it
felt impossible

But we did it.

And you did it.

And evan's working
on some leads

To try to find mia,
but until

We get something real...

Look, whatever
tan wants,

Whatever he wants
to do with her...

It's gonna take time

To figure it out
and stop him.

And the bell.
We'll figure out what it was,

What he wants it
for and...

What was that for?

For being you.

♪ You will never
see me fall ♪

♪ No, no, no, no

Your family has made

Quite a splash in san francisco,

With their philanthropic work,

A cancer center dedicated

To your late brother raymond,

Their business ventures.

Your father and sister
have been

Front and center.

But you've been unusually absent

During this period.

I was involved
in an accident.

Quite a serious one.

You see, I've always
loved fast cars,

And sometimes...

Sometimes the love
isn't mutual.

And how are
you feeling now?

I'm better than ever.

I appreciate the love
and support of my father,

And frankly,
I'm lucky to be

Learning the business
from a master like him.

My father, my sister.

They're always looking
to the next frontier.

I've been given
a second chance, I feel.

And I'd be a fool
to throw it away.

Well, it's a very
generous offer,

And I promise to
get back to you asap.

Phone's been ringing
like crazy.

Ohh. One of my former
coworkers at loungr

Posted a video
of me quitting.

Your jerry maguire moment?

Hardly. Went over

Like a thud in the room.

But it went viral.

Apparently, my
can-do attitude

Got the attention
of every headhunter

In silicon valley.

Any of these jobs
light your wick?

Mm. They're all... Solid.

I mean, mainly the same
positions and titles, but

At least lateral movement

Is better than
no movement, right?

Yeah, hon.
I'm proud of you.

Better get that.

408 Area code.
Another one.

Hello? Hi. Yes,

This is althea

Oh! You saw the video.

Thank you, professor.
I really appreciate the help.

- All right. Take care.
- What'd she say?

She recognized
your sketch.

She says it's definitely

From the zhou dynasty.

It's called
a yueling bell.

When immigrants
from yueling

Settled in
the bay area,

The village sent
the bell to chinatown,

Hoping that it would
bring the community good fortune.

So, that's how
it ended up here.

Somehow, it ended up broken

And then buried
beneath the city.

Until russell tan
dug up those pieces.

Really, now,
the question is why,

And what does mia
have to do with it?

What is it?


Looks like he's in town.

That can't be good.

It doesn't make sense.

Last time we saw
kerwin, he was

Teamed up with zhilan,

Going after the weapons.

He betrayed his father.

I don't know...
Does russell tan

Seem like
the forgiving type?

This article
feels calculated.

Well, tan has been
working overtime

To look like
an upright citizen.

He's been donating to

Charities around town,

Supporting local businesses.

But a story like this
reeks of p.r.

What if kerwin
isn't really

Back in the family fold?

What if russell's
just using him

To clean up their image?

It's possible.

Or maybe kerwin
buried the hatchet with his dad

And they really are just
working together again.

Either way, kerwin's in

The lion's den right now.

He could have
information we need.

It's not like we can
call him up and say,

"Hey, kerwin, can you
spill your dad's secrets?"


Nicky, you cannot
reason with this guy.

He k*lled
simon lau's bodyguard.

He would've
k*lled us, too.

I know.


We don't have
any other leads, right?

Mia's gone.
Russell tan's

Probably looking
for her right now.

We know he needs her
for his plan.

- Well.
- I know it's just a hunch.

But I think
we have to try.

*Kung fu
season 02 episode 03

Episode title: "the bell"
aired on: march 23, 2022.

♪ Ave maria

♪ Jungfrau mild

♪ Erhore einer jungfrau flehen

Hello, kerwin.

Look who it is.
Nicky shen.

And... Her boyfriend.

Well, you've
recovered nicely.

You, too.

So... To what do I
owe this pleasure?

We read your profile.

Saw you were
back in town.

Chasing that
brass ring.

Kind of long odds,
don't you think?

That profile said
raymond was

First in line
for the throne.

After he died,
juliette seems

Like a lock-in as
your father's successor.

But hey, you know your
family better than we do.

What are you
getting at?

Your father's been
real busy,

Buying up real estate
in the city.

He's planning
something big.

But I'm sure you
already knew all that.

And about the bell
he dug up.

Been focused on
the recovery.

By the way, how did
you get in here?

You're clearly
not members.

Oh, we lied
at the front desk.

Like you lied
to that reporter.

"It's an honor
learning from

A master like
my father."

Kerwin, you walked
away from a life

Most people
only dream about.

Partnered with zhilan,
worked against your father,

And now you're back?

What happened, kerwin?

Things didn't
work out.

Zhilan's out of
the picture.


- What are you saying?
- I'm saying

My family ordered her
k*lled in prison.

I saw it myself.

Photos of her
charred body.

A gift from dad.

So, that's what
this is about.

You don't want to take
the reins from your father.

You want to take him down.

You want... Revenge.

And what do you want?

I just want to talk.

Frank, how's it going?

- Jin.
- Let me give you a hand.

Oh. Ah.

Old hands, old pipes.

Not a good combo.

The art collective is

Smaller than
I remember.

We had to sublet
half the space

To a cycling studio.

Ahh! Ooh.

Nice. What brings you in?

Seeing you on
new year's eve...

Got me thinking
about the old days.

Man, I miss
you, frank.

Oh. Mei-li
sends her best

And... Dumplings.

Thank her for me.

I'm gonna eat these
for dinner.

- ♪ Ta-da!
- Ooh, lee ching!

I remember! Ok. Mm.

Hey! What's going on?

Uh... Staff lunch.

Fueling up before
the dinner rush.

Do you need something?

Uh... Yeah.
Um, just... Ahem.

Looking for my parents.

Right. Your dad
left for the day

And your mom is
on a butcher run.

You want me to pass a message
on to your folks?

Um... Sure, yeah.
If you could

Tell 'em I got my
residency match at ucsf.

Hey. Congrats.


You don't sound
too stoked about it.

No. Of course I am.
I mean, yeah.

Well, it was
my first choice

And this is practically
what I've been

Working towards
my whole life, so...

All right, man,
all right.

My mistake.
Seriously. Congratulations.

Let's say you're right.

What if I do
want to...

Stick it to dad?

How's a shaolin monk
going to help me?

I thought you lot
didn't do revenge.

We have our reasons.

Your dad's gonna do something

Big and terrible in the city

And we want to stop him.

We don't
know how, but

It has something
to do with that

Ancient bell
he just dug up.

Hmm. So, what?
Do you propose

We work together?
And do what?

Steal it.
The bell.

You want revenge,

You really want
to hurt your father,

Take away the thing
he cares about the most.

Zhilan couldn't
stop him.

We don't know
how to stop him.

The only one
who can is you.

You were
a lousy roommate.

- Hmm?
- Lousy!

I would've
tossed you out

If you hadn't been so
passionate about this place.

Hey, what about my art?

I was talented, too,
you know.

You were raw
but you were talented.

Look at this place.

When you invited me
to paint

That 100-bird mural
at yao elementary,

I was so proud.

Well, we never finished.

I'd just married

And we finally
got the loan

To open harmony dumplings.

That's how it goes.

They're busy.

Everyone's busy.

Frank... I know
you're struggling.

Look, you've done
so much for me

And so much
for the community.

I've thought about it.

I want to help.

Does mei-li

Know you're here
dispensing charity?

It's not charity.
It's a gift.

Hey. Thank you, jin.

But I'm not
taking your money.

Besides, it's too late.
I'm closing up.


Oh, sis. Hello.

Where have you been?

Oh, you know.
Just out.

Getting some fresh air.

You should try it.

That's good.

You've been looking
a little... Wan.

Just underslept,
to be honest.

It's all that banging

Coming from
the antiquities room.

You sure the workers
will be done by tonight?

As far as I know.

- Oh, good.
- Father wanted it done

Before his flight
in the morning.

Why do you ask?

Oh, you know.
Playing the family show pony.

I need my beauty sleep.

I'd invite you in
but we're having

A conference call
with the trustees.

You'd probably be bored.

♪ I'm addicted
to the madness ♪

♪ I can't help,
I've gotta have it ♪

♪ I will run, I will run
through the thunder ♪

♪ I can feel it getting closer

Checking your phone's
not gonna make it ring.

I know.

We're on his timeline.
Either he'll call or he won't.

In the meantime, focus.

Very impressive.

You've improved
since las vegas.

♪ If it doesn't hurt ya

♪ If it doesn't k*ll ya,
what's the point of... ♪

Shall we have a... Chat?

♪ Playing with fire

What's this?

Copies of
my father's journal.

Notes on the bell.

I snuck it out of
my sister's office.

She's inner circle
right now,

So, he loaned it
to her.


- The yueling bell.
- Look closer.

The pendant.

The guardian?

Li jiaming.

A guardian that moved
to san francisco

At the turn of the century.

The details are sketchy

But he disappeared.

People close to him
believed he'd been k*lled.

How do you
know all this?

It's all in there.

They talked of
the ritual of the bell.

My father speaks of
a shuang xue hu die.

A butterfly
of two bloodlines.

That mean anything to you?

Two bloodlines, like
warriors and guardians?

According to my father,

The butterfly is crucial

To his plan with the bell.

She is the sacrifice
that makes it all work.

The bell is at
my house right now.

It's being restored.
The workers finish tonight.

At the break of dawn,
it's being moved

To one of my father's
high-security facilities.

After that, it'll be
completely unreachable.

Tonight is your only shot.

You want us to break
into your house?

We'll need your help.

I know the compound's
security backwards and forwards.

Camera positions,
guards, alarms?

Yes, all of it.
I'll have eyes on you the entire time.

What about
your family?

I'll take care of them.
The house'll be empty.

Yeah, except for the army
of private security.

I told you.
I'll keep you safe.

What's our access point?

West gate.

8 P.m. Sharp.

So, how do we
get it out?

Yeah. The bell
weighs a ton

And it's
made of bronze, so,

Stealing's not gonna
work for us.

Gotta destroy it

All I care about is

Sticking it to my father.

He cares about this bell
more than anything or anyone,

And I want to
take it from him.

So, steal it.
Destroy it.

I'll leave those
details to you.

I can't be expected
to do everything.

We gotta do something.

The collective is
part of our history.

It means so much
for so many.

The studio next door...
They want the whole space.

They offered
to buy me out.

The city's changed, jin.

Chinatown's changed.

I appreciate
that the collective

Means so much to you.

It's been my whole life.

But I'm tired.

I have been carrying
this place on my back

For too long and...

I just can't do it
alone anymore.

Any idea why
nicky called us here?

I don't know but at least
we know she's not dead.

She's been dodging you,
too, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Your phone's been
ringing off the hook.

Another job offer.

You sound thrilled.

Wait, what about you?

Shouldn't you have
found out about...

Yeah. Got my match today.

What's the problem?

Look, it's what I wanted.
There are just...

There are just things
I've been putting off

Because I had to be here.

And now it's hitting me
that they're

Really not gonna happen.

I always thought
at some point,

I'd take a year off.

Travel, adventure.

But I've never even
left the country.

And now I'm gonna be
living and working here

For the next
5 to 7 years?

I'm gonna be
30 by then.

So, what are you
gonna do?


Are we interrupting

Nothing at all.

Great. I need your guys'
help with something.

- Nice to see you, nicky.
- Yeah,

It's, uh, been a minute.

I'm sorry, guys.

I know I've been
kinda distant lately.

I thought I'd have to
go at this alone

To keep you guys safe
and after losing mia,

I don't know, I just
started to spiral.

Relax. We're messing
with you.

Come on.
What's up?

We are going
to break into

Russell tan's mansion
and destroy

This ancient,
two-ton bronze bell.

- Naturally.
- And we could use some ideas.

How do we destroy
something this big,

This solid, quickly?

What about dynamite?

- Too soon?
- Ha ha.

Break-in situation, remember?

Needs to be quiet.

Propane torch?
Is that something?

No. It takes too long.

Chemical decomposition.

Yeah. It's been a while
since undergrad chem,

But with bronze.

Yeah. Right.

A cocktail of nitric acid
and vinyl chloride

Can break down bronze,
and break it down fast.

It's highly corrosive.

Have to get the ratios right
and apply

The proper volumes, but...

Do you have any of
this "cocktail"

Lying around the clinic?

It's industrial, not medical.

Plus, getting the amount
that you need

As a civilian
might be tricky.

I can help with that.

I'm still
trying to understand.

You spent all these years
looking for the weapons.

Then they
were destroyed.

I wanted to wield
the energy of biange

To ring the bell and unleash
its secret power.

But I was a fool.

That power would've
destroyed me.

Like it destroyed
the guardian jiaming.

I needed a
stronger instrument,

A sacrifice.

Not me, not a guardian
or a warrior.

I needed both.

Mia. But father,
what is it all for?



I thought you'd
be getting ready.

For the foundation dinner.

We pulled out.
Father needs his rest

Before his flight.

We'll be dining
at home tonight.

Something the matter?

Not at all.

I think dinner at home
would be... Lovely.

Let me see
your school i.d.

That's not gonna
get us very far.

I'm just a t.a.

Not anymore.

Tweaking your
credentials and...

Oh! Congratulations.

You're now a
chemistry professor.


What about the cocktail?

Oh. I found a chemical

Supplier nearby.

I'm running a request
through a vpn

And bypassing
the firewall.

With henry's
new credentials,

Checkout should be
a cinch.

Sending the address now.

Great. I'll call
as soon as I get 'em.

Ok. We good?


I think.

The nitric acid
goes in first?

No, the vinyl chloride!

Nicky, you have
to pay attention.

We're dealing with
highly volatile chemicals.

Can't you just do
the mixture for us?

Fine. But applying
the cocktail,

It's more than just
dunking the bell in a bucket.

You're gonna have to wield

The dispersal device
correctly, too.

Why does doing this stuff

Bring me more
satisfaction than

Any other day job
I've ever had?

Because it's creative?

There are real stakes
other than money?

Uh, we're actually
helping people?

- No, that's not it.
- Ok.

I mean, that part's

Great, too,
don't get me wrong, but

It's not why.

It's because I'm not taking
orders from anyone.

Ha! You boss us around

But you're not our boss, and

I can always tell you
to stuff it.

Which you do.

Ha! That's it!

I don't want a boss!

I want to be a boss!

I think you'd make
a great boss, althea.

- Thank you.
- Ok, so, back to the bell.

You're also gonna need
protective gear.

Rookies messing around
with this stuff

- In a high-stress situation?
- Ryan.

No, you or henry
could get seriously hurt.

- I think you should come.
- What?

Look, I don't have time

To wrap my mind
around all this.

This is our one chance
to protect mia

And I can't make
any mistakes.

I need you there.

- They ordered another?
- They will.

I've seen that look
in mr. Hong's face.

Ha ha!

I got it.
I'm gonna put it right here.

Looks good.

Hey, where have
you been?

You missed
dinner service.

Yeah, I see you
had it all covered.

Speaking mandarin...

Lo por.

I hope you have
room for dessert.

I've asked the staff
to whip up

Des souffles au chocolat.

Thank you, father.
That's my favorite.

How rude of me.

Excuse me,
father, sister.

5 Minutes till go time.

Right. Ryan, stay close.

Of course.

What are you doing?

It's locked.

Hey, hey, hey.

Now. What are
you really

Doing in here?


Nicky, what do we do?

Should we run
for it?


Uh, I'm cheating.

I'm outer circle.

You've wanted me back
in the game, juliette.

Well, here I am.

I've been
in a coma.

All I'm asking...
All I'm asking is

Give me a chance
to catch up.

What's your location?

So, you're just snooping.



What the hell
am I doing?

Look, you can
tell father if you want.

Or you can give me

Maybe 5 more minutes
in his inner sanctum.

Let me dig up
what I can.

I'm not fighting
for first place,

Just for a seat
at the table.

In the end,
we both know

You're going to
come out ahead.

Fine, kerwin.
5 Minutes.

But you owe me.

Hey. Let's go.

Where's kerwin?

He's just
taking a call.

- You were late.
- Oh. Apologies.

A little family interruption.

You also said the house
would be empty.

I did.
And you told me

It was only
you and your boyfriend.

Yeah, yeah.

We're at
the antiquities room.

I see you.

Door's open.

- Holy...
- That's it.


Nicky, you've got company.

What? Henry.

Who the hell
are you?


What the hell
are you doing here?

Do it, ryan.

The workers were
supposed to be done. k*ll him.

What? No. Wait.

We're not here
to hurt you.

What the hell
is he doing?

Look, you have no idea
what it can do.

It cannot be in the hands

Of a man like russell tan.

Yeah, well,
mr. Tan paid me

Good money to
restore that bell!

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Stop. No!

Nicky, what the hell
did you do?

Come with us, sir.

What is it?

There's been an alarm
in the vaults.

Ryan, how much longer?

- Working on it.
- What do we do?

If I were you,
I'd get packing.

Tan's security will
be here any minute.


Ryan, I need you.

Ok. Nicky.
It's over.

Forget him.
Forget the bell.

This cannot be
traced back to me.

Get the hell out of there now!


Ryan, he's losing
a lot of blood.

Yeah. He might've
nicked an artery.

Wrapping it but he
needs to get to a hospital.


Get out of there now!

- Secure the bell.
- Copy.

Heading to the antiquities room.

Where is
russell tan?

What's our plan?
Bail now

And call 911
from the road?

I'm not leaving him.
He'll bleed out before

Paramedics get here.

What's our plan?
Destroy the bell or save him?

Get the hell out of there now!

You know what?
We're doing both

- I need extra hands.
- I got them.

Henry, take care
of the bell.

Apply pressure.
I'll find

Something to hold it in place.

Damn it!

Oh, my god.




I could ask you
the same.

Were you the one
who sent those men

To k*ll me?


That was my father.

But I wanted to
k*ll you myself.

Why? Tell me why.

You cut my throat.

You broke my heart.

I did what
I had to do.


You had no cause
to doubt me.

You knew that
I loved you.

I would have
done anything.

This is not
about you and me.

You're here
for my father?



No. I can't let you go.

Why, kerwin?

He doesn't care
about you.

He'll never care
about you.

I can't let you
get what you want.

I'm sorry, kerwin.

What for?

- Aah!
- Uhh!


Stay down.

I'm only here
for your father.

Don't make me k*ll you.

You already have.

Oh, what is your name?

Um... Ronnie.

Ronnie. And, uh,
tell me how you feel.

Physically, not emotionally.

Like I got hit
by a truck.

Ok, well, um,
maybe in the future,

Don't work for
guys like tan

To avoid this situation.


There's another exit.

Through the closet
in the back.

Thank you.
Come on, ryan. We gotta go.

Tan's laptop.
This could be useful.

Come on, nicky.

Why are you even here?

This isn't your home.

Despite everything, zhilan,

You've opened my eyes.

I want my father
to pay

For what he's done
to the world.

For what
he's done... To us.

The moves
I've made against him.

He'll know everything
I've done before long.

All of it.
I have to go.

Uhh. Where?

If you want
to hurt my father...

Don't come for him.

Don't come for
his family.

Go after...
What he really loves.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I tried to stop them

But they got away.

I still don't
understand it.

Why would you leave me?

Lo por, I'm not
leaving you.

Yeah, but you're
leaving the restaurant.

This restaurant.

Jin, we built
harmony dumplings together.

I know.
If I thought you weren't ready,

I wouldn't do this.

I'm doing this
because of you.

You inspired me.

You know, I see

That you've found what
you're supposed to do.

You were always supposed
to do this.


Lo por, I am so
proud of you.

But where will you go
and what will you do?

So much about
chinatown I love,

That we love, is dying.

I don't know how, but...

I know I can help.

If this is what you want...

It won't be
the same without you.

I'll miss you.

I wouldn't be far.

I know you can handle
this place yourself.

Jin, that's not
what I meant.

I'll miss you.
I'll miss you.

- Hey.
- Cheers.

Ryan, we couldn't have
done it without you.

I know.

Uh, oh, I checked up
on ronnie.

He's been admitted
to the hospital

And he's gonna
be fine.

Thanks to you,
dr. Shen.

Yeah, well, tonight
reminded me I'll get

All the adventure
I need,

Right by my
sister's side.

Ucsf. Let's go!

- Hey!
- Congrats.

Oh. Another round?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You feeling better?

We still
have to find mia

And we're nowhere near
stopping russell,

But... Yeah.

I realized i...

I was hung up
on my mistakes.

I felt like I would
never do it right, but

I forgot that...

You forgot what?

That I'm not
doing it alone.

You, me, ryan, althea.

I don't know how, but
I know we're gonna find mia.


Ha ha ha!
Yeah, right.

- I'll be right back.
- Sure.

- Henry, 12:00.
- Uh-oh.


What's up?

Drinking. Celebrating. You?

Night out with the crew.

You seem a little...

More excited than
you were this morning.

Had a good day.
Got some clarity.

And... I'm right where
I want to be.

Another round
for my friends. Thanks.

Who's that?

No one.

I told you.
Your brother is past saving.

You were right.

Kerwin's always been
my... Blind spot.

I made mistakes,
but he's gone now,

And... We have
to move on.

How? The bell
can't be fixed.

No, but it can be replaced.

You've read the history.

The bell is one of a kind.

Yes. I've read
your research

And I know it's
not about the bell.

It's about what
the bell can do...

The tone it can produce.

We have the specs...

Dimensions, weight,

The results of
the compositional

Analysis I ordered.

Give me time,
give me resources,

And I can create
an instrument

That will make
the same exact tones,

That will make
the music you need for your plan.

Father, just
give me a chance.

♪ I'm leading

♪ I'm the voice of change

♪ Your downfall isn't far away

♪ Believing that you're
here to stay ♪

♪ Now that you're leaving,
we can finally say ♪

♪ Who died and made you king?

♪ Who died
and made you king? ♪

♪ Who died and made you king?

♪ Who died
and made you king? ♪

If you want
to hurt my father,

Go after what he really likes.

♪ Who died
and made you king? ♪

♪ Who died and made you king?

♪ Who died
and made you king? ♪

♪ I'm leading,
I'm the voice of change ♪

♪ Your downfall isn't far away

♪ Believing that
you're here to stay ♪

♪ Now that you're leaving