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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 06/19/22 07:49
by bunniefuu
I didn't choose Henry
and Henry didn't choose me.

We just happened to each other
in the wrong order.

All the way up.

- Hey, it's Henry.
- All the way up.

People talk about agency.

All the time,
everybody's gotta have agency.

Well, let me tell you something.

When it comes to
falling in love,

nobody has any agency.

That's why they call it falling.

Was there a photograph
with the recipe?


This is supposed to be that?

Are you in love?

I hope so.

But ask yourself this.
When it happened,

did you choose who? When? How?

Is this person that now owns
a huge part of your life

anything like you thought
they'd be?

Did they arrive
when they were supposed to?

Is any of it
anything like you planned?

Right up to the top,
just keep coming up!

Yeah, well, I figured going up
was a good choice.

You don't take decisions,
decisions take you.

Hold tight and call it a plan.

I mean, it's not
that I can't cook.

- It's that I choose not to.
- But you're cooking today.

Yeah, well, I mean,
I'm only half cooking.

Look at the chicken.

So, that means
you definitely like him.

Either that or I hate his guts.

Oh, speaking of guts...

The only difference
with Henry and me

is that it's all mixed up.

And that means, now and then,
we know what's coming.

Bits and pieces, not everything.

A few bends in the river.

Library boy!

Does she call me that?

She calls you Henry.

Well, what's she call you?

- Gomez.
- Hmm.

Pleased to meet you.

Come right in.

Now and then, of course,

you meet someone
who hates you already...


And you have
no idea why. Yet.

Wow. Nice.

Oh, so you haven't been
to her apartment.

Why would you be so happy
about that?

Who says I'm happy?

The giant smile
on your enormous face

almost took my eye out.

- You make a lot of jokes.
- It's a rollercoaster.

Oh, my kittens!
I have brought you a new toy.

It answers to the name of Henry,
but you can call it Library Boy.

- And it makes many jokes.
- Please, just call me Henry.

I'm only Library Boy
when I'm fighting crime.

Oh, what are your superpowers?

Ah, the Dewey Decimal system
and speed shelving.

Doesn't always have
the desired effect

in a bank robbery,
but I live in hope.

See? Funny, funny.
Made four jokes already.

Who's counting? Five.

- Oh, hey!
- Hey.

- I'm Charisse, Clare's roommate.
- Yeah! She's with me.

That's why I've been
to this apartment so many times.

Yeah, I need him
for lifting heavy objects.

And the sex.

- Don't forget the sex.
- Oh, I bet she tries to.

- Six.
- Beer?

- Yeah.
- Gomez, get him a beer.

- Hmm, beers are in the fridge.
- Yeah, beers are in the fridge.

So get him a beer
from the fridge, Gomez.

- Wow, so this is...
- Yeah, uh,

- this is a work in progress.
- Okey dokey.

Is it bad for chicken
to be this pink?

Uh, depends. Are we
gonna eat it or revive it?

It's chicken
and shiitake risotto.

With winter squash
and pine nut dressing.

Do any of you know
how to actually cook?

- Mm-mm.
- No.

Great. Thanks.

I think I could make
something out of this.

Library Boy taking charge.
I'm experiencing chills.

HENRY, 28: Yeah, good for you.
Give me an apron.

Is someone else coming?


Hey, Clare, wait up.

So, Clare never said
you could cook.

Or actually that you exist.

- Clare, can I just, uh...
- CLARE ABSHIRE, 20: What?

That guy. I...
I think I've seen him before.

Well, now you're
seeing him again.

Okay? So go get my boyfriend
an apron.

Foreknowledge can be
helpful sometimes.

Knowing a bit of what's coming
can be strange,

it can be useful,
and sometimes it can be tragedy.

- Sometimes it can be farce.
- And sometimes it can be both.

So, how long
you've been seeing Clare?

Hmm, complicated question.

No, it isn't.
What's complicated about it?

- Well...
- Well, I live with her.

I see her every day.
When do you see her?

- From time to time.
- Sorry?

That was actually really funny.
You just need a bit of context.

Oh, you're still making jokes,
Library Boy?

Actually, I was just
running out of material.

Thank God you're back.

Henry, could you come out here
for a minute?

- Yeah, I totally could.
- Uh, guys, if you could, um,

just give us a moment,
please. Thanks.

It's the door. It's for you.

- Who is it?
- It's you.

- Okay, but who is it?
- You.

- What? Me?
- Yeah.

Hey, junior!

I think I just
freaked out Clare.

Yeah, I can actually
still hear you.

Sorry, old man. I'm actually

in the middle
of a very not good moment

which is
still currently transpiring.

Yeah, well, in 13 years,
you're gonna be naked

and running from the police.
You need to let me in.

I just met her friends,
and they hate me already.

This is really not a good moment
for there to be two of me.

Yeah, well...
guess who's coming to dinner.

Hello, Henry.


you switched out my clothes.

Why am I dressed like this?

We're gonna talk
about how you're dressed?

Oh, you look lovely.

It's May 24th.

- HENRY, 41: Oh. Happy birthday!
- 2006.

Is that why we're dressed up
like this, for your birthday?

- 2006.
- Is that important, 2006?

I give up.
Why is that important?

Oh, wait.

- You're 18?
- Today.


- Okay.
- CLARE, 18: How old are you?

- I'm 41.
- CLARE, 18: Forty-one!

Oh, I like it when you're gray.
It's kinda sweet.

I feel safe when you're gray.

- Come sit with me.
- Why?

Well, because that's what we do.
We sit and we talk.

Yeah, but, uh...

- Yeah, but what?
- You're...

Now you're 18.

- And?
- And I'm married.

- To me.
- Well, no.

- Well, yeah.
- Not right now.

Well, yes, right now.

You're 41, you're married,

and right now,
I'm who you're married to.

How do you think the woman
I left alone in bed,

my wife, is gonna feel about me
slipping back in time

and, you know, basically...
sitting on a blanket

with the 18-year-old version
of herself?


- I think she'd be hurt.
- I don't.

- I do.
- This is me we're talking about.

Are you correcting me
on what I'm gonna think?

Wow, we are definitely married.

HENRY, 41: Look, Clare,
there are rules to this.

I... I made rules for myself
when this all started,

and I'm not breaking them.

You made rules about sitting
on a blanket with a person?

- Well, no.
- A person with whom

you have been regularly sitting
on this very spot?

Yeah, but...

you're 18 now.

- Yes.
- You're all...

CLARE, 18: All what?

I have rules.

You don't need rules anymore!

- We're done here.
- What do you mean we're done?

- It's May 24th, 2006.
- Your birthday, great.

- Yeah, and?
- And what?

Jesus, don't you remember?

There's 152 meetings
over 12 years.

We are done.

We're saying goodbye.
This is the last time

in this clearing and...
I don't even know for how long.

You okay?

At least tell me for how long.

Two years.

- Two years?
- HENRY, 41: About, yeah.

Then you meet younger me,
and boy does he get a fright.

What am I supposed to do
for two years?

It's your life. All right?
Get on with it.

Don't think about what's coming,
because it'll come anyway.

Do whatever you like.

Meet people. Be with people.

- Be with them?
- Yeah.

- Be with?
- Just, you know.

What, is "be with"
Dad speak for...

Look, Clare,
I'm out there somewhere,

26-year-old me,

and I'm not saving myself
for you,

because I don't even know
you exist.

So please don't save yourself
for me.

Save myself.

I wanted you to be my first.

Well, I don't want to be yours.

I want to be your last, Clare.

- Two years?
- Yeah.

And a... little while.

Well, how long
is a little while?

Just let it happen.

You've never kissed me,
you know.

Oh, I've kissed you
a million times.

Well, then I expect
you're incredibly good at it.

Hey. Hey! Gotta get up.

- Hmm?
- Gotta get up.

- What?
- Now, please, come on.

- What time is it?
- CLARE, 19: About three.

You gotta go. Come on,
Charisse is coming back.

Are you okay?

Yeah, fine.

I nearly couldn't find you.

This place, it's so huge.
I never get used to it.

Hey, how do you two afford
this place, anyway?

Do you rob banks?
Can I rob banks too?

It's getting demolished
in three months.

- Oh.
- Except the plans are gonna change

and it will still be
here in 20 years.

How do you know?

I got a tip off
when I was a kid.

You got a property tip when
you were a kid?

- Who from?
- Jesus, Gomez!

- Can you stop talking?
- Hey. Hey, are you all right?

No! Yeah. I'm fine.

I'm, uh... I'm fine.

Oh, God! It was awful,
wasn't it? Me, I mean.

CLARE, 19: No, of course
not. Why would you think that?

Well, we just had sex
and now you're crying.

It's pretty hard to process
that as a positive response.

I'm not crying because
you're terrible at sex.

I'm crying because of what
we both just did to Charisse.

I'm crying because I just
betrayed my best friend

with my other best friend,
and I've quite possibly

- f*cked up the rest of my life.
- Oh, thank God.

Uh, just thank God
about the sex thing.

Not thank God
about the other part.

Obviously, that's...

- That's very bad.
- To be clear, I was drunk.

I hate myself,

and this will never
ever happen again.

You know, I thought
you were a lesbian.

In the circumstances,
that's gonna be hard

- to take as a compliment.
- No, I only thought lesbian,

because you're always alone.

You realize
lesbians aren't alone.

There is a thing they
haven't been telling you.

Who's Henry?

I don't know. Who is he?

You kept saying his
name in your sleep.

Oh. That Henry.

Yeah, that Henry.

- Who is he?
- My lover.

What? What is it? What?

I thought you
didn't have anyone.

I really thought
that you were alone.

Oh, well, it was
very kind of you

to take pity on me then,

the moment your
girlfriend was in Boston.

Check your back for
scratches, I'm a scratcher.

- I love Charisse.
- Good!

Good, I thought you did,
because you and Charisse

that's the real thing, so
what you need to do now is...

But I love you more!

Okay, there, I said it.

God, it sounds weird
saying it out loud.

I could be patronizing
and tell you

- how you'll get over it.
- Oh, please don't.

CLARE, 19: Instead, I'm
gonna tell you the truth,

which is a great deal worse.

I don't love you. I love Henry.

I love Henry much more
than I could ever love you

or anyone else.

So then, where is
he? Where's Henry?

And why have we never met him?

He'll be back in about a year.

Must be a hell of a guy

if he can walk away
from a woman like you

and expect you to
wait around for him.

Maybe I'm a hell of a
woman because I'm willing

to wait for him, but let's
walk right past that possibility.

Yeah, but you didn't wait
for him. You slept with me.

And that kind of
got out of my mouth

before I fully
thought it through.

Okay, listen.

Next time you see me,
everything will be fine.

This will not be
mentioned. But for now,

be kind and please,
please, just go.

It's Clare. Leave a message.

Hey, Clare.

Uh, if you haven't listened
to my last two messages,

please don't.

I was very emotional
during the first one,

and during the second one

when I was apologizing
for being emotional,

I unfortunately became
emotional again.

Leave me alone!

- Leave me alone!
- HENRY, 27: Why this every time?

- Every f*cking time!
- Go f*ck yourself!

The matter's closed,
I understand that.

And whoever this Henry is...

he must be very special.

And... and I look
forward to meeting him.

Why are you following me?

- Okay, bye.
- Just f*cking leave me alone!

HENRY, 27: What the
f*ck? What the actual f*ck!

Uh, excuse me, sir.

She said not to follow her.

- Who the f*ck are you?
- Nobody, sir.

But the lady did say
you shouldn't follow her,

so maybe you should be
heading in this direction.

Miss, if you wanna go home

and you don't want
this guy following you,

I'm more than happy to keep him here.

- Thank you.
- HENRY, 27: You own this street, huh?

You make the f*cking
rules here, big guy?

No, it's not my street. No.

But I'm more than
happy to hit you with it.

Fine. Whoo!

So, what do you think of Gomez?

What do you mean,
what do I think of him?

He's my friend. You
guys are my best friends.

Oh, I think he's
totally into you.

Mm! Mm-mm. No!

You must have noticed
the way he looks at you.

What way?

I understand completely.
You're a very beautiful woman.

Oh, shut up. You're
beautiful. Gomez loves you.

- He thinks you're a lesbian.
- Hmm...

Well, there you are. All safe.

I'm a lesbian, and
you're a beautiful woman.

- I feel exactly the same.
- Same as what?

Oh, my God! What was
that? What was that?

- Oh, my God. What was that?
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

No, no, don't be sorry.

- Don't...
- I just thought... I didn't think.

No, it's fine.
Honestly, it's fine.

- Did I do it wrong?
- No! Not at all.

- It's just, you know...
- Sometimes I think I over-salivate.

I see Gomez wiping his chin.

Oh my God, Charisse,
stop it. Listen to me.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.

It's fine. It's just...

Well, come on. You know...
You're my best friend.

And Gomez is my best
friend. And I could never...

I could never, like, betray
one of my best friends

with one of my other
best friends, okay?

That would just be, like, awful.

And besides, this is like, um,

it's like a dry spell for
me. A voluntary dry spell

and while it's going on,

I just don't wanna make my
life in any way more complicated.


- Okay.
- Okay.


- Henry...
- HENRY, 41: Clare.

- Clare.
- What's wrong?

I told you. I have rules.

And one of them was nothing
ever happens in this clearing.

Yeah, you made rules for you.
You didn't make rules for me.


I'm not gonna see
you for two years.

- I know. But we can't.
- I'm your wife.

My wife is 33 years old
and waiting in bed for me.

Your wife is right here, and
she's waited long enough.

- We're not even married yet.
- Yes, we are.

Clare, you're not
married to me yet.

CLARE, 18: What difference
does marriage make?

What is your problem?

Are you incapable of sex
unless there's been a proposal?

No, that's not the point. I
never even proposed to you.

It's this place,
Clare. This clearing,

where I watched you grow up.

Where I was teaching you
French verbs and checkers

one week ago.
Where I imprinted you

like a duckling. It's... it's...

It's grooming, Clare.

That's what it is.
All right? I'm sorry...

but I can't.
Not here. Not here.

You never proposed to me?

Sorry, what?

- You didn't propose?
- Um, well,

we knew what was gonna
happen. You know, it was inevitable.

- No, it isn't.
- Yes, it is.

- That's how it works.
- But it's in the future.

- Makes no difference.
- Yes, it does.

No, it doesn't. That's
how time works.

I'm not gonna marry you
because time says I do.

I'm gonna marry you
because I want to.

And no way am I gonna marry you

- unless you propose.
- Clare...

There will never be
a better time or place.

My 18th birthday.

Right here.

On the very spot
where I groomed you.

Husband, propose.


Clare Abshire, wife...

will you marry me?

Hmm... umm...

What's "hmm"?


I mean, you wouldn't buy a car

without a test drive, would you?

That's not gonna work.

I've seen you naked
before. Lots of times.

At 18?

Clare. How shallow
do you think I am?


- HENRY, 41: Clare?
- Mm-hmm?

HENRY, 41: You okay?

- Yeah.
- Then why are you crying?

I'm not gonna see
you again for two years.

- But you are gonna see me again.
- Why do I always have to wait?

HENRY, 41: I'm the
one who had to wait.

You've known me all your life.

I only met you when I was 28.

Yeah, but you didn't
know that you were waiting.

You were busy f*cking
all those other women.

Well, you've got two
years to get your own back.

We're together.

There's gonna be no
one else from now on.

From two years on.

You were asking me a question.

What question?

- Seriously?
- Oh. Yeah. That question.

I think I may have
decided on an answer.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

- Sorry.
- Sorry?

Okay, two years. Sorry.

Henry, no.

Goodbye, Clare.

- No!
- No, no, no. It's okay.

It's okay, it's fine.
It's all right, it's okay!

- You ain't going anywhere!
- I got him, I got him!

- Get him!
- There's kids around!

HENRY, 41: f*ck!

- CLARE, 20: Hello?
- Clare. Clare, it's Henry.

I don't know what
year it is. Is that you?

- CLARE, 20: Henry?
- Yeah. Yeah, it's Henry.

- CLARE, 20: Henry's already here.
- Oh, Jesus Christ!

- CLARE, 20: Henry?
- Yeah, go get him. Go get Henry.

- Where are my clothes?
- CLARE, 20: What clothes?

Aren't you staying over yet?
Don't you have clothes here?

- First visit.
- Oh, damn, is it?

- Wait, you should know that.
- Know what?

- Well, you should remember this.
- Why?

Oh, you don't remember
your first visit to my bedroom?

Well, don't blame me. He's the
one who's not paying attention.

Oh, so I'm to blame
for your bad memory?

- Literally.
- Stop it. Stop.

So, I mean, where are
you from? How old are you?

I'm 41.

CLARE, 20: Forty-one? So...
So this is 13 years ago for you.

Yeah, about 13.

Isn't this weird for you two?

How can you even
talk to each other?

Why shouldn't we?

You must remember
everything he's about to say.

Everything I'm gonna say,
everything you're gonna say.

Like you've got a script.

Do you remember everything
you said 13 years ago?

Thirteen days ago? How
about yesterday? Try it.

Well, I'd remember a
conversation like this.

Yeah, well, also,
he's been drinking.

Could you put something
on? A towel? Anything?

HENRY, 41: Does the sight of
your own naked body offend you?

It's depressing me.
What went wrong?

Oh, I don't know. Still
looking good to me, honey.

- Thank you, darling.
- Don't flirt with him.

CLARE, 20: Where
have you just come from?

HENRY, 41: Oh, you know,
I've been bouncing around a bit.

- It's been one of those.
- Oh, bouncing around with who?

Come on, no touching. All
right? He's starting to enjoy it.

Jesus Christ! Control yourself.

Worst date ever. Someone
else is having my erection.

Chicken and shiitake
risotto, is it that night?

- CLARE, 20: Yeah.
- What?

- Oh, f*ck. Gomez.
- Gomez?

Yeah. It's starting to come
back to me. Bits of it, anyway.

Hey, put the drink down,
it's running interference.

- Clare?
- CLARE, 20: Yeah?

- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, she's in her bedroom
with her hot new boyfriend,

- but you come right in.
- Clare, are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine. What's wrong?
- Nothing. I just...

I just wanted to make sure
that everything was okay.

No, everything is fine. Thank
you, Gomez. Thank you.


- What did you say?
- Nothing. I...

I didn't say anything, man.

Gomez, I think that was
the door. Could you get that?

- Who is it?
- I don't know. Would you mind?

- Yeah.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- HENRY, 28: Why'd you do that?
- HENRY, 41: Do what?

- You called him an assh*le.
- I was talking to myself.

Stop it! Both of you.
Gomez is all right.

HENRY, 28: God,
I hate him already.

- Hey! He's my best friend.
- HENRY, 28: No, he's not.

- Really, he is.
- Yeah, well, you know

your best friend's got the
hots for your wife, right?

Well, I wouldn't trust
any man who didn't.

Henry, you say
all the right things.

The hell is wrong with you?
One smile and it's whack-a-mole.

CLARE, 20: Why are you
still standing behind the door?

I'm starting to remember
the rest of the evening.

For what's about to happen...

my apologies.

Gomez, please! Can
you just leave us alone?

Hmm. I didn't know
he liked redheads.

This might take a... A
small bit of explaining.

- She said she was a friend of yours, I sorta let her in.
- I can see that.

- I didn't mean for any of this...
- Thank you so much.

I'm Henry's girlfriend.

Me too. Well, happily,
we can double date.

I've never seen you
with short hair before.

How have you been, Ingrid?

You tell me. You know, how
am I these days, in the future?

Or have we lost touch?

So, you know about
the time travel then?

I know all about it.

I've known a lot
longer than you.

Well, I've known him
since I was six. So...

- Six?
- Uh...

- Gross!
- HENRY, 28: Okay, we should go. We should leave.

- Drink?
- Drink?

- Why not?
- Great.

What happens now?

- Dinner.
- What happens at dinner?

- Everybody tells the truth.
- Even me?


- I thought you were a student.
- Oh, well, parents.

Oh, she's rich too.

So, how did you find the place?

left him a voicemail about dinner.

I listen to all his messages.
I strongly recommend that.

Has he even mentioned me?

He said that, uh, that you
weren't that happy together.

That you were probably
about to split up anyway.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I mean, he said that about
the one before me too.

I mean, he also said that you
don't have much in common.

He's wrong. We
both like the same things.

Drinking. And f*cking. And him.

I love him.

You don't seem
very happy about that.

Didn't know that was an option.

Is everything all right?

Uh, yeah, yeah. These are my
friends, Gomez and Charisse.

I think you just met them.
Gomez, Charisse, this is Ingrid.

My boyfriend's girlfriend.

- Oh?
- We've met.

- I don't think so.
- No, we have. It'll come to you.

- Henry's girlfriend?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry, I really don't
know who you are.

- No, you do.
- I really don't.

- CLARE, 20: Shall we?
- It'll suddenly hit you.

Oh, my God. I don't
know who you are.

Apologies for my
defective memory.

Oh, no. It's not
defective at all.

You were incredibly
drunk. I mean, no offence.

Drinking's fine.
Charisse drinks like a fish.

No, I don't.

How're we all
getting along in here?

Ingrid, you staying for dinner?

I'm cooking chicken
and shiitake risotto

- with pine nut dressing.
- Go f*ck yourself.

You don't look like you're
cooking anything to me.

You sure about
that? Let me check.


- How're you getting on in there?
- HENRY, 41: I'm good.

See, I think I look
like I'm cooking.

- Hi, everyone.
- Who the hell are you?

- Who does he look like?
- You.

- HENRY, 28: Exactly.
- Is he your dad?

- Shut up!
- Are we doing this?

- We explaining?
- Sometimes explaining

- is the only option.
- With friends.

- Are these really our friends?
- Best friends.

- Even that one?
- Oh, yeah.

Jesus Christ.

What do you mean, you're
exactly who you look like?

You look like him.

Is he your twin?
Your older twin?

Okay. So, you know
about the accident

- when my mother died?
- No.

There was a car
accident, my mother died,

I was with her, and I got this.

- Okay.
- Same face, same scar. Older.

Ay, dios mío.

- Go on. Try to work it out.
- Don't play with them.

- Just explain.
- Explain what?

HENRY, 28: There are
two of us, we're identical,

and he's older than
me. Go for it, smart guy.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

There it is. I'm starting
to see the lights go on.

- You're clones.
- What?

Clones? Jesus Christ!

Spare us the sci-fi. There's
no such thing as clones.

- We're time travelers.
- Clones!

He has a genetic defect, okay?

He, uh, basically
falls through time.

- He can't help it.
- I am from 2008.

- Now, when are you from?
- 2021.

How... how can you...

All right, I... I
don't understand,

what do you mean that
he has a genetic defect?

There's something
wrong with my DNA.

I get, uh, thrown around
in time like a hot potato.

Not all the time,
but a lot of the time.

Sometimes it happens
when I'm stressed.

Sometimes it happens
for no reason I can figure.

HENRY, 28: I just disappear
and show up someplace else,

- past or future.
- I hang around for a while,

then I ping back
home, if I'm lucky.

Well, sometimes there's detours.

Sometimes, like
now, there is two of us.

So when Ingrid tells
me to go f*ck myself,

there is an outside
chance it could happen.

- Again.
- I was 16, come on.

Any questions?

Why are you wearing a blanket?


CLARE, 34: From
the day I met him,

Henry was never one person.

He was a river. He flowed
around the people he met.

If you were a storm,
he was a storm too.

CLARE, 34: It took me
a while to understand,

there's only one
way to survive a river.

Be a rock.

All right, you
know in Back to the Future...

- Ugh, don't.
- Don't what?

Don't watch it with
him. He heckles. It's...

- It's very misleading.
- I love that movie.

HENRY, 28: Yeah, well,
just don't take it seriously.

It's a comedy.

Maybe for you. I think
it's in very bad taste.

Hey, uh, can I borrow
a pen and some paper?

Hmm, sure. Why?

Oh, I'm just remembering
this conversation.

Remembering it?

HENRY, 41: Don't
worry about it. Thanks.

- Oh, Quantum Leap.
- HENRY, 28: I'm sorry?

The TV show, Quantum Leap.

HENRY, 28: I don't
watch a lot of TV, man.

It brings on the time travel.

Oh, it's about this guy
who bounces around in time,

putting things right
that once went wrong.

Oh, I don't put things right.

- Why not?
- HENRY, 28: Time happens once.

You don't get a second go.
You can't change anything.

Yeah, but you can see so
much more with your powers.

- My what?
- My powers?

I see the same things you
see, except in the wrong order.

That's not having
power, that's dyslexia.

Yeah, but you
could solve crimes.

- How?
- You could see them happening.

Well, so could you.

But you could see them
as they happen, in the past.

We're in Chicago. You could
go to Garfield Park right now,

see as many crimes as you like,

and you wouldn't
have to go naked.

- Hey, how about some stock tips?
- Knock yourself out.

- What's that?
- Your stock tips.

- Yeah, but I only just asked.
- HENRY, 41: Yeah.

Well... I
heard you the first time.

It's a complicated
way of doing things.

Uh, Clare and I usually prefer
to stick to lottery numbers.

- We do?
- We do?

That's how we fund
our rock and roll lifestyle.

Mmm. f*ck! This
risotto is awesome!

Okay, uh,

but why are we funding
Gomez's rock and roll lifestyle?

Because they're
your best friends,

and you need to look after them.

Gomez is the best I could do?

Yeah. Gomez and Charisse
are the best anyone could do.

- Are you sure about all these?
- HENRY, 41: Mm-hmm.

Of course I'm sure.
I'm from the future.

And this is okay? This
doesn't affect anything?

- Affect what?
- Well, like the...

- the web of time.
- The what?

- The web?
- What web?

- The time web.
- Are you sure it's a web?

Is that a thing, a time web?

Yeah. Well, it's gotta be
some kind of temporal structure.

- A web though?
- Yes.

Wouldn't this cause, you know...

temporal anomalies?

- Netflix?
- Oh, yeah.

You could avert disasters.

- No, I can't.
- Well, you could warn people.

Hello, I'm a naked
time traveler.

- Don't get on that train.
- You could try.

Well, I haven't exactly
memorized every train wreck.

- Please excuse me.
- Seriously? Surgical masks?

- Mm-hmm.
- Why not?

I'm sorry?

CLARE, 20: Well, you
work in a damn library,

why not memorize
the train wrecks?

HENRY, 28: Well,
I've never exactly been

in that situation. So, uh...

Why don't we
just leave it, yeah?

Jesus! Look at you!

What about me?

Memorize the train wrecks.

He can barely
take care of himself.

And you, what, think he
should be out there just

saving everybody else?
Like some sort of superhero.

Grow up!

HENRY, 28: I think
Clare's well aware

- that I'm not a superhero.
- Oh, I bet she is, dear.

I bet she is. And that's why
she doesn't like you very much.

How dare you. How dare you!

Oh, I'm sorry, Clare. I
really... I didn't mean to offend.

But if you're gonna
steal my boyfriend,

it'd be nice if you
at least appreciated him.

Or just tried to understand

- what he's going through.
- CLARE, 20: I do understand.

- I don't think you do.
- Oh, I think I do.

I have loved him
since I was six years old.

No, no! You loved him!

George Clooney in a blanket.

Catalogue man.

Your hero.

You see, I love the real one.

Don't you ever cut your hair,
you beautiful boy. Stay wild.

I know this is tough, Ingrid.
I know this is unfair,

but I really...

Am I dead?

'Cause the way you keep looking
at me, I mean, what...

what is that?

Am I dead?

HENRY, 41: Ingrid, you know
I don't talk about the future.

Oh, apart from Netflix?
Apart from f*cking stock tips?


I'm asking a question.

Hey. Just look me
in the eye and tell me.

Am I dead?

Well, you look
pretty alive to me.

In the future?

Everybody's dead in the future.

Okay. How'd I do it?

Oh, God. I hope it was pills.

Or what, did I get messy again?

I have a right to know.

We were in love once.

HENRY, 41: Ingrid...
I'm 41 years old.

I've never seen myself
older than 42.

Now, maybe that means
that one day

I find a cure for time travel.

Or maybe it means
that one day...

I don't run fast enough.

My survival depends on running,
and I can't help noticing

that I'm getting a bit slower.

HENRY, 41: I'm sorry.

I am sorry for everything,
but knowing is not a right.

Knowing is hell.

Love over time is death or loss.
Those are your only two exits.

How long do I have?

I'm not gonna tell you that.

- At least tell me that.
- HENRY, 41: No.

At least tell me that.

- Not very long.
- Jesus!

I don't have very long either.
All right? Nobody has very long.

Nobody gets out of this alive.
But what are you gonna do, huh?

You gonna hide?

Junior, what do we do?

Live like we're
gonna live forever.

HENRY, 41: And you know what?

You'll only be wrong once.

I loved you.

Then we must have had
some good times.

You get to keep those.

Don't spoil the memory
of good days

with the regret
that they're over.

It's all gonna be over.

And sooner than you think.
Take it from a time traveler.

- Did you see that?
- Gomez.

He disappeared!

- Did... did you see that?
- CLARE, 20: Shut up, Gomez.

Oh, my f*cking God!

f*ck you all.

Hey! Hey, do you do that?
Do you disappear like he did?

Yes, that was him.

I don't...
I don't have the words...

This is... this is so...

So, how does everyone feel
about dessert?

Clare, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just putting this away.

Where have you been?

Discovering my wife
has been lying to me

our entire married life.

Oh, our first time,
in the clearing?


For years you've told me
that never happened.

No, I didn't.

Well, you always said
I was the perfect gentleman.

Let me show you
what I mean by perfect.

You okay?

Will I see him again?

Well, technically
you're seeing him right now.

Yeah, but...


I don't know.

Well, no, I do know,
and, uh... yeah, definitely.

You just might have
to wait a bit.

Shall we?

What's that?
