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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 06/19/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
He can go anywhere in time.

The past, the future...

usually within his life span.

Usually, but not always.

The Bromley Gallery of Modern
Art invites you to tour our 19th century...

I can't help it. I
can't control it.

You know, time travel
just happens to me.

Oh, f*ck!

It's dangerous, of course.

Sometimes it's fine, you
know? You... you cope.

Sometimes it's hard.

But the danger isn't the worst.

Christmas is the worst.

I thought I told you to
put your coat on, Henry.

- It's snowing.

Someone has to pick Dad
up from the airport,

because... we want Daddy
home for Christmas, don't we?


There are times and days
he keeps going back to.

I mean, he doesn't mean
to, he can't help it.

One day in particular.

When he comes back from
there, I always know.

As soon as I see

by his face.

- You all buckled up?
- Yup.

It's like gravity.
It works like that.

You know, the larger something is,
the more gravitational pull it exerts.

And it pulls smaller things to
it, and they orbit around...

and around and around.

I've had big days in my life...

like most people.
Pivotal moments.

The difference for me is...

I keep going back.


You just traveled back in
time as soon as you were hit.

Reflex, I guess.

Like, it was the only thing
your body had time to do.

- And I know you're going to, but you don't have to look.


You're about to
go back, don't...



Mom! Mom!






- Mom!

Do you have a mom and dad?

Sure I do... everyone does.

What are they like?

Well, they're great, you know? They're
my mom and dad, of course they're great.

What do they do?

Well, my dad plays the violin,
and my mom was a singer.

- Why did she stop?
- Who said she stopped?

You said "was."


I meant is.

You look sad now.

Do I?

Why are you sad?

You know what's good
about being sad?


Happy people...

are all the same, but sad
people are all different.

Now, if you wanna have a
good time with someone,

sure, you make them happy, but
if you want to know them...

well, you find out
why they're sad.

Why are you sad?

Is it 'cause your
mom stopped singing?

I'll explain one
day, but not today.

- When?

When a green man gives
you banana coffee

on the shores of Lake Como.

- Don't be silly!
- Honest to God.

Green man, banana coffee, Lake
Como. That's when I'll tell you.

You're just saying
stupid things!

I swear, I'm not!



- assh*le.

What did I do? I didn't do
anything. I'm just sitting here.

I... I didn't even look at her.

Yeah, I could feel you
not looking at her.

Doors open
to the left at Lake.

Why's it always blondes?

My girlfriend's blonde. It's
my way of staying faithful.

Theoretically, I'm
your girlfriend.

According to you...
you're my girlfriend.

According to you.

According to my future self,
who hung around with you

in the woods when
you were a kid.

I don't trust that guy.

- He's you!
- And we both know what I'm like.

Then what are we even
doing here today?

- Well... Sorry.

- Second date. Lunch.
- Why lunch?

Because the first date,
we got drunk and had sex.

I'm hoping lunch will provide
an interval of conversation

before we get drunk
and have sex again.

It's how relationships
work, I looked it up.

Well, who says this
is a relationship?

Well, if the future says
so, you don't get a choice.

- And you're okay with that?
- Sure, why not?

You never try to fight it?
Never try to go your own way?

Yeah, of course I've tried.

I'm getting off the
train. Excuse me.

I sense you're making a point.


See, I'm not like you, okay?

I don't run on tracks. I
don't go where I'm told.

Especially if you're
the destination,

because here's my problem.

I have been waiting for you
since I was six years old,

and it turns out,
after all that time,

after all that waiting,

- I don't like you.
- Why not?

- You're seeing somebody else!
- Oh, you don't like me, but you want me all to yourself?

- No, I don't want you at all.
- Well, you slept with me.

- Yeah, and what a fairy tale that was!
- I didn't hear any complaints.

I kissed a frog and
he stayed a frog.

Well, you sure as hell
stayed a princess.

What is that even
supposed to mean?

I don't know, it just felt
kinda clever in the moment.

This is Quincy
Street. Doors open to the right.

- I thought it was clever.
- Thanks!

Clare! Clare!

- Why are you following me?
- Why did you get off the train?

Because I decided to, because it was my
choice, and to hell with what the future says.

I mean, what is the matter with
you? Why don't you fight back?

Because it's impossible! Because
look at where you are right now.

Look at where you're
standing. This is our stop!

I'm not following you, we were
always gonna get off here anyway.

That's how it works.
Exactly like that.

Whatever you decide to do is what
you were always gonna do anyway.

- No.
- Yes!

I have tried to
change it, trust me.

You can't.

Where are we supposed
to be having lunch?

Over there.


You see that café?

- I'm going to that café.
- What? Why?

Because, Henry, one way or another,
I am getting off the train.

Watch me! This is me
changing the future.

Banana latte?

I didn't order a banana latt...

Is that Lake Como?
I believe so.

Never mind, then.

Uh, if it's not a personal
question, why are you green?

- I drank the coffee.

No. I was
being hilarious.

I'm a children's entertainer.

- Right now?
- Four o'clock today.

I'm in a state of readiness.

You didn't order a banana latte.

Doesn't matter, it's inevitable.

I've been horrible to you.

- Yeah.

I mean, you were pretty
shitty yourself...

but I'm also horrible.

Why are you even still here?

Just because time
travel tells you so?

Most of what time travel
tells me is terrifying.

I know that really bad
stuff is coming, Clare.

I know I'm gonna be frightened and
bleeding, and I know that one day...

I'm not gonna survive it.

About the only thing that time travel
ever taught me that wasn't terrifying...

is that one day,
somehow, in the future...

I am gonna be married
to a phenomenal redhead.

Oof. So glad to be
identified as a hair-type.

How special I feel.

Who, it must be said,
currently hates me.

I don't hate you.

No, I do hate you, but...

well, it's the
good kind of hate.

Oh, yeah? What's the good kind?

That kind where I wanna have you right now
on this table just to shut your stupid mouth.

- Well, we could...
- No, listen to me, I...

I can't help myself.

My libido formed around you.

I grew up fantasizing about you.

You are literally

a younger, hotter version
of the man of my dreams.

You're the living
personification of...

everything I want.

Of everything you personally
conditioned me to want.

There is only one
thing, exactly one...

small detail wrong with you.

- And what's that?
- You're not somebody else.

Well, who would
you like me to be?

Oh, him.

The guy who hung around your
childhood, and turned you into you.

Well, I can't be him, Clare.

'Cause he's the guy that
you're gonna turn me into,

which is frankly too f*ckin' complicated,
so I think we should just go back to...

plan A.

- What's plan A?
- Get drunk and have sex.

What makes you sad?

Tell me that.

Tell me what makes you sad.

Please, I need to know you.
I need to understand you.

I... I
don't even, wh...

My mom?

This is the day you tell
me what makes you sad.

Why does it matter? Why... w...
What difference does it make?

Apparently, we're
getting married.

Come on, introduce me to your
mom. She was a singer, right?

Yeah, she was a singer.

Annette Lyn Robinson.


- Your mom... your mom was Annette Lyn Robinson?

- You like opera?
- I mean, my parents do. God!

I mean, they... they love her.

But isn't she...?


- She's dead.

It was
a car accident.

Her son. She was with her son.


She was...

I think the word you're currently
avoiding is decapitated.

Mom! Mom!

Oh... I see.

I got tragedy now, so,
suddenly you like me.

You were so young.

I suppose you don't
remember her very well.

You're really not thinking
this through, are you?

Well, I'm trying to.

Well, she died when I was
eight, but I'm a time traveler.

- So, I get to see her all the time.

Wha... You still see your mom?

Yeah, I mean there are...

plenty of shitty things
about time travel, but...

I get to see my dead mom.

Thank you.

Did she know?

About the time-traveling?
Did your mom and dad know?

Well, they knew
there was something.

I kept on disappearing from school,
and, uh, leaving my clothes behind.

My school reports were mainly
about cutting classes and nudity.

My dad found out what was
really going on when I was 16.

- How?
- Badly.

Okay, but how?

Just... keep in
mind I was... 16.



I mean, I'm not
gay, but you know?

You would, wouldn't you?

You went gay for yourself?

DeTamble, explain!

Okay, come on. I was 16.

Wait, what about your mom?

Did she ever find out?

Why didn't you tell her?

I don't know, I mean,
It's complicated.

It's never that complicated
if you start at the beginning.

- That's a new violinist.
Yeah, I think so.

Lust is someone
knocking at the door to be born.

I guess I heard my own knock.

What are you doing?

darling, Annette...

Oh, my God.

-Oh, that is not...
Will you be my wife?

- Yes!

Yes! Of course!

Come on, come on.

Oh, hi!
Can you show the ring?

Oh, yes! I will.

You make me so happy.

You saw
your parents' proposal?

- That's a thing.
- Yeah.

And you get to hear her singing.
That's gotta be good, isn't it?

What'd I say? Did I
say something wrong?

- Can I take you somewhere?
- Where?

For a walk. Just, uh...
-Oh... Okay...

Just for a walk, come on.

It's a harmony.
- Oh!

Hi, again.
Hi, how's it going?

Oh, hey there.

You knew them? Your parents?

A lot of people
know their parents.

Don't be smart.

They recognized you.

Well, not me exactly.

They started recognizing some guy who
walked past them a bunch of times.

They didn't know who I was.

So, it isn't random?
Where you go in time?

No, no, it's mostly random,
at least I think it is.

But the people who matter to me, I
see them more often. I don't know why.

You saw me 152 times.

Well, there you go, then.

Who's this?

- Oh, this is Henry.
- Hey, buddy.

Look, Henry.

Hey there. Hey there, buddy.

- Oh, he's teething, I'm sorry.

26: It's okay.

- He does it to me all the time.
Don't worry, it's fine.

You okay?
- No harm done.

Oh, that's
quite a scar...

- Oh, uh...

That's nothing.

- How'd you do that?
- Oh, it's just a...

stupid accident.

Anyway, I'll see you around.

Okay, bye.

For as much as it hath pleased
Almighty God to take unto Himself...

Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust.

We therefore commit her body to the
ground, in sure and certain hope...

of the resurrection
to eternal life.

For Our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Who shall change our vile body, that
it may be like unto his glorious body,

Let us go in peace... and
live out the word of God.

Thank you.
Thanks. Appreciate it.

This is where
you're taking me? Hotdogs?

I promised you
lunch. Hey. Uh, two. Thanks.

Do you ever talk to the
other ones? The other yous?

- Sure, we talk all the time.
- So, it's not just sex, then?

- Ha! I was sixteen.

Isn't that... I... I don't
know, isn't that weird?

The talking, not the sex part.

I mean, the sex part
is definitely weird.

Well, I don't know, you kinda
get used to having yourself around.



You know there was a
guy who trained me.

- I told you that.
- Yeah, the other time traveler.

You told me about
him when I was a kid.

But I didn't tell
you who it was.

Are you gonna tell me now?

Hey, sir!
Sir! Excuse me!

Excuse me.

Sorry, sir... I think
you dropped your wallet.

No, I've got mine.
Where did you find it?

Just lying on the ground.
It's got lots of money in it.

Well, it
definitely isn't mine.

But good for you, being
an honest young man.

Good. Very good. Not
bad for two hours.

- What's your name?
- Why do you need to know?

You never tell me your
name. And we're friends...

We're not friends. Who told you
we're friends? I'm training you.

You trained yourself?

I led myself astray.

There wasn't anyone else.
I'm the only time traveler.

So, what year are
you from, by the way?

- 1989. You?
- 2008.

Funny how we keep ending
up in the same time.

Who said you could sit down?

Something happened. I
need to talk about it.

- Is it personal?
- Yes.

Well, talk to someone
else. I don't care.

Come on, we need to get
these back to lost property.

- We're taking them back?
- Yes, and stealing some more.

We don't know how long we've
got together in this time zone,

and you need to practice.

Whenever you time travel, you're gonna
be naked, penniless, and running!

You need to steal.

Okay, art gallery.
Basically, next level.

Are we
stealing paintings?

No, we're not
stealing the paintings,

the paintings are on
our side. Come on.

You know what I love
about art, is people look at it.

Meanwhile, we look at people, and figure
out where they're keeping their wallets.

Now, most men keep their wallets in
either their back pocket, like that,

or the inside pocket
of their suit jacket.

With women, you want their
purse behind their back.

My mom's dead.

Now, if you're on the street, you can
grab a purse or a wallet, and just run.

But if you're in
a place like this,

you need to take it
without them noticing,

and without anyone else noticing,
either. You ready to try?

- My mom's dead.
- Okay... are you ready to try?

I said, "My mom's dead!"

I heard you. Your
mom's dead, copy that.

Are you ready to try?

Are all the other time
travelers like you?

- Like what?
- Assholes!

Is there something about my
face that attracts that word?


Good. I was starting to
worry it was my personality.

Why aren't you listening to me?

Because I know everything you're gonna
say, and none of it matters a shit.

But what I'm trying to tell
you, you've never heard before,

so you need to
listen to all of it!

That means all the listening, all
the time, happens in this direction!

Why are you angry with me?

Okay, here it is.

Your mom's dead, right?


Come on.

Coffee break.

The art institute
of Chicago welcomes you to...

- You're from 1989, right?

So, you traveled back in
time just a few months.

Last Christmas Eve.

So, end of 1988, then.

Look at the date.


It's June. Is your
mom dead in June 1988?

- No.
- Then your mom's not dead.

Problem solved. You can stop
sulking. You're very welcome.

- You mean I can save her?
No, no, no, no.

You... you definitely
can't save her.

All I mean is,
she's not dead yet.

Which is what everyone is,
basically, not dead yet.

You know, you, me, the
woman in the blue dress.

The... the fat guy... well,
definitely the fat guy. Everyone.

It makes no difference. But here's the
thing, when you're a time traveler,

no one is continuously dead.

What does that mean?

It means, as far as
you're concerned,

from now on, life and
death are on auto-shuffle.

- What's auto-shuffle?
You, Henry.

You are auto-shuffle.

- And I know what you're thinking, but you can't.
- What am I thinking...

You're thinking you
can go find your mom.

Warn her. Tell her something that's
gonna save her, but it won't work.

Why not?

it never works.

You tried, though.

Yeah, I guess.

So, come on. Tell me.


Because I want to know.

And this is the day,
and I'm asking nicely.

I want to know you.

You can't change anything.

And you can't save anyone.

Why not?
- Because you can't!

- And I can prove it to you.
- Okay, prove it!

I know a little
piece of your future.

Never mind how, but I do.

In a little under a minute, you're gonna get
out of that chair and run in that direction.

- Why?
- Because that's what's gonna happen, you're gonna do that.

Is there gonna be a fire alarm?

- No fire alarm.
- Then why would I do that?

It will be your choice. Entirely your
own decision. No one's gonna force you.

- Are you gonna make me?
It will be your decision, I promise you.

Just because it's your decision, doesn't
mean you can stop yourself from making it.

- I'm not doing it! I'm not.
- Prove me wrong, huh?

Prove me wrong, and
keep sitting there!

- I'm not gonna get up!
- Good for you!

- Even if there's a real fire!
- There's not gonna be a real fire!

- I'm staying right here!
- Me, too!

How long?

About 30 seconds.

- Okay, I'm not getting out this seat!
- No, you're not.

No one gets out a seat if they
think it's gonna k*ll their mom!

It's not your fault.

It's not changeable.

Sometimes, I think
you were there.

- When my mom...

You put a blanket around
me. Did you do that?

How long now?

See the woman in the green
skirt heading towards us?


Before she gets here,
you're gonna run in that direction.

Oh, I'm so sorry.


- Mom!


What are
you doing? Henry?

You're supposed to be in school!
Why aren't you in school, Henry?

Mom, I'm sorry.

Oh my god, what
happened? Are you okay?

- What are you wearing?

- Mom.
Oh god, why are you doing this again?

- Why can't you just stay in school?

- You are in such trouble!

- Sorry. Mom!
No. No. No, look, "I'm sorry" isn't good enough.

- Mom, listen to me.
Do you have any idea how many times

your father and I have been
to the principal's office?

- Mom, you need to listen to me.
- You have to listen to me.

Where do you go? Why do you
leave your clothes behind?

-Where did you get these... Did you steal these clothes?

- Mom!
- Why can't you just tell me what's going on?

- Mom, I'm sorry.
- Mom, you need to listen to me.

Mom, you
need to listen...

listen to me.

Please just listen to me.

- But I love you.
- No! That's not gonna cut it.

You can't just get around me like that.
We're gonna have a serious conversation!

- As far as she was concerned, I was skipping school yet again,

and she'd caught me in the act.

She didn't know she was dead, and
I was trying to bring her back.

- Mom, you need to listen...
No! No!

You need to listen to me,
'cause this is the tenth time.

You never tell us where
you're going, or why.

And do you know how dangerous that
could be, just roaming about the place?

Do you have any idea how
worried I am about you?

What if you never saw me again?

What if this was the last time we could
ever, ever talk, and you just shouted?

Don't thr*aten me with that!

- What is the matter with you?
Mom, please...

We worry. We try to
understand. Just help us!

- You all buckled up?

- Henry... Did you do that?

Whatever is happening to you, just tell
us! If there is something botheri...

- Tell us!
- Mom!


I'm gonna tell you and I'm
gonna tell you the truth.

But you've got to believe me.

You've got to really, really
try and believe me, please!

I'm a time traveler. I've
come from the future.

I need to tell you
something really important.

And if you listen to me,
it will save your life.

Henry, I need you to take
this seriously right now.

I need you to just stop it.

-Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

I hate you! I hate
you! I hate you!



- Henry!


Richard... You won't believe
this. He did it again.


What do you mean he's in class?
But how can he be there now?

He was just here a few minutes
ago. How can he be at school?

Well, geez...

how fast do you
think he can run?

She's gonna give you
hell about this tonight.

You won't know what
she's talking about.

- I remember.
So do I.

Whoa, whoa!

Oh, my...

Are you
all right, ma'am?

It's okay. It's fine.

Today's not the day.

- I said I hated her.
- I know.

I could walk up
to her right now.

I could prove to her that I'm
in two places at the same time.

Whatever you try to do,
something's gonna stop you.

You know that.

- So, we're going to your work?
- Yeah.

It's a Sunday. It's shut. We
can sneak in, have a look.

At what?

Well, you keep
asking about my mom.

I thought maybe you'd
like to meet her.

Come on.

Where are we going?

Today's the day.
What day?

You said you wanted to meet the
other time travelers, right?

gonna meet them now?

Yeah, we're gonna meet them.

We're gonna meet all of them.

It's amazing.

Sometimes, I wonder
if I'm in here somewhere.

in here every day.

No, in the books.

I wonder if I'm in
any of the books.

You know, some future version of
myself gets stuck in the past.

- Someone writes about it.

Puts me in a book.

A piece of my future
could be here somewhere...

gathering dust on a shelf.

Things I haven't done yet.

Words I haven't spoken,
decisions I'm...

yet to make...

already... written,
printed, and bound.

If only I knew where to look.

What's that?


Of what?

My mom.

What's it doing here? Who
are you hiding it from?

From me.

I can't keep it at
home, it's too tempting.


If I'm, uh...

stressed, or...

depressed, or just...

f*ckin' drunk...

I can't afford to let myself fixate
on the past, or I wind up back there.

Well, you get
to see your mom again.

It's not all bad.

Uh... depends what you see.

What about your dad?
Is he still around?

He's around.

We don't talk much.

Why not?

Why should we?

Tragedy usually brings
people together.

If that were even half-true, the
whole world would be friends.

- Hey.

You wanna hear her sing?


I said we weren't friends.
Why do you think that is?

It's okay. No one's
gonna come in.

How do you know?

Because no one did.

Why aren't we friends?

- Because you don't like me.
- Yeah, but why don't I like you?

- I don't know.
- You do.

You do.

Now, come here.
Look in the mirror.

Look at me.

Then look at you.

Come on, how long have we been
doing this? How many lessons now?

- You only ever teach me mean stuff.
- Survival skills!

- Beating people up?
- Dumpster diving, tree climbing,

venetian blinds
deployed as weapons.

I know you're gonna need all those
things, those specific things.

How do I know that?

Look at us both...

in the mirror.

You know why.

- It's beautiful.

"Madame Butterfly," Puccini.

A week later, she was dead.

It must be a comfort...
hearing her sing.

No, it's beautiful.

Beauty's not comfort.

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
thank you so much. Thank you...

What's wrong?

I... I've never even listened
to this recording before.

Why not?

For you, old photographs,
keepsakes, they're nice things.

For me, they're bear traps.

You see, sometimes,
when I'm stressed,

I time travel, and if I'm thinking
about my mom, and it gets to me,

sometimes I have to go
and watch her die again.

Is that gonna happen now?

- Maybe. I'm trying to hold on.
- Okay, hold on.

I'm not really an assh*le.

It's just the opposite of being
an assh*le is caring, and...

caring opens a hole at my
feet, and sometimes, I fall in.

And if I make the mistake
of loving someone,

I don't know how many times
I'm gonna have to lose them.




Okay, good.

Every night my mom
performed, she would, um...

she'd talk to the
audience, you know?

Q and A, that kind of thing.

I wasn't there that night.

And I've never heard this tape before,
so maybe there's an opportunity.

For what?

For you to meet my mom.


- Well, I have an idea, it might even work.
What might?

You are all too
kind, just very kind.

Listening to her on a
tape isn't meeting her.

This has been
an amazing evening...

It's sweet, but
it's not the same.

So, what would you ask her...

if you could?

- Oh, I can't ask her anything.
Yeah, but if you could, what would it be?

- I don't wanna play games.
I'm not playing games,

Clare, I'm trying to introduce
you to my mom. Please.

I don't know.


I guess, uh...

I don't know.

How do people ever get together?

You know? I mean, how
does that even happen?

I have a lot of people
to thank. But before I do,

if you'll excuse me, I just
need to pass on a message

to somebody who I know is
gonna be listening tonight.

- Hello, Clare.

I'm talking
to Clare Abshire,

who's either here
tonight or listening in.

A gentleman stopped me at the
stage door this afternoon,

and he asked me a question from Clare, and
he asked if I would answer it tonight, and...

And he was very sweet, and
very kind, and insistent.

And, I guess, I kind
of liked him, so...

I'm gonna try and answer
Clare's question tonight.

How is this possible?

And her
question was this.

How the hell does any
couple ever get together?

- How did she hear me?

No, she didn't hear you.

But I can hear you.

And I just decided that whenever
I get to speak to my mom next,

whenever that is, at the right moment,
that I'll pass your question on.

And on the night this recording
was made, she'll answer it.

So, the answer to the question that
you only just thought of asking

has been on this tape since...

before you were born.

You wanna hear it?

My mom's answer?

mean, I guess, we've all wondered that one.

- I...

I don't know why he asked me.

I'm a singer. I just sing.

But I have just been singing "Madame
Butterfly," which is all about doomed love,

and I guess that got
me thinking this.

Isn't all love doomed?

I don't mean
to be a party pooper.

You know...

but it always ends, doesn't it?

So, Clare...

if you're listening,
and you're worried...

my answer, and
Puccini's, is this.

Couples don't get together.

What they do, is they
get together for a while.

It's just a while,
just a little time.

That's okay.

Because it is better to be
happy for a little while,

just a brief time, even if you
know you're going to lose it,

than to be just "okay"
for your whole life.

And for what it's worth,
my advice is this.

It's always later
than you think,

and this is the only
time you ever get.

So, good luck, Clare.

And you know what?

- Just get the hell on with it!