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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 06/19/22 07:40
by bunniefuu
Why is love
intensified by absence?

How does it feel?

How does it feel?

Normal. You know. Like nothing.

Like your attention
wandered for a moment, and

suddenly the book you're reading
is gone, your coffee's gone,

the room is gone,

and you're ankle-deep
in a ditch,

or in the middle of a highway...

Oh, shit!

Or in a field full of cows.

And of course... you're naked.

Back in time, and naked.

The bedsheets will go slack.

Or the shower will keep running,
or the bacon will keep frying,

or you'll hear a coffee
cup smash on the floor,

and you realize, he's gone.

It's happened again.

He's just a pile of clothes.

And then it starts.

The waiting.

Time travel. It's
not a superpower.

It's a disability. It's
what's wrong with me.

I can't keep hold of the
current moment, I just

slide off. I fall back in time.

When he's gone, I
wait and I worry.

I wonder where he
is, when he is.

If he's in danger.

Now, sometimes you ping
straight back to where you were.

You know, to your book, to
your coffee, and it's fine.

It's nothing. Five
minutes, a nap.

Sometimes it's days, weeks,
months, and you have to survive.

Now, three things I got good at.
Running, fighting, and stealing.

You have to be good at
those, when wherever you go,

you're naked.


Well, that's a
difficult question.

Seriously, you're
asking me that?

When did we first meet?

First meet?

Define "first."

I married a time traveler.
It's complicated.

If you're not a time
traveler, the past

is what you're stuck with.

If you're an artist,
or think you might be,

the future is what
you're gonna make.

Sometimes, you can see the
future in a bowl of slop.

Other times...

- Clare? You okay?
- You know what I need?

Dr. Felman, I need
to go to the library.

- Okay.
- The Newberry Library.

- What's there?
- Porn.

Other times

other times, you remember
that the future is just

what shows up when
you're looking

for something else.

People think libraries
are quiet places.

To me a library is a crowd.

If you're a time traveler,
the past is alive.

It's still happening,
still dangerous.

All those books on
all those shelves

are like the bars on a cage,

and the beast inside is pacing.

For everybody else,
the past is over.

For me, well, I'm still
trying to survive it.

Are these yours? I found
them in the stacks.

Uh... yeah, thanks.

Henry. I've been
meaning to ask you.

Why do you leave piles of
clothes all over the place?

- Doesn't everyone?
- No.

It's complicated.

Okay. I'm listening.

- It's a long story.
- Time isn't a problem for me.

Lucky you.



- The language of...
- Ah, excuse me.

You okay?

Yeah, no, I'm good.
What's going down here?

Presentation on
rare dictionaries.

Oh, God. I love dictionaries.

You know the best thing
about a dictionary?

It's the only book with
words in the right order.

Yeah, we're good
here. Thanks, Henry.

The right order
is very important.

You can trust me on that.

If you wait just one
moment, perhaps Mr. DeTamble

- can help you.
- Thank you.


There is a young woman
in Presentation Two.

Could you maybe shake her awake
when Tom's done boring her

and kind of mention my
name with general overtones

of enthusiasm?

- The Kelmscott Press Chaucer.
- What about it?

You know what it is?

Yeah. It's Chaucer. Illustrated.

Basically porn,

but you're allowed to
read it on a train. Why?

That young lady would
like to see the porn.


Hi. Can I help you?

Uh, The Kelmscott
Press Chaucer, right?

- Henry.
- Oh


- Sorry I... I don't know...
- Clare.


Clare Abshire.

You okay?

I think so, yeah, why?

Uh, you've got a, kinda
look on your face.

- What kind of a look?
- Um...

Trying to think of a better
word than concussion.

Sorry. I, uh...

I wasn't expecting to
meet you today, um.

I mean definitely not
in a library. Wh...

You're a librarian?


- Yeah.
- A librarian.

And your name is DeTamble.

That's gonna take a
bit of getting used to.

Sorry, I... I don't
really understand...

You have a birthmark?

Like a strawberry?

Like you stood on a
strawberry, and squished it?

On your left foot?

Also, you've got a scar
just below your hairline.

You can't see it right
now, your hair is too long.

Actually, your hair
is really long.

Is that on purpose?

You've never told me
how you got the scar.

I've asked, but I don't think
you like talking about it.

So, we've met then?


Well, no. I've met you.

I saw that birthmark
14 years ago.

I've known you for
14 years, and now

you're standing there
looking like you've never

- seen me before.
- I haven't.

I know.

You're so young.

You're younger than
I've ever seen you.

Okay, do you understand
why I don't recognize you?

- Yes.
- So, you know about my,

- uh, you know...
- Problem. Yes.

- Who told you?
- You told me.

Okay, we can't talk here,
we should get a coffee.

- Or a drink.
- Okay, a drink.


That escalated quickly.

Fourteen years.

- So, tonight?
- Uh, yeah.

- Yeah, tonight.
- Yeah.

Sorry, I'm not
exactly sure how to...

No, me neither.

Usually I'm pretty
good at reading women.

- Women?
- Uh, people.



Yeah, later.


All right.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You've never brought
me flowers before.

- Do you think that's gonna work?
- Work in what sense? I mean

what are we trying to achieve?

Is this a date? Are we
on a date right now?

What's that?

Dates, 152 of them.

A hundred and fifty-two.

Have you been in a fight?

Sure. How do you think
I got the flowers?

Who uh... who wrote this list?

Me. When I was a kid. You,
uh, you dictated it to me.

I did?

So, I'd know when
you'd be showing up.

Oh, you told me a few years
ago that you memorized it

from the list that
I'm giving you now,

which you dictated to me
in the first place so,

I'm really not too sure
how the information

even exists. It's
just like some kind

- of Möbius list...
- Okay, just stop! Please.

Just slow down.

Sorry, it's, uh, it's confusing.

I've had longer
to think about it.

So, has this never
happened to you before?

Like meeting someone
in the wrong order?


Didn't he warn you about
this kind of thing?

- Didn't who warn me?
- The guy who trained you.

I know there was a guy who,

like taught you all
the time-travel stuff.

Like all the rules,
when you were little.

Another time traveler.

- Did I tell you who it was?
- Not so far. No.


So... getting this straight.

In the future

in my future I'm gonna start

- showing up in your past.
- Yes.

For 14 years.

One hundred and fifty-two times.

Uh, how old was I? Back then?

I mean, oldest I've seen
you is like 40 something.

And youngest... maybe about 30.

- How old are you now?
- Uh...

I'm 28.

You look so different.

It's like you've been
all, tightened, you know.


- That must be kind of weird?
- Hot.

- Hot?
- Yeah, hot.

Somebody pimped my date.

Is that what we're doing
here? We're on a date?

- Yes.
- Like a date-date?

- Yes.
- Oh, how am I doing?

Astonishingly well.

Well, I mean, about as well

as it's possible
for a human being

to do, in fact.


No more questions?

Hmm, all of a sudden,
I'm distracted.


- Ask me something.
- Okay.

Why you?

Why would I go see
you so many times?

We're gonna have to
come back to that one.

- But there is a reason?
- There's a reason. Yeah.

Next question.

Okay, uh...

Any hobbies? Any favorite books?

Any unusual sexual proclivities
I should be aware of?


What's that?

I'm going to marry you.

I was gonna build
up to that. But, uh

there it is.

I'm your future wife.

- Who said it?
- You do.

You told me.

You explained, you
were visiting me

from a time in the future,
when we're married.

I'm sorry, I... I don't mean to,
uh, spring it on you like that,

but, in the future,
we're a married couple.


- Seriously? Congratulations?
- What...

- What am I supposed to say?
- Ah, you don't think much of yourself, do you?

I don't know, I can't even begin
to answer something like...

- "Congratulations" though?
- There is literally no precedent

- for this conversation.
- That's for sure.

I'm sorry, it's just a
lot to... to process.

Take my hand when
you say process.

- I've been married?
- Yes.

- You're my...
- Yes, I am.

- You're my wife?
- Your future wife. Yes.

I met you four hours ago,
we haven't even ordered yet.

I know. I know. I do.
I mean I... I get it.

I get it. It's like
14 years for me.

Just earlier today for
you, it's... it's a lot.


So, ask me questions.

Okay, well.

Seeing as we're gonna
be married, and, uh,

no of fence, I've only
got your word for that.

Well, technically, I've
only got your word for that,

but, if you think about it what
does any couple ever have...

- Please, don't do that.
- Do what?

Swallow, when I say
the word "couple."

- Did I just swallow?
- Yeah, audibly.

The next table looked over.

So, come on, questions.

How did we meet?

You mean, how was it for me?


Mark, is that you?

This is my place.

You're not supposed
to come here.


Hello, Clare.

- Who are you?
- Well, it's Henry.


Yeah, I'm just, uh, being sick.

Travelling makes me sick
sometimes, you know that.

Who are you?

Uh, don't you know
me yet, Clare?

Haven't we met yet?

- No.
- Oh, well.

That's okay. That's okay. Uh,
'cause you're meeting me now

and you know I'm a friend, okay?

I promise you I'm a
friend. My name's Henry.

I don't have any
friends called Henry.

Well, you do now.

Hey, could you do me a favor
and go and get me some clothes?


'Cause I don't have any.

And I bet you are amazing
at choosing clothes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's all this
running around indoors?

Nell, you know what an
imaginary friend is.

- True.
- I found one in the woods

and I'm gonna dress him
up 'cause he's naked.

- Hi.
- Hi.

So, right there.

Yeah, just label
it, Earth's axis.

Oh, okay.

Earth's axis.

Okay, I'm ready.

- That was quick.
- I've had a lot of practice.

You're bleeding.

- Well, you threw a shoe at me.
- I'm not saying sorry.

Why should you?

What's that mark?

Oh, that? That's
just a birthmark.

Don't worry, it doesn't hurt.

It looks like you stood on a
strawberry and squished it.

Someone else said that.


- What's wrong?
- Well, it wasn't someone else.

Have you seen dinosaurs?

I tickled a
dinosaur's tummy once.

Twice actually, but it was in
the Natural History Museum.

Real ones.

Well, I travel in time,
but not that far back.

I tend to stay in the same
time since I was born.

- Is that not dinosaurs?
- No, Clare.

That is not dinosaurs.

Do you have kids in the future?

No. I'm afraid not.

Do you have a wife?

Yeah - Is she pretty?

- She's very pretty.
- What's her name?

Well, funnily enough,
her name's Clare.

- Like me.
- Yeah. Like you.

Was it love at first sight?

- God, I hope not.
- Do you kiss her?

- Uh... yeah.
- Why?

Because it's nice, and
because I love her.

Why do you like kissing people?

Why do you like brushing
your horse's hair?

It's not brushing,
I'm grooming her.

Okay, moving on. Uh, Clare,

in a little while,
I'm gonna disappear.

- Can I watch?
- Yeah, you can.

But I'd like you to
do me a little favor.

See when I go, I'm gonna
leave my clothes behind.

But I'd like you to take them,
and put them somewhere safe.

Maybe, um, under this rock.

And if you could put
them in a box for me,

- they'll be nice and dry.
- Are you coming back?

Yeah, I'll be back
lots of times.

Some of those times have
already happened for me,

you'll see me looking
younger. Maybe older.

Can't you bring
your own clothes?

I can't bring anything.
Those are the rules.

Why are there rules?

- I don't know.
- Who told you the rules?

You ask a lot of
questions, don't you?

- You said I could.
- Well,

the very first time
it happened to me,

- there was, uh, a man.
- Who?


another time traveler, but,
it's a very long story, Clare.


I like stories.

Come on, Henry. It's
closing in a minute.

And Chicago's...

Come on, you two. Let's go.

We will be closing shortly.

Please make your way toward
the exit at this time.

Let's go.

What do you think, Henry?
First museum, you like it?

He loved it.

Didn't you, Henry?


Toward the exit at this time.

- Can we go back?
- Of course, we can.

- Tonight?
- Soon.

Sleep tight.

Hey, kid! Henry.

Put this on.

You've time traveled
back, about three hours.

There's a trash can
in front of you.

Now, I say that
because in a minute,

you're gonna be sick.

How did you know I'd be sick?

'Cause I'm a time traveler, too.

I've had a lot of practice.

Thought you might look
a bit more surprised.

- About what?
- Suddenly showing up here.

It's my first museum.

I thought I might
have a dream about it.

Sorry, Henry, no.
This isn't a dream.

- Do you work here?
- No, I don't work here.

I stole these clothes like
I stole you that t-shirt.

See, I time travel, too.

You came back about three
hours. I came back, uh...

- Remind me, what year is this?
- 1987.

Yeah, 21 years.

Are there lots of
time travelers?

Hey, big guy. Hey, how
you doing up there?

Tickle, tickle, tickle.

He's not really ticklish,
is he? You wanna try?

Come on.


No sense of humor. No
wonder they all died out.

When do I meet the other ones?
The other time travelers.

You're hungry now, right?

Time travel always makes
you hungry. Come on.


Eat up.

In a minute you're gonna
feel a little sick again

and then you're gonna
snap right back home.

That's how it works.



Today's the day, I'm
gonna start teaching you.

I must be feeling very grown up.

How do I get back home?

It'll just happen.

Sometimes you don't
go straight back.

You go to another time first.

Once I went to three
different times

in a row, but mostly you
ping straight back home.

- Can I go to the future, too?
- Yeah.

Sometimes. Not so
often, but it happens.

What do we do?

What do you mean,
"What do we do?"

We're time travelers.
Do we solve crimes?

Uh, no, Henry, sorry.

We don't solve crimes,
we... commit them.

We run, we steal, we fight.

Wherever we show up
in time, we're naked,

and we're sick. We
don't get a choice.

Are we the bad guys?

Survivors are
always the bad guys.

That's why it's my job,

to teach you how to be
the baddest guy out there.

So, I'm gonna see you again?

Yeah, lots of times.

- Do you promise?
- Yeah, I promise.

In fact, when I was your
age, exactly your age,

there was a guy who came back
in time and he trained me.

So now, it's my
turn to train you.

So, there's lots of us?


There's lots of
us time travelers.


How does that all sound,
Henry? Me training you.


Well, the world's a scary place.

So, you know what you gotta
be? You gotta be scarier.

Yeah, suddenly I'm not
sure. I think that...

I am having a very grown-up
day. What is up with that?

It's okay.

You're going home. Next time.


Oh, shit.

Oh, shit. Carry
on. Don't mind me.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Now, just... just give
me a moment, okay?

What the f*ck?

Yeah. Could you give me the
date and the time, please?

- What are you saying?
- Uh, just the date

and the f*cking time,
that's all I need.

Oh, shit. This is
gonna be a big one...

- Uh... June 26.
- Thank you.

Yeah, it's 8:15 p.m.

Shut up talking to
him. He's naked!


Huh, okay, okay. That's uh...

I've been gone two hours, my
clothes won't still be here.

Your clothes?

I'm gonna need yours.

- You're gonna need what?
- This is gonna hurt.

You, not me.

Oh, my God!

- What's your name?
- Donna.

Uh, Donna.

What's gonna happen
now is I'm gonna take

your boyfriend's
clothes and just go.

If you like, you can put
him in the recovery position

and call the cops.

Give them my description
by all means,

but I'm naked, you'll find
details surprisingly difficult

to remember.

Did he give you those flowers?

- Yeah.
- Oh, that's nice.

He doesn't seem like the type.

Seeing as he's
kind of an assh*le

and this is a
shitty date anyway.

Mind if I take them?
I'm late for someone.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You've never brought
me flowers before.

- Do you think that's gonna work?
- No, I just think

that your apartment
might be a bit nicer.

- Well, what's wrong with yours?
- Well, I live in it.

I live really badly in it,
it's like a farm for one human.

You know it's funny,
I've known you almost

all my life and you're
not what I was expecting.

Am I a disappointment?

No, no. Oh, you're just
uh... Well, you're different.

Well, different good or bad?

Just different.

Oh, no. It's got a lot worse.

You are gonna have to
count to a million.

Eighty-five, 86, 87

88, 89, 90, hurry up.

- Keep counting.
- Jesus! Fourteen years.

Count, come on.
Count, count, count.

Ninety, 91,

92, 93

94, 95, 96,

97, 98.

- You still there?
- Yeah, one more minute.

- Count, come on.
- Ninety... I mean where? What?

Ninety-seven, 98,

- 99, 100.
- Shit.

One hundred and one, 102, 103,

104, 105,

106, 107...

This is not the
apartment of a grown-up.

Oh, that's not fair.

This is the most
grown-up I've ever been.

Always been me who
makes that move.

Yeah, it never will be again.

Wait, is that what
I think it is?

Oh, yeah. That's one
of my baby teeth.

- Wait, you kept your baby teeth?
- No, it just appeared.

It'll go in a minute.
Back under my pillow

from when I was a kid.

All of me time travels.
Even my nail clippings.

- Hmm, that's gross.
- You know what's even grosser?

The haircut that
follows you home.

- Is that why you keep it long?
- Well, I like it long.

And, uh, sometimes...

I should probably
warn you about this,

sometimes there's blood.

Just, like, a pool of blood.
Which means somewhere out there,

in another time,
I've been hurt, or,

you know, maybe I
got a nosebleed...

I know.

- Wait, you know. How?
- I, uh, one time, I...

- I assumed...
- Uh, no. Stop, stop, stop.

If it's something I'm not
supposed to know yet, it's

probably best I don't.

That's what you
said the last time.

Good old me.

Why aren't you
permanently terrified?

There's always gonna be
days that you bleed, right?

That's true for
everyone, not just me.

All you can do is be
happy it's not today.

- Henry.
- Yeah.

It's not today.

Wow, she's forceful, isn't she?

Mm-hmm. Well, I decided
we need a change of mood.

Yeah. Do you always
get what you want?

Oh, always, I mean,
I am horrible.

It's okay, you're horrible, too.

- I'm horrible?
- Yeah.

You have been a perfect
gentleman for 14 years.

- Are you sure that was me?
- Yeah, homework,

board games, heart-to-hearts,
French verbs, and checkers.

You have been unbearable company

throughout a very
horny adolescence.

It was a whirlwind.

Well, you know, you were a kid.

Haven't I grown?

I'm not the only one.

- You think?
- Yeah.

I'd say, tall enough
to do the scary rides

at Disney without a parent.

Oh, Henry! You're so young!

- Hey.
- Hey.

I'm going to the bathroom.

Okay. It's over there.

I fully understand if
you put the lights on.

- Hmm, why?
- Hmm.

- I'm naked.
- Oh, yeah.

Good tip. Thanks.

For the record, Henry.
For future reference,

the bottom drawer was the
very first one I looked in.

I'm not going to ask her
name, I don't need to know.

- Okay.
- That's your business.

Uh, it's not like you asked
if I was seeing anyone.

Uh, yeah. But you are
allowed to mention the fact.

Preferably somewhere between
the restaurant and the mattress.

I didn't wanna do that
for a very good reason.

- Oh, which was?
- I really wanted to have

- sex with you.
- Oh! What, are you joking now?

- You trying to be funny?
- Bit funny, bit flattering.

Flattering? Jesus!

- Ingrid.
- What?

Her name is Ingrid and
she's my girlfriend.

Well, bad luck, Ingrid,
'cause I'm here now.

Jesus Christ, do you
know how you sound?

How I sound? How I sound?

I've never seen you
before in my life,

and now you're telling
me you're my wife.

Doesn't that sound a tiny
bit scary mad to you?

Well, if I'm a scary mad person,
why did you have sex with me?

Well, to be honest I'd never
need that good a reason.

f*ck you!

So, you're happy to
f*ck crazy women?

Well, it would seriously
limit my options if I wasn't.

- Wouldn't it!
- f*ck you!

None of which means I
don't wanna see you again.

- When will I see you again?
- Soon. Six days.

September 29th.
Now, don't worry.

I always get like this when
I'm about to disappear.

But you'll get used to it.
You'll see it lots of times.

Bring a notebook next time,
I'll give you a list of dates...


- f*ck you!
- Ah! Jesus Christ...

So, you're happy to
f*ck crazy women?

Well, it would seriously
limit my options if I wasn't.

f*ck you!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck...

f*cking men.

f*cking assh*le.

- Clare!
- Clare!




♪ Shock me Like
an electric eel ♪

♪ Baby girl ♪

♪ Turn me on With
your electric feel ♪

Here you go.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- No.

♪ All along the Eastern shore ♪

♪ Put your circuits in the sea ♪

♪ This is what
The world is for ♪

♪ Making electricity ♪

♪ You can feel it In your mind ♪


Well, I didn't mean any
of those things I said.

Yeah, you did.

So, I ran all the way here

to tell you that, but then, uh

being stupid, I just stood
outside and watched you

at the window for
about ten minutes.

Ten minutes? I
only just sat down.


♪ He deals the cards
As a meditation ♪

How are those
French verbs coming?

♪ And those he plays
Never suspect ♪

- I've missed you.
- Well, you just slept with me.

- No. No, I didn't.
- Hey, come on.

You just got yourself
a new young man.

What kind of guy
do you think I am?

As it turns out, an assh*le.

Was that the big secret,
you were keeping from me

all these years? You're
a secret assh*le?

It's kind of every man's secret.

Was that me?

Yeah. The first time
you threw a shoe at me.

I'm still not sorry.

I grew up waiting for
you. Longing for you.

- I know.
- No, you don't.

I formed myself around
you. The idea of you.

And you're an assh*le.

♪ Money for this art ♪

- ♪ That's not the shape... ♪
- Well here's the thing.

The man you formed
yourself around,

shock twist, formed
himself around you.

- That's f*cked up.
- Yep. So f*cked up,

it has a name. Marriage.

♪ He may lay The
queen of spades ♪

Two people trying to be
the person the other one

already thinks they
are. Love, basically.

You didn't hear
what he just said.

Clare, I said what he just said.
You wanna know why I said it?

Because time travel is
awful. It is shit scary.

It is waiting for the
next storm to hit.

Wondering if this time
it's gonna k*ll you.

That boy out there.
Time travel has never

done one nice thing for him.

♪ And find out to their cost ♪

Until today.

Today he gets the
winning lottery ticket.

- So, why is he being such...
- You know, what's even worse,

than being terrified
all the time?

The future.

The future is the scariest
thing in the world.

Because suddenly,
you are all in.

- No choice.
- ♪ Swords of a soldier... ♪

Anyone can stand any kind
of t*rture, except hope.

Why didn't he just say all that?

He did.

It just took me a while.

♪ That's not the
shape Of my heart ♪

♪ That's not the
shape Of my heart ♪

That's a shit jacket.


Muggers can't be choosers.

And now you're off home.

In a minute, yeah.

- To older me?
- To my wife.

- Bitch.
- Sorry?

Older me gets you.
And I get younger you,

who's a d*ck. It's not fair.

No, he's not a d*ck.
And you know that.

He's not you.

Seriously, how does
he get to be you?

What happens to him? Does he...

Does he get hit by
a f*cking meteorite?

Yeah, going by
the name of Clare.

That a compliment?

I just called you a meteorite.
Take it any way you like.

Hey. Look on the bright side.
He is way hotter than me.

- No, he's not.
- Sure, he is.

It's okay. I don't mind.
In fact, I agree with you.

I've f*cked him, too.

I'll have a whiskey and soda.

- Henry.
- Henry.

- How's Ingrid?
- Good.

Might go see her tonight,
since this isn't working out.

I thought it was working
out pretty well already.

Mind your own business.


- Not that I'd ever offer advice.
- God forbid.

But a boring old man
told me something

a very long time ago.

He said you have two things to
do with your time on this Earth.

One, find the love of your life.
Two, die as slowly as possible.

You did part one tonight.
Part two starts now.

Play time is over.

Do you ever get bored of
hearing yourself talk?

I don't know. You tell me.

No more time to waste, junior.

You've seen the blood, you
know something's coming.

Yeah. But not today.

Oh. Time for you
to f*ck off then.

Get a haircut.

When were you?

I'm sorry I threw
my shoe at you.

Well, it's about time.



Long ago, men went to sea

and women waited for them.

Standing on the
edge of the water,

scanning the horizon
for the tiny ship.

Now, I wait for Henry.

Not today. Not today.

I hate to be where she is not.

And yet I'm always going
and she can't follow.

Why does he always go
where I cannot follow?