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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 06/18/22 06:41
by bunniefuu

He's back again.



You embarrassed my boy Spider
in public. That can't run.

But I ain't unjust.

Going forward, you turn
a blind eye, you get paid.

No, thanks.
You got bare nerve.

You know what? I could use you.

Yo, you want a job?

No, thank you.

Very polite. Bet you don't
speak with your mouth full, either.

All right!

I'll turn a blind eye.

But I don't want your money.



Christian Taylor?

I'm not talking to you
without a solicitor.

You're not under suspicion. You're
just helping us with our inquiries.

I'm not helping you with anything
and I want my one phone call.

You're not under arrest.

Do you know who Christian really is?

Do we ever truly know
who someone really is?

Some days, I'm not sure
I even know who I really am.

This is Christian Taylor.
He's the impostor.

No, the man you know as
Christian Taylor is the impostor.

Who's this guy?
The real Christian
And what's the question?

Do you know who he is?
No, I've never seen him before.

No, not... Not him.
Do you know who the impostor is?

Well, you said his name
was Christian Taylor.

Are you screwing with us?
Sergeant, why would I do that?

I don't know which one is Christian,
which one is the impostor.

I do know that one of them owes me
£4 for a sandwich, so do make sure

you get that back
when you catch him.

His name's not really Christian?
That makes a lot of sense, actually,

because I called over to him
one time, I said, "Oh, can you
pass me that bin bag, Christian?"

And he didn't even look round.
Although he was wearing headphones

cos he was using a hedge trimmer,

so that might have had something
to do with it. Is that useful?

Probably won't stand up in court,
will it? Defence'll tear it to
shreds. Unless I'm the prosecution.

Sorry, there's no place for humour
in a police interrogation.

Do you know his real name?

You never seen him
outside community service?

You wouldn't consider him
a friend?


Rani has no love for Christian.
She snitched on him twice.

What I'm about to tell you,
it can't leave this room, OK?

Diane, the g*n you found was
used in a sh**ting.


I mean, yes,

I am glad I found the g*n and can
help solve such a terrible crime.

Your father's van was identified
at the scene of a drug robbery

in which a masked figure
was seen holding a g*n,

a g*n that bears a striking
resemblance to the one you claim

you saw Christian hiding.
How do you account for that?

I don't know - a coincidence?

Quite a big coincidence,
wouldn't you say?

Statistically, coincidences are more
common than you think.
Is that so?

In 2009, the Bulgarian lottery
announced the same six

winning numbers on two consecutive
draws. People thought was a fix,

the government investigated,
but no tampering was found.

It was just a coincidence.

Do you know it's a crime to lie
to the police?
It's not a lie.

Just Google "Bulgarian lottery".

This is the man who was shot.
Tell me if you recognise him.

Is that tattoo permanent?
I believe
so, yes.
What if he has to go for

a job interview or something?
not going for job interviews.

Yeah, well,
not with that on his face.

He is seriously limiting
his career options.

I mean, teaching's out. Vicar?

It's imperative we find the man
who's impersonating Christian.

Leave it to me.
He doesn't mean you
go and find him.
I don't mind.

I'm happy to help.
Diane, Mr Wild is right.

But I would like it if you'd help me
build an E-FIT of the impostor.

Yeah, no probs. I've got his face up
here. Clear as day.


If Christian makes contact with you,
call me. If you hear from Christian,

give me a ring.
Christian calls you, call me.

If you hear from Christian,
please contact me.

You hear from Christian,
contact me ASAP.

I want to know what you're up to -

before I tell Diane you were
sneaking around in her office.

If you were going to do that,
you'd have done it already.

We're meeting at the placement at
4:00, then we're going to look
for Christian. Can you make it?

That kid had a fake name and a g*n.
Are you out of your bloody mind?

I'll take that as a maybe.

Sir, permission to speak freely?

Don't have to ask permission.

You know it's a longstanding dream
of mine to be a police detective,

but my criminal record, of which
I am not proud, inhibits that dream.

In a continuing effort to build
valuable credit to help support

any future application
to the police,

I would like your consent
to take the minibus

and seek out the impostor who has
been posing as Christian Taylor.

Sorry, I drifted off halfway
through that. What are you asking?

To take the minibus to look
for Christian.
Absolutely not.

But, sir...
Diane, you are never
going to be a police detective.

Why don't you just stick to the work
you're actually paid for?

Who knows, in five, ten years' time
you could be doing my job.

No offence, sir...

..but I don't want to end up
like you.

I want to actually
do something with my life.

Go home. Before for one of us says
something both of us might regret.


You know this person?

Seen him around.
Any idea
why he's lying in a hospital bed?

Is he finally getting
that stupid tattoo removed?

You're currently doing community
service for failures to appear
in court. Is that right?

And I really feel like I'm giving
something back to the community.

Can we cut the shit? Who are you
paying to do your hours?

I don't know what you mean.
Who are
you sending in your place?

How would I expect
to get away with that?

I'd have to believe

you white people in law enforcement

think all black people
look the same.

What kind of cynical bastard
would I be to think

police in this country
are r*cist, huh?

I know who you are.

I know you ran the Brook Hill crew.

And I'm coming for you,
do you understand?


How'd you get into this, then?
Bit of a computer nerd?

I ask cos I'm looking to join
the force myself.

I mean, not as a desk jockey,
like you.

Want to actually
make a difference.

No offence.

Yeah, OK, let me try that.

Mm, eyes a bit closer together.

How's it going?
Oh, hello, ma'am.
Yeah, good, good.

This is looking pretty close, yeah.

I mean, I would say his lips
and his chin are a little bit

more like Aston's from JLS.

You don't know who JLS are?

Runners-up from X Factor
series five.

Do you not watch X Factor?
What do you watch, Strictly?

I mean, Aston was on Strictly, too,
actually. He lost the dance off to
Mollie King from The Saturdays.

It wasn't Aston's fault, it was his
partners. I mean, why would you do

a Viennese waltz when it's
'70s Disco Week?
Don't know.

Yeah, I didn't know. Exactly.

Oh, yeah. Spot on, that is.

Can we just get this sent out
to all divisions ASAP?

Well done, Diane.
Oh, thank you, ma'am.


Sit down, Frank.

You've done a lot of mean
and selfish things over the years,

and when you came back into our
lives, you promised you'd change,

make amends.

If I haven't been nice to you
it's cos I've had no faith in you.

But you've proved me wrong.

So I apologise.

And when your ankle tag comes off,
Tom and Holly and me,

we'd like you to stay here
with us permanently.

I'd like that.

I love you, Dad.

Come and give Grandpa a hug.

Come on, Tom.

Greg Fried Rice! Working weekends?

Yeah, just catching up on some
Do you know what I've been
thinking? We share a desk, right?

We've never shared a beer.
We should get a drink sometime.

How about six o'clock?
Yeah, they do a great ploughman's

at the Bull. Do you like
ploughman's? I love ploughman's.

I always ask for cheese...and ham.
Bit cheeky, isn't it?

I got plans.
Oh, cancel them.
I can't cancel them.
Cancel them.

I want to have a beer
and a ploughman's.

And you should invite Howard Cherry.

See you at six, mate.
Oh, and I hope you don't mind -

I gave your cupboard
a little spring clean.

Wouldn't like the partners
to see the mess it's in.

Hello, Dad.

Wasn't expecting you to be here.

Everything OK?

Where did the money come from?

You know where the money came from.
You met Mr Cherry.

I called your lawyers. They've never
heard of any Howard Cherry.

Well, that-that makes no sense.
Don't lie to me!

I can still beat the tar out of you.
I'm not lying.
I know he's a fraud!

I saw you picking up rubbish
with him, for God's sake!

Now, where did the money come from?

We found it.
Stop lying!

I'm not lying! Dad, some g*ng kid
hid a bag of money and we found it.

I built this company with honour.

Never stole, never cheated.

First sign of trouble,
you take dirty money.

I'm not surprised.

You always were lazy...and weak!

Lazy and weak?
I gave you all this on a plate,

and you ran it into the ground!

I didn't run anything
into the ground, Dad!

You pissed my company
down the drain!
OUR company!

And I didn't piss anything, OK? I'm
saving it!
How, with stolen money?

And what happens when the man you
took it from comes looking for it,
Well, he won't.

He can't, because the police
are going to catch him.

They're going to put him in prison
and he's going to be out of
our hair.
That's your plan?

Pray the cops get him?
You're taking the easy route again.

Same way you put us here.
I'm not
praying anything. Dad, listen,

I'll find him myself and I'll hand
him to the authorities, OK?

I'll sort this! Dad!

I will sort this!

I'm just going to the library, OK?

Actually, Mum, that was a lie.

I'm not going to go to the library,
I'm going to go...look to that boy.

Oh, no, Rani.
Mum, please.
Do you have feelings for this boy?

I don't know, maybe.

You don't think I understand
how you feel, but I do.

I don't think you do.
I do, I do.
Just sit, sit down one moment.

I have to go.
Please just
come sit down one minute. Come. Sit.

When your father and I were first
married, I got a job at a company

that imported clothes.

I used to do sketches back then

so that maybe one day
I could be a fashion designer.

So I showed some of my drawings
to the man who ran the company,

and he said he loved them.
He encouraged me.

He said he wanted to make them.

So we worked on them together
in the evenings,

and he started making overtures.

He said that he wanted me
to leave your father for him and...

..I considered it.
You considered it?

Your father was struggling.
He was working all hours.

We barely saw each other.

This other man, he was so handsome
and wealthy and supportive.

What happened?

I turned him down.

Then I left the company because...

..I couldn't stand
to be around him every day.

So, you see, I do understand how you
feel, your attraction to this boy.

But if I hadn't made the right
choice by staying with your father,

by honouring my obligations,
then you wouldn't be here.

Do you think about him? About...

About what your life might've been?

Doesn't matter what might have been.

Only what is right.

Rani, I had a duty
to this family back then.

Just like you have a duty
to this family now.

Thank you for sharing that...
with me.


..that was your choice.
It's not mine.

You are not leaving this house!
Please, this is important!


What is going on here?!
She's going
to be with that boy! No!

Mum, please, this is important!
You promised us there would be no
more of this.
There's no time!

You have exams that you should be
studying for! Go to your room!

Do what your father says!
Go to your room now!


How much longer do we wait?
I have
a 7:00pm curfew.
And I don't want
to be down here after dark.

The people that live round here
working class, not vampires.

I'm just saying, the police
are looking for him, too.
So we need to move quick

and we need to try and blend in.
Yo, homies.

Great. She should blend in

If we wind up at a bullfight.

Hi, darling.

Oh, yay. John came, too.
What are you doing here?

Help you find the kid.
Oh, so all of
a sudden you care about Christian?

He's here, isn't he?
His sort don't suddenly change.

My sort.

Why, though?

Because... Because you were right.

You can't let the police
hunt him down like a rabid dog.


Where are you? Everyone's here.

Under house arrest.
I need your help.

Hey, take a look at this.

Does it seems to you that the driver
of the van and the masked man

with the g*n have any connection?

Seems like the van's
just driving by.

But assume for a moment
that there is a connection.

Is it conceivable that the masked
man is gesturing to the driver?

What do you mean?

"Go, go, go,
get out of here, drive!"

Come with me.

Got it.

OK. Rani has hit a snag.

She's messaged Christian to tell him
to meet us here, if he can.

So, Frank, you stay here
just in case he turns up.

Should have brought something
to read.

Here, read that.

Now, everyone else follow me.

Come on, chop chop.


My name's Myrna.

Would you like to end racism?

How long will it take?
Shouldn't take long.

In 1980, I founded the Bristol
Justice Collective,

and ever since I've been fighting
for equality and respect

for people of colour.
Are you willing to join me

in driving a stake through
the beating heart of racism?

My husband tends to deal
with things like that.

Is your husband at home?

There's a woman here who wants to

drive a stake through
the beating heart of racism.

Whatever you're selling,
we are not interested.

You are not interested in ending
Well, yes, obviously.

Do you have children?
One daughter.
They say money can't buy happiness,

but what if I said a £30 a month
donation could buy your daughter

a happier future?
We don't need to
buy our daughter a happier future.

You see, she's got a full
scholarship to Oxford University.

We'll have a think about it.

When someone says
they'll have a think about it,

it usually means, A,
they're not interested or,

B, they are interested,
but they're not sure.

Which is it?

You want to know something funny?

I think today is my birthday.

Oh, Ez, I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no. What are you
apologising for?

All I ever wanted for my sweet 16th
was tinned sweetcorn and a smell

of stagnant piss.


I got no hold on you now.

Treating you.

Maybe tomorrow.

You know, I'm going to give
this Airbnb a very negative review.

We've stayed in worse.

And I won't rent to nurses,
they'll put five in a room

because they're cleaning up
after other people all day,

they make no effort when they get
home, happy to live

in their own shit, nurses. I mean,
don't get me wrong, they're saints.

God bless the NHS.

But THIS is the place.

Can you feel the potential?

It's a shell.
With potential.

Is this supposed to be a kitchen?
That'll clean up, bit of elbow

don't worry about that.
There's no

Yes, there is.

My bad.

There's no washing machine,
no cooker.

You've got everything you need
across the street.

Launderette, kebab shop, bookies,
vape store, hey, another kebab shop.

See, this is an up and coming area.

How much?

585 per calendar month.

My brother can't afford that if he's
going to keep me

in kebabs and vapes.
585 for this place?

Nah, you've got to be kidding me.

You've got no references,
no savings,

a bad credit score and a very low
Could be worse,

he could be a nurse.

I don't have the money.

..can you get it?

You like these? I got them from a
guy named Barney.

Only problem was - man
had four fingers.

You know what I'm saying? So when he
was handing the box over,

I was like... It was mad, I was
trying to not look at him,

you know what I'm saying?

Can we have a word?
Say what you
got to say here, big bro.

Look, I need some Ps.

He's broke!

I think I offered you a job
and you said no.

You think if you did that to
Lord Sugar he'd still make
you his apprentice?

Yeah, well, circumstances have
Not mine.

Do you have a job for me or not?

Who the f*ck do you think
you're talking to?

You think because we went
to the same school,

you don't have to show me
no f*cking respect.

f*ck you, pussyhole.

Look, I'm sorry.

All right? Spider, look, I'm
sorry for dissing you at the club.


You know me.

You know I can be useful.

I think I want to see you beg.

Come on, bro.
"Come on, bro," what?

You gave up your shit
minute you came over here.

If you want my Ps...

..get on your knees and kiss
my creps.

And I want to see tongue on tongue.

You never hear him?

Hurry up, then.
He's actually going to do it.



An old pipe? You shouldn't have(!)

I've got a plan.
I'll come with you.

Nah, nah, you can't help me with

You wait here. It won't be long.
Wait, wait.

I'm sorry.

I'll be back as soon as I can.
All right?


Hi, this is going to seem
like a strange question, but do

you know this person?

Who's asking?
We're friends
of his from community service.

We thought his name was
Christian Taylor,

but we saw his file and
Christian Taylor's you, isn't it?

Look, OK, I know you don't know us
and we're not here to cause

any trouble, but we just
really need to find...

I'm not sure what to call him.

Ben. OK. Is Ben a friend of yours?

Yeah, he's my best friend.

And he's been doing your hours for

You can trust us, really.

My dad needs care around the clock.
Ben volunteered to do my hours

for me so I could look after him.

Oh, my God, that is so sweet!
Yeah, Ben's a great guy.

Well, you know that.

What do you want with Benny?

He's in trouble, and it's my fault.

We just want to help him.

Do you have any idea where
we could find him?

I wish.
I've been trying to find him myself.

Well, here's my number.

If you hear from him,
would you give me a call?

We just really need to get hold of

Yeah, me too.

OK, thank you.

They say that money can't buy

but did you know that for a £30
a month donation

you could be helping to end racism?

Come on.
I'll just... I'll just
leave this leaflet.

Christian? Ben?

It's me, it's Rani.

OK, start knocking on doors.

Not that one, we've done that one.

So he's not there.

We're going to need to split up
and ask around.


No, sorry.
OK, thank you.

No, sorry.

OK, thank you.
Are you Lady Gabby?

No, no, I can't say he looks
familiar at all, no.

I was wondering if you've seen
this handsome young man?


Sorry, sorry!

Oh, cheers for that. Thank you.

Yeah, I know him, he's a great lad,
he looks after his little sister.

But you don't know where he is?
haven't seen him for a few days now.

OK, thank you.


Thanks, mate.

Well, where's your men's room?
Toilets for customers only.

Fine, double mai tai.

What the f*ck's a mai tai?
Do you have a pineapple?


May I join you?
Get a drink first.

Three mai tais.

I'm looking for...

Oh, yeah, he's a sweet boy,
really polite.

Is he OK?

He's, um... Yeah, I don't know.

He lives local.

And the question is whether
you've seen him or not.

No, I haven't. I'm sorry.

There's a laptop in there!

All right. Fun's over.

You're acting like children.




Greg, how are you, mate?!
I don't know who you are.

I've never met you before.
I'm Jeff.
I work here.

I've not seen you for a while.
Yeah, you've never seen me.

I've never been here or anywhere...
Just be quiet.

I sold you that DVD, Indiana Bones
and the Temple of Poon.

No-one buys DVDs, do they?

Because it's a dead technology,
so you're mistaken.

Hey, wait, do you remember that porn
star name game that we played?

What was Christian's?

How is that relevant?

Your porn name is your first pet
and the street you grew up on.

Maybe someone there knows him.

No, Christian didn't have a pet.

Oh, wait, but his neighbour did.

And it was...

Fluffy...Lambs Bottom.
Fluffy Lambs Bottom.

That way.

# Don't cha wish your girlfriend
was raw like me?

# Don't cha wish your girlfriend
was fun like me?

# Don't cha?

# Don't cha? #

Inside now. Move, move.

Remember me.
I ain't got no money,
I don't want your money,

I want information.

The people who were here before,
who are they?

Just, uh, just friends of mine.
You're chatting shit.

They were serving up in here.
Who are they?

No, man, friends of mine from
London, I've known them for ages,

I swear.
Do you want to lose your
life for these friends of yours?

Who are they?

I didn't get no names.
Who do they work for?

I don't know.
Who the f*ck do they work for?

They only referred to him
as The Dean,

but he don't leave London.

He pays a local crew for protection.
What local crew?

Have you heard of Brook Hill?

Hello, sir.

My name's Diane Pemberley,
I'm from Bristol Community Service.

Do you know this man?

Yes. Aston from JLS.
Ah, no, I see your confusion.

I thought the...same.


We are not interested in ending

Hello again, Mrs Rekowski.

Why didn't you tell me your daughter
was doing community payback?

It is not something we are proud of.
Is Rani here?

I need to speak with her.

Rani? Rani, the police are here.

They want to talk to you. Rani!

Oh, God. Oh, God!


Voicemail. Hello, Rani.

The police are here.

We're not angry with you
but please can you call us?

OK, sweetheart? Please call.

Where is she?

Mr Rekowski, it wasn't you at the
drug house robbery, was it?

It was Rani.

You lied to me.


If you know where Rani is,
you have to tell me.
We don't know.

This is serious.

If your daughter is involved with
this boy, she's in real danger.

Well, if I knew where she was,
I would tell you.

I know how we can find her.

Right at the bottom.



No, no.

Don't recognise him?

Thanks for your help.


Sorry to bother you.

My name is John.

No, no, no.
No, no, don't,
because I'm...I am with the

of Our Lady of Perpetual Help,

and we run a community outreach

programme for kids with difficult

This...this young man came to us
for help and has since gone missing.

We are very concerned for his
whereabouts. Have you seen him?

Yeah, I've seen him sometimes,

coming and going from a house
up the street.

Oh, thank Christ...Jesus Christ.

Thank Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Saviour.

Which number?

Marky? That you?

Who are you?
We're looking for Ben.
You police?

No, we're friends of his,
do you know him?

Got to go, waiting for someone.
We're just going to ask

a few questions.

Thank you.

What do you want?
We need to find, Ben.

It's really important.

So if you know where he is...
Please, I'm rattling.

Or if you've seen him.
coming, I've got to go.


Marky, it's all right, they're
not the police.

Marky, they're not the police.
I swear to you, I swear.

Here you go.

If you have any idea where we can
find him, that would help us.

I can't help you.

Gimme that!
Where is he?
I don't know. Give it me!

Tell me where he is and you can
have this!

I don't know, my son don't talk
to me!

Please give it to me.
Just give it to her.

Where is he?
His flat, probably.

Where would he go
if he couldn't go there?

I don't know!

The burnt warehouse with the
graffiti, Cumberland Basin.

Him and his sister used to run away
when they was kids.

I used to find them there.

For God's sake.

Thank you. Sorry.

You're not going to hurt my boy,
are you?

You're not going to hurt my son?

He looks after me, looks
after his sister.

He's a good boy. Yeah, I used to...

What chance do you have
when your mother is that ill, hey?

No chance.


where are you? Ploughman's arrived.

Yeah, I'm running a bit late,

What is this about, exactly?

It's about the fact that if
you're not here in the next half

hour, I'll contact the
Solicitor's Regulation Authority

and you'll never practise law again.

And then I'll eat your pickled

Soldier, did you find the prick?
This is the prick.

You got bare nerve.

I've got bare nerve? You set me up.

What you chatting about?
I know about The Dean.

You made me steal his line
to keep yourself, knowing

you could blame me for it
when he clocked.

Yeah, fine, you're right.

But why did you have to take
his f*cking money too?

Why did you double cross him?

Listen, I had no choice.

He's running lines all over the West

that should be mine
and taxing me too!

Then there was COVID,
no furlough scheme for me.

And I've got to feed, clothe
and house two brothers,

one sister and a mum who can't work

because she's got to take full time
care of my dad.

I don't earn, they don't eat.

Just return the f*cking money,

But the money's gone.
Get it back then!

I can't get it back.

Then I've got to hand you
to The Dean, bruv.

No, no, no, no.

Look, just let me and Ez leave

All right? Once we go
we're out of your hair.

All right? You won't have to see
us again.
Not going to happen, bruv.

The Dean wants a body and it ain't
going to be mine,

so you can run all you like
but I will find you.

Hey. No, no, no, it's OK.

You OK?

What are you doing here?

We came to help.

I was just coming. Feds?

Why are you here?
Because I'm your friend.

Friends don't snitch on each other.

You had a g*n. I was scared.
I'm...I'm sorry.

I didn't know what to do.

You could have trusted me!
What, like, you trusted me...Ben?

No, you didn't come here to help.
Then, why am I here?

The same reason you're a shoplifter,
to piss off Mum and Dad,

to feel alive, whatever
meaning of life bullshit

you're in the middle of.

Look around, Rani.

Some of us don't have to f*ck
things up on purpose.

Life fucks things up just fine
on its own.

Go home.

You don't have to trust me,
but there are four strangers

in there with nothing to gain
who came here to help you.

So why don't you let them?

I've lost her.
What do you mean you've lost her?

She might have gone into a building
or underground.

What, did she fall down a hole?!

The only real evidence against you
is Rani saying

that she witnessed you hiding
the firearm.

Now, I would never advocate perjury,
but if she proved

to be an unreliable witness, that
would help your case enormously.

And it's not like the g*n was fired.


The g*n was fired.

I shot someone.
Oh, my God.

It was self-defence.

Is the person...?
I don't know.

OK, you have to hand yourself in,
running makes you look guilty.

If you wait for the police to catch
up with you it will weaken your case

and they will catch up with you.

We won't abandon you, I promise.

Look, if you need help with money,
I can always get you a lawyer

like Greg.
Or a competent one.

You'll have the support of my group.

I barely trust you lot,

you think I'm going to trust
police or lawyers?

Look, I appreciate you guys
coming back.

I think I'm going to take
my chances.

Son, I understand what you're

I remember the 1970s.

The police were always roughing up
black people, thinking

they could arrest us any which way
they wanted.

One day, me and my mates found
this young black boy lying

in the road, covered in blood.

He said the police
had beaten him up.

So we carried him to the police
station, told them what happened,

and they told us to f*ck off.

Called us black b*tches, n*gg*r*s,
c*ons, disgusting language.

I was young, white hot with rage,
so I went and bought some petrol.

Stole some empty milk bottles,
ripped up a silk scarf my mum

had given me to use as a wick,

and I went back to that police
station at night when it was empty,

and I lit those petrol bombs
and I sent them in front and back

and burned that place to the ground.

I felt like a hero, like some sort
of warrior fighting for justice.

The next day, in the paper, said
the police station wasn't empty.

PC Colin Denison, 28 years old,
died in that fire.

Why are you telling me this?
Because take it from me,

if you don't face up to the
consequences of your actions,

the guilt won't go away.

34 years' time, it'll still be

growing inside you like a tumour.

Sorry, you all right?

Oh, oh, that's probably going
to be a black eye.

Ah, and I've got a date tomorrow.

You've got a date?!

Yeah, why is that shocking?

You! You are in big trouble.

Who's this?
Don't matter.
It does matter!

I'm your worst nightmare!
Hello, sweetie, you all right?

I'm Diane. Nice to meet you.
How did you meet this date?

My mum fixed us up, and he's
an absolute stud, apparently.

How did you know where to find us?
Doesn't matter.

It was you, wasn't it?

It was f*cking you!

Look, you're in major trouble
,matey, all of you are

for aiding and abetting. And you
have royally screwed yourself,

Shh! Shh!
Don't tell me to shush!
Shut up, man.

Can you believe him?

I am your superior, actually!
Everyone, get to the minibus now.

No, you don't get to give the
orders, I give the orders

if anyone is giving orders...
Go! Run!
OK, all right.

You heard him. Go, everyone! That is
an order from me!

That way.


I've got you!

Drive! Drive!

Go faster!

Thank you.

Her signal's back, but she is moving
very fast.

What is going on?!
I don't know.


Oh, are you OK?

Are you all right?
it's best if you come quietly,

I know you shot someone.

No, he didn't. I did.

Look, she's lying.
No, I'm not.
Take me to the police.

Diane, look, ignore her. OK?
She's just a kid.

Don't let him take the blame
for something I did.

Look, listen to me, I have nothing
to lose. You do.

This is my fault.
You're smart.
Ask Rani.

You've got a bright future.

I won't let you ruin that.

Look, they already think it's me.

I can't do this to you.
It's going
to be OK, I promise you.

Don't cha wish your
girlfriend was hot like me?

Here you are!
What happened to you guys?

I was worried...
All right,
everyone, facedown on the ground!

OK? I said get on the f*cking

All right. All right.
No-one look at me or I'll cut you!


That's my phone. Shall I answer it?

Just it's this bloke from work
and he'll k*ll me if I don't.

Yeah? What do you think I'll do?

I'll let it go to voicemail.

You two, up.

London don't need Ez.

It's going to be OK, all right?

Come on, then.


..I don't know what circumstances
in your life

have led to this moment,

but no-one here has any right
to judge you.

We're all here because we made
a lot of bad decisions.

But I am telling you right
now that the only way this ends... with him staying and you
walking out that door.



Oh, my God.

We need to get our story
straight for the police.

Stay here.


Hey, it's OK.

It's OK.

While carrying out my duties
as a community payback supervisor,

I found a CZ 75
semi-a*t*matic p*stol.

Someone who looked like this
Christian or Ben, whatever his name

is, stuck a g*n in my face.

You told me you'd never
seen Benjamin Eastfield

outside of community service.

Would you like to change
that statement?

What about now?

I saw them together at this boat
party and they were laughing,

dancing, flirting, it was
very intimate.

When pressed, Rani Rekowski
told me she saw the p*stol

being handled by Christian Taylor,

real name, Ben something.

I made that up.

Why would you do that?
To get
back at him.

Get back at him why?

She told me that she told Christian,
Ben, that she has feelings

for him, but he didn't have the same
feelings for her.

I mean, and if I'm honest, I think
he has a bit of a thing for me.

So you lied to Diane about seeing
him with the g*n as revenge?

I was really jealous and upset.

Women are so emotional.
Well, you know that.

Is the man, who was shot, dead?

No, he's awake and doing OK.

Did he identify the sh**t?
Won't tell us anything.

That's because snitches get
stitches. You might want to write
that down.

Was this the man that threatened you
with the g*n?

Listen, all I know is black kids
are nine times more likely

to be stopped by the police
than white kids.

So what does that tell you?

Did you know that John is being sued
for aggravated racial as*ault?

I mean, the man's a monster!

You have no fingerprints on the g*n,
and your only witnesses are a jilted

lover and a confirmed r*cist.

Are you really going to charge
my client?

If the g*n wasn't yours,
then why run?

Why not go to the police?

Do you want to answer
that or should I?

We've been out looking
for the impostor Christian,

whose real name is Ben
but we didn't know his name

was Ben until we found Christian.

Christian said he was friends
with Ben, the person

we thought was Christian.

But Christian was an impostor too,
pretending to be friends

with Christian, meaning
Ben, to use us to find Ben,

who we thought was Christian.

Is that helpful?

Get out.
Thank you.

Diane, as one member of law
enforcement to another,

how do I prove this man
fired this g*n?

Ma'am, as I see it,
you can't prove a thing.

You want to be a police officer.

If you were in my shoes, would you
just let him walk away scot free?

No, ma'am.
I'd want to see him punished.

How would you do that?

100 hours of community payback.

# Don't you know that's the sound
of the men?

# They're working on the chain g*ng

# Oh ah, the sound of the men

# They're working on the chain g*ng

# All day long they're singing

# Mm hoh uh ah

# Mm ah... #

I think we're going to need
a bit more cooperation...

# Don't you know the sound
of the men?

# They're working on the chain g*ng

# Can't you hear them working?

# They're working on the chain g*ng

# All day long they work so hard

# Till the sun is going down... #

Diane, look at this rat I found.

Any vermin under ten kilos
are yours, bag it and bin it.

No, it's a graffiti rat.

Council said paint over
any graffiti so crack on.

It's awfully good.

Less debating, more painting.

# That's the sound of the men

# They're working on the chain g*ng

# Oh, lord, that's the sound
of the men... #

I knew who it was from page one.

Nothing gets past me.

# The sound of the men

# Working on the chain g*ng

# Everyday that's the sound of them

# They're working on the chain g*ng

This is what they're saying!

# I'm going home one of these days

# I'm going home
Yes, I am

# See my woman... #