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01x02 - Buried

Posted: 06/17/22 10:54
by bunniefuu
I can't believe this happened.

I wake up every day wishing
this was just a horrible nightmare.

Now I know that he has…

My mom was always there
for me whenever I was sad.

When I was a kid,
and I lost my turtle in the park.

And when I was 16 and had
my heart broken for the first time.

But today is
the actual worst day of my life,

and I don't have my mom here
to tell me that it's gonna be okay.

I don't know what I'm gonna do
without my mom…

Did you know that Daniela had a son?

- Rest in peace.
- How old is he?

Nineteen? Twenty?

What were you doing at Daniela's house?

I went to talk with her to try
to understand why she was blackmailing us.

What about our money?

I don't know. It wasn't in her house.

Sorry, babe.
That was the office. I had to pick up.

Pedro Cruz. Isabel, my fiancée.

- Nice to meet you.
- A pleasure.

His wife, Ana Vargas.

- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.

I'm really sorry for your loss, Hugo.

Thank you.

Did you find out anything yet?

I'm working on it.

I will find out who k*lled your mother.
I promise you that. Okay?

In the meantime...

do you have any other family members
that you could stay with?

Maybe your dad?

No, my dad walked out on us
a long time ago.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, it's always just been me and my mom.

Must have been very close.

Yeah, she was the best mom in the world.


It's been a tragedy for all of us.

Yeah, a tragedy. Look, here comes Sofía.

Sofía, I'd like to introduce you
to my fiancée, Isabel.

- Nice to meet you.
- A pleasure. And congratulations.

We didn't know.
Marcos hadn't mentioned anything to us.

Well, we haven't...
Since we haven't seen each other

for more than 20 years,
we haven't been able…

Sweetheart, would you mind going ahead
and bringing the car around? Please?

- Thanks.
- See you all later.



Maybe now isn't the best time,
but did you notice the sergeant?

No, now is not the time, Pedro.
We just buried our friend.

Hey, her death hurts us too, eh?

But after what she did, I don't know
how close of a friend she was.

Well, maybe we can talk to the son.
Maybe he knows something.

At his mom's burial
and in front of the sergeant. Good idea.

I need to get out of here.

The police have Daniela's videos.

What videos?

The videos she was making in college.

She had them at her house,
and now the police have them. All of them.

But we got rid of the one from that night.

How do we know?
She told us she did. But we never saw it.

She also blackmailed us. She lied to us.

- There could be a copy.
- The police have...

The police could have evidence
of what we did 20 years ago?

That's right.

I'll drop you off and go,
because I have a meeting, babe.

No problem. Don't worry.

- So, you're a lawyer.
- Yes.

My worst nightmare.

I work at Figueroa.

I spend my time
fighting with lawyers every day.

So you already know how it works.

Honestly, I like it.

Here, the one who loves complaining
about lawyers is Marcos.

No, not always. There are exceptions.


Either way, we need to find out
where your phobia and all that comes from.

See? You're not the only ones
he doesn't tell things to.

So I see.

That's why I love meeting his friends.

I'm sure there's a ton of information
I can use against him.

- Come on.
- There's some, yeah.

At least something positive
came out of all this.

You're back in touch, right?


It's a shame. We used to be very close.


So, what happened?

Twenty years went by.
That's what happened, nothing more.

Now it's like we're two strangers, right?

What a strange feeling.

I know, right?

Tell me.

Tell me what this man was like in college.
I'm dying of curiosity.

I can assure you that
he was less serious than he is now.

He had... Well, he still has those eyes
that drove all the girls crazy.

- No.
- Yeah.

- So, he was a player in college.
- No.

- That's kind of hot.
- No, I wasn't a player.

I was an idealist…

A dreamer.

I don't know.
I wanted to change the world,

and I didn't have a f*cking clue
about how life worked. Real life.

Like everyone at that age, right?

How are you holding up?

Not well.

I'm so sorry, Hugo.

What do you think she's told him now?

We didn't know anything about her,
and she was our friend.

Didn't even know that she had a son.

No, and clearly,
her financial situation wasn't the best.


- Nothing.
- Of course he doesn't know anything.

I wouldn't like my kids to know
that I'm a f*cking blackmailer either.

The kid has no idea. About anything.

Nothing about the blackmail or the money.

What money?

- I knew you wouldn't have agreed to it.
- What money?

- Now is not the time.
- You paid the blackmail?

- That's not important.
- Where...

That's it, please. The important
thing is to get the money back

- because it's not here right now.
- The person who k*lled her has it, right?

Don't you guys think
that's the perfect motive?

To get back a million dollars
and earn another four while you're at it?

It would never occur to me that
one of us would do something like that.

We all wanted the same thing, right?

So now, the question is,
where did Daniela get the money?

Of course. That's how you knew
it was her. Because of the money.

Which of you paid the blackmail?

So you're saying the "hanging out to party

and catching a cab home" story
doesn't check out?

Yep. I mean,
there's no taxi company in Miami-Dade

that has any record of a ride
from Key Largo. So, yeah.

- You called them all?
- Yeah.

I may have underestimated you.

So, what we know is that Alejandro
was driving under the influence,

and had a heart att*ck
right before the accident.

If they were all in the car with him,
why would they leave the scene?

Why all the lies?

Hey, Sandoval.

- How tall are you?
- 6'1".

Could you do me a favor? Could you
get into the driver's seat, please?

Alejandro's 6'3". And if he was driving,

why didn't he push the seat
all the way back?

- Can you even drive like that?
- No way.

If Alejandro wasn't driving…

- Okay, okay.
- What are you doing?

Wait. Lay him on his back.

- Raise him.
- Okay. Here we go.

Raise him.

Where the hell is his cell phone?

Not in the car. We searched it again.

It has to be there.

I mean, his mother said that she
was calling Alejandro all night long, so…

If it's not in there,
that means somebody's hiding something.

Search it again.

Tear it apart if you have to.

Ana. Ana, please.
Can you just listen to me, please?

Ana, I didn't know what else to do, okay?

I didn't know how to
get us out of this mess.

And, according to you,
we're out of this mess now.

Or we're in a worse one.

Just tell me.
Where did you get the money from?

We don't have that much in savings.

Pedro, where did you get the money from?

I took it from the campaign. Okay?

No f*cking way.

No f*cking way.

You go on and on about fighting
corruption, and look at you now.

I didn't know what else to do.

And how do you plan to return it?

They're going to destroy us.

They're going to destroy us.

If this gets out,
not only is your career over,

they're going to throw you in jail,

No, because nobody has to find out, okay?
They don't have to know.

No? And what is your master plan?

Okay. When I win the election...

You're going to steal again?
And if you don't win?

- I'm going to get that money back.
- How?

How? All we have is this house.

Okay, enough! Enough!

What happened, sweetie?

What happened to you?

What happened to you?

You tell me right now who did this to you.


Stop eating that junk, Luis.

You're going to get fat,
and you'll get pimples. Okay?

I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry.

I know that you're going through
a difficult stage.

Okay, Luis?

I totally understand. I was 11 once too.

- But...
- I'm 12, Dad.

Okay, but the point is,
this isn't going to get better, eh?

Because later, you're going to start
high school, and after that, it's college.

And once you're there, people are much
crueler than they are right now. Okay?

And they'll be happy to make fun
of your glasses and of your acne.

And if you get fat,
they'll make fun of your weight too.

That's why I don't want you
to give them anything to work with.

Okay? Just...

Let's go.

I am so sorry I was late. Please, come in.

I was just… talking with Zoe's parents
about the incident.

Wait. Wait.

Zoe? A girl?

- That little bitch.
- Mrs. Cruz.

I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl,

as long as they stay the hell away
from my son.

Zoe's parents have promised to talk to her

to make sure she doesn't say
any more unkind things about Luis…

or about you.

About me?


- Hey, Luis.
- Enough. Just drop it.

There's nothing wrong
with wanting to know. Okay? Luis.

Luis, what did she say?

She said that you are
a shitty f*cking immigrant.

A loser who doesn't deserve
anything that you have.

And that Brady is going to kick your ass
in the election.


Hey, kid. Don't put this crap
on people's cars without asking.

That's very nice. That's very nice, huh?

Let's go!

- Yeah! Yeah!
- Let's go! Let's go!

Baldwin! Baldwin!

Baldw... One of the tapes is missing.

It goes from 34 to 36. Where's 35?

Every tape we recovered in that house
is right there.

No, it's not. Not 35. Look.
It's right here in the crime scene photo.

Maybe it got left in the evidence room.
Let me check.

All right. Thank you.

Retiring means you don't have to
come into the office anymore, FYI.

Can it. I needed a break.
I can't stand my grandkids.

They can't stand you either.

So, you just happened to be cruising
around the neighborhood?

You skipped chemo today?

Hey. Come on.
When you gonna go on medical leave?

I got too much work to do.

Guess what?

Remember our first case together?

The car accident.
The one we couldn't solve?

There's another body.
All the same suspects.

But this time, Sully,
I'm gonna go all the way.

Even if it's the last g*dd*mn thing
I do on this planet.

Well, it might be the last thing you do
if you don't take some time off.

I'm not an invalid. I have a job to do.

At what cost?

It's not like any of it's
gonna bring your brother back.

Sergeant, I have an update.

Let me introduce you to my new partner.
Belinda, this is Sullivan,

my very old and very annoying partner.

Hope you know what you're in for,

- This woman is relentless.
- Excuse me.

So... Excuse me. Thank you, Bailey.

Did we get the lab results back yet?

We should get it this afternoon.
But I have an update on Marcos that...

- I need IT to hurry with that cell phone.
- He's working on it. I have something...

Listen, no, you gotta call this guy.
You gotta nag him, okay?

He's a prick, all right?
Call him every half hour if you have to.

This is top priority.

Marcos Herrero was still in the house
when we discovered those tapes, right?

Let me look up that.

I'm trying to tell you something
about him. If you'll let me.

Some things don't change.

You asked me to check up
on Marcos Herrero's alibi.

Well, surprise, surprise.

I'm going to ask you a question.

Think long and hard about the answer.

It's going to determine where you're
going to sleep for the next 30 years.

Is there something I should know?

Besides what we talked about, no.

Although, you know what?
Now that I think about it…

Hello, sir.

I'll ask you the same thing.
When you followed Daniela,

did something happen
that I should know about?

What are you insinuating?

I'm not insinuating anything.
I'm asking you a question.

Because as far as we know,

you were the last person
to see Daniela alive.


The fact that I'm willing to get you
out of the messes you get yourself into

because your daddy asks me to
is one thing.

But I wouldn't commit a crime
for you or for anyone.

So shut up, and let me do my job.

You lied to us, Mr. Herrero.

You said that on Friday night,
the night of Daniela Marini's m*rder,

you were still working at the clinic,
and we know that's not true.

Our records show that you left at...
What is it?

- That's it.
- 5:00 p.m.

So, you want to try telling us the truth
this time?

My client's not gonna answer
any questions.

All right.

Well, if you cooperate,
I could find it in my heart

to ignore the oxycodone I found
in Daniela's house.

I assume you wrote yourself
that prescription.

All righty then.

- Wait.
- Yes?


Please, let me talk.

I'm getting married in two months.

Mazel tov.

If you want my advice, don't do it.
They say marriage kills the spark.

And I'm only telling you
so you know why I had to lie.

I wasn't at the clinic.
Yeah, you're right.

I was in my car.


And I was with my ex, with Sofía.

And then I took her back to her hotel,
and that's it.

- Think Sofía will confirm that?
- Yeah.

Why were you at Daniela's house?

It wasn't me.


By the way,

did you happen to take a videotape
out of Daniela's house

while we were searching it?

- A videotape?
- Yep.

There's one missing. Any thoughts?


The house was full of police.
I couldn't have done that.

Even if I wanted to.

Even if you wanted to.

Wait here while we check your alibi.

You're an idiot.

Do we let him go?

Not yet. I want to see if he's lying.

There's no record
of a Sofía Mendieta staying here.

Are you sure?

Yes, ma'am. There's no one
under that name on that date.

Could you look a few days back?


No, I don't see anything.

All right. Thank you.

Excuse me. Miss, one second.

Could I take a look at your security cam
footage for the past three days, please?

I have to ask my manager that.

Yes, please do it. I'll wait.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

They're going to accuse us
of being opportunists.

- Of politicizing the pandemic.
- Politicizing? I'll just say it.

The way this administration
has managed it has been terrible.

They've shown themselves
to be beyond incompetent.


Now, the numbers of deaths are real.

- Yes.
- Right? The financial crisis too.

So, did they redesign the health system?


No. Did they help small businesses?

Even less.

There you have it. And the immigrants.
Alone, unprotected, as always.

Those are the three key pillars
of our campaign, yes or no?

- Yes.
- No.

You'll have to decide on the risk
because it's a controversial issue.

And right now,
the polls are very favorable.

Women from 30 to 60 love you.

Better not let Ana find out about that.

Better not let Ana find out about what?

Your husband, that he's a "sex symbol."

I don't think that's a problem. Or is it?

No, of course, that's not a problem.

So, what is the problem?

Talking about COVID could cause us
to lose some of the votes.

I just think
that it could seem opportunistic.

Pedro lost his mom in the pandemic.
I don't think that is being opportunistic.

He's one of thousands of people affected.
Shall we?

It was her idea.

For a change.

Come on out.

What exactly did they say to you?

All three banks are asking
for the same thing.

At least a month and a half to refinance
the mortgage.

We have to find another way.


- Your mom...
- No.

- Your mom could…
- No. No, no, no.

No f*cking way. No.

- It's just a suggestion.
- I said no.

Are you f*cking kidding me? You live here?


Are you sure that
they won't mind me coming over?

Why would they mind?

Let's go.


He would have liked
to see you become mayor.

Well, don't get ahead of yourself.
He still has to win the election.

Dad, Grandma Marisa says
that we can drink all the soda we want.

Grandma Marisa spoils you too much. No.

Never mind. In my house,
they can do whatever they want. Right?

- You carry this very carefully.
- No.

No running! Child, my God.

Lunch will be ready soon.

I'll help you,
and we'll leave them to fix the world.

So, tell me.

How's that campaign going?

I've been reading the latest polls,

and Brady is b*ating you
with the youth vote.

Well, Brady spends all day
on television and in the press.

How can I compete with that kind
of publicity? I can't.

Why not, kid?
You're a thousand times better prepared.

But that has nothing to do with it,
you know that.

Most of the voters haven't even read
the proposals in my platform.

We still don't have the resources
that Brady has,

and so, we can't... That means votes.

There's no way to get them.

Come. Come with me.

No, no, Rodrigo, I...
No, I didn't mean to say that.

You're talking about resources.

Come on, you've already
given me more than enough.


Don't be silly, kid.

If I can help in some way for you
to crush that idiot at the ballot box,

I'm going to do it.

Thank you.


Yeah, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Hold on, hold on. Hold on.

Come on, I'm only two minutes late, Dad.
It's not a big deal.

But, son…

Hey, Pedrito. Are you coming?

I can't.

What? Why not?

- I have to help my mom.
- But, right now?

- Yeah, with the car.
- No f*cking way.

- We have to be faster today, eh?
- Yeah.

Let's go. On your mark.


Let's go!

I told you.

Can I go now?

Hang on.

Let me just fast-forward this part

because we all know
what happens in Act One.

Detective, you've kept us here
long enough. What are you looking for?


Yeah. So, you went home to your fiancée.
She corroborated that.

But your friend Sofía, on the other hand…

No one seems to know
where she was from 1:45 a.m. on.

Well, I don't know.
What time did she get back?

She didn't.

She was never staying at the hotel.

Any idea where she might be?


Silvia told me about the oxycodone.

When did you start using again?

I'm not using anything, Dad.
Believe me. Trust me, man.

How? Can you tell me
how I'm supposed to trust you?

You took my money to pay blackmail.
You get yourself detained by the police.

- I don't need the police sniffing around.
- I know, I know.

You continue to be a f*ck-up, Marcos!

How am I a f*ck-up, Dad? I've spent 20
years doing everything you've asked me to!

Yes! And in five minutes,
it all went to hell.

You know what I hope?

That Isabel never finds out
what kind of person you are.

I also hope
that she never in her f*cking life

finds out what kind of person you are.

What the hell were you thinking?

- Can you explain this?
- Think. Okay?

Okay. Okay.

- We didn't know what to do.
- Who…

Okay, starting this minute, nobody
does anything unless I tell them to.


Only what I tell you to.

And you, Marcos,
you're not getting off scot-free, got it?

Are we clear?


Come with me, please.

Let's take a look at that cut.

What's wrong?

It was me.

I gave them the dr*gs.

- I was calling you, babe. Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

Today was complicated,
but I wanted to come here and see you.

- What about you? Everything okay?
- Good.

Did you find out anything more
from the police? Any suspects?

No, no. Not yet.

What is Sofía doing here?

It seems they rejected her credit card
at her hotel, and they asked her to leave.

- Really?
- How rude.

Thank you.

Your fiancée is a saint.

I told her that she can stay here
as long as she needs to.

I told her that two days is enough.
I don't want to be a bother.

Don't worry. It's no bother at all.

I'm going to prepare the guest room, okay?

It's not a five-star,
but the view is amazing.

Thank you so much. I mean it.

Relax. Make yourself at home.

Thanks, honey.

What the f*ck are you trying to pull, huh?
Where the hell were you hiding?

I've been calling you for an hour.

You know the police
are looking for you, don't you?

It's none of your business.

We've been in this f*cking problem
for 20 years. Us, together.

And you're telling me that it's none
of my business? Go to hell.

You know what?
I think that you have our money.

- What?
- Yes, you have the money. You took it.

You honestly think
that I have the blackmail money?

- You really think that?
- I don't know.

The money disappeared and so did you.

And it turns out
that I took you to a hotel

where you're not staying,
because I saw you on video.

- I thought you knew me better than that.
- I have no f*cking idea who you are.

Who are you?
Why do you lie to me all the time?

- You said...
- Everything all right, babe?

Yes, yes. Everything's all right, honey.
Just making her feel welcome.

Why don't you tell me the truth?

- Tell me the truth.
- You want to know?

- Yes, I want to know.
- Fine, okay, fine.

I'm not a successful lawyer.

To pay the blackmail, I had to
borrow money from the wrong person.

And besides, this morning
they threw me out of the motel

because I don't have enough on my card.

And I have nowhere to go. Happy?

If that's true, which I don't believe,

why the hell didn't you tell me before?

Because my life didn't turn out
how I expected, Marcos.

And I saw you and remembered
who I was when I was with you.

And I can assure you that I liked
that person a lot more than who I am now.

That's why.

It's been proven.

Above a certain threshold, people are
not happier because they have more money.

You still have to pass the threshold.

Or learn to live with less, right?

Yeah, I'm thinking of going to Colombia
to do humanitarian work

when I finish medical school.

- You're making fun of me, right?
- No, no, no. I'm serious.

I thought that since
your dad has a plastic surgery clinic…

Dad may forget where he came from,
but not me.

Money is important.
Especially when you don't have any.

You know what? I like arguing with you.

No, Marcos. Oh, God, that's terrible.

Tell me you don't do this
with all the girls.

What do you mean?

That face with the sad little puppy-dog
eyes. That's how you hook up?

That's crazy.

- Hey, guys, guys, guys, guys.
- What?


No, no, no, no. Seriously?

You think I'm hitting on you right now?

- You're hitting on me.
- Yeah.

- And you're doing the same thing.
- What?

You make fun of people so that they
don't realize that you're getting nervous.

- Am I right?
- I'm not getting nervous.

- f*ck.
- There it is!

Finally! You took years!

You've been flirting for months, kids.

You had to use your tongues
a different way.

Yeah, it's about time!
You had us waiting with bated breath.

You can't handle a poor guy
getting what he deserves.

You did your homework well, it seems.

Now you need to finish it
at the motel, right?

- Hey!
- There it is!

That's it!

That's it, that's it! Get a room!

Okay, Luis, look.

I know that I get impatient a lot
with you, okay?

Could you please put that down
while we're talking?

One second.

That's your dad. Twelve years old.

What a weirdo.

Yeah, well, I wasn't the most
popular guy in school, but…

Well, and my classmates,

their imagination was brutal.

They used it on me all the time.

Calling me all sorts of names.

And that, Luis, made...

Made me feel really bad. Okay?

And that made me eat.

But that didn't take away my anxiety.

It made me eat more. And then,
the more I ate, the worse I felt.

And so on and so forth.
And I had a very bad time.

And I don't want that to happen to you.

That's why I act the way I do sometimes.

Also, because I think it's my fault.

No. It's not your fault, Dad.

You know that you can talk to me, eh?

You know, about anything, anytime.

You know that, right?



Is everything okay with Mom?

Everything's great. Okay?

Look, you don't worry
about those things, Luis.


Dad is always going to be here
to protect you.

Got it?

- Got it.
- All right.

- Hey.
- Pedro.

Do you have a moment? Can you talk?

Yeah, yeah. Of course. What happened?

We have a problem.
Can you come to the office?


Two million. They've disappeared.

It couldn't be
some sort of accounting error?

Check the account.

Did you tell anybody?

Only you.


Let's leave it as is.


Not right now.
Ernesto, I have to meet Ana.

Don't worry, okay?

We'll figure out what happened.

I miss you.

I know.

It's been complicated.


Ernesto knows about the money.


Sorry. I only wanted to protect you.
I didn't want…

What happened?

It was me.

I k*lled him, Pedro.

I put the drug in Alejandro's drink.

Look at me.

Forgive me.

Look at me.

We're going to get through this together.

We've already made it this far.


Everything is going to be all right. Okay?

Everything is going to be all right.

Something's not adding up.

Someone told us Alejandro barely drank.
He didn't do dr*gs.

And he was just completely focused
on his swimming.

No. No, no, it's not true.

Alejandro didn't like
being on the swim team.

He actually hated the competition.

And his parents put too much
pressure on him to be the best.

I mean, he couldn't take it.

And he just got high sometimes.

I told him he should stop.

That maybe one day he'll go too far and…

It turned into a serious drug problem.

I mean, if you don't believe me,
you should check out his record.

He was arrested three months ago
for possession.

Pedro was right.
Alejandro was arrested for ketamine.

What do you know.

Well, it all lines up
with the medical examiner's report.

Alejandro was high, which caused
a heart att*ck and caused the accident.

Or not.


You look… elegant.

Shut up.

It's just date night with my boyfriend.

He's taking me out to lobster,
even though I'm a vegetarian.

Good. You guys are here.

Alejandro Vilas's cell phone.

What? They found it?

We found the signal.
Someone must have turned it on.

It's in Westlake.

Awesome. Come on.

Hurry up.

- What about your dinner?
- f*ck dinner.