05x02 - The Trial

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x02 - The Trial

Post by bunniefuu »

Steven: I know my mom did something really bad.

Whatever Homeworld has in store for me...

I'm ready!

I said, I'm ready!

It's me ... Rose Quartz!

Hello? Anybody?

Lars, are you there?

Is this the punishment?

Come on!

I know it's going to be worse than this!

So whatever you're gonna do...

[Sighs] would you just do it already?

This is ridiculous!

4,000 years of loyal service to the court, and this is what I get?

Oh, I'm the unluckiest Zircon in the galaxy!

[Gasps] Wait, are you...

Rose Quartz? Yeah.

Really? It's a long story.

Then I don't have time for it. Ugh!

We only have this brief moment to prepare your case.

Case? Ugh! Who am I kidding?!

This is pointless!

We've all heard the rumors about the demise of Pink Diamond, but I can't believe these files!

Shattered by one of her own soldiers ... ha!

In front of her entire entourage!

And look at you now!

That ridiculous disguise is only going to make you look more guilty! That's fine, because I am!

Well, don't say that ... especially not when you're out there!

Out where?! What's going to happen!?

What did you think was going to happen, Rose Quartz?!

As soon as that door opens, you're going on trial!


Defending a rebel? Isn't that ... treason?


I was assigned to this!

All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!

And the lustrous Blue Diamond.

Where is the accused?

Is that Rose Quartz?

Look at this hideous form she's taken.

Forget the trial.

We should shatter her just for looking like that.

No! I want to hear her make her case.

I want to know what she thinks we're going to do with her, because I want to do something

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Fine! Let's just get on with it, shall we?

My Diamond.

My brilliant, opulent, radiant, glimmering ...

"My Diamond" will suffice, or we'll never get through this.

Of course, My Diamond. [Clears throat]

Rose Quartz committed a crime so unprecedented that one can't help but wonder ... why?

Exhibit "A."

Lars! Steven! What's going on here?!

Where are we?!

[Muffled] Who are those huge, giant ladies?!

As we can see from this specimen...

[Muffled speaking] ...humans are loud, absolutely hideous creatures that serve no purpose


What sort of Gem would turn on her own kind for this?

I'll tell you what kind ... that kind.

Just let him go! He's got nothing to do with this!

There it is ... the passion, the fury ... that caused the diabolical Rose Quartz to... shatter her own


But I know what you're thinking...

"This thing doesn't look like a Rose Quartz."

And for that, I would like to call an eyewitness!


Oh, Eyeball!

Do not address me ar criminal!

Do not address me, w*r criminal!

I'm just glad you're okay.

I heard it straight from her. She said...

[Mockingly] "I'm the mighty Rose Quartz.

I've got her shield and everything."

And then she threw me into space!

I tried to help you! I healed your Gem!

And who else has the ability to heal Gems other than the villainous...

Rose Quartz?!

And there you have it!

Rose Quartz did it, and that's Rose Quartz.

I rest my case.

Oh, she's good.

Well, I'm convinced! Time to execute!

Not yet. The defense still has to speak.

Right! Well, uh...

Before I start, my very, uh, thought-out defense, I'd like to remind the court that Rose Quartz did

turn herself in.

The Court remembers, and the Court does not care.

Uh, of course. Uh, in ... innocent!

Uh, the word "innocent" can mean, oh, many different things. I did it!

Wha... What, what! Stop!

No! I want to hear what she has to say.

Get us out of here, Steven!


State your name for the record, please!

I, um...

I am Rose Quartz... and I'm guilty.

Wait! No, don't say that! [Snickers]

Everything you guys said I did, I did.

And I did it by myself. I'm sorry.

I'll accept any punishment you want to give me.

Just let him go!

And leave the Earth alone.

Ha! Sounds like a solid confession to me!

How? How did you do it?


How did you shatter Pink Diamond?

Um, well...

I did it on Earth in front of Pink Diamond's palanquin.

I was probably like "Stop!" And she was all like, "No!"

So we fought ... I think.

And she probably did some cool moves.

I probably did some cool stuff, too, some jump kicks and stuff. But I was most likely deeply

conflicted about deciding to shatter her.

Definitely crying.

I probably had to use the Breaking Point to do it.

It was a sword!

You ... shattered her... with a sword!


That's quite enough testimony from you!

We shall take a short recess.

Zircon: What are you saying in there?!

"Maybe" this, "probably" that!

Oh, what do you mean probably?!

Look, I just...

I don't actually know how it happened, okay?

You don't know?!

I... Don't tumble my rocks!

Both our Gems are on the line!

Did you do this or not?! It was me, all right!

Rose Quartz did it, and I've got her Gem, so I'm the one who's gotta pay for this!

You don't know how it happened.

I get it. There's a reason they want you to explain how you did it.


It's because it doesn't make sense!

Rose Quartz is flawed, I grant you.

A shallow strata Gem who turned on her own kind out of a misguided attachment to a planet

and creatures like these.

What?! Huh?!

It's indisputable that as the diamond overseeing Earth, Pink was Rose Quartz's enemy.

Rose had everything to gain by shattering her.

But even though she may have wanted to shatter Pink Diamond, could she?

Blue Diamond, for the purpose of this argument, may I present your palanquin?

Is this necessary?

Isn't it? Please, proceed.

Now, as the records show, Pink Diamond was shattered just outside a palanquin much like this.

Witnesses said, Pink had stepped out and had taken only a few steps forward, when Rose

att*cked her from the front.


The question no one seems to be asking is "how?"

I've been asking that question.

A-a-a-and right you are to ask, My Diamond!

B-because, at the time that Pink was shattered, Rose Quartz had been a recognized threat for

several hundred years.

There were no Rose Quartz soldiers in her entourage, and none in her guard.

So how did a Rose Quartz, with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond, get so close in

the first place?

Where were Pink Diamond's attendants?

Her Agates, her Sapphires?

And where was her Pearl?

They were with her, of course.

They saw the whole thing!

But none of them saw Rose Quartz approach?

Wouldn't her Sapphires have seen Rose Quartz coming?

Wouldn't her Agates have tried to fight her off?

That is strange!

She must have slipped past them!

Even if she did, wouldn't her Pearl have cried out in alarm, "Watch out, my Diamond!"

No, whoever did this was already close to Pink Diamond, someone her guards would allow to

get near her, someone she would listen to when asked to stop her palanquin and step outside,

and someone with the authority to cover it up afterwards!

Someone with supreme authority!

Someone ... like one of you!


Uh, disregard that last statement!

I might have gotten carried away.


Case closed, right, My Diamond?


Yellow, stop it! Why are you doing this?!

This is our chance! We gotta go!

Where?! Yellow Diamond: We don't need to listen to this nonsense! There!

Let's shatter Rose Quartz and be done with it!

Can't you restrain yourself?!

But this is pointless! No, it's not!

Hurry up and drive this thing!

Those giant crazy chicks aren't gonna be distracted forever!

Where is this?


Yellow Diamond: You think you can get away, Rose?

You stood your ground on that little speck called Earth ... but you're on our world now.
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