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05x07 - Hide & Seek

Posted: 06/17/22 07:00
by bunniefuu
Raven calling Robin. Over.

Robin's communicator, may I help you?

Beast Boy, put Robin on.

He's fighting crime at the moment. Perhaps I can be of assistance.

I'm at the train station and no one's here. Are you sure I'm in the right place?

Yep, that's the pick-up spot.

What if they don't show? Am I supposed to hang around... the middle of nowhere forever?

Stay put. Robin's trusting you to meet that team...

... and take them to the place where the Brotherhood of Evil can't get to them.


Are you Raven?

You've gotta be kidding.

- Robin. Robin's communicator, may l...?

Put Robin on. Now!

[w*apon FIRING]

Uh, he's kind of in the middle of something.

W ll ll hi I d ' d b b i i

Well, tell him I don't do babysitting.

Raven told me to tell you she doesn't babysit.

Robin says you have to.

Can't someone else do it? Starfire likes people. Or Cyborg?

Everyone else is on other missions. You're going to have to... Oh!

Are you gonna help us, lady?

Ah. Which one are you? Melvin.

Melvin, huh? You're the leader of this team?

I guess. They're always following me around.

All right, Melvin.

I'll take you and your team to the drop off, but that's it.


What's wrong with that one?

I don't know. What's wrong, Timmy?

Nobody holding my hand.


Melvin, hold Timmy's hand.

I can't. I've gotta hold Bobby's hand.

Bobby is afraid of trains.

Right, Bobby is afraid of trains.

Timmy, you'll just have to hold his hand.

Just a two-hour train ride and it'll all be over.

You've all got powers? What can you do?

Bobby can dance. Wanna see?

Uh, no.

U , o.




TIMMY: Gimme. Quiet!

We're going to play a game. It's called Don't Bother Raven.

Rule number one, no talking.

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.


Good idea, Robin. Put Raven in charge of the kids.

Melvin? Timmy?


Get out from under there.


Whose kid is that? What a brat.

My child never threw a tantrum.

RAVEN: Melvin.

What are you doing in here?

Bobby couldn't fit in our car.

Just squish your imaginary friend down and let's go back to our seats.

Bobby is real.

Yeah, the blue girl is scary.

Come on. You can leave Bobby here, he'll be fine.

Timmy's gotta go.

What do you mean he's gotta...? Oh.

at do you ea e s gotta...? O .

You okay in there?


If you're done, can we get back to our seats now?


TIMMY: Monkey man. Timmy, what's a monkey man?


Give me the children.


Quick, hide.

We don't have time for games. Unh!

PASSENGERS: Aah! Come out, come out wherever you are.





Bobby, come on.

We can't stop now.

Unh. I'm not going without Bobby.

Bobby, help!



He did it. Bobby just saved us.


We're stranded in the middle of nowhere and we've got a big gorilla chasing after us.

e e st a ded t e dd e o o e e a d e e got a b g go a c as g a te us.

How are we saved?



Choo-choo gone.

Yes, choo-choo is gone.

I'll just have to carry you over the mountain myself.

We can't fly. Teether's tummy gets dizzy.

We don't have that far to go. I'm sure he'll be fine.



Told you so.

Fine, we'll walk.

Up? Up?


Carry me! Carry me!

Fine, I'll walk.


It's past Timmy's bedtime. And we missed dinner.

We'll stop here for the night.

Hmm, what's for dinner? Peas. Carrots. Beans. More beans.

No. No. No.

No, no, no.

I don't know what he wants.


[C O G O S ]



My blankie. You see my blankie. Whoo.

Yes, I see your blankie. It's, uh, pretty.

Unh, my blankie. See.


Uh, there, there.

Raven, you forgot to feed Bobby.

Bobby doesn't need food. He's not real.

Yes, he is.

Ah. Fine, Bobby can have my dinner.

Bobby's not in here.

He has to stay outside because he's too big.

Of course. Bobby's outside.


Eat up, Bobby.

I need backup.

- Raven calling anyone. Raven.

Anyone other than Beast Boy.

- Did you finish your mission? We had a little detour.

I'll drop them off tomorrow. If I survive the night.

Kids are easy. All you gotta do is make silly faces.

Oh, and kids love jokes. This one never fails.

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

y did t e coo ie go to t e docto ?

- You're supposed to ask why. Why?

He went because he was feeling a little crummy.


Get it? Crum...


I guess I'm on my own.



So you wanna know why the cookie went to the doctor?

It felt crummy.

Wow. Beast Boy's jokes are too immature even for babies.

You don't babysit much, do you?

You can tell? Teether's got gas.

And what's wrong with Timmy Tantrum over there?

His blankie's ripped.




Now what?

Well, you could tell us a bedtime story. Kids like stories.

I don't really know any stories.

Want story, story, story, story, story, story, story!

Okay, okay. Let's see.

Last year on my birthday, my friends got me a cake and some balloons.

ast yea o y b t day, y e ds got e a ca e a d so e ba oo s.

But I couldn't enjoy it because my dad, Trigon, this scary red demon with horns...

...took over the world and there was fire...

...and then this ugly guy, Slade, who had a skeleton for a face, came after me, and...


My friends saved me and we all had cake. The end.

We can take this over to the other side.

Bobby says it doesn't look safe.

Of course it's safe. Get on.

Melvin. It wasn't me. It was Bobby.

Monkey man!

He's going to get us!

No, he is not.


Stay in here.

TEETHER: Yow! Whee! Hee-hee! Oh!





Oh. Oh.



I told you to stay inside.

Monkey man!

o ey a !


Is everyone okay?


Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again.

No again.

Are we there yet?

RAVEN: There's the drop-off point.

Finally. Come on.

Bobby says he doesn't think it's safe here.

It's fine.

But Bobby says... For the last time, Bobby isn't real.

Yes, he is.

And you just scared him away. Bobby!

Wait, Bobby, wait. Come back. Ah...

There is no Bobby. It's you, Melvin.

Your powers. You move things with your mind.

You're a big girl now. You've got to take charge of your powers.

Stop blaming things on your imaginary friend.

Bobby is real.

You just can't see him because you're a mean lady.


Let me go.

Nothing will make me happier. Ow!


Welcome. I have been awaiting your arrival.

They're all yours.

I shall take good care of them. You need not worry.

Great. Guess that's it. MELVIN: Unh.



Teether's trying to take Timmy's blanket.


Timmy just took it back.


Too quiet.

Timmy? Teether? Melvin?


Say goodbye to your friends.

Nobody messes with my kids.

Don't hurt Raven!

Bad monkey! Stop it!




Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

No! No, no, no!

Stop that crying!


Bobby, you came back. Thank you.

Hey, you big ape.

Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Bobby, get him.




Bobby's real? Told you so.


This is the last time I work with children.

Thanks, Timmy. Thanks to all of you.

Thank Bobby. He's the one who saved us.

RAVEN: Thanks, Bobby.

Sorry I thought he was just your imaginary friend.

Just because I imagined him doesn't mean he isn't real.

Why couldn't I see Bobby before?

Bobby was afraid of you at first, so he was hiding.

But now he thinks you're okay. Don't you, Bobby?


- Raven, is everyone safe? Yeah, we're all fine.

Good, because Robin needs you right away for another mission.

I can't. I've gotta watch the kids.

Raven, it's okay. You can go. Your friends need you.

But what if the Brotherhood of Evil comes back?

I can't just leave you kids all alone.

We're not alone. Bobby's here. And we've got each other.

And you've got me. Whenever you need me.

RAVEN: Okay, that's enough.