05x20 - What's Your Problem?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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05x20 - What's Your Problem?

Post by bunniefuu »

Ruby, I'm so sorry!

Where... Huh?

Oh, no.

Sapphire, you were right.
I need some time to think.

So I am running away.

This can't be happening!

Oh, Ruby! I'm so sorry!

You left before
I could take back

all the horrible
things I said to you!

Well, Amethyst was with her.

Maybe she knows
where she went.

Amethyst, have you seen Ruby?

Yeah. I've seen her.

She asked me for pen
and paper awhile ago.

- Why?
- Because she ran away!

Did you see where she went?

I don't know.
Maybe she'll come back!

It's not my job to babysit her.

Hey, Steven! Get over here.
I need a player two.

Hold on a second, Amethyst.

Do you see her coming back
in your future vision, Sapphire?

Oh, maybe!

But she's so wonderful
and spontaneous.

I have no idea what she...

Why would she be a cowboy?

[ Sobbing ]

There, there.
It's going to be okay.

She's going to come back.
She's got to come back.

If she doesn't, then there
would be no more Garnet,

and what on Earth would
we do without Garnet?

Oh, Pearl.

How will I ever get her back?

I... I don't know! You two
are incredible together!

It can't be over! It can't!

Oh, why don't you two take
all of this into the temple?

Steven and I are going
to play some video games.

No. No. It's okay.

Don't worry, Sapphire.

I'm going to go out
and find Ruby!

- What?
- I'll be right back with her in no time.

[ Both sobbing ]

Yo, Steven! Wait up!
I'm coming too.

[ Gulls crying, waves crashing ]

I don't think Ruby
used the warp path.

She said she was running away,
not warping away,

and she's usually
pretty literal.

We just need to figure out
which direction she went.

So how do we do that?

Let's try putting
ourselves in Ruby's shoes.

[ Laughs ]
Now what?

Amethyst, be serious.

She could only have gone
in one of two directions,

either into town
or into the ocean.


Ruby! Ruby!

[ Gurgling ]

so she wasn't underwater.



I really don't think she's
hiding under a seashell.

Maybe Ruby shape-shifted
really small!

You never know.

What a spacious house!

I'll keep it.

Amethyst, you know
I love these great goofs,

but I'm worried about Ruby.

Can we stop messing around
and turn back to normal?

You're the boss.

We need to think.

Where would Ruby go
if she ran away?

Is there anyone in town
that she knows?

Doesn't look like she's here.

Dead end, huh?

We've just got to keep looking.




[ No dialog ]



She's not in here either.

This is where I would go
if I was feeling down.

Pizza always cheers me up.

So why don't we get some?

But we haven't found Ruby yet.

Steven, it's cool you want to
help Ruby, but what about you?

Come on! Let's forget about Ruby
for a moment and get some pizza!

I'm not hungry!

[ Stomach gurgling ]

Maybe I'm a little hungry!

Here's your pizza with
literally all the toppings.


Oh, and here.
You're going to need these.

Yeah! Thanks, man!

You're welcome!

Pink diamond, huh?


Rose quartz, eh?


So all this time, you thought
Rose was this rebel leader,

but... she was just rebelling
against herself?


And the diamond that Rose
supposedly shattered,

I mean, you've got it!

It's right there
under your shirt.


So how are you feeling?

I feel confused.

I thought I had
really finally got it

that Mom didn't have
everything figured out

even though everyone put her
way up on this pedestal,

but now I guess
she's royalty too.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I'm relieved that
she didn't shatter anyone,

but... she lied to everyone!

I mean,
I'm not surprised.

I knew she was a liar.

But this is just... so much.

But, like, aren't you mad?

Kind of. I don't know.

I can see how she was good
and bad, and bad and good.

But... I guess what really
matters right now

is how hard Garnet took it.

But what about you?!
She's your mom!

You were always under all of
this pressure to be like her,

but was she even like her?

Was anyone
ever like her?

She was supposed
to be so great.

She was supposed
to know everything.

She was supposed to
make everything better.

It's not fair!

We shouldn't have to deal
with any of this!

We shouldn't have
to fix any of this!

We weren't around
for her stupid w*r!

is everyone else's problem.

This is nothing
to do with me.

And you! Th... This has
nothing to with you!

Amethyst, hold on a second.

Are you okay?

No! I mean, yes!

Of course I'm okay!

I'm trying to find out
how you feel about all of this!

She's your mom. Okay?
It doesn't really affect me.

Dude, Kiki, I just got the
biggest tip from Mr. Universe,

and I'm totally going
to buy those boots now!

Whoa! Seriously?

Yeah! He was like all the way
out on Brooding Hill,

which is totally out
of our delivery radius,

comforting some little friend.

She must have been crying
because she was,

like, really red.

Both: Ruby!

Let me handle this, Steven.

No more adults should be
putting anything else on you!

Just let someone else
take care of it for once!

Amethyst, wait!

There's someone else
who needs help even more,

and it's you!

Amethyst, we need to talk!

Can't now, bud!
I'm going to find Ruby!


Let me help you
with your feelings!

Get off of my back, dude!

Come on!
You can talk to me!



If you'll open up,
you'll feel so much better!

Come on!
You're hiding something!

Get out of my head, Steven!

Am I getting too personal?

Dude, you're literally
inside my head!

Amethyst, look out!

We're crashing!

But how does that
make you feel?


[ Crash ]


You want to know
how I feel, Steven?

I thought I was
pretty clear about that.

I thought I was
pretty clear, too!

I feel like I don't want
to say, "What about me?"

Okay! And I don't want
to be bent out of shape.

I don't want to be
stuck in the past.

And I'm not responsible
for what Rose did!

None of us are! Not you.
Not Pearl. And not Garnet!

But I am responsible for me.

And right now,
I am not going to dump

another 1,000-year-old complex
on you or anybody else.

I am ending it right here!

I am the ding dong
sunshine future.

Your friend forever!

And I'm not going to
fall apart on you.


So, Steven, how do you feel?

Pretty good.


[ Waves crashing ]

Have you been trying to
cheer me up this whole time?

Yes! Jeez!

Don't you know you deserve it,
you great person?


- Hey, Amethyst.
- What?

I can't believe
I'm going to say this,

but... I think you're officially
the most mature Crystal Gem.

Oh, no!

That's what this is, isn't it?

Yeah, pretty much.

No! No-o-o!

[ Chuckles ]

You still want to find Ruby?

All right. Let's go.



There they are!

Target spotted.

Let's go in for a landing.



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