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04x06 - TROQ

Posted: 06/16/22 07:56
by bunniefuu

You dirty Locrix are gonna have to do better than that if you wanna stop me.

Please, explain why it is bad to be the old maid.

Whoa, what was that? Giant worms?

Uh, don't think so. Titans, go.

Whoever he is, the guy's a good pilot.

That guy's a great pilot.


You're going down.


Did he just take down that ship with his bare hands?

CYBORG: Looks like it.

Come on, man, you can do it.

Is he...?

It takes more than a plasmatic implosion to bring down Val Yor.

That was some amazing flying. Thanks.

Val Yor of Vernathia. Pleased to meet you.

I'm Robin, and we're the Teen Titans.

That's Raven, Beast Boy... CYBORG: Cyborg.

Man, you sure know how to make an entrance.

It's all in a day's work.

You do that every day?

Nope. Most days I fight more than just two of them.

So today's a slow day for you?



Val Yor. I welcome you to Earth.

I see you have a Tamaranian.

Yeah, Starfire's part of the team.

So who were those guys? They weren't guys at all.

The Locrix are vicious fighting machines.

Machines? What do they want?

Nothing less than total galactic domination.

The Locrix think they are superior to organics...

...and they are determined to wipe us out.

But you have defeated them, yes?

Those two were just scouts. There are more where they came from.

Sounds like you've had a lot of experience fighting them.

I've been battling the Crixies about as long as I can remember.

They tried to take over Vernathia, but I wasn't about to let that happen.

So how do we stop them from trying to take over Earth?

I'm on a mission to hit them where they live.

Sentien, the mother planet.

Se t e , t e ot e p a et.

And I'm taking a class five quantum eradicator.

Once I plug it into their central power core, it'll shut them down forever.

We'd like to help. I can use all the help I can get.

But I have to warn you, it's going to be dangerous.

Those Crixies are tough. They won't give up without a fight.

Neither will we.

It was me versus 20 of them. They had me surrounded.

There were Crixies to the left, Crixies to the right.

Things weren't looking good for Val Yor.

What did you do?

Well, I certainly wasn't gonna let them get me, so I led them to a trap...

...short-circuited the lot of them and escaped without a scratch.

Dude. Those Crixies didn't know what was coming.

They sure didn't, son.

Just installed a new neutron turbo engine.

You wanna give her a spin?


I think that's a yes.


Robin, why don't you navigate?


Raven, Beast Boy, man the blasters.

Cool. Can I blast whoever I want?


[G G]

Um, is there not a task for me? I also wish to be useful.


Intruders. The cargo hold has been compromised.

The Locrix? They're after the eradicator.

Cyborg, keep us on course and keep an eye out for more.

Can do. You three, come with me.




I'll take the ugly one.



Watch out. They can sting you.

Nice shot. Thanks.

Think you can handle these two? Got it.


Hit it in the central processor, like this.

Remind me to stay on your good side.

Nice work, son.



Watch it. Are you trying to blow up the ship?

I will be more careful next time.

There won't be a next time.

Good work, everyone. That was awesome.

Cool. Not bad.

Okay, team. Back to the bridge.

We need to be ready in case they're foolish enough to launch another attack.

I wish to apologize.

I did not mean to endanger your ship. I was only trying to help.

I don't need any help from a stupid Troq.


Val Yor said he's never seen anything like me.

Yeah. Most people haven't.

I think I'm his favorite.

Oh, yeah? He said my piloting skills were first-rate.

Val Yor thinks all of us are great.

CYBORG: Well, we are all great.

BEAST BOY: Some more great than others.

Starfire, come on. We don't wanna be late for the briefing.

Last one there's a rotten egg.

We'll land here on the dark side of Sentien.

It's the best place for a sneak attack.

Starfire, you're missing the briefing.

I can gather everything I need from here.

Robin and Cyborg, I'll want you both providing cover... I bring out the quantum eradicator.

I'll take it here to the central power core.

ta e t e e to t e ce t a po e co e.

I trust you to do a good job, Spike.

We got your back. I know you do, metal butt.

Now, sunshine...

...I'm gonna need you to keep that energy field of yours around the ship.

Champ, you provide backup where needed.


You getting all this, Troquie? Yes.

I have gotten everything you have said.

I'm glad we have an understanding.


More Crixies?

VAL YOR: No. Mines.

A dirty Locrix trap.

Our ship won't be able to pass through the minefield.

If one goes, they'll all go.

This is a job for you, Troquie. Get out there and move those mines.

Are you sure it's safe?

It's just a few mines.

Val Yor, you are such a brave warrior.

Are you sure you do not wish to move these devices yourself?

Of course, I could move them, but I'm needed inside.

Only an experienced pilot can navigate through here.

Besides, your people can withstand the hostile conditions of space.

Are you sure you wanna do this? I wish to prove my usefulness.

e you su e you a a do t s? s to p o e y use u ess.

[ON SCREEN] Let's get going. We haven't got all day, Troq.

Troq? What does that mean?

It means nothing.

Nice and easy. We don't want any mistakes this time.

I will not make any.

Watch it, Troquie. They're on a collision course.


I can't watch.



Did we blow up yet?

Yep, that's why you're still talking.


You've tripped the detonator. You only have 20 seconds.

I'm going out there. No. It's too dangerous.

STARFIRE: You may proceed safely.

Way to go, Star.

Good job. You rock.

Never doubted her for a second.

Raven, you really shouldn't worry so much.

Way to go, Troquie.


You do not call me that.

But Val Yor calls you Troq all the time.

That does not make it right.

What's up? I thought you said it didn't mean anything.

No, I said it means nothing.

When Val Yor calls me Troq...

...he is saying that I am worthless, a nothing.


There are those on other planets who feel Tamaranians are inferior.

Troq is what they call us.

So he's calling you a terrible name.

And you know that if you punch him out...'ll just confirm the bad stuff he thinks about you.


You know what it feels like to be judged simply because of how you look?

Of course, I do.

I'm part robot. Let's go find Robin.


Perhaps we should inform Robin later. He'd wanna know now.

And that's how we defeated Control Freak.

Sounds like you handled your team well.

You're a true leader.

You remind me of myself when I was your age, Spike.


Robin, can I get a word?

So you think I could fly this baby sometime?

So you t cou d y t s baby so et e?

ROBIN: What?

[WHISPERS] That's what he's been calling her.

Starfire, why didn't you say something? He will apologize.

I'm going to make... STARFIRE: No, Robin.

Our mission is more important than my feelings.


We've arrived at Sentien. Prepare for landing.


Looks like they were expecting us.

Okay, Titans, just as we planned. Cyborg and Robin, take the lead.

Beast Boy and Raven, guard our escape route.

I'm taking the quantum eradicator and putting an end to the filthy Crixies.

What about Starfire?

Guard the ship, Troq.

No. I am going with you.

I gave you an order. I do not take orders from you.

If my friends go into danger, so do I.

Besides, my people can withstand hostile conditions.


Let's do this.



Move it, Troq. You're just getting in the way.


There is no one in your way now.

"In your way now."

I'm going after Starfire.

She can handle herself.

How much farther to our goal?

Having trouble keeping up?

I can handle it. I can help.

I said, I can handle it.

Stay out here.

I did not come all this way to stand outside.

Stubborn Troq. Do what you want, I'm going in.

The central power core?

What does it look like? I take this out, they all go.


See, Troquie? I didn't need your help after all.

Now I'm going to get out of here before she blows, but you're welcome to stay.



Go. There's nothing you can do.

You do not know what I can do.


Get away.

Take my hand.

Keep your filthy hands off me, Troq.

eep you t y a ds o e, oq.

You may not value my life, but I still value yours.




They did it.

CYBORG: No. She did it.

BEAST BOY: Starfire, are you okay?

Val Yor requires medical attention.

Well, thank you for all your help.

Don't thank us.

Thank Starfire.

Yeah. She's the one who saved your sorry butt.

Thank you, Starfire.

I have to admit, you're not bad for a Tr...


You must be one of the good ones. No.

The fact that I rescued you...

...does not make me any better than other Tamaranians.

Look. I'm trying to pay you a compliment.

Then why does it still sound like an insult?

Spike, you understand. I didn't mean anything by it. It's just...

Val Yor, I think it's time for you to go.

I thought you earthlings were all right. I guess I was wrong.

You're just like the Troqs.

ou e just e t e oqs.

ROBIN: I'm sorry Val Yor treated you like that.

If I'd known, I never would have let it happen.

None of us would.

There is nothing you could have done.

There will always be people who say mean words because you are different...

...and sometimes their minds cannot be changed.

But there are many more people who do not judge others...

...based on how they look or where they are from.

Those are the people whose words truly matter.