01x05 - Frybo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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01x05 - Frybo

Post by bunniefuu »

♫ We... are the crystal gems, we'll always save the day, ♫

♫ And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way, ♫

♫ That's why the people of this world believe in, ♫

♫ Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl... and Steven! ♫ S01xE05 - "Frybo"

Where are you?

You're a mess, Steven.

I know I had eight.

Hey, Steven, have you seen a gem shard anywhere? It's very important.

No. Have you seen my pants?

They're also very important.

I'm serious, Steven.

These shards have a powerful partial consciousness that has been harnessed by gems

throughout history in order to create...

They weren't in the kitchen, either.

Under the bed!

No, wait. I looked there, too. And then Pearl walked in...


...obedience waned as the shards...

Oh, geez. She's really explaining something.

I can't just start listening now. I'd be lost. Just like my pants.

I can t just start listening now. I d be lost. Just like my pants.

...could become a monster.

That's why it's very, very important that it's kept away from any kind of garment.

If you see it, bring it to me right away.

I'm going to check in town.

For my pants?

I guess I'll keep looking here.

That's unusual!

Come on! We used to be friends!

We used to everywhere together!

Got you now, pants!

I wear the pants in this relationship.

What's gotten into you?

It's a... thingy.

Is this Pearl's shard thingy?

Ha! Now who's smart?



I got to get you to Pearl.

Hey, Pearl! Pearl!

She must still be looking for my pants.

Aah! Please help me! Aah! No! Get them away!

Get them away...

I'm not fries!

Ah, where's your face, Frybo?

, e e s you ace, ybo?

Being part of the Fryman family means you got to sell fries.

And be my son, which you are.

So, you're already halfway there.

Keep at it, Frybo!

I'm Pete... y.

Hi, Petey!

When I told my dad I wanted to be part of the Fryman family business, I didn't think it meant

being stuck in a sweaty old costume.

Things used to be different, Steven.

Nothing to worry about back then except making myself dizzy on the old seahorse ride at


Oh, Frybo, you're hilarious.

I wish there was a way for this costume to do its job without me in it.

Maybe it can, Petey. Maybe it can...

Wait! I have another idea.

Shoo! Shoo!



Get up!

Do a little dance!

Whoa! All right! Well, it's about ti-- I mean, good job, buddy!

That's what I'm talking about, Frybo.

Keep it up!

I'm free!

Yo got the job Fr bo!

You got the job, Frybo!

Let's shake on it!

He's got jokes!

Okay. No more shaking. Put me down!

Just... go... make people eat fries.

Let's go be kids!

This seahorse used to make me so happy.

Now it's just giving me whiplash.

I feel like there's just no point to it. You know what I mean?

I-I-I just feel tingly-y-y-y-y!

You'll understand when you have a job.

I do have a job!

I protect humanity from magic and monsters and stuff.

I mean a real job that you get paid for.

I'm paid in the smiles across the town's faces.

I don't see anyone smiling.

You pick up a job to buy a house or raise kids or to... impress your dad.

You work away your life, and what does it get you?

Smiles and faces?


You get cash - cash that can't buy back what the job takes...

Not if you rode every seahorse in the world.

Want to try the jellyfish?

That came from the fry shop.

We didn't tell him to do that! Did we tell him to do that?

e d d t te to do t at! d e te to do t at?

Please, please, please, no more fries.

Frybo, stop!

I don't even like fries.

Why isn't he listening?

I don't know!


Where's all this coming from?

Aw, I get it. I pushed you too hard.

I though you wanted to be as good a Fryman as you could be.

You're a tough kid for putting up with it as long as you did.

The truth is, you are a valued member of Fryman Brothers Incorporated, and all its affiliates!


No! He'll mash your potatoes!

What are you gonna do?

My job!


Did you put my missing shard in that fry costume?


Didn't you hear what I said about the living armor and infantries and many, many deaths?


Oh, Steven...


Ugh! The ketchup! It's everywhere. I can't see.

Shards. Need!

S a ds. eed!

What... Steven...


Go away!


You are awful! I hate you! I've always hated you!

Wait. You've always hated Frybo?



Your move... Frybo.


I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice.

Underwear, go!

Steven, are you all right?


I'm okay.

As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he'd crack.

You were great, Frybo. Kids today just didn't understand.

And now... they never will...

Weren't people scared of it before he att*cked them?

It's time... to send him off.

As greasy in death... as he was in life.

Dad... um... I'll...

Are you going to get another costume?

No, I don't need another Frybo.

o, do t eed a ot e ybo.

I've got... the Fryman.

Pearl, I think our work here is done.

Put your clothes on, Steven.
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