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02x09 - Winner Take All

Posted: 06/13/22 10:47
by bunniefuu
Fire beats wood.

But water beats fire.

Sun dries up water.

And thunderstorm blocks out sun.

I'm out.

Me too.

I wish to... go the fish?

You want to fold, Starfire. Fold?

That is good? I am victorious?

Sorry, Star. I guess I'm just invincible.

How can you be invincible if I still got one card?

Come on, Robin, you know you want to play me for it.

One last round. Winner take all.

Your on, Cyborg. And you're going down.

Tornado, beat that!

Well, okay.



The one in a million wild card that beats all others.

It's too beautiful for words.

Ah, yeah baby. Who's invincible now?

Be proud and cheerful, Robin. You competed well.

Winning isn't everything. It's just the only thing that matters.

I want a rematch!

I don't know how to tell you this man, but you're out of cards.

Beast Boy, give me your cards.

This is part of the game?

Welcome, champions all.

I am the Master of Games.

And you are hereby invited to compete.

In the tournament of heroes!

The tournament of heroes, a friendly competition.

Between the world's greatest young champions.

Robin, the combat equipped, kung fu trained, one man army.

Hot Spot, a human flamethrower, with a fiery temper to match.

Cyborg, the hi-tech teen fighting machine.

Aqualad, a water breathing telepath, with mastery over surf and sea.

Wildebeest, 400lbs of primal heroic fury.

Gizmo, the nasty little boy, with a really big brain.

Beast Boy, a quick witted changeling, who can turn into any animal.

And Speedy, the agile archer, with an unstoppable arsenal of energy arrows.

Eight brave and worthy champions, But only one shall win.

So, does the winner get some kind of really cool prize like... maybe, I don't know, a moped?

I have no moped, shapeshifter.

But rest assured when the tournament is complete... there will be magnificent prizes.

And of course, the winner shall prove that he is the greatest young hero on Earth.

However, any who do not wish to compete, need only say the word.

And I shall return you home at once.

Looks like we're in, all of us.

The challenge is accepted.

The tournament begins!

Prepare for competition!

Aquadude, what's up?

Ready to watch me claim all those prizes?

No. But after I win, I promise to let you have my autograph.

Hey, what's he doing here?

He's no hero! I thought this was a tournament...

What's the matter, robo wimp? Afraid I'll kick your stinking can?

Just try it!

What's that smell... Oh.

Speedy, I've heard you're good.

Real good. Robin, likewise.

Great to finally meet you.

So what are those arrows made of?

Polarized matrices of high energy electrons.

Right, same technology packs the punch in my electric disks.

How'd you overcome the quantum entanglement problem?

Borrowed some time on a prototype accelerator...

o o ed so e t e o a p ototype acce e ato ...

Whoa dude, never knew Robin had a clone.


Round 1 Face your opponents.

Cyborg vs. Gizmo.

Beast Boy vs. Wildebeest.

Speedy vs. Aqualad.

Robin vs. Hot Spot.

Let the contest, begin!

What's wrong barf brain? Feeling jumpy?

Let me go!

Still think I don't belong in your pit sniffing tournament?

Yeah, and it's about time somebody gave you the boot!

Winner, Cyborg!

Winner, Speedy!

Winner, Robin!

Winner, Wildebeest!

Speedy, alright you won! But Beast Boy didn't.

Well played, young champions.

You have survived round 1.

Survived? What happened to the losers?

Yeah, where's our friend?

Peace heroes, survived is merely an expression.

B B d h h l h b d h f l

Beast Boy and the other losers, have been returned home safely.

But think not of the vanquished, my champions.

Now, you must rest.

For tomorrow you face, round 2.

What a marvelous game!

No matter who is victorious, I win all the prizes.

Help! Help!

Yo, Robin? Wake up, it's me.


It's late, and I don't think we're supposed to be out of our...

Can't sleep, I tried calling home to make sure Beast Boy's okay...

But I can't get a signal through.

We're in an alternate dimension.

Kinda outside your calling plan.

I'm sure he's fine.

The Master said all the losers were sent home, safe and sound.

Yeah, I know. But I just got a bad feeling.

There's something weird about this game.

Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to have a look around.

Hold on...

I know what you're doing.

What am I doing?

You're trying to trick me again, like you did in the card game.

I am?

Sure, we'll go investigate, and be up all night and find nothing.

Su e, e go est gate, a d be up a g t a d d ot g.

Then you'll recharge your batteries in fifteen minutes while I get no sleep.

Say what?

When round 2 starts, I'll be fighting fatigue, and you'll be that much closer to winning the prize.

No, man, for real. I'm just worried about BB, come on.

Winning isn't... Right.

Crazy, paranoid, hyper competitive spiky haired little...



Absolutely magnificent prizes.

Gizmo, Hot Spot, Aqualad, Beast Boy.

Now that the vanquished are in my possession... their powers are mine to command!

I can scarcely wait to see what I'll win in round 2.

There's not gonna be a round 2.

Game over.

The game is never over, young champion.

But I'm afraid that you are disqualified!

Never challenge the Master, I always win.

Good luck today.

May the best man win.

Sorry, may the best champion win.

Right back at ya, Speedy.

Where's Cyborg? It's not like him to be late.

Cyborg will not be joining us.

Your friend has been disqualified for attempting to sabotage his fellow champions.

ou e d as bee d squa ed o atte pt g to sabotage s e o c a p o s.

He should've played fair...

And with only three champions remaining, we shall proceed directly to the final round!

Speedy vs. Wildebeest vs. Robin.

In a three man fight to the finish.

Thanks, Robin. Don't thank me yet.

We are playing to win, aren't we?

Looks that way.

May the best man win. I intend to.

Just a friendly competition, huh? Yeah, should be fun.

Right, because winning isn't everything. It's just the only thing that matters.

Heat seekers!

My bow!

You lose.

But was it really worth it?

Well done, champion of champions.

Victory is yours. Guess I'm supposed to get some sort of prizes now?

I did say there would be prizes, young champion.

I did not say, they were for you.

What are you talking about? You may be the winner, but the losers are mine to keep.

And with all their powers at my command... no one will ever defeat the Master of Games.

I am invincible!

How can you be invincible, if you don't have me, the champion of champions?

You are quite skilled.

Then maybe, the game isn't over.

The game is never over. One last round.

Winner take all.

Robin vs. the Master of Games.

Let the contest begin!

I win! I always win!

Not today.

Nice work.

Told ya there was something weird about this game.

Victory shall be mine!

Winning isn't everything.

I lose.

As far as I'm concerned, you are all honorary Titans.


Yo, Give me that! You're not a good guy, remember?

Scrum buffing, toe jamming gunk eater Sorry, I pretty much acted like a jerk.

We both did.

Besides, in the end, it was your drive to win that saved us.

Actually, when I faced the Master, I wasn't fighting to win.

I was fighting for my friends.

Well dudes... It's been fun...

And if you ever need us, you know how to reach us.

Right back at you.

Welcome champions all!

You are hereby invited to compete!

In the tournament of heroines!

Raven? Yeah?

I have a bad feeling about this.