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01x04 - The Palace in Flames

Posted: 06/13/22 06:46
by bunniefuu
[Iow, indistinct chatter]

[Men laughing]

Murphy, join the party, huh?

What's wrong?

All you guys having a good time?

You gotta let it go, man. There's good that came out of this.

Yeah, we used him, then we got him k*lled.

No, we didn't k*ll him... Escobar did.

And now we get to go after that m*therf*cker.

- Look on the bright side, huh? - [Slaps Steve's back]

[Steve] Pena was right. There was a sllverlinlng.

One of the sicarios caught after Lara Bonilla's assasslnatlon

confessed that Pablo had put out the hit.

An important politician had been m*rder*d and everyone knew who dld lt.

Finally, the Colombian government had to react.

Pablo Escobarwas indicted forthe murderof Rodrigo Lara Bonilla,


Colombia agreed to the one thlng narcos feared most. Extradition.

Now any Colombian who smuggled dr*gs to America

could be prosecuted and jalled in the US,

even if they never stepped foot on our soil.

This made all the dlfference in the world.

- [Latin music plays nearby] - If you were a narco In Colombla,

jall time meant banging girls, watching movies,

hanging with the fellas...

Grease the right hands and you'd get a reduced sentence for good behavlor.

It was a f*cking joke,

Back home, it was a whole dlfferent deal.

The seventh richest man in the world? No one glves a sh*t.

You still get a 6x8 cell 23 hours a day, just like every other loser,

a f*cking nightmare,

Now Pablo had someone to fear: Us.

[Latin guitartheme music plays]

Extradition doesn't mean anything unless you can catch him.

- With our help, you will. - Oh, that's right.

Gringos to the rescue.

[Dry chuckle] It's one f*cking man against the United States of America.

One man with helicopters, airplanes, vehicles, planned escape routes,

- and a network of informants. - Our government will provide money,

- men, weapons... - You make it sound so easy.

But Escobar has always managed to stay one step ahead of us.

Help us catch him.

I'll never be assigned to this. Jaramillo hates my guts.

Let me take care of that.

- You think extradition's a victory. - It is.

Escobarwill not go lightly.

He will make Colombia bleed.

[In Spanish] Now more than ever is the time for solidarity.

You make the mistakes, and then you preach solidarity?

- Shut up, f*g. - What the f*ck, Carlos?

Why are you always defending him?

Did he get your sister back for you or not?

We rescued her because we did it together. Right?


I suggest we form anotherorganization

to fight against the injustice of extradition.

Like John Lennon said,

- "Come together, brothers and sisters...'' - Stop that f*g sh*t right now.

So Jorge...

what will we call it?

[Steve] First, ''Death to Kidnappers,'' then "the Extradltables.''

Once again, the narcos were united agalnst a common enemy. Jail In America.

But it was not quite like "one forall, and all forone."

It was more like each man for himself.

[In Spanish] Next!

Gacha, being Gacha, declded that all he had to do to defeat extradltlon

- was k*ll anyone who tried to arrest him. - [Man] Fire!

[Steve] So he hired a bunch of Israelimercenaries and prepared for w*r.


Lehder, being Lehder, got high as a kite and took to the alrwaves.

[In Spanish] The gringos are the ones who use the dr*gs.

So why are we the ones who need to be extradited?

[Steve] I'm not sure how helpful that was.

[Carlos] I mean, all of our problems...

are because of those imperialist gringos!

[Sniffs] No, stay there... stay there.

[Steve] As forthe Ochoa brothers, they went with a fancy PR flrm

and got ripped off because, well... that's what PR agencies do.

[In Spanish] "Better a grave in Oolombia

than a grave in the United States."

No, I've got t, Fabio, I've got it. Let's see...

"Better a grave in Colombia than a cell in the United States."

- What do you think? - I love it.

- [Jorge chuckling] - Very good.

And for $50,000 more, we'll make your logo.


[Steve] By the way, here's the logo $50,000 got you.

In the upcoming presidential election, extradltion became the defining Issue

amongst the candidates.

Those the narcos could buy, they bought.

The ones they could scare, they scared.

But Luis Carlos Galán was nelther.

And so, unable to buy him and unable to scare him,

Escobar tried out that fancy new statlonery,

and he wrote Galán a letter.

[In English] "And to conclude, I want to express my most energetic protest

over the improper interference of North America

n a way that entails the most flagrant violation

of the sovereignty of our Motherland."

He's got some balls.

Escobar is shameless.

The United States is inclined to support your bid forthe presidency, Mr. Galán.

But even if we indict these narcos in the United States,

we still can't get them there without Colombian approval.

We're curious as to your view on extradition.

My campaign manager, Dr. Gaviria,

doesn't want me to stick my foot in my mouth.

America wants Pablo Escobar to prove they're winning a battle,

when clearly, they're losing a w*r.

I'll do what's best forColombia.

[In Spanish] If you speak in favor of extradition, you will be their puppet,

and that will be your death sentence.

I don't care about the Americans, but I am still going to support extradition.

Besides, if the gringos want to take away all the g*dd*mn K*llers of this country,

then let them take them.

[Steve] Slnce he couldn't get to Galán,

Pablo reached out to many of the country's judges.

He figured out that a sanctioned law would do no harm

if no judge was willing to apply it.

"As you pass judgment on one of our sons

and considersending him to hls fate in the Unlted States,

know we, the Extraditables, wlll pass judgment on you

and bring a sentence far harsher."

The judges were so scared and Intimidated

that special court procedures had to be created.

For the first time in the history of Colombia,

it was the good guys who had to hide thelrfaces behlnd the masks.

[In Spanish] Defendants, please rise.

You've been tried and convicted of cocaine trafficking.

You will immediately be turned over to the DEA for extradition to the United States.

[Steve] Despite hls threats, many brave men defled hlm.

And true to form, when the pen failed...

Pablo was always ready with the sword.

[Engine starts]

In light of this terrorism, you'd thlnk that everyone in Colombla

would've made catching Escobar the numberone prlorlty, rlght?

Well, guess again,

Communists. They're the real thr*at to the security of this country.

All due respect, but Colombian cocaine has k*lled more Americans than Soviet troops.

We got FARC, we got M-19, we got EPL, we got ELN,

all supported by the Soviets and Cubans.

Sorry, Agent Pena, but our resources gotta be directed at America's problems,

and you don't get to tell us what those are.

[Steve] Communlsts. Rememberthem?

With Reagan in the White House, it was hard to forget,

In his words.

They are the focus of evil in the modern world.

[Steve] The Soviet evll empire was Reagan's thing, always had been.

In Hollywood, he named some actors as communist sympathlzers.

In Washington, he created the Reagan Doctrine,

which opposed Soviet-backed communists all overthe world.

Drug traffickers just dldn't rate.

You want to turn on the tap of the rlchest country in the world,

you'd better be chasing reds.

Ambassador, if the CIA and the Mil Group provide assets,

the Colombians will get Escobar.

We're talking about a huge blow to the cocaine trade

- and saving thousands of lives... - Ambassador.

The CIA agrees with Mil Group. Pablo Escobar is no longer a congressman.

He's just a wanted Colombian drug trafficker, and as such,

he is not a direct thr*at to our country's strategic interests in South America.

The CIA would prefer not to get involved in local police problems.

Let the Colombians get him.

Noonan really thinks allocating $100,000

- will be enough to go after Escobar. - Yeah, it's a f*cking joke.

That's about what he spends on shoes, isn't it?

The CNP has zero chance of capturing him with that bullshit.

So what do we do now?

Use what little we got to try to even the odds.

[Steve] It's true, the hundred grand wasn't that much.

But delivered into the right hands, it could make a difference.

There were a lot of good cops in Colombia, honorable men.

But the head of counternarcotics, General Jaramlllo, wasn't one of'em,

And as such, he was exactly what we needed.

[In Spanish] Thank you for seeing me, General.

You're welcome.

Listen, I have General Gomez assigned to the operation against Pablo.

With all due respect, General Jaramillo... I propose Horacio Carrillo.

But Carrillo only acts on his own orders. He doesn't follow anyone.

Well, I don't want him to follow.

I want him to lead.

Go ahead.

Yes, General.

As you wish.


What happened, honey?

Things with work.

When will Horacio arrive to have dinnerwith us?

I'm making the chicken he likes, but he's out with the girlfriend.

Tell me what's wrong.

They want me to catch Pablo Escobar.

The Ochoas aren't happy at all.

They're saying that since you've become a wanted man,

bribing the police has gotten very costly.

They want to renegotiate the price of our routes.

[Pablo] Hm.

When it came to me k*lling to get their sister back, well, then...

I didn't hear them complaining, did I?

Yeah. The problem is that it is one thing to k*ll communists

- and anotherto k*ll politicians. - So what now?

What I would do is increase the payments to the police, you know?

And most of all, to the top brass.

We're already giving too much money to those bastards.

[Gustavo] Mm.

Oh, sh*t. What's that? Is it snowing orwhat?

- [Birds squawking] - [Pablo] Egrets from the Himalayas.

[Gustavo chuckles]

It took two years to train them to stay there.

They cost me a million dollars.



Stay in the f*cking tree!

[Gustavo laughs]

Seems like you lost that dough, eh, cousin?

That's your problem, Pablo.

You think that everything can be controlled,

but it turns out that nature cannot be controlled.

OK, OK, OK, Gustavo... OK. [sighs]

Your English is really good.

Thank you. I took a course at the University of Antioquia.

How long you been at the comuna?

Just a few weeks.

Is your husband gonna help us here, too?

I saw him when he dropped you off. What does he do?

Oh, he's, uh... head of janitorial services at the US Embassy.

[Up-tempo Latin music plays]

- I f*cked up. - How?

Carrillo got the job just like you wanted.

No, Jaramillo's sending a message.

He's telling me I got his price wrong.

He's setting Carrillo up forfailure, and when he does fail,

he'll fire him for incompetence,

and me and you, we lose the only cop we can trust.

[Women chuckling]

- Hey! - Hey!

- Sorry I'm late, honey. - Mm...

Javier, this is my friend, Elisa.

- Javierworks with Steve. - Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Are you another... janitor at the embassy, like Steve?

No, actually, I'm CIA.

But that's classified, so don't tell anybody.

I'm here to hunt communists and prevent a Marxist invasion from Cuba.

- The janitorthing, what, that was you? - Mm.

No, it's just a cover.

- Thank you for being so honest. - Mm-hm.

Just so you know, I'm a communist guerrillera.

[All chuckling]


[Steve] If we had known at the time she was telllng the truth...

we probably wouldn't have cared.

We cared about Pablo Escobar.

And catchlng him... wasn't gonna be easy.

He had better resources and better information.

And at the time, he owned over 800 homes and fincas,

surrounded by dozens of sicarios willing to die for him.

And cops.... he owned a lot of them, too.

But not all of them.

Jaramillo's intel says Pablo's gonna be at his finca called El Bizcocho tomorrow.

The only way to surprise him is an aerial as*ault.

Jaramillo didn't give us a helicopter.

Then we need to figure out where he's hiding today.

Trapped a little bird.

And I'm gonna make sure that he sings.


Just rememberthat you wanted all in.

[Carrillo in Spanish] Hand me that coffee.

[Man speaks indistinctly in Spanish]

[Soft gasp]

[Cup clatters]

[Man gasps sharply, coughs]

[In English] He already gave up the name of three fincas,

but Pablo's not gonna be at any of them.

[In Spanish] But you do know where he is hiding, don't you?

[In Spanish] Look, little brother,

I know it scares the sh*t out of you that Pablo will k*ll you.

But I will also k*ll you.

And very slowly.

[Stammers weakly] Pablo is going to k*ll me more slowly.

Well, then, you should pray we find him, and quickly.

[Steve] We knew that Escobarwould get a heads-up the second we moved out,

but there was a small part of me that thought, In hls arrogance,

he would stand and fight,

Or maybe we just wanted to send hlm a message.

[In Spanish] Boss!



They were headed for El Bizcocho, but they got off the main highway.

- They're already on theirway here. - How far are they?

Two hours, boss.

Round up the guys, and tell them to get ready.

- We're leaving. - All right.

We have to go.

Go where?

The police are coming.

- But Pablo, I've been cooking for hours. - I'm sorry, my love,

- but we need to leave now. - What about our things? Our clothes?

We'II buy new ones later, won't we?

[Pablo sighs]

[Softly] I'm sorry.

Do you hear me complaining?

As long as you're with us, Pablo, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes.

- Bring all of the boxes here. - [Man] Yes, sir.

- Cangrejo! - Yes?

Go to Pablo's room and see if anything is in there.

- Efrain! - Yeah?

The two blue notebooks are the only ones I'm taking.

Search the whole house to make sure that not a single loose document remains.

[Man] Yes, sir!

[Men chatter in Spanish]

What's wrong, Gustavo?

You f*cked us, Pablo.

Not only you and me.

You f*cked the whole family.

But of course, since you needed to present yourself to Congress...

since you want to be president of this m*therf*cking country,

the rest of us get screwed, isn't that right?

But what the f*ck...

a man only dies once, right?

[Softly] Come here.

[Whispers] My brother.

[Pablo] I'm going to let you sit next to the pilot. Come on, come on.

- [Engine powering] - There we go.

[Steve] I llke to think that as Pablo looked down

on Hacienda Nápoles for the last time,

he got our message... and I hope it really pissed him off,

You may have 800 houses, my friend, but none of them Is home.

We will keep you on the run forthe rest of your life,

or until we catch you... or klll you.

From now on, nowhere Is safe.

[Overlapping chatter in Spanish]

[Steve] The only people to detaln were the malds and the gardeners

whlle we searched the finca from top to bottom.

The dlrt-poorcops were astounded by the luxury.

Hey, if you're risking your llfe for $22 a week.... You'd plg out, too.

There's an old saying In law enforcement:

''The bad guys need to get lucky every tlme.

The good guys just need to get lucky once."

And in the ashes of Pablo's hasty exit, I got very lucky.

The address I found led us to a nondescrlpt building in downtown Medellín.

We raided it, and guess who we found?


Pablo's numberone accountant and keeper of all secrets.

In custody, he would describe a cocaine empire

that was bringing in $60 mlllion a day.

Pablo was bigger than General Motors.

The mountain of evldence filled an entlre room in the Palace of Justice,

home of Colombia's supreme court,

the only place thought safe enough to store it,

We had enough evidence to put him away for 100 lifetimes,

[whispers in Spanish] f*ck.

[Whispers in English] f*ck.

- What's up? - Jaramillo's running the show.

He's pissed we only gave him 100 grand.

He's not letting us make any copies of anything.

Javi, there's some good stuff in here, stuff we can use.

[Javier] None of it can leave the room.

The narcos have been paying some guy named Ellis McPickle

- to run coke all overthe place. - Ellis McPickle?

[Steve] I'm assuming that it's an alias.

Take 'em.

- What? - Just stuff'em down your pants.

What are you talking about?

[Whispers] Do you want to catch Pablo or not? [clears throat]

- [Softly] Why me? - [Whispers] Because they'll suspect me.

- They won't suspect you. - What if they search me?

They're not gonna search a white boy, OK?

- You're a guest in their country. - Guests don't steal.

Just do it.

Sometimes you gotta do bad things to catch bad people.

- [Steve] And sometimes, bad people,,, - Senor.

... help you do good things.

[Javier in Spanish] These are from the narcos' account in Miami.

A cashier's check payable to "Ellis McPickle."


I've heard that name mentioned in some of the narco wiretap transcripts.

Obviously, it's an alias.

No Colombian would go by the name "Ellis McPickle." [soft chuckle]

Because he's not Colombian.

He's an American pilot who transports tons of cocaine for the cartel.

- A gringo? - Mm-hm.

- What's his name? - We don't know.

But we do know that Gustavo frequently mentions "McPickle."

Suarez, do you ever worry what will happen to you

if Pablo finds out that you work for both sides?

- I'm on your side. - Yeah?

Then prove it. What else can you tell me about McPickle?


We have his photograph in some of ourfiles.

But maybe you should check with the CIA. He started his career with them.

[Chats indistinctly in Spanish, chuckles]

Wha... What the f*ck is this?

This is me giving you homework.

Former CIA pilot flying coke forthe narcos.

And I need you to find out who it is.

First off, I don't f*cking work for you, Murphy, you hear me?

- So don't come in here thinking that... - Is that Barry Seal?

What's he up to these days?

Barry Seal.

[Steve] Barry Seal, a good ol' Southern boy who loved college football,

mind-altering chemicals, and p*ssy...

which made him perfect CIA material.

But his expensive llfestyle also made him perfect narco material,

Findlng Barry was easy.

Wejust had to stake out hls favorlte whorehouse.

It just so happened to be Pena's favorite, too.

A friend of mine told me about this place. I've never been here before.


No, I'm serious.

[Steve] Look.

[Javier] Oh, my God. That's Freckles. I know her.

[In Spanish] Until next time.

- [In English] g*dd*mn, is that Barry? - Or should we say McPickle?

Come on, we got you a ride waiting over here.

[In Spanish] Hi, Vanessa.

[In English] It's fun to say, though, ain't it? "McPickle"?

[Javier clears throat]

Have a seat, Barry.

You seem awful relaxed for someone who's facing life in the clink.

- Well, you guys ain't got sh*t. - [Javier chuckles]

We got records from Escobar listing shipments from Medellín to Louisiana

- to the tune of 500 tons? - Yeah.

Yeah? Well, let's see if that holds up in court, huh?

The funny thing is you can't make a direct flight from Medellín to Louisiana

without making a refueling stop.

Yeah, according to the records, you made stops in Cuba and Nicaragua.

The manifests don't lie.

An ex-CIA man making stops in communist countries with orwithout cocaine,

that would be considered treason by the US Justice Department, wouldn't it?

Well, damn... [chuckles] You guys are good.

Communist sympathizer.

We're gonna wrap you up in a big, red bow

and drop you right off at Reagan's doorstep.

Using Cuba and Nicaragua as refueling stops for coke shipments,

that's treason and trafficking.

What's that, two life sentences forthe price of one?

[Javier] That's right.

Well... see, lfigured this day might come.

Why don't you uncuff me, boys. I got something to show you.

Yeah? What's that?

It's what I call a "get out of jail free" card.

Y'all gonna wanna see this. Come on, uncuff me.

[Steve] What Barry had was a plcture of Escobar

loading cocalne on a tarmac in Nlcaragua. Why does that matter?

'Cause at the time, Nicaragua was governed by the communist Sandinistas,

who were letting Escobar use theircountry as a landing strip

forcocalne shipments to the US,

Colombian cocaine coming through a communlst country and into Amerlca?

I couldn't have made that up.

- [Javier] Holy sh*t. - [Steve] It was too good,

- Gotta turn this overto the ambassador. - Wait, wait, wait. No.

This leaks wide and Barry Seal is a dead man. We gotta be careful.

Why are you trying to protect some scumbag who's trafficked over 500 tons?

I have a code of ethics when it comes to informants.

But not when it comes to torturing suspects with hot coffee.

- You know, I wouldn't judge Carrillo. - Why is that?

You had a partner k*lled. He's had a dozen.

[Steve] I always admired Pena's commitment to Informants,

but frankly, Barry Seal wasn't an informant.

He was just another busted trafficker

who ratted on the guys he worked wlth... a snitch.

If I could use the narco-communist connectlon

to get the resources we needed, then f*ck hlm.

Strange bedfellows, indeed.

You have single-handedly exposed a narco-communist connection.

Washington is gonna go crazy.

Thank you, Ambassador.

This has to be highly classified forthe safety of the informant.

Of course.

Thank you.

[Steve] In Washington, "highly classlfied" dldn't carry much water.

Especially when a Marlne colonel named Ollver North got his hands on the plcture.

I know every American parent concerned about the drug problem

will be outraged to learn that top Nicaraguan government officials

are deeply involved in drug trafficking.

This picture shows Federico Vaughan,

a top aide to one of the nine comandantes who rule Nicaragua,

loading an aircraft with illegal narcotics bound for the United States.

No, there seems to be no crime to which the Sandinistas will not stoop.

[Steve] Being a rat is a dangerous business,

and Escobar's reach was long.

Barry Seal refused federal protection,,,

- [a*t*matic g*nf*re] - [Grunts]

...and met his end in a parking lot In Baton Rouge.


m*therf*cker! I told you we had to be careful.

- You got Barry Seal k*lled. - Pena, if he wanted a long life,

- he should've worked at Kodak. - You're responsible for his death.

I didn't k*ll him, Escobar did.

Now we can go afterthat m*therf*cker.

Look on the bright side, man.

[Steve] From then on, according to Reagan,

fighting the narcos was the same as fighting the commles.

We got a tldal wave of money and all the resources we needed.

The US Southern Command in Panama sent us a care package.

Planes, helicopters, you f*cking name it. Everything.

Our resources and intel helped the Colombians raid labs all overthe country

and burn 'em straight to the ground, selzlng over a billion dollars in coke.

We were kicking ass, and the narcos were feeling it.

The price of cocaine in Miami was skyrocketing.

Despite all this, we'd yet to net one of the Medellín kingpins...

till we put a tracking devlce on a Colombian-bound shlpment of ether,

the essential ingredient In cocaine processlng.

Got it!

[Steve] The barrel that we tracked brought us to Tranqullandla,

Medellín's biggest processing lab, and we hit It hard.

The ensuing g*n battle cost dozens of men...

but in the end, it got us our blggest victory to date,

the first of the Medellln klngpins: Carlos Lehder.

[In English] In my tent is a bag with $50,000...

ten times this if you give me one hour.

[In Spanish] There's no way out, Carlitos. You're going to Disneyland.

[Steve] Lehderwas immediately extradited to the States,

where a federal court sentenced hlm to life... plus 135 years.

Extradition worked. Carlos wlll die in an American jail,

And no one savored thls victory more than the Colomblans.

For anti-narco candldate Luis Carlos Galán,

it would provlde hlm the momentum he needed to propel hlm to the presidency,

Extradition would become his battle cry.

[Man in Spanish] Gentlemen?

Thank you.

[Steve] And forthe narcos, thls was a declaratlon of w*r.

[Duque in Spanish] What happened to Carlos was terrible.

But I have already presented a motion before the Supreme Court of Colombia

against the legality of extradition.

They are examining it this week at the Palace of Justice.

Can we buy someone in that court?

Unfortunately, no.

It's the only institution in this country that is incorruptible.

Let's pray that the ruling comes out in ourfavor.

Brother... even after he's dead,

Carlos still has a sentence of 135 years in prison.

He's totally f*cked.

This is gringo bullshit.

That happened to him for speaking about the revolution on the radio.

We're next, aren't we?

You're right.


Do you have an answer or what?

Well... in my opinion, a jail in the United States is worse than death.

We can neverforget what happened to Carlos.

Carlos was one of us.

Fabio is right. The Americans are f*cking us.

But remember, there's something they want more than us.

So, brothers...

it's time to give them what they want, isn't it?

[Murmurs of approval]

[Ivan in Spanish] I didn't think our paths would cross again.

What you want isn't going to be easy. It's very risky.

It's going to require weapons and men. There will be casualties.

I understand what you want. How much are we talking about?

Two million US dollars.

It's very dangerous.

Fighting a revolution comes with sacrifice...

and it goes without saying that it will dangerous, right?

[Knocking at door]

[Pablo] But for us, brother...

it is our duty to fight to the very end.

We have a historical obligation.

- We can't forget that. - [Indistinct chatter in Spanish]

[Elisa] I'm his girlfriend.

Meet Pablo Escobar.


- OK. - We have a deal.

All right, then.

We were just leaving.

Good night.

What the hell is this?

Why are you meeting with Escobar?

We made a deal... obviously for money.

In exchange for what?

Unless you are willing to be part of it, I cannot say.

It's a partnership, necessary forthe revolutionary fight.

I fight for the people... not for drug traffickers.

[In English] Connie?

Elisa? What's going on?

- I need to talk to you. - About what?

You told me your husband works at the embassy.


I need you to speak with him and warn him.

About what?

Pablo Escobar is planning something with a communist group called the M-19.

I don't know what it is, but I know it's gonna be bad.

Wait, Pablo Escobar? How do you know anything about Escobar?

L... I just know. You need to warn him...

and you need to hide me.

OK. Come on.

Steve's already at work, but Javi lives downstairs.

I just hope he's here.

[Javier] I am.

- Well, what have we here? - I'll explain later.

I'll be right back. Go.

- [Connie] She told me that Escobar,,, - Slow down.

...hired guerrillas called M-19. Thinks they're gonna do something terrlble.

- Slow down. - Escobar is uslng members of M-19.

- Say that again? - Pablo Escobar and M-19 guerrillas.

Escobarand M-19?

She dldn't tellme any details, just that It would be bad.

No... that doesn't make any sense.

She asked me to hide her, so I took her to Javl's apartment.

OK. All right.

[Sighs, clears throat]

- Agent Murphy! - All right.

Ambassador, I got information with Escobar and M-19. I think they're...

- [reporter] ... supreme court building. - Oh, my God.

[Steve] "Oh, my God''is right.

Financed by Escobar, the M-19 guerrillas stormed the Palace ofJustlce

and occupled the supreme court.

They took over 100 hostages and made a bunch of demands

about the redistribution of wealth and an end to injustice and tyranny...

but it was all bullshit.

The m*llitary att*cked.

Dozens of lives were lost in the camage,

including half of Colombia's supreme court justices.

Most of the M-19 were k*lled.

Some escaped... but not before accompllshing theirtrue goal.

Settlng fire to the room that contained 600,000 pages of evldence agalnst Escobar.

The entire case against him turned to ash.

In the Unlted States, the Mafla makes wltnesses disappear

so they can't testify in court.

In Colombia, Pablo Escobar made the whole court disappear.

[Reporter] The fires set by guerrillas earller in the day grew even stronger

as cannon shells exploded inside.

[Ioud knock at door]

[Pounding at door]

- Where is she? - Well, come on in.

You, up! Who in the f*ck is she and why is the m*llitary after her?

Put the g*n away.

Put it away.

She told me who she is. Put the g*n away.

- Can I say something? - No, you may not.

Murphy... calm down.

I have no idea why you'd get yourself involved in this.

Your wife brought herto me.

I appreciate you putting yourself out there for my wife, I truly do,

but why are we risking our whole careers overthis woman?

Because she can prove that Pablo was behind the palace siege.

If she can tie Escobarto the siege, I say we bring her in.

Well, she's M-19.

Noonan would have to turn her over to the Colombian m*llitary

and then she gets disappeared.

I'd like to avoid another Barry Seal situation.

So we're gonna harbor a communist fugitive?

Look, all she did was warn us.

She's not on anybody's radar.

She's not involved in anything.

The red X's you see in these pictures indicate M-19 revolutionaries

terminated by the Oolombian Special Forces.

The remaining individuals you see are fugitives.

Folks, this is more complicated than what it seems.

This was Escobar, classic. He's cut a deal with M-19.

Next you'll tell us Escobar sank the Titanic.

Was it coincidence the extradition evidence against him was destroyed?

He doesn't hold grudges, not if it suits his purposes.

- How do you know he cut a deal? - We have a confidential informant.

You willing to identify this informant, Agent Pena?

- No, I am not. - Needless to say...

Southern Command has rescinded its offer of resources to the DEA

in light of this communist aggression.

We need to target the M-19 leadership:

Ivan "the Terrible" Torres and Elisa Alvarez.

[Low murmurs in Spanish]

[In Spanish] They're looking for us everywhere.

What did you expect?

That it would be any different?

You did a very good job.

You can't imagine how much this is going to help our cause.

No, brother. The truth is, you helped mine.

You, Ivan...

gave me the sword of Simón Bolívar.

The same one that freed this country.

Now it belongs to you.

With it, you will continue the fight... to free this country.

I promise you, I will continue the fight.

You earned it, brother.

As for me...

I'II be in Panama until this blows over.

We are also...

Make sure you grab the briefcase.

And the f*cking sword.

[Classic Latin pop song plays]