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13x08 - They Come From the Hills

Posted: 06/12/22 10:38
by bunniefuu
These dead people are coming.

This person holds the key.

I just feel like
it's latched onto her.

The next thing I know,
I was being choked.

They are sucking the life
out of these people.

I think there was something
out there that punched me.

He wants to, like, steal you.

It scares the living ****
out of me.

For the living,
time's running out.

I'm hearing a devil's triangle.

My name is amy allan.

I see dead people.

I think he might've
been a stalker.

I speak to dead people.

And they speak to me.

He will k*ll you.
He has k*lled people.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

They're being possessed.

I rely on my partner.

I'm steve dischiavi.

I'm a retired new york city
homicide detective.

How many people d*ed here
over the years?

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

It's my job to reveal them.

But steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...Until the very end...

This sketch is like a nightmare.

...When we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I never thought
that the biggest problem was me.

...Or time to get out.

He could, more than likely,
k*ll you.

So, I'm back out here
in pennsylvania,

this time, in newtown.

It's about 30 minutes
north of philly.

I got a call from
a young woman named maggie.

Now, she told me her childhood
home was always haunted,

and until recently,
it wasn't a big deal,

but now the whole family
is under att*ck,

and she's getting
the worst of it.

Maggie says if we can't help,

she doesn't know if
she'll survive living there.

This is weird.

I'm hearing a lot of clocks.

The living would hear
ticking, like clocks ticking.

and it would be like
maybe there's a clock in the room

and it would get louder
and louder and louder.

But it's really not that clock.

For the living,
time's running out.

So, maggie, it's good
to finally be here.

We spoke on the phone.

This place sounded
like total mayhem.

What's life like in this house?

it is like hell living here.

I just know that
it wants to hurt me,

and it has tried to k*ll me.

And I think that if
it could, it would.

So, I understand
that you grew up here,

and this is your parents' house?

Who all is living
in the house now?

So, I have a picture here.

So, that's me, my sister katie,
and then my mom and my dad.

You mentioned on the phone

that you've always had
activity here.

Yes. It was
never, like, bad.

Nobody ever got hurt
or anything like that.

What changed?

We redid the kitchen.

And how long ago
did that happen?

It happened
coming up a year ago.

So, is that how long it's been
where the activity got crazy?


Any place in particular?

Kind of everywhere.

And it just kept getting worse.

What the hell are
you guys experiencing?

So, we have the
feeling of getting watched.

Objects have been thrown.

Shadow figures...

Actual apparitions...


And I just flip out.

I feel like a lot
of it's my fault.


Thank you.

Why your fault?

I've been told that
I'm, like, sensitive

and that, I guess, they
kind of get drawn to me.

I am so sick of it, and I just
don't want to do it anymore.

I just want it gone
and my house back.

I just want it to feel
like my home again.

I see this dead woman.

She is within a white mist.

She's very young.

If she's 20, I'll be shocked.

This woman is always depressed,

and so people
who would be exposed to her

would feel those emotions.

They're falling into a pit of
despair and loss and confusion.

okay, so,
what's going on in here?

So, we're having a lot
of mood swings, depression,

or anxiety, out of nowhere.

It's almost like I'm like
having the weight

of somebody else on my
shoulders, like a dead female.

And it's just so sad.

Like, you just can't help
but not cry.

Is everybody in the house
dealing with it?

We're actually
all experiencing it.

Me and my mom will argue.

Why do you think
it's paranormal?

I think it's paranormal
because we've never had

this problem before
until the kitchen.

I've never experienced my family
being like that before.

Okay, so anything else?

We have a huge problem

with the electronics
in our house.

So an example would be
tvs turning on and off,

the alarm system
going on and off.

The other day,
I was really agitated,

and then, all of a sudden,

the light on the
ceiling just blew.

Okay, now, have you had
any of this stuff checked out?

Well, my dad
is actually a contractor,

and he redid
all the electrical work

when we did the kitchen.


Anything else?

I have a very special ring

that I would wear
every single day,

and I put it in the box.

Then the next day I woke up.

It wasn't in there,
and I have not seen it since.

Anybody jealous of this ring
that wants it?


So, looks like every day is
one thing after another?


How do you live in a house

where something happens
all the time?

I don't want to live in fear.

I can't do that anymore.

A living person here
has abilities.

They're open.
They're very open.

Definitely see the light
shining out the window.

And so, these dead people
are coming.

This person holds the key

with why this dead woman's
in this particular house.

This one person is a pk agent.

They're creating
poltergeist phenomena.

The living people are having
issues with any electronics.

Objects would move on their own.

There would be unusual noises,
things like that.

So, what's going on up here?

I do see
a young female apparition.

Okay, so do me a favor
and describe her for me.

She is, like, about 12.


She's got brown hair.

What time period
are we thinking?

Like 1800s, probably.

Okay, so, where do you
see her in the room?

Usually, next to my bed.

I did wake up one time

and have her in bed
next to me also.

Okay, so, anything else?

I was laying in bed one night,

and then the next thing
I know, I was being choked.

And there was this guy
over top of me.

His face was just, like,
right in my face.

It was the scariest thing
I think I've ever encountered.

Can you describe him for me?

He was probably, I guess,

maybe, like, in about his 50s,
from what I saw.

He had a white shirt
and then overalls...

like, jean overalls, on.

Anything else?

I do have a chronic disease.

Basically, it's a severe
inflammation of the bladder.

I was actually in
remission for 10 years,

and then, as soon as we
started the kitchen up,

I went out of remission.

How's it affecting your life?

I worked very hard
to become an emt.


As soon as I went
out of remission,

because of my illness
they told me

that I couldn't do it anymore.

It was like my...

ruined my life.

I just wanted to help people.

I liked it so much.

it's exhausting.

It's okay.

The dead woman...

she sleeps at the end of
the bed, like a dog.

The person in the
bed feels drained

because of her presence.

There's something going on
with this particular person.

So this person's open,
seems like a medium.

I'm getting
that this person, like,

was really, really sick.

Some kind of illness

or something that brought them
closer to the dead.

You know, it's kind of
making them unstable...

mentally unstable,
physically unstable.

The dead lady
could make that worse.

This person would have
a mental breakdown.

It was like a mental
and emotional kind of chaos.

so, katie, I was talking
to your sister earlier.

She seemed to think
that she's being targeted.

I mean, what's your opinion
on that?

Maggie's, like, really
sensitive to that stuff,

and I just feel like
it's latched onto her.

Have you had experiences
you could tell me about?


Recently, I heard
a really loud banging sound.

I swear I could have felt...
it was like the floor shake.

Okay, so did you look around
to see if anything fell?

I checked every room.

Nothing was out of place.


So, anything else
that you recall?

I would wake up,

and I could feel someone
or something

sitting on the edge of my bed.

I was terrified.

What'd it feel like to you?

It was heavy.
It definitely wasn't a kid.

I think it was a man.

Maggie told me recently

that she had similar
things happen to her.


And I feel like
it has to be related.

The dead little lady...
she had two children.

One's a male, one's a female.

They're playing with the water.
They're flushing the toilet.

They're turning on and off
the faucets.

The kids are, like,
running amok,

completely out of control.

They're gonna run
up and down the hallway

and bang on doors or walls,

laughing and screaming.

These are all things
that the living would hear.

They're definitely
in here often.

They like the person
in here quite a lot.

They like to go, you know,
under the bed.

They make the bed shake,

and they're laughing
and they're having a good time.

Living people... they would have
the sensation of, you know,

somebody getting
into bed with them,

somebody holding them
or nuzzling them.

They're being aggressive,
grabbing and pushing.

They do pull energy
from the living.

Then they're, like,
getting super hyper.

And that's when they're going
kind of crazy in the house.

That's making people sick.

They are sucking the life
out of these people.

Maggie called us in

because of what's going on
in the house here.

As far as experiences,

do you have any
you can share with me?

I've been punched.

I went out back.

I felt this horrible
pain in my back.

You sure you don't think
you might have twisted a muscle?

'cause you could do that just
easily, turning your neck or...

it was different
than the kind of feeling

that I get
when I pull something.

It felt like fire went up
my spine and down my spine.

I think there was something
out there that punched me.

I really do.

Okay, so, anything else?

Sometimes I feel
like I'm being watched.

Usually happens
when I'm in the shower.

It's... Unsettling.

What do you think is here?

I have no idea.

It makes you feel
like you're nuts.

I just want my life
to go back to being normal.

And I want maggie to be healthy.

I want our family to be happy.

I just want to go back
to being happy people.

I'm seeing a male.

Very, very tall... 6'3".

But he was wearing
an old-fashioned,

like, top hat thing.

And he had on a thick, wool,
long, black coat.

And I see dark arts... the word
"dark arts" around him.

The weird thing with him

was he had a lot of clocks
around him and watches.

But he does take things.

He is stealing
from these people.

He likes jewelry.

I think he's definitely
interacting with the female.

I'm getting him being like
a creeper on her...

you know, sitting there watching
her and, like, looking at her.

And, like, they're seeing him,
they feel watched.

What does he want
from the living?

He wants to collect the women.

So, john, obviously,
maggie, your daughter,

called us in for stuff
that's going on in the house.

She's pretty convinced that whatever it
is, is pretty dangerous.

You agree with it?

I do now.

Okay, were you kind of
skeptical before?

Yeah, I was.

You know, you love your wife,
you love your daughter,

but you say to yourself, "maybe
they're crazy a little bit."

okay, so,
did you have experiences

that have changed your mind?

Yes, I have.

Came home from work one day,

and everything's real quiet
until I hear footsteps upstairs.

I'm thinking it's my daughter.

And then I go upstairs and check
her room, and she's not there.

I look out front...
her car's not there.

But I definitely
heard footsteps.

Now, I know you guys got dogs.
Were the dogs home?

It's not dog footsteps.
I mean, it's, like, footsteps...

you know, a person being up
there walking around.

You got a daughter
being choked out,

your wife being kind of
punched in the back,

and feels like she's being
watched in the shower.

I mean, as the man of the house,
how's it all sitting with you?

It just freaks me out.

The dark arts
dude... he's up here.

He doesn't want a male here.

Kind of wants...
Guy out of the picture.

I feel like he wants
to be the only male,

and he feels like
he has a chance to do it here.

The dark arts dude... he's
claiming if he goes ahead

and causes them
to have a heart att*ck,

everybody'll be better off.

do you think
he's actually capable

of causing a heart att*ck?

Yes, I do.

That's really bad.

so, before I got to town,
I made my usual calls...

cops, researchers, archivists.

I'm headed to meet
an historian now.

He says the early owners
of my clients' property

were devout quakers
and the adoptive parents

of one of the most famous
quaker artists of all time.

Well, jeffrey,
I appreciate you meeting with me.

So, before we get
to this famous painter,

who was the family that lived
on my clients' property,

and when did they get there?

It was
david and elizabeth twining,

very prominent quaker family.

By the time elizabeth gets here
at the end of the 18th century,

it probably looked a lot like
this... a nice big, stone house

at the center
of a big, rolling field.

You mentioned on the phone
that this family adopted a kid

who would wind up
being a famous painter?

Yes. The man's name
was edward hicks.

Alright, so, what kind of stuff
would this guy paint?

Mostly, he painted the homes
of his neighbors and friends.

But he did several versions
of the twining farm,

where he grew up.

And I actually have a copy of
one of his most famous versions.

So, this is where
my clients' property is?

That's the farmhouse that goes
with your clients' property.

How famous was this guy?

Did he make a lot of money
when he was alive?

No, he wasn't very famous
in his lifetime at all.

In fact, he had a lot of
problems making ends meet.

He actually had to borrow money
from the twining family.

But now his paintings routinely
sell in the seven figures.

Besides edward, did elizabeth
have any other children?

Yeah, she did...
she had four daughters,

who were all grown by the time
she adopted edward in 1783.

Three had left home,
and one daughter, beulah,

was living on the property
at the time.

Okay, what's the story with her?

Beulah was, apparently,
a rebellious sort

because she married someone
who was not a quaker.

And not only that, after this
marriage didn't work out,

she got divorced, which, again,

is very unusual
for the 18th century.

So they eventually kicked her
out of the church.

Alright, so, elizabeth's
got this daughter

that's a total rebel.

She's got a son
who's a starving artist

that needs to be bailed out
half the time.

I mean, she had to be
going out of her mind.

I think it had to be difficult for
her to cope with all these issues.


But she, apparently,
was a strong woman.

What ever happens to her?
When did she die?

We know she d*ed in 1806.
She was about 69 years old.

More than likely, she's buried
someplace on the property,

which was a very common thing
to do in that time period.

I'm seeing that dead lady
with the two kids.

She is lost, depressed,
and very confused.

She's like, "I'm dying!
I'm dying!

"take the kids away!
Take the kids away!"

the dead kids are draining her.

Because they're draining her,
she's draining the living.

She wants these kids gone.

She wants them away from her.

Any idea why they're here?

They're showing me
a different house...

older house, very nearby,
in this area.

I think that they were
also buried...


Like, in their yard.

so, I just got a call back from
the former mayor of this town,

and he knows all about
the history of the area.

He says back in the 1700s,

a g*ng of quaker horse
thieves robbed, pillaged,

and basically terrorized
maggie's neighborhood.

Sounds like a story
I'm gonna want to know about.

So, dennis,
I appreciate you helping me out

with this investigation of mine.

Now, on the phone, you mentioned

that there was a g*ng of outlaws

that terrorized my
client's neighborhood.

What's the story
with these guys?

The doan brothers.

Five brothers
and one of their cousins.

So, the oldest brother
was moses.

He was the leader of the g*ng.

They were all quakers...
big guys,

supposedly over six-foot,
long black hair,

big black quaker hats,
black coats.

Well, I'm confused...
that's like an oxymoron,

because quakers
are pacifists, right?

Quakers are supposed
to be pacifists,

but they were t*rrorists.

They were loyalists.
They sided with the brits.

Alright, so, how did
their life of crime start?

The british needed horses,

and so they were stealing horses
from all over bucks county,

and then they upgraded
to just thievery,

breaking into houses,

There's woodcuts here
of them attacking women.

alright, so, they stole horses
and they robbed some houses,

but did they ever pull off
any big-time jobs?


On October 22, 1781,

they came to newtown.

They kidnapped the treasurer

and stole
1,300 pounds of silver.

And supposedly, they each made
off with approximately $300.


Quite a bit of money back then.

Yeah, when you could buy
a loaf of bread for a penny.

Alright, so,
do they ever get caught?

What happens with these guys?

Eventually, they trapped them,
and there was a sh**t,

and moses doan was captured
and ex*cuted right there.

He was only 33.

What happens to the other guys?

they all get arrested.

One, I know, escaped jail. Okay.

And, I'm told,
went back to England.

Two of the other brothers
were taken to philadelphia,

where they were hanged.

Now, one brother
made a plea deal,

and they let him go,
and he went to canada.

I appreciate this info.

I've never come across
a g*ng of religious thieves.

These guys were no more quaker
than this table.

They were thugs.

I'm seeing that tall man
with the top hat.

He's very old-fashioned.

I'm putting this back
in the early 1800s.

He looked to be in his 30s,
long, dark hair,

long beard, black eyes.

And then he showed
an arrow to religion.

He said, "this was
a very small part of my life."

it was basically a cover
for the fact

that he was stealing ****.

Then he says,
"I was a bit of a rebel."

he had horses.
He would put them at the stable.

He's like, "I never owned
a thing in my life.

Everything I had, I took."

so he was a big-time thief.

At one point, he had to hide
during his life,

and he hid near this area.

So there's a reward for him.

Get him... he got busted.

And then I guess
he was ex*cuted.

for more information
about the show,

and if you need us
to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home...

Click on "help me, dead files!"
to submit your story,

and we'll help if we can.

So far,
I've got a family convinced

they're in serious danger from
the paranormal on a property

that was once terrorized
by a violent g*ng of thieves.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I find a tragic accident

where a man d*ed falling off
the roof of a barn...

right on maggie's property.

So I asked a retired cop
to look into it for me.

He says he found
even more deaths

on and around
maggie's family's land,

and that will definitely
help my case.

Keith, it's good
to see you again.

So, that article
I came across in my research

about the guy
that fell off the barn

on my client's property,
what else do you know about him?

Yeah, in June of 1902,

james hibbs,
who owned the property,

he was working on the top floor
of his hay barn.

He slipped and fell somehow,
broke both of his legs.

He lived for about three weeks,
and then he d*ed.

Alright, I mean,
that's a freak accident,

but not uncommon on a farm,
especially for that time period.

Who gets the property now?

He had never been married,

and the property went
to his brother, spencer hibbs.

Okay, so, now the
brother spencer has the farm.

How's it go after that?

Doesn't go good.

What happens...
he has a son, carl.


Carl's playing for
the langhorne baseball team.

He gets hit in the head,

and the baseball
knocked him unconscious,

and he d*ed that night.

He was only 29 years old.

This is the newspaper article
when carl d*ed,

and that's
his death certificate.

What a shame.

Anything else
happen to this family?

Well, spencer loses his life.

In 1917, he's on a trolley.

Trolley stops suddenly,
according to witnesses.

He falls off, he hits his head,

and he suffered
a lot of brain problems.

But he recovers
to a certain extent,

and he lives
till February of 1923.

His death certificate,
you can see here.

It says that it's based
on the injuries

when he was thrown
from this trolley.

Now, you mentioned on the phone

there were other deaths
on the property.

What did you find?

A william thoman, 69 years old,

who lived next door
to your property.


He slit his throat in 1922.

Okay, now, why the hell
did he do that?

Well, what happened was,
in 1916,

there was an extremely
bad fire on the farm,

and it put him
in financial ruin.

And he struggled
for four or five years,

and then, finally,
he just had enough,

and he slit his throat
and k*lled himself.

Aw, geez.

You and I have seen
our share of suicides,

but that's pretty brutal.


That's his death certificate.

That's four deaths now, so far.

I know, but we have another one.


January of 1962,
there was a plane crash

less than 1,200 feet
from your clients' home.

Alright, so, what were
the circumstances of the crash?

Well, dr. Albert cardell,
he was flying home by himself.

The official cause
they said was probably

because of the heavy fog
that night.

And he was found in the plane,
upside down, with a broken neck.

Well, keith, I appreciate you
looking into this for me.

This is a lot more deaths
than I expected.

There's actually quite
a lot of dead in this area.

There is a lot of randoms that
come and go through the house.

They can't move on.

And they don't know why.

When you die,
you don't move on here.

everyone is completely
in the dark

about why this is happening.

And when you try to dig further,

it's just a void...
an emptiness.

For the living in this area,
how would that affect them?

I think that it would be
a pretty draining environment,

making them irritable,

feel overwhelmed,
feel some anxiety,

causing, like, some confusion.

I saw several
disturbing things on my walk,

but two stood out.

First, the dead lady

who latches onto a living person
in the upstairs bedroom.

She had brown hair,

very thin
and kind of ragged-looking.

Perfect nose.

She lays at the foot of the bed,

but she does wrap her arms
around the living person.

Mnh-mnh. No.

Little bit narrower down here,
more on the thin side.

Next, I describe the tall man
attacking a living person.

He was wearing
a very thick black coat.

The eyes were
basically black holes.

amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, amy, this is maggie
and her mom, peggy.

They live here
with peggy's husband, john,

and their other daughter, katie.

Now, they've had activity
in this house for 30 years,

but it wasn't a problem
until they renovated the kitchen

about a year ago.

Since then, activity has been
relentless and violent,

and these two are afraid

somebody's gonna get
seriously hurt.

Now that amy's met you guys,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

So, the first thing was,

I saw a lot of
random dead people

wandering around outside.

And they also randomly
come through this house.

That can make people
in this area

feel overwhelmed at time,
anxious, irritable.

There's a lot
of feeling of, like,

anxiety in the house
and random mood swings.


I went upstairs to the bedroom

at the end of the hall
on the left.

Okay, so, that's maggie's room.

I do believe that the living
person in there is a medium.

So, to the dead,
you're a beacon of light

and they'll be drawn to you.

In addition to being
a physical medium,

one of the side effects
is having pk ability.

If you become
extremely emotional,

you can affect
your surroundings.

Objects can move on their own.

You can drain
and k*ll batteries, electronics.

You may hear noises,
like tappings or knocks.

you okay?

I just didn't want to be
the one that was causing it,

and I kind of thought
that I might be.

Tell her about the light bulb.

I was on the phone
with my friend,

and I had a good amount
of anger in me,

and the light uphead
just... Broke.

It just went.

You know, your sister told me
about hearing a loud bang.

Did you ever hear one?

There was, like, this huge bang.

Like, my room shook.

And I would have thought that,
like, we were getting bombed.

what else?

The first dead person I met...

I'm concerned about him.

He does not have
good intentions.

He's from a very long
time ago, like 1700s.

He had long, dark hair.

To me, looked like
he would be in his 30s.

He was really tall, but he was
also wearing a weird hat.

And he also had on
a long, dark coat.

One of the things he said to me

was that he would use
religion to hide behind,

especially when he was being
more active in his dirty deeds.

He was pretty proud of the fact
that he was a rebel and a thief.

He literally said
that everything he had, he took.

I saw him with lots of horses.

So I'm just assuming
he probably stole them.

He made it very clear

that he was very familiar
with this area,

that he had hidden here
at some point

from, I believe, the law.

He did get busted,

and he led me to believe
that he had been ex*cuted.

I'm pretty sure I know
who she's talking about.

So, back in the 1700s,
during the revolutionary w*r,

a g*ng of thieves
terrorized this area.

They were called
the doan outlaws,

and they were five brothers
and one cousin.

Now, the doans were quakers.

My god! What?

So, they dressed in black hats
and long black coats.


So, as you know,

quakers are supposed
to be pacifists, right?

Well, not these guys...
they were violent and political,

and they all sided
with the british.

To help the british w*r effort,

the doans stole more than
200 horses here in bucks county,

including some
in this neighborhood.

Over time, they graduated to
breaking into homes

and robbing them.

Now, you mentioned how familiar
the guy was with the area, right?

Ohhhh. Yep.

So, the doans' biggest score
happened right here

in newtown... not too far
from here, actually.

In 1781, they broke into
the local treasurer's house.

They robbed him,
took him hostage.

My god.

Now, in 1783, they caught up
with the leader, moses.

He tried to surrender,

but they ex*cuted him
right on the spot.


you said something about
the guy was in his 30s.

He was 33 when he was k*lled.

All the doan brothers
and the cousin were captured.

Two were hanged in philadelphia

as traitors
for helping the british.

One was pardoned
and fled to canada.

The last two escaped
from jail and disappeared.

So, now, do you think this guy

might be one of
the doan outlaws you saw?

Yeah, that's
probably one of them.

Alright, so, now,
this dead guy...

does he do anything
to the living?

So, he's very, very active
and advanced.

He loves to go after things
that have some value.

One of his favorite
things is jewelry.

This stuff does not reappear.

The stuff that he takes
does not come back.

I have a ring
that is very special to me.

I put it into the box
every night after wearing it.

And one morning, I woke up,
and it was not in the box.


I do believe
that you could see him.

He likes the master bedroom,
especially the bathroom.


He's watching me.
I know he's always watching me.

He's so creepy.

The reason why
he's, like, stalking you

is because he, basically,
wants to collect you.

the other day,
I was in the bathroom,

and I could feel something
pressing against me.

He indicated that
he wanted to get rid

of the men in the house

so that he can have
the women for himself.

Ew, god!
That's just so disgusting.

I saw a living male here
that he has his eyes on.

He showed me him trying to give
this male a heart att*ck.

And I did have a sketch done
of what I saw him doing.

Let's take a look at the sketch
and see what we have.

I don't... I don't know.

It's okay.

you're not gonna like this.


that looks just like dad.

I never even thought about this.
This wasn't on my radar.

Like, I never thought that john
would be in jeopardy.

He basically wants
to take your husband's place.

That bastard.

I just want him to go.

one thing about this sketch that's
got me a little concerned is,

remember when you got choked?


When I was laying down
in bed, watching tv,

I felt something next to me.

And then, I started
physically getting choked,

and his face
was, like, right there.

Looking at the picture,

it does look like
the guy that choked me.

This guy sounds like he's got
nothing but bad intentions.


Anything else?

So, the next people
I'm gonna talk about

are two dead children

who look like one male,
one female to me.

I think the living would have
a lot of experiences with them.

I saw them running up
and down the hallway.

I saw them slamming doors.

I think the living
would hear this.

I'm thinking they're probably
the ones who made that big boom.

They're very active
in the white bedroom

at the very end of the hall.

I saw them getting into bed with
a living person in that room.

Now, that room you were talking
about is her sister katie's room.


She talked about laying in bed

and it felt like somebody
got into bed with her.


So, these little rat bastards...
who are they?

There's a dead woman here.

They're her kids.

She definitely pushes
her emotions outward.

This woman is always depressed,

and so people
who would be exposed to her

would feel those emotions.

Yeah, there's, um, depression.

Like, it'll kind of
come in waves.

I kind of know now
that it's not me.

She is very present,
and it's in your bedroom.

there are just no words.

So, I did have a sketch done

of what I saw her
doing in your room.

my god.

that makes a lot of sense.

When I'm trying to sleep,
when I'm, like, trying

to put my feet out
straight, I can't.

I feel like something's there.

Like, what is she doing?

She's kind of
attached herself to you.

I got in that room
that you had had

some sort of
pre-existing illness.

That really opened you.


I was really sick with
an inflammation of the bladder.

Sometimes it feels like you're
getting stabbed in the bladder.

It'll give you back pain.

I was actually in remission
for 10 years.

And we did the kitchen,
and I came out of remission.

I'm still struggling right now.

These guys think that
when they renovated the kitchen,

that's when the activity spiked.

I mean, do you think
it has anything to do with it?

I know that this dead male

really, really likes
the kitchen.

So it's possible that
when you did the renovations,

he came in and liked it so much
that he's decided to move in.

So, brass tacks,
what's her danger?

I mean,
what could happen to her?

Well, she could get, obviously,
a serious illness

that could k*ll you.

I don't even know what to say.

It scares the living ****
out of me.

So, maggie, you told me

you thought your life
was in danger here.

Unfortunately, you were right.

But as it turns out,
you're not the only one.

So, now for the most
important question.

Is there anything you can do
to fix this crap

so you can save your
father's life, protect yourself,

and stay here
with your family in peace?

For that answer,
I'm gonna turn it over to amy.

you guys can stay.

But there are a few things
that you need to do.

The first thing
that you need to do

is find a masculine male medium
who is religious.

We need a masculine male

because that's the only person
that he's gonna be bothered by.

All this medium's gonna be doing

is pushing him off
of your property.

So, once this guy
moves out of here,

her father won't be
in danger anymore?


You're also going to need
a reiki master/psychic.

Now, what's gonna happen
is the reiki master

is gonna cut all cords
between you and the dead woman

and also any other stragglers
that you may have collected

who don't serve you.

And that obviously includes the
dead lady and her two children.

As far as your abilities
and everything are concerned,

you need to learn
basic protection measures,

heavy meditations,
and then heavy protections.

So, once you start
doing all this

and all these people
are out of here,

you should start to feel
a little better.

All the mood swings and all
that stuff, that'll disappear?

There's light
at the end of this tunnel.

I'm just glad
that I contacted you guys.

I really am.

I knew... I had that gut feeling
that there was something here

that I couldn't see
that wasn't good.

Now, I always ask clients, "are
you gonna take amy's advice?"

and I'm not even gonna
bother in this case.

No, of course we are.

I just want to be able
to protect my family.

In spite of all the craziness
that goes on here,

we are a very happy,
loving family.

We just want to be normal.


Thank you so much.

It's going to take
a lot of work,

but if maggie learns
how to control her abilities

and they contact a medium
and reiki master,

they can move on the dead
and live in their home in peace.

Hi, amy! Hi, steve!

We just wanted to say thank you
for coming out and helping us.

The house is quiet.

We did everything
amy told us to do.

We also found a really
good psychic reiki master.

And she helped me
with clearing the property

and putting down boundaries,

so we feel very protected
and safe.

Yup, we got someone over here
taking care of us,

so thank you guys.

Thank you again. Bye.