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01x09 - Masks

Posted: 06/12/22 09:52
by bunniefuu
Tell Slade if he wants this, he can come get it himself!

Amazing what you can do with computers these days.

You owe me big time, you owe me bigCall it even?


That tasted so nasty.

Titans! Go!

Split up!

I am asking you nicely to stop running andNow talk!

Who’s Slade? Why does he want this chip?

And why are you working…for…him?

Excellent work, Robin.


Really, I think your skills are improving.

No more games! What do you want?

But you do lack patience. If you’re really so curious about my intentions, perhaps we should

meet - face to face.

Tell me where you’re hiding and I’ll be there in a heartbeat!

Patience, Robin.



Okay. All work and no flicks makes me a dull Beast Boy.

So, my fellow couch potatoes-

-what’ll it be?

Super Ninja Showdown Eight…

...or Maniac Fury: Attack of the Protozoids?


They both sound so good.

Yeah. It’s really hard to pick.

Want to watch ’em both?

Perhaps Robin would enjoy potato-ing the couch with us. Tell me, is he-

-in the exact same place he’s been since his little chat session with Slade?

Robin. Is that the best you can do?

Excellent work, Robin.

I think your skills are improving.

If you’re really so curious about my intentions, perhaps we should meet Face to face.

Who are you?


I am wondering if you might wish to-



But I need to figure out why Slade wanted that chip.


And perhaps if you were to take a break, the answer would be easier toI can’t.

You almost got hurt. Next time it could be worse.

He’s planning something. I have to find out what.

But, Robin, I am sure thatI don’t like this.

He’s got the chip!

Where’d he go?

I’m working a Slade lead on the far side of town.

Sure you guys can handle this without me?

No problem.

You working for Slade, tough guy?

Red X works alone.

Azarath MetWhat?

Hey! Yo, who told you how to shut me down?

Yeah, you better run!

So, do you guys see what I don’t see?

Who was that guy?

Rumor has it, you’re interested in this.

I’m interested in many things, Mr. … X. Red X.

Hmmm. Catchy. So, are you proposing a sale or a gift?

A partnership. I give you the chip, you cut me in on your plans.

Partnership. My, my, we are ambitious.

But an alliance cannot be forged from one small chip.

If you’re going to win my trust, I’ll require more.

Just tell me what you want.

I had no idea Red X would pose such a threat.

I should’ve been there.

You bet you should’ve been there.

Look what he did to my ’do! I’m looking at two months of bad hair days!

I don’t know, Raven. That’s kind of a good look for you.

Hold still…

Even if you had been there, it wouldn’t have made any difference.

Dude knew exactly how to bring each of us down.

I guarantee he had a gadget with your name on it.

Agreed. You need not feel guilt. We are undamaged.


Mostly undamaged.

And we are all eager to learn what you have discovered about Slade.

Nothing. Lead was a dead end. I should get back to work.

Okay, Robin, what’s the… Robin?


You mean Captain Research?

Ah, he’s probably filling out note cards at the public library.

, e s p obab y g out ote ca ds at t e pub c b a y.

I was.

But then I spotted Red X pulling a robbery in the tech sector.

I’m on it. Get here as soon as you can!

You got it, dude. We’ll be there any…



I’m fine! Get X! Go!

I’ve adjusted my ocular implant to scan at multiple sub-harmonics in the EM spectrum.

’Kay…do you come with subtitles?

My eye should spot him even if he’s invisible.

It’s him.

You gonna have to learn some new tricks, dog.

Surrender! We do not wish to fight you!

Sorry. I’m not through with you yet.

Dude! Did you just save me?

Beast Boy! You are undamaged?

Who is that guy?

Impressive, Red X.

I tapped into the security cameras to catch your performance.

You treated the Titans to quite a show.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Is the audition over?

Patience. Trust is easy to destroy, but it takes time to build.

One last test. Prove yourself and we’ll meet to discuss your future.


It’s about time we met face to face.

Okay. That’s where Red X has been.

Now we just have to figure out where he’s gonna strike next.



Wonderful! Our efforts to locate the Red X will benefit greatly from you help.

It’ll have to wait. I’m close to a breakthrough with Slade.

More wonderful! Perhaps we could be of assistance to…


Let him go.

Not like he’s been much help lately anyway.

If Robin wasn’t always A.W.O.L., X would be K.O.’d by now.

A.W.O.L = absent without official leave.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Beast Boy’s right.

Y’all think maybe Robin’s losing his grip?

No! Robin’s grip is not lost!

He works harder than any of you!

He works to catch Slade before something terrible happens!

He works to save us all!

Yeah. That’s why every time we need him, he disappears.

Who’s Slade?…You almost got hurt. Next time it could be worse…Nothing.

Lead was a dead end…I’m close to a breakthrough… Sure you guys can handle this without me?

Robin, where have you gone?

ob , e e a e you go e?

I’m fine! Get X! Go!


I’m fine! Get X! Go!

I’m fine! Get X! Go!

If you were not really there - then where were…

Excellent work.

Honestly, I couldn’t have done better myself.

So, do we have a deal?

Indeed. You and I are so very much alike.

It seems only natural that we should be partners.

What are they for? I need to know what we’re planning…partner.

Patience. You can’t expect me to trust you with such sensitive information right away…

…can you…Robin?

Titans! Go!


Let go! Stop him!

No! Release him! He is


Robin! We… Slade’s getting away! Come on!

Careful. I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.

I’m not the one who’s going to get hurt. Now hand them over!

Robin. I thought we had a deal.

Sorry. I have a strict rule against giving stolen technology to psychos.

How very noble of you. But stealing in order to trap me?

That wasn’t so noble. Two wrongs don’t make aDon’t ever lecture me! Whatever you’re planning, Slade, it’s over!

Oh, on the contrary, Robin. It’s just begun.

You…saved me?

I’m not through with you.

This ends now!

Patience, Robin.

We’ll meet face to face some other time. Oh, and speaking of time…

At least he didn’t get the chips.

You want to yell at me too?

Everyone else has.

And I don’t blame them.

I do not wish to yell, merely to understand.

Robin, why did you not tell us the truth?

I needed to fool Slade.

If you guys knew it was me under that mask, you would’ve held back.

Doesn’t matter anyway.

Slade figured it out, and I still haven’t figured out anything about him.

That is not true.

Whoever Slade is, you and he are similar. Slade did not trust you-

-and you did not trust us.