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03x24 - TDWT Aftermath IV: Hawaiian Style

Posted: 06/11/22 16:24
by bunniefuu









in my way

i'll get there one i day

be famous

i want to do this



yo whoa welcome to total drama aftermath

coming to you live from the tropical

shores of hawaii

after traveling all around the world

this season we had to wrap it up with a

big shot of paradise

and i'm not chillaxing here solo oh no

say hey to our peanut gallery

we're just two episodes away from

declaring this season's

million-dollar winner and right here is

where it's all gonna go down first up

it's time to say hey to some friends who

got booted off the big show

please welcome courtney and

duncan why did i get intro with owen and

jerkface we're doing things way

differently today

but i i still get a song right because

i've been working on mine for weeks

first i've got one more ex-contestant to

add to the mix

it's the queen of painle herself plainly

what did you do to the mean blood person

wasn't me

don't you remember when courtney and

blanely got booted out of the plane

together in china get a load of what

happened next in this

previously unseen footage



last time we aftermath my most excellent


bridget was nursing a wounded bear in


well the bears better finally but the

airport officials

wouldn't let her fly home because she

only had blainley's passport

so bridgey's been stuck in a russian

fishing boat for like

ages but the wait is over

sorry no worries babe now that my

granola goddess is back to co-host

i'm feeling no pain

no bruno bad bear bad ah

he's gotten so possessive since i fixed

his pot

but he's perfectly sweet and safe as

long as no one gets within three feet of

me how's the guy supposed to reunite

with his girl like this

maybe he'd be okay if we just like

touched elbows


i think he's just hungry okay on to the


our peanut gallery will soon have a say

and who's gonna

win the mill good because i've got a lot

to say about that

a lot a lot cody has to win the finale

he's the only non-evil player

left that's if he and the others live

long enough to compete

they're stranded in drumheller where the

number one cause of death

is being stranded in drumheller are we

sure they're going to get here okay

relax babe these guys are survivors look

at heather

she's like a total drama cockroach i

thought that was ezekiel perhaps heather

is total drama-likin

the stuff that survives forever oh my


is they'll get here one way or another

and you know it's gonna be exciting

however it goes down so who does the

peanut gallery think will win a room


you're gonna hear it from me the only

one winning this is c.o.d

pimping like a king sipping lemonade in

the shade

kicking in hawaiian style gonna take

home the cheddar we're gonna be

all smiles hey how come he gets to sing

he doesn't harold ricky tony giving up

for my man cody

harold's in the house spitting rhymes

like a roadie a roadie

stop the music i like a party as much as

the next guy but harold i gotta draw the


this is confiscated here bridge thanks





can we calm him down with something

perhaps some cavity cava is a route the

native polynesians have long used to

calm the mind

is it also an appetite suppressant

before the peanut gallery hold up their

flags to show us who they've chosen to

root for

let's see how our finalists stack up

who's got the best chance at taking the


let's see who might have earned it the

hard way with

some drama

cody took a bit of a beating this season

most of it accidentally from sierra but

when he got sick

she single-handedly kept him in the game

of course

she is the one who made him sick but now

sierra's out and cody's on his own for

the first time

plus you can't count his k*ller right

hook out

cody is the one who delivered the

biggest punch of the season

i took a dive so he'd feel better gentle

and sweet object of sierra's affections

or wicked dunkin puncher cody's

impossible to predict

that makes him our unknown quantity

jeff stop that next up

alejandro alejandro's avoided serious

injury all season

even when he was battling rabid

caterpillars in the amazon

alien creature things in area 51 and

owens indigestion in

sweden plus raise your hand if he's the

reason you're here now

but he's not perfect zeke the ripper

nabbed him before he even got off the

plane in london

and he took this year's most humiliating

face plant in greece

can we see that

and let's do it in slo-mo and forth

least he's in the final three only

because sierra blew up the plane and got

kicked out

otherwise he'd have been gone exactly

dude's gonna horse you up his butt the

size of texas

can you at least try to be impartial

as for heather this season she's managed

to outwit and outlast albino alligators

baby birds and all the haters on her


and that's a lot of hate nothing seems

to stop her

from losing a tooth once again lashana

nice work yeah

to getting bird slapped by an angry


if cody's the unknown quantity and

alejandro is captain comeback

that makes heather an unstoppable force

how is that unstoppable force she looks

like a vampire

exactly they're evil and undead totally

unstoppable so far this race is still

too close to call

let's take a closer look at what might

stop our finalists

in their tracks cody had some serious


and his epipen was destroyed when the

plane went kablooey

if the final challenge includes a hike

through the buggy jungle

he might not make it back out as for


he's a way picky eater his body is a

temple that will not

accept fatty processed or chemical based


grow better prey there isn't any kind of

eating challenge without courtney around

a cheap forum

and heather's biggest weakness other

than her heinous attitude

seems to be alejandro totally

he seems to throw her off her game just

by being if she wants to beat him she'll

have to

figure out how to block him out here's

where it gets interesting

it's time to vote for your favorite


finalists figures you're a heather fan

you're like a matching pair there is no

way cody can beat alejandro

he can't even fend off sierra yeah but

she's persistent

alejandro blew all of you off the map

he's the best player the game's ever had

but cody's the only nice guy left he

deserves the cash


allow me i did a whole summer of animal

training at magic steve's circus and

aeronautics camp

hey there nice bear you're a very

handsome ursus artos art toast aren't


and i have a delicious nutritious kava

based treat for you

now open wide


after 44 days without you i could really

use a hug



uh coming up next a few lucky members of

our peanut gallery will face off in an

exciting and death-defying surf


and a chance to win a huge advantage for

the contestant they're backing

all that and more when we return our






welcome back to the turtle drama

aftermath where all wild animals have

been restrained

but now we are going to take this

aftermath to a whole new

level of awesome here's bridgette with

the deets

thanks jeff so peanut gallery have you

missed being in the game

great because you're going to be

competing to help your favorite final

three contestants win

i'm the only person who feels sorry for

her will somebody volunteer to look

after her

oh and come on you're a nice guy um i

can't right

because we're not on the same team sorry

wait how is it that alejandro has five

people on his team

but heather only has one oh and

eva justin and lashana you're on team

heather oh

come on i'm glad you're all so

passionate about who you're supporting

because one member of each team is about

to risk your lives

for your favorite finalists any


i am the winningest member of my team

i beg of you let me be cody's proxy if

you're moronic enough to want to go on a

surfing su1c1de mission hey

are you my guest yes know why i get to

show lashonna my improved surfing skills

and who's going to represent team


langley volunteers perfect

let's take a look at what courtney

harold and blainely

are up against players have to race to

the top and then snag one of the

traditional hawaiian lathes from lono

the hawaiian god of prosperity and

sporting events

then grab a board and take it back down

the stream

oh and when you get to the bottom watch

out for it

see lava spray gosh

maybe we shouldn't be making blanely do

this she's so

you know helpless somebody's gotta do it

and it ain't gonna be me

or you

okay plainly i'll help you up to the top

i don't even want to think about what

heather might do to me if we lose cause

i didn't help

first though here are some pictures of

animals you could find in hawaii

if you went to the maui zoo each team

must pick an animal to represent the


of their player lately which animal best


heather i think she's pointing at the


then heather's spirit animal is a


perfect harold can you choose for cody


why are there so many vicious ones

you know this is a half hour show right

technically it's 22 minutes

and that includes opening and closing



dear cody's a deer

laugh if you want to but i have my

reasons ones that go beyond his large

innocent eyes and tiny tail

courtney have you got a choice for

alejandro i'm gonna go jaguar bridgette

jaguar are you sure of course i am

they're smart they're lean they're fast

they're spotty you shouldn't leave them

alone with your kitten

okay then but here's the catch if you

get past that

pesky lava spray with your lace intact

you have to put the lay on your team's

spirit animal to win

and you mocked me for the deer never

doubt my mad skills

i am always ahead of this game except

when you're not

which you won't be because i can totally

handle a jaguar ah

i'm gonna have to keep helping blindly

through the doberman thing aren't i

whoever lays their team's animal first

will win

a major advantage for their finalists

second place will earn a modest


and last place gets squat which is gonna

make the final challenge pretty

impossible for their dude

assuming they even get that far good

luck you guys

and go prepare to lose to my bad skills

oh i'm sorry i'm sorry here let me just

put you

oh please don't hurt me later for this

it was an accident i swear


mighty lono thank you for this flowery


i won't let you down

that is steep but we made it huh partner

sorry but chris said we had to make you

sing a song finally


duncan never uses soap and gwen's so

lame there's just snow

oh that song a challenge song

rocking in hawaii style surfing down

this magic mile

hoping i don't get burned by the lava

that's the flying

one last chance to prove my might that's

what keeps me

up at night why else would i volunteer

for something death-defying

i'm winning


sure you're stiff and don't move much so

what if you can't start chances

you're the queen of heather's team so

go show them you're a winner



cody needs my mad skill i'm giving


some thrill


this is messed up it's true sorry






sorry courtney it's mine sorry about my




my nuggets

she's doing it she's doing it

oh whoopsie


yeah i guess somebody better go fish


medic girl lifeguard

no thank you leader he is pretty hungry

look babe she's a chew toy that seems

about right

oh i'm so glad to have you back what


both ways babe you're the best co-host

in the biz

now can i have that hug um excuse me for

interrupting but where's my prize

that was pretty unbelievable courtney

seriously no one was supposed to win

it was chris's idea but someone did win

because girls rule and thanks to


alejandro is going to receive a major

advantage to use in the final challenge

yeah which i'm sure we're all really

happy about

a wheelbarrow it'll make sense

eventually team cody congrats

you win the minor advantage a baby


yay and since team heather came in last

heather wins

nothing but a pile of bear drool oh

that's so not going to help her in the

final challenge

i know reggie bear she's host

how will alejandro's advantage play out

will cody be able to keep up with just a


will heather t*nk completely thanks to

her disadvantage

how in the name of lono will cody

heather and alejandro

even get here for the finale find out

the answers to those and a lot of

other crazy questions next time on total

drama world

