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03x18 - TDWT Aftermath III: Aftermath Aftermayhem

Posted: 06/11/22 16:15
by bunniefuu



i don't think i can do this it's a fish


asked me what i wanted to be and now i

think the answer is

cause i wanna be famous




attention total drama fanatics

forget the aftermath this is total

drama after mayhem i'm your co-host jeff

and this is weird because bridge is

supposed to meet me up here

but maybe she's gonna surprise me makes

sense this whole show is full of

mega surprises but first no one's gonna

get an allergic reaction to these nuts


the peanut gallery

and get this our own obnoxious

self-centered rooting reporter plainly

it's finally roving

like way far from here

yes plainly's off on a total drama tour

to potential new franchise locations and

she's meeting with one total drama super

fan contest winner in each country

stay tuned cause apparently this super

fan is plainly obsessed

wow never thought i'd say that take it

away bridge

where's my tofu angel at here's a hint

they eat a lot of red meat there

you you're supposed to well said jeffy


what did you do with her no jeff how

bridget left doesn't matter

what matters is that she did leave and

i'm officially back in my

co-host seat but i thought you wanted

out of your contract so you could bail

on this dog train before my career has

flushed down the bathroom confessional

toilet of life

hmm turns out if the live show runs long

i don't get paid and if i try to leave

the show for any reason other than being

fired or accidentally k*lled on set by a

falling light

i'll get sued

come on come on nice

almost makes me wish the producers had

set me on the tour instead of bridgette

almost the producer sent her away

huh really okay on with the show

not so fast as far as my producers know

you're standing by with our super fan

right now in

the frigid mountains of siberia

siberia where is siberia we've got her

on the feed

put her up stabbed

oh come on it's all static i'm pretty


that's a blizzard

you did this but how i just took bridget

to the airport to sh**t a special report

slip my passport and ticket into her

purse and helped her on the plane right

before takeoff

must r*cist urge to m*rder

hey baby you okay bridgy bear bear

is the bear back i've


snap out of it i've got a show to host a


she could be buried under 10 feet of

bear infested

cyberland snow right now ah more like

20 jeff sorry you

are a monster been called worse bridge

if you can hear me i will do everything

in my power

to get you back and get plainly gone

for those of you just joining us welcome

to a fresh

new installment of total drama aftermath

and speaking of stars i'm your one and

only host

plainly stacy andrews o'halloran

you're too kind now let's meet tonight's

special guests

he's brilliant witty and would be the

one to watch in the competition

if he weren't here noah

next he's the guy who flirted with

danger aka courtney

even though he's got a memory

memory-challenged girlfriend back home

it's tyler


baby extreme

oh my gosh tyler yes i knew she'd

remember his name

five bucks thank you and our final loser

earned herself two fun new nicknames

this season

the boyfriend kisser and the new heather

hello gwen

of painful truths it's time to kick

things in the biscuits with a fresh

installment of

say it with me that's gonna leave a mark

would it k*ll you to play along with me

it's time for me to announce our big


tonight total drama aftermath is holding

the very first ever

total drama second chance challenge

that's right our motley collection of

total drama losers just got total drama


cause they're about to compete for a

second shot at that million

dollar prize what do you say noah

you ready to get back on the plane that

flying death trap full of psychos

no way five of you rejects are about to


lightning in a bottle or in this case

peanuts in a can


hey hey so

duncan wow didn't see that coming

fire in the hole most of your cans


salty nuggets of continued loser jug aka


but five contains something very special

so crack them if you've got them


a chris in the box that's an insult to


lashana's our first to get a second

chance at the million

one down four more chris's to go


captain cranium aka lindsay is

in it to win it three to go


of the bat is back

technique crawl on up here noah wait

there's still one spot left

who hasn't opened their can huh


kid coma is our fifth and final


let's give him a hand seriously someone

get him over here

what would a fresh bunch of losers be

without an injured one

right tyler

man seems our frigid flunky bridget's

alive and ready to report

so bridge last time you were this cold

you made out with a pole and i

bridge talk to me

what does he want is he hot like pole

hot that's not important right now is he

no stay on point there's got to be a way

to get bridge back

belief-ready drama brothers sing

traditional russian soccer bladely

aww tell my superfan that i think he's

super fantastic brothers

are you with me this ought to be a fate


here's an sealer letter to a treasure of

a girl that's me

whose behavior on the show



i eat a lot of fiber


she's not the girl you think she is



great song choice for a blainely

superfan einstein

if that's a siberian brown bear

bridget's doomed

oh my girl is doomed thanks to you

you sang it not me and whoever told him

about the hair between my toes is going


you're gonna pay for this the gloves are


like way off whoa

take things seriously much she'll be


ish someone's about to get another shot

at the total drama million

find out who next on total drama after



welcome back to total drama after mayhem

one of these five total drama rejects is

about to win our

second chance challenge and go back into

the big game for another shot

at the million so what is the challenge

think total drama the board game

board games very 1975

luckily i don't want to play not so fast

it's in your contracts you really should

speak with my new lawyer

plus this is no ordinary board game the


that's you guys take turns rolling the

dice and hop your way along the game

board but roll carefully

cause some of the squares are

booby-trapped each square represents


a final seven player or one of the last

five places the total drama plane dumped


every square has a mini challenge you'll

have to complete

before you can roll again fail and

you're out of the running

get past this 12th square to face this

guard and his final skill testing


first to answer correctly wins you guys

ready to play

oh yeah i'm ready to play play

dirty shouldn't you be commandeering a

surfboard to siberia right about now

great idea but nope i just had to get

operation pay back up and running before

we dig into this wicked challenge

cue the clips k man but what's going on

seems a certain host wannabe didn't get

the memo about the green room cam being

on 24

7. what no no

actually yeah so without

further ado it's time for plainly's

best moments




my mom always said if you can fart and

burp at the same time

you have no soul it's amazing what

editors can do with special effects and

body doubles

hurry we're running late because of that

fake clip

running late what do you care oh oh no

reason nope nope none

wait that's right it's in your contract

if we don't finish on time you don't get


no no we don't get paid hey

either way back to the stupid game

you're up brainiac come on lucky number

seven oh

snap you get the owen challenge

you have to gulp down two peppers and

chase it with milk while you watch a

clip pack of the top 10 hilarious


and if you can avoid howling so hard you

send a fiery no

shake out the old nostrils you're still

in the game



talk about taking a trip down memory


take your time lindsay let the comedies

sink in

time's up way to go lindsay you won your

challenge yay tyler you're up

i never laugh at boyfriends you can do

it tyler

here you go buddy give it a roll

five and half a live for the tea man

that's it take your time buddy dudes


hello booby trap goodbye boob one less

player means we can pick up the pace

thanks nursemaid you can hit the gallery

i think there's an empty seat beside new


impressive nursing remind me not to get

sick around you

all right up next is noah the burn dog

area 51 listen up soldier you have to

dodge some

carefully aimed lasers without breaking

contact with the square

or a pair of alien facehuggers will not

so much hug your face as they will

squeeze the life out of it ready and

i have to do this not if you want to die

no dude

those are some rad news



wow are you available for birthday




enjoy your facial okay lashana your role

australia oh man good luck with this one

your challenge is to spar for a full


with a boxing kangaroo

i tangled with heather remember piece of


this one's for you ginger biscuit

oh lashana my brawling beauty

don't worry i will avenge you

let's do this

okay looks like it's down to lindsay and


roll with it

six the heather square your challenge is

to create a haiku

whatever that is it's a three-line

japanese poem with 17 syllables

duh oh stop feeding him lines

since this is the heather square your


has to highlight one of heather's

positive attributes but she has no

positive attributes it's impossible

just take your time in 10 seconds or

less starting now

um uh heather has ten toes

true but not very positive um

webb's feet for summer swimming she's


way to go you're still in the running

for a second chance at the

mill let's go peeps quick like bunnies

lindsay you're up

the sweet and square all right all you

gotta do is balance three of these

swedish meatballs on your nose for a

three second

or sorry i totally wasn't listening

what's my challenge

it's already over and you're still in

the game

oh wow best turn go go

another six that's the last square

okay quickly now use the sack and

capture the intern who is dressed like

jack the ripper

drag him over to sergeant beefy here to

get the skill testing question 45

seconds go


awesome the satellite feeds up again

oh no that's not good

wounded paw meets soft-headed animal

lover i don't think bridgy bear is going


i have to stay until bruno's better

but bridge you can't stay what about the


what about me you can't leave me with


thing bridge

have i told you you're gonna make me pay

if it's the last thing you do

yada yada

i'll always get my man now how about

that question

well now ain't karma real that wasn't

karma it was bad aim ugh no time wait

the question

what's the name of duncan's london-based

punk band

come on beth it's easy stop pressuring

me i'm

thinking can i get a hint come on beth

just say it's their schnitzel kickers

their schnitzel kickers is the answer

wait what

congratulations plainly

first person to answer correctly gets a

one-way ticket

to the total drama plane remember

me out there with those those those

losers forget it no one can make me go

no one

except maybe them

that's our show my girl will be back for

a while

but neither will blainly yeah

let's go i have no chance they'll edit

me into some kind of shrill root catty


next time we'll be coming to you live

from our top secret finale location

to give you a wicked sneak peek at all

the carnage

in store for our final two and it's

gonna be brutal you guys

right here on total drama


