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03x11 - Jamaica Me Sweat

Posted: 06/11/22 16:02
by bunniefuu
previously on total drama

newfoundland showed us a whale of a time

literally fyi we did not

set this up in advance man's got a gift

for injuring animals anywho

dj was bummed to be the last team

victory man standing but this time


he just couldn't lose because alejandro

and heather were messing with them

every step of the way okay that's


in the end dj and team chris is really

really really really hot

and tied for first and the amazons were

spared because

it was a reward challenge of the lobster


viper 11 players are still fighting for

a million clams

who's going to leave the fold and who's

reggae gold

find out now on total drama


and now i think the answer is

i'll get there one day





winning really is everything says the

guy who frenched a cod

and ps it was a time ever since i won in

newfoundland i'm starting to feel like i

could win this whole thing

thanks to my lucky charm irene can you

believe she lifted my curse i know

it's amazing as long as she's okay i'm

golden irene

i didn't expect tj to bond with my

handiwork but the symbol i painted on

her is holding up well

and his confidence is blooming which is

tragic and delicious

it's a facial not a fruit plate oh

noah don't you see it's both oh and

these chairs are spring-loaded watch


why is it always the kiwis

economy can kiss my aching butt

ugh i bet alejandro's in there right now

making dj

feel welcome that jerk by the time we

win our way back into first the whole

place is going to smell like

dude i'll take dude over leaks any day

i've made up my mind i'm gonna break up

with izzy once and for

all finally i still like her but she's


nutty has a 10-ton bag of pecans

smothered in peanut butter encased in a

cashew the size of

china tastes like shoe polish

oh she's happy

uh dj is the only remaining member of

team victory but we're prepared to

welcome him

as a full-time member of our team if

you'll allow it looking for a numbers

advantage over team amazon eh

no dice well what if dj chooses to swap

teams like cr and izzy did in egypt

no more swaps and that's final it's okay

the teams are probably gonna merge soon

anyway wrong combo over chris

out it's okay i'll survive

my curse is gone thanks to irene i even

won the last challenge

uh tide exactly if we keep it up we

might make it all the way to the finale

together i would love to see that

would have been nice to have some

teammates again but at least with


i've got an ally who's reliable

dependable and totally trustworthy


um are we having gas yeah cause you

spent all our pass

attention passengers

we need to talk you have to catch me


gobs of chutney that smarts perfect


not even a scratch

two airports on an island the size of a

postage stamp and he misses both

but somehow it's my fault you blew our

money for the season

on chris world chris owen and izzy need


ah no biggie just a concussion

can you parents my phone and worry them

not to tell


izzy and owen are gonna be fine thanks

to travel insurance help is on the way

in six to 38 hours

what about the rest of us well we're out

of gas

planes busted and we're broke but

the show must go on we can't waste any

of this footage

think of the hits we'll get on clip too

where are we

jamaica mon we were supposed to land in

ochos rios but

since somebody forgot how to glide

we'll have to do the challenges here

instead and fast

before whoever owns this dump shows up

and asks for a location fee

didn't you guys budget for the whole

season some things cost more than


airplane ready hot tubs don't grow on

trees you know

you must have an emergency fund spent it

on our last fuel up

which went so well grab your board

shorts and meet me at the waterfall

oh izzy no it's all my fault

i wanted to break up with her and the

plane broke her up

it's like i made it happen with my mind

owen i've devised a mathematical formula

for infinite time travel

oh this is so worse than i thought

pretty blouse it's a da shikimon

yeah a woman's the sikhi what

can we get to the challenge please i

like to call

our first challenge the treasure hunt of

death we were supposed to do this at

dunn's river falls but

this far more dangerous waterfall will

have to do

oh it's another water parade show

want to say a few prayers no need i came


after nearly drowning in newfoundland

wearing a life jacket full-time just

makes sense

right teammate your challenge begins

with a

dive off beautiful wherever we are falls

into the lagoon far below which is full

of what

sharks nope

electric eels and sharks

players must tag team dives into the

infested waters for as long as you can

hold your breath

to search the lagoon floor for pirate

treasure aka the gold chains chef always

wears on karaoke night

first team to bring me chef's treasure

wins a

major advantage in the next challenge so

good luck especially the team i am super

duper mega whopper hot

with izzy and owen out of commish you'll

have to work extra hard to make up for

their absence

no problem tyler it's your lucky day

you get to do all the dives yeah

wait luckily i don't need tyler for his


i'm still not exactly sure what i need

him for but it's

definitely not brains let's

do this i've got it in the bag wish me


ready steady ready go oh

i don't see well underwater i guess it's

a trade-off for my super strong

fingers this one can bench press 80



i got the chains oh no


just got it yeah okay

slip off the jacket you can do this dj

i can't okay there's gotta be a way

you have beautiful form what

nothing personal

best two out of three

oh yeah oh man


oh i just need more weight

good thing i'm not cursed anymore

oh come on

i think i'm getting burnt out



i'm it

he's got the chains


thanks for the delivery hey nothing


i suppose i earned that we didn't


pirate booty check steam amazon wins

round one

yes will oh and izzy and gwen recover

will chef fix the plane so we can leave

here while i'm still

young i don't know did we land in the



find out after the break right here on


drama world tour

hey where's my musical accompaniment

nothing a little coma won't fix well at

least i'm out of the sun

what about you oh i'm gonna be fine the

sand broke my fall

and i broke the plane's fall and when

the plane hit izzy's head

doc says it fixed a blockage in her

brain but she's so smart now it's spooky

synthesis equals teleportation of course

this will render aeronautics obsolete

um was that english i have no idea

the army say goodbye izzy we're

airlifting you home for special


is he's leaving the competition for good

oh is he why did i ever want to break up

with you

logic we are incompatible ergo the

relationship must end

edu what wait

izzy team amazon

as winners of the first challenge you've

also won this

advantage for challenge number two

helmets great now what oh

just a little something i like to call

the bobsled

of death tata

no way this one's gonna hurt yeah

the intern who tested it will be out of

commish for

10 months is it

we can't afford bobsleds so you're gonna

ride longboards in teams of two

bobsled style down chef's track and into

the pool

each team gets three runs fastest total

time wins

ready ladies first

what are you okay owen yeah

i just miss izzy thanks to her you got

sucked out of a plane and nearly died

and that was just today i know you never

knew what to expect

oh no oh yes this emotionally demanded

moment sounds like a song

we're in the infirmary or don't do a

song and take the chopper home with izzy

i miss the way izzy said hello

by hoofing me in the kiwis

i miss the time when is he moved so

slow cause other times

she'd get freaky

oh is he a wizzy

i'll miss you

my little lizzy why'd i ever let you go

actually she kind of dumped you i miss

her smile

and the way she liked to bite

my arm when there was trouble which was

all the time

oh i missed the way she'd always say

good night and bobby in the kiwis



my little lizzy why'd i ever let you go

why'd i ever let you go

ah dj if only we were teammates with

irene by your side

you'll be impossible to be that's the

plan why are you being so nice to him

he's all alone

i feel a certain kinship isn't this

better than being mad

so we have to wait for a cash influx

before we can jet

great make the interns fill the pool and

it's a

paid vacation bro

hey wait up doc says i'm okay to compete

back ah vacation's over

round one team amazon ready

ready bob sledding is so


so a military guy took izzy away yeah

maybe it's because she's so smart now

she said she figured out

time travel

47.36 seconds is the time to beat

team i am so hunky dory dreamy hot

i don't know about this trust your




58.49 team amazon still leads by a


margin team victory team victory


45.01 seconds we have a new leader

team victory takes round one uh we're


here now you don't need to keep using

that maybe i just like it

round two your lawyers know the show's

contracts inside and out chris

can't really k*ll us right not in my


but who knows what they put in yours


let's hear it for the helmets people the

girls come in at 56.28

better than the boys first run but not

by much

team i am so wicked wicked hot


ouching come on suck it in okay

55.16 for the men

it'll take a miracle to get out of last

place now

tune victory ready ready

toast yet again how's it feel i have no


i haven't been toasted yet

44.37 dj beats his

own high score and widens his lead even


round three

you asked me earlier why i was nice to

dj well i hated to see him suffer

but you've seen how happy he is now

that's because i painted that symbol on


to fool him into thinking his curse was

over wait you mean

dj still cursed irene

no dj you weren't supposed to hear that

sorry my friend ah i was only trying to


team amazon ready where our only

hope you and me it's

destiny ready

53.4 seconds for a three-run combined

total of

two minutes and 37 seconds good

but will it be good enough should i

trust my instincts again

no pull your headband down and trust

mine instead

whatever you say alejandro

the men are in first place with a total

score of two minutes

35 seconds team victory

you better stay here irene just to be on

the safe side

go team victory


incomplete the men win and team endless

non-victory goes to the elimination room

one last time you know if he ever makes

it back

guess you picked the wrong team to buddy

up to huh

tried to warn ya

dj has chris to thank for his departure

not allowed on my team

and no merge on the horizon bye-bye



uh since izzy's gone we don't need

another elimination tonight right

wrong drop of shames that away you can

let yourself out

it's not the same without the screen

mama not bad

much better will dj get those ants out

of his pants

and will we ever get off this island

find out next time

right here on total drama
